riparian wetlands
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Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Autumn Osgood ◽  
Evie S. Brahmstedt ◽  
Matthew J.S. Windle ◽  
Thomas M. Holsen ◽  
Michael R. Twiss

Mercury deposited in the Upper St. Lawrence River watershed by atmospheric deposition accumulated in riparian wetlands and is at risk of remobilization due to water level fluctuations. To examine if riparian wetlands are a source of mercury to fish, 174 yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and 145 round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) were collected in 2019 from eight wetland and seven non-wetland habitats throughout the Upper St. Lawrence River. Mercury levels were significantly (p < 0.01) higher in fish collected from wetlands than those collected from non-wetland habitats for both yellow perch and round goby. Perch had mercury concentrations of 74.5 ± 35.4 ng/g dry wt in wetlands compared to 59.9 ± 23.0 ng/g dry wt in non-wetlands. Goby had mercury concentrations of 55.4 ± 13.8 ng/g dry wt in wetlands and non-wetland concentrations of 41.0 ± 14.0 ng/g dry wt. Riparian wetlands are areas of elevated mercury methylation and mobilization in the Upper St. Lawrence River and consequences to predators should be considered from the perspective of both wildlife preservation as well as fish consumption advisories for public health concerns.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (17) ◽  
pp. 4855-4872
Xinyu Liu ◽  
Xixi Lu ◽  
Ruihong Yu ◽  
Heyang Sun ◽  
Hao Xue ◽  

Abstract. Gradual riparian wetland drying is increasingly sensitive to global warming and contributes to climate change. Riparian wetlands play a significant role in regulating carbon and nitrogen cycles. In this study, we analyzed the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) from riparian wetlands in the Xilin River basin to understand the role of these ecosystems in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Moreover, the impact of the catchment hydrology and soil property variations on GHG emissions over time and space was evaluated. Our results demonstrate that riparian wetlands emit larger amounts of CO2 (335–2790 mgm-2h-1 in the wet season and 72–387 mgm-2h-1 in the dry season) than CH4 and N2O to the atmosphere due to high plant and soil respiration. The results also reveal clear seasonal variations and spatial patterns along the transects in the longitudinal direction. N2O emissions showed a spatiotemporal pattern similar to that of CO2 emissions. Near-stream sites were the only sources of CH4 emissions, while the other sites served as sinks for these emissions. Soil moisture content and soil temperature were the essential factors controlling GHG emissions, and abundant aboveground biomass promoted the CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions. Moreover, compared to different types of grasslands, riparian wetlands were the potential hotspots of GHG emissions in the Inner Mongolian region. Degradation of downstream wetlands has reduced the soil carbon pool by approximately 60 %, decreased CO2 emissions by approximately 35 %, and converted the wetland from a CH4 and N2O source to a sink. Our study showed that anthropogenic activities have extensively changed the hydrological characteristics of the riparian wetlands and might accelerate carbon loss, which could further affect GHG emissions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yi Zhou ◽  
Liang Jiao ◽  
Huijun Qin ◽  
Fang Li

Clonal plants play an important role in determining ecosystem properties such as community stability, species diversity and nutrient cycling. However, relatively little information is available about the stoichiometric characteristics of clonal plants and their drivers in inland riparian wetlands under strong environmental stress. In this manuscript, we studied the clonal plant Phragmites australis in an inland riparian wetland of Northwest China and compared its nutrient distribution and stoichiometry trade-offs as well as its responses to soil environmental factors in three different environments, namely, a wetland, a salt marsh, and a desert. We found that (1) P. australis could adapt to heterogeneous environments by changing its nutrient allocation strategies, as evidenced by the significant decrease in N and P concentrations, and significant increase in whole-plant C:P and N:P ratios from the wetland to the desert habitats. (2) P. australis adapted to stressful environments by changing its nutrient allocation patterns among different modules, showing a greater tendency to invest N and P in underground modules (rhizomes and roots) and an increase in the utilization efficiency of N and P in the leaves, and stems as environmental stress increased. (3) The C-N, C-P, and N:P-C in the whole plant and in each module showed significant anisotropic growth relationships in the three habitats (P &lt; 0.05). (4) Soil water, pH and salt were the main factors limiting nutrient stoichiometry. The results of this study clarified the ecological adaptation mechanism of the clonal plant P. australis to heterogeneous environments and provided targeted protection strategies for inland riparian wetlands in Northwest China.

2021 ◽  
Swades Pal ◽  
Rumki Khatun

Abstract Assessing fish habitability in pursuance of damming for some selected fishes in wetland of Indo-Bangladesh barind tract using hydrological ingredients like hydro-period, water depth, and water presence consistency is major focus of the present study. Rule based decision tree modeling has been applied for integrating aforesaid hydrological parameters to find out habitat suitability for some selected fishes like carp fishes, shrimps, tilapia and cat fishes both for pre-dam and post-dam periods. From this work it is highlighted that damming has accelerated the rate of wetland deterioration in forms of hydrological flow alteration i.e. inconsistency in water presence has increased, hydro-duration became shortened and water depth has attenuated. From the model it is very clear that a small proportion area was considered to be good fish habitat (16.54–39.90%) in pre-dam period, but after damming almost all parts have become least suitable for fish habitability. Field survey has confirmed that fishing quantity, growing rate of fishes was higher in pre-dam situation but it is reduced gradually during post-dam period. Image driven hydrological parameters to model fish habitability is a new approach but important parameters like food availability, water quality parameters could also be incorporated in order to get better result.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 1284
Bhupinder S. Farmaha ◽  
Pritpal-Singh ◽  

The nitrate (NO3−) leaching assessment from extensive fertilizer nitrogen (N) applications to croplands is crucial to optimize fertilizer-N recommendations that do not threaten the quality of drinking groundwater. SWAP (Soil Water Atmosphere Plant), a water balance model, was linked with ANIMO (Agricultural NItrogen MOdel), a nitrate leaching model and the Geographical Information System (GIS) to assess the spatial and temporal leaching of NO3−-N from fields under rice-wheat cropping system in the riparian wetlands in the Punjab in north-western India. The results revealed that NO3−-N concentration in the groundwater exceeded the 10 mg NO3−-N L−1 limit set by the World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water only during December–January. The verification of these results using measured values indicated that the SWAP-ANIMO model satisfactorily predicted NO3−-N concentrations in the leachate in the vadose zone. A low value of the mean absolute error (0.5–1.4) and a root mean square error (0.6–1.5) was observed between the measured and the predicted NO3−-N concentration across the soil profile during the validation at five sampling sites. The NO3−-N predictions revealed that in the long-term, the ongoing fertilizer-N management practices in the riparian wetlands will not significantly change the average NO3−-N concentration in the groundwater. The modeling approach was satisfactory for an efficient quantitative assessment of NO3−-N pollution in groundwater while accounting for the spatial and temporal variability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 4466
Sheila Barry ◽  
Lynn Huntsinger

Land sharing, conserving biodiversity on productive lands, is globally promoted. Much of the land highest in California’s biodiversity is used for livestock production, providing an opportunity to understand land sharing and species conservation. A review of United States Fish and Wildlife Service listing documents for 282 threatened and endangered species in California reveals a complex and varied relationship between grazing and conservation. According to these documents, 51% or 143 of the federally listed animal and plant species are found in habitats with grazing. While livestock grazing is a stated threat to 73% (104) of the species sharing habitat with livestock, 59% (85) of the species are said to be positively influenced, with considerable overlap between species both threatened and benefitting from grazing. Grazing is credited with benefiting flowering plants, mammals, insects, reptiles, amphibians, fish, crustaceans, and bird species by managing the state’s novel vegetation and providing and maintaining habitat structure and ecosystem functions. Benefits are noted for species across all of California’s terrestrial habitats, except alpine, and for some aquatic habitats, including riparian, wetlands, and temporary pools. Managed grazing can combat anthropomorphic threats, such as invasive species and nitrogen deposition, supporting conservation-reliant species as part of land sharing.

2021 ◽  
Abbey Tyrna ◽  
Robert P Brooks

Abstract Wetlands provide many valuable ecosystem functions including nutrient cycling and retention, sediment capture, flood reduction, carbon storage, and habitat for water-dependent plant and wildlife species. The alteration of landscapes and the deterioration of upstream wetlands have been determined to be detrimental to downstream stream and watershed health. The position of the wetland in the landscape and its quality and size can significantly change the influence it has on stream condition. This research tests the efficacy of graphed networks created from the terrestrial-wetland-stream landscape to quantify the cumulative benefits of riparian wetlands within a watershed. We tested a combination of network parameters such as node degree, betweenness centrality, and the integral index of connectivity. Graphed networks are created by nodes that are connected by edges. Nodes were defined as stream reaches that extend out to the riparian landscape and edges as the stream confluences that connect them. Nodes were weighted by their capacity to perform ecosystem functions and the opportunity for such functions. We found that the network-based approach can quantify the impact of riparian wetland loss revealing that some riparian losses within the watershed were inherently worse than others at reducing connectivity and cumulative wetland function within the watershed. Incorporating these network metrics into wetland assessments can quantify the cumulative influence of geographic position, wetland function and size on overall wetland benefits within the watershed. This new approach can be applied to watershed planning efforts to assist managers with identifying wetlands for protection, enhancement, and re-establishment.

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