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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 76
Sya'baningrum Prihhartini ◽  
Reza Anggriyashati Adara ◽  
Siti Khadijah

ABSTRAK Bencana banjir dan longsor secara beruntun menimpa Desa Cileuksa, Kecamatan Sukajaya, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat pada tanggal 1 Januari 2020. Ribuan orang harus dievakuasi karena rumah-rumah mereka disapu banjir dari Sungai Cidurian. Walaupun terjadi setahun yang lalu, para penyintas masih terpaksa tinggal di tempat pengungsian yang dibangun oleh tentara. Selain bencana tersebut, bencana lain terjadi di Kabupaten Bekasi pada tanggal 7 Februari 2021 dan menghancurkan banvak rumah. Bencana ini terjadi di tengah pandemi Covid-19 yang telah berdampak buruk terhadap kondisi ekonomi dan kesehatan masyarakat. Demi meringankan beban para korban, FKSB Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi berinisiasi membuat sebuah program pengabdian masyarakat yang terdiri dari kampanye penggalangan dana, menggalang dana dari masyarakat dan kerjasama dengan Kwartir Cabang Pramuka Kabupaten Bekasi. Program ini diharapkan bisa meningkatkan kesadaran tentang pentingnya penyediaan bantuan terhadap korban-korban bencana. Data dari hasil survei kepada para penerima bantuan menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat penerima bantuan merasa puas dengan bantuan yang diberikan. Program pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan bisa menjadi titik tolak bagi dari program-program pengabdian masyarakat selanjutnya yang akan ditekankan kepada pemberdayaan masyarakat di daerah bencana.   ABSTRACTOn January 1st, 2020, a flood which was succeeded with landslides struck Desa Cileuksa, Kecamatan Sukajaya, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Thousands of people were evacuated because their homes were swept by floods from Sungai Cidurian. Although the disaster happened a year ago, the survivors still suffer from the aftermath as they still have to live in shelters built by army. Besides that, another flood disaster took place in Kabupaten Bekasi on February 7th, 2021 in Kabupaten Bekasi and destroyed many houses. These disasters took places amid Covid-19 pandemic which has negatively affected people’s economic and health conditions. In order to provide reliefs to survivors, FKSB Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi initiated a social service program. The program consists of creating a campaign for charity program, raising donations from public, and working together with Kwartir Cabang Pramuka Kabupaten Bekasi. The program aims to raise awareness for provision of reliefs toward disasters’ survivors. The survey results show that most recipients are satisfied with the relief’s provision. The present program is expected to be a milestone for further programs which aim to the empowerment of disasters’ survivors. 

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (I) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Sayeda Tatheer Zainab ◽  
Ishrat Siddiqa Lodhi ◽  
Safura Fatima

This current paper investigated the perceptions and views of university students of the Active Citizenship Program at the BS level. Public sector universities that were offering a course of active citizenship program according to purposive sampling and were five in number. By using the Purposive sampling technique, 150 students of the 4th semesters, 75 participants and 75 non-participants of the Active Citizenship Program and were made part of the study. SPSS was used to analyze the quantitative data, and for the purpose of finding different independent t-test was applied between the responses of the participants and non-participants of the program. The result indicated that awareness programs/ courses related to peace education helped students to get awareness. The present program and course have contributed towards developing awareness with respect to knowledge and in fostering peace education skills but did not have a huge impact on the attitudes of participants about peace.

2020 ◽  
Georgios S.E. Antipas

‘Alloy’ is a computer program which predicts the way a material solidifies. The present version considers two components although more than two components can be created by the underlying numerical code. The program is based on the extensive theoretical and experimental studies of solidification that have occurred over the last thirty years. Much of the theory that has been developed has been gathered into the present program. The program itself is designed to be a research tool and a teaching aid. At present, about fifty binary systems are included in the data base but any system can be added and thus treated.

Politeja ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1(64)) ◽  
pp. 143-156
Marta Cimke

En Marche! – New Political Movement or New Party? The Program and the Structure In the face of the emergence of new political movements and political parties, clearly defining these formations has emerged as a specific difficulty. The subject of the article is the La République En Marche! It came up as a movement, then transformed into a political party, gaining in popularity and securing victories in the parliamentary elections. The aim of the paper is to present the genesis and transformations within this organization and its present program. An attempt will also be made to answer the question – whether in the case of En Marche! we can talk about a new political movement, a new political party or a hybrid political organization that combines the elements of both the movement and the party.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-72
Andi Febriana Tamrin ◽  
Yanti Yanti

[Bahasa]: Pentingnya softskill bagi generasi muda menjadi dasar atas penyusunan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini. Fokus dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah peningkatan minat belajar bahasa inggris masyarakat pegunungan berbasis buku cerita rakyat lingkungan/alam sekitar serta peningkatan softskill mitra Karang Taruna Desa Betao Kecamatan Pituriawa Kabupaten Sidrap. Tujuan khusus dalam PKM ini adalah dalam rangka untuk peningkatan minat belajar serta peningkatan ketrampilan Bahasa Inggris (soft skill). Beberapa metode yang digunakan dalam Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah metode tanya jawab dan diskusi untuk mengidentifikasi pengetahuan dan teknologi pendukungnya. Metode ceramah digunakan pada saat proses belajar dan pemahaman teoritis bahasa inggris. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang telah dilatih menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris berbasis buku cerita bertema alam lebih mudah di mengerti oleh siswa yang diajar. Dengan menggunakan metode ini, terjadi peningkatan yang cukup baik bagi peserta didik. Selain itu, hasil lain yang diperoleh adalah para pemuda dan anak-anak lebih cepat menyerap materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan kegiatan ini juga menjadi awal untuk kegiatan lainnya. Kata Kunci: Bahasa Inggris; buku bergambar; soft skill [English]: The importance of soft skills for the young generation is the rationale for this community service program. The focus of the present program is to increase the interest of learning English for highlanders based on environmental/natural folklore books and soft skill enhancement for Karang Taruna in Betao Village, Pituriawa District, Sidrap. The specific purpose is to enhance learning interest and improve English (soft skills). The methods used in the program are the question and answer and discussion to identify knowledge and supporting technology. The lecturing method was used during the learning process and theoretical understanding of English. The results showed that English learning based on natural-themed storybooks is easier for students to understand. Using the book, the students have considerable improvement. In addition, another result was that young people and children could rapidly learn English and become the beginning of other activities. Keywords: English; picture book; soft skill

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 116
Maryam Alharthi

Transitioning from secondary to higher education is not a natural step for many first-year university students. Most female students who join Taibah University did not have the chance to visit the university and get to know the programs offered there before they applied. Therefore, the Childhood Studies Department within the College of Family Sciences has initiated the present program – My Uni-Buddy. The program was applied on a small scale to create connection between first-year students and their fellow students in the third year. The aim of the program is to support new students and help them adjust quickly to their new life. The study employs a qualitative approach in which interviews were carried out to collect the relevant data. The findings show that first-year students hughly benefited from the program in the academic and social aspects.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Wei-Ting Wu ◽  
Ke-Vin Chang ◽  
Der-Sheng Han ◽  
Levent Özçakar

Abstract Background Use of ultrasonography has revolutionized diagnosis of musculoskeletal disorders. Until now, few studies have investigated usefulness of a short-period workshop for musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSKUS) education. In this research, we attempted to explore (1) whether the physicians felt it useful to attend this type of courses for improving knowledge of sonoanatomy and scanning skills, (2) if the attendees’ perceived confidence in musculoskeletal diagnoses by using ultrasound increased following the program and (3) whether differences existed in perceived usefulness and confidence regrading different sessions of the course. Methods The target participants of the courses were postgraduate physicians without limitation of their specialties. The attendees’ responses to questionnaires before and after the course were reviewed. The workshop contained didactic and practical sessions on 6 major joints in accordance with the scanning protocols of EURO-MUSCULUS/USPRM. The course usefulness and perceived confidence in MSKUS examination were evaluated using a 5-point Likert scale. Data relevant to participants’ pre-workshop confidence levels were also analyzed. If any participant attended the course for more than 1 time, only their first survey was used for analysis. Results The study included 156 participants. The average rating for the course usefulness ranged between 4 (useful) to 5 (very useful). There was no difference in perceived usefulness between the didactic and hands-on practical sessions. Participants’ perceived confidence significantly increased after the workshop but appeared to be lowest for evaluation on the hip joint. Previous experience in performing MSKUS (in years) was consistently associated with the level of pre-workshop confidence. Conclusion A short period ultrasound workshop might be useful regarding making musculoskeletal diagnoses by using ultrasound based on an increase in post-workshop confidence in MSKUS examinations. The perceived confidence of hip scanning was lower than that of other joints after the course, indicating inadequacy of education in hip sonoanatomy and intensity of hand-on practice in the present program. An increase in the faculty-to-student ratio or length of practice in the hip section should be implemented in the future course.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 545-558 ◽  
Kai Mausch ◽  
Alastair Orr ◽  
B. Paige Miller

We reviewed the strategy for Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) adopted by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). The objective was to examine ICRISAT’s research strategy related to the twin challenges of resilience and profitability in developing technologies aimed at improving the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the drylands of Africa. To do this, we examined the expected impact on resilience and profitability of its present program and the realized impact of ICRISAT’s previous research. We argue that the current CGIAR Research Programs led by ICRISAT envisage separate product lines for resilience and profitability, targeted at two groups, i.e., subsistence- and market-oriented smallholders. This approach, expected to make technology more appropriate for farmers’ needs, risks overlooking the interconnectedness of the two targets if they are too rigorously separated. Although our review of ICRISAT’s previous research program suggests that success stories have taken numerous forms—some increasing resilience, others profitability—our review also suggests that it is possible to develop win–win technologies that improve both targets. Finding ways to replicate win–win technologies will require that ICRISAT tests the resulting technologies and their implementation in specific contexts to improve and replace them as the research programs evolve.

Kush Bubbar ◽  
Alexandros Dimopolous ◽  
Roslyn Gaetz ◽  
Peter Wild ◽  
Michael McWilliam

The Design Engineering Mentorship Program (DEMP) is a five-day intensive training program focused on developing appropriate competencies in graduate students required to effectively teach engineering design at the undergraduate level.Evolution of the present program is discussed in context of feedback and observations from the now defunct Design Engineering & Instruction program. The structure of the procedural based DEMP program is fully described including new experiential based workshops on creativity and coaching led by a PCC certified coach.Motivating factors and implementation details of each of the workshops are described in detail in context of the competencies attributed to a design instructor.The first instance of the DEMP program will be offered in September 2016.

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 206-218 ◽  
Magnus Matz ◽  
Kirstin Schumacher ◽  
Kathrin Hatlapatka ◽  
Dirk Lorenz ◽  
Knut Baumann ◽  

AbstractTotal internal reflection fluorescence microscopy of fluorescently labeled secretory granules permits monitoring of exocytosis and the preceding granule behavior in one experiment. While observer-dependent evaluation may be sufficient to quantify exocytosis, most of the other information contained in the video files cannot be accessed this way. The present program performs observer-independent detection of exocytosis and tracking of the entire submembrane population of insulin granules. A precondition is the exact localization of the peak of the granule fluorescence. Tracking is based on the peak base radius, peak intensity, and the precrossing itineraries. Robustness of the tracking was shown by simulated tracks of original granule patterns. Mobility in the X–Y dimension is described by the caging diameter which in contrast to the widely used mean square displacement has an inherent time resolution. Observer-independent detection of exocytosis in MIN6 cells labeled with insulin-EGFP is based on the maximal decrease in fluorescence intensity and position of the centroid of the dissipating cloud of released material. Combining the quantification of KCl-induced insulin exocytosis with the analysis of prefusion mobility showed that during the last 3 s pre-exocytotic granules had a smaller caging diameter than control granules and that it increased significantly immediately before fusion.

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