variety trial
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М.Н. Маринич ◽  
В.И. Чернявских

В 2017–2020 годах проведены экологические испытания существующих сортов и новых селекционных образцов овсяницы красной, созданных на основе исходного материала, полученного из местных популяций, произрастающих в различных экотопах мелового юга Среднерусской возвышенности. Объектом изучения были сорта овсяницы красной газонного типа Россинант (стандарт), Гостёнка, Искринка, Везёлка и 14 селекционных образцов, выделившихся в селекционном питомнике по комплексу морфо-биологических признаков, характерных для сортов газонного направления. Опыты проводили в трёх экологических точках: г. Геленджике (Краснодарский край); пгт Новомихайловский (Туапсинский район Краснодарского края); с. Драгунское (Белгородский район Белгородской области). Изучали продуктивность побегообразования, выраженную в среднем количестве сформированных побегов в год, и урожайность зелёной массы. Установлено, что исходный материал обладает высокой побегообразующей способностью и невысокой надземной продуктивностью, сопоставимыми с сортами, широко используемыми в газонных культурфитоценозах. Анализ корреляции между изучаемыми признаками показал, что в условиях юга Среднерусской возвышенности (экологическая точка «Белгородская область») с высокой вероятностью можно вести селекционную работу и отбор ценных генотипов овсяницы красной для условий Черноморского побережья Западного Кавказа по признаку «Среднегодовой прирост побегов». Показана корреляционная связь этого признака между экологическими точками «г. Геленджик» и «Белгородская область», подтверждённая достоверной корреляцией рангов Спирмена средней силы (rs = 0,446, P > 0,05). Не установлено тесной связи между урожайностью зелёной массы в экологической точке «Белгородская область» и экологических точках Западного Кавказа. В связи с этим для оценки селекционного материала необходимо проводить широкие экологические испытания исходного материала в экологических точках регионов, в которых предполагается использовать перспективные сорта. Сделано заключение о возможности использования исходного селекционного материала мелового юга Среднерусской возвышенности для создания сортов газонного направления для условий Западного Кавказа. The variety trial for red fescue genotypes tool place in 2017–2020. Local populations growing in the south of the Central Russian Upland were used as parental material to obtain the genotypes. The following lawn varieties were tested: “Rossinant” (standard), “Gostenka”, “Iskrinka”, “Vezelka” as well as 14 other genotypes carrying the number of valuable traits. Plants were grown in three different locations: Gelendzhik; the Tuapse region; the Belgorod region. The trial tested the average number of shoots formed in a year as well as green mass productivity. Parental lines actively formed shoots but had low productivity similar to widely cultivated lawn varieties. Red fescue genotypes with high annual shoot yield were widely spread in Gelendzhik and the Belgorod region (rs = 0.446, P > 0.05). The correlation between green mass productivity and the Belgorod region were insignificant same as for the Western Caucasus. It is highly important to test parental lines in the area of respective cultivation. Parental material from the south of the Central Russian Upland can be used to develop lawn genotypes for the Western Caucasus.

2021 ◽  
pp. 339-346
Natalia Klimenko ◽  
Irina Abramova ◽  
Elena Kuznetsova

2021 ◽  
Vol 911 (1) ◽  
pp. 012015
Harli A Karim ◽  
Hikmawati ◽  
Muhammad Rohim ◽  
M Yasin Hg

Abstract Abtract. Quality Protein Maize (QPM) was specialty maize which is high content of lysine and tryptophan. These are two essential amino acids better nutritional for human body to anticipated of disease (kwashiorkor) on severe among children, and could be corrective use in balancing diets. The experiment on 2018 has been conducted to evaluated of nine candidate test cross hybrid of QPM vs. check Bima 13Q with CRD three replications under lowland in distrit of Polman West Sulawesi. Genetic material were planted in four rows 5.0 m lenght, spacing 75x20 cm, and applied fertilizer Urea, Ponska (300-200) kg/ha. The result shown that two test cross F1 QPM were (MSQ(S1)C0-26-1-1 x MR14Q) and (MSQ(S1)C0-43-1-1-1 x MR13Q) which the best with potential yield 10.66-10.95 t/ha. The LSD shown that there are significant different with check Bima 13Q on yield (wc.15%) and highly 30.0% and 31.6%. The two candidates were founded shelling percentage 77.9% and 79.0%, asi less than five days and could be promising as new variety and continuing in evaluation variety trial (evt) in west Sulawesi.

N. P. Shishlova ◽  
V. N. Bezlyudny

Introduction: The article presents the results of a long-term study of quantitative traits in winter triticale varieties and accessions grown in the soil/climatic conditions of the central region of Belarus using conventional and intensive cultivation technologies. The effects of the intensification level on the yield, performance constituents and triticale grain quality are described. Purpose: to assess the variability of quantitative traits in winter triticale grown by conventional and intensive cultivation technologies in Belarus. Material and methods: Winter hexaploid triticale varieties and promising accessions grown by traditional and intensive technologies in a competitive variety trial nursery were studied. The plot area was 10 m2; the replication number was three; the design was randomized; the seeding rate was 4.5 million viable seeds per hectare; the observation period was in 2011-2020. Upon intensive cultivation, additional doses of nitrogen fertilizers, trace elements (Cu, Mn), growth regulators and fungicides were applied. The contents of crude protein, gluten and starch in grain were determined by near-infrared spectroscopy Results and discussion: During the observation period, the average yield from the winter triticale accessions in the competitive variety trial nursery was on 69.3 dt/ha and 77.8 dt/ha upon the application of traditional and intensive cultivation technologies, respectively. The additional factors of intensification increased the yield by 8.5 dt/ha or by 12.3 %. The constituents of the main spike performance as well as contents of crude protein and gluten in winter triticale grain also grew. Strengthening of intensification of the cultivation technology didn’t significantly affect the test weight, 1000-grain weight or crude protein content. Conclusions. The use of additional methods of intensification was demonstrated to change the absolute values of the winter triticale indicators, to have no key impact on the level of their environmental of genotypic variability. The test weight and crude protein content were the most stable traits, while the gluten content and yield – the least stable ones, as their values were determined by both varietal specificity and environmental factors

O. А. Parfenіuk ◽  
S. H. Trush

Purpose. To increase the performance of sugar beet hybrids using integrated approaches to the creation, identification and selection of combination-valuable parents; to evaluate the performance potential of experimental hybrids derived from parents with improved beetroot shape. Materials and methods. The study was conducted in the Laboratory of Sugar Beet Breeding of the Tobacco Experimental Station of the National Research Center “Institute of Agriculture of NAAS” in 2018–2020. Sixty-six experimental diploid sugar beet hybrids originating from parents of different genetic origin were tested in the field. New starting material of sugar beets was created using classical breeding methods and traditional techniques. The experimental CMS-based sugar beet hybrids were evaluated for several economically valuable traits in accordance with the variety trial method developed by scientists of the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beets NAAS. Results and discussion. Analysis of the performance of the sugar beet hybrids originating from the parents with improved beetroot shape (oval-conical) indicates that the beetroot yields, sugar collection and output were significantly higher than those in the group check accession. The sugar content in their beetroots was lower than or similar to that in the group check accession. In general, the yielding type (E) of performance is intrinsic to the hybrids. As to beetroot yield, they exceeded the group check accession by 16.5–23.4%; the sugar collection was higher by 15.1–21.1%; and the sugar output – by 15.0–22.0%. Analysis of the beetroot in these hybrids shows that they had oval-conical beetroots. Their shape index varied 1.11 to 1.24. The beetroots of these hybrids were embedded into the soil by 3/4 of their length, had a smooth surface and shallow grooves (orthostichy). In the experimental sugar beet hybrids derived from the parents with improved beetroot shape (oval-conical), beetroots were longer (L) by 9.5%, larger in the diameter (D) by 2.2%, and the distance from the maximum diameter plane to the beetroot top (B) increased by 61.5% compared to the group check accession. In parallel with changes of the beetroot shape, the beetroot weight (m) increased by 25.0%. The transition from conical beetroots to oval-conical ones was proven to increase the performance of the sugar beet hybrids by 15–21%. Conclusions. We have created 14 high-yielding sugar beet CMS-based hybrids with improved beetroot shape, suitable for energy and environmentally friendly cultivation technologies. Their beetroot yields, sugar collection and sugar output exceed those in the group check accession by 16.5–23.4%, 15.1–21.1% and 15.0–22.0%, respectively

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Md. Abdul Kader ◽  
A. K. M. Shalahuddin ◽  
Tapas Kumer Hore ◽  
Ratna Rani Majumder ◽  
Md. Ehsanul Haq ◽  

Recently released zinc enriched, high yielding, medium slender grain containing rice variety BRRI dhan100, appropriate for irrigated ecosystem of Bangladesh is an improvement over existing zinc enriched rice varieties for Bangladesh. The variety has satisfactorily passed the Proposed Variety Trial (PVT) conducted in the farmers’ field in Boro 2019-20 season. As a result National Seed Board (NSB) approved this variety for commercial cultivation in the Boro season (dry season) in 2021. It has modern plant type with 101 cm plant height and matures by 148 days. The proposed variety showed 1.20 t/ha higher yield than check variety BRRI dhan84. Identifying characters of this variety are green leaf, intermediate plant height, erect flag leaf, medium slender grain, intermediate leaf senescence grain. It can produce 7.7 - 8.8 t/ha grain yield. Thousand grain weight of the variety is 16.7 gm and head rice yield is 64%. The rice has zinc content 25.7 mg/kg, 26.8% amylose content with 7.8% protein content. The zinc enriched BRRI dhan100 is a superb variety for cultivating in the Boro season (dry) and farmers can be economically benefited and the country will be nutritionally benefited by the cultivation of BRRI dhan100.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-76
Otgonbayar Baasansuren ◽  
Batbold Serchin ◽  
Myagmarsuren Yadamsuren

The study was conducted during 2015-2019 in IPAS. The spring wheat variety “Darkhan-212” was developed by a wheat breeding program from cross varieties Darkhan-140 and Darkhan-144 in 2005 and transferred to the State variety trial in 2019. Results of the yield trial shown the spring wheat variety “Darkhan-212” matured by 87 days, yielded 0.33 t/ha more than check variety Darkhan-34,  have a high yield capacity (4.28 t/ha), a good bread-making quality, and a high tolerance to drought,  lodging, shattering and diseases. The economic efficiency of the new variety was 181.5 thousand tugriks per hectare than check variety Darkhan-34.  Зусах буудайн Дархан-212 сортын биологийн болон агрономийн онцлог шинжийг тогтоосон дүн “Үр тарианы селекцийн ажлын хөтөлбөр”-ийн дагуу  жишиг сортоос нэмүү ургацтай, чанар сайтай, гадаад орчны тааламжгүй нөлөөнд тэсвэртэй сорт гаргах зорилгоор 2005 онд буудайн Дархан-140 сортыг Дархан-144 сорттой эвцэлдүүлж эрлийз удмаас шилэн сонголтын аргаар дундын болцтой  Дархан-212 (СТ-485/09) сортыг гарган авсан. 5 жилийн буудайн үндсэн сорилтын дүнгээр уг сорт нь дунджаар 87 хоногт боловсордог, жишиг Дархан-34 сортоос 3.3 ц/га нэмүү ургацтай, усалгаагүй нөхцөлд 42.8 ц/га хүртэлх ургацын чадавхитай, ган, налалт, үрийн асгаралт, зонхилох өвчинд тэсвэртэй, уураг, цавуулгийн агуулалтаар MNS 0097:2010 хүчит буудайн стандартыг хангасан. Эдийн засгийн үзүүлэлтээр Дархан-212 сортыг жишиг Дархан-34 сорттой харьцуулахад  нэгж талбайгаас 82500 төгрөгний нэмүү бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэх боломжтой. Тариалангийн талбайн 30 хувь буюу 100 мянган га талбайд нэвтрүүлэхэд жилд 8.2 орчим тэрбум төгрөгний ашиг тариаланчид хүртэнэ. Иймээс  2019 онд Улсын сорт сорилтын зөвлөлөөр хэлэлцэж, газар тариалангийн төвийн бүсэд экологийн сорилтод дэвшүүлээд байна.      Түлхүүр үг: селекци, эрлийз, сорилт, ургац, цавуулаг

A.A. Rubzova ◽  

the work was carried out at the Department of Breeding and Seed Production of field crops of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. The article summarizes data of the initial material and hybrid populations estimation, of methods and reliability of barley varieties evaluation in competitive variety trial.

2021 ◽  

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