california current
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Dillon J. Amaya ◽  
Michael G. Jacox ◽  
Juliana Dias ◽  
Michael A. Alexander ◽  
Kristopher B. Karnauskas ◽  

LK Rasmuson ◽  
T Jackson ◽  
CA Edwards ◽  
KG O’Malley ◽  
A Shanks

2021 ◽  
Nathalí Cordero-Quirós ◽  
Arthur J. Miller ◽  
Yunchun Pan ◽  
Lawrence Balitaan ◽  
Enrique Curchitser ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 5032
Frank C. Olaya ◽  
Reginaldo Durazo ◽  
Vera Oerder ◽  
Enric Pallàs-Sanz ◽  
Joaquim P. Bento

This study proposes a method to detect ocean fronts from in situ temperature and density glider measurements. This method is applied to data collected along the CalCOFI Line 90, south of the California Current System (CCS), over the 2006–2013 period. It is based on image-processing techniques commonly applied to sea surface temperature (SST) satellite data. Front detection results using glider data are consistent with those obtained in other studies carried out in the CCS. SST images of the Multi-scale Ultra-high Resolution (MUR) dataset were also used to compare the probability of occurrence or front frequency (FF) obtained with the two datasets. Glider and MUR temperatures are highly correlated. Along Line 90, frontal frequency exhibited the same maxima near the transition zone (~130 km offshore) as derived from MUR and glider datasets. However, marked differences were found in the bimonthly FF probability with high (low) front frequency in spring-summer for glider (MUR) data. Methodological differences explaining these contrasting results are investigated. Thermohaline-compensated fronts are more abundant towards the oceanic zone, although most fronts are detected using both temperature and density criteria, indicating a significant contribution of temperature to density in this region.

AbstractThough subthermocline eddies (STEs) have often been observed in the world oceans, characteristics of STEs such as their patterns of generation and propagation are less understood. Here, the across-shore propagation of STEs in the California Current System (CCS) is observed and described using 13 years of sustained coastal glider measurements on three glider transect lines off central and southern California as part of the California Underwater Glider Network (CUGN). The across-shore propagation speed of anticyclonic STEs is estimated as 1.35-1.49 ± 0.33 cm s−1 over the three transects, Line 66.7, Line 80.0, and Line 90.0, close to the westward long first baroclinic Rossby wave speed in the region. Anticyclonic STEs are found with high salinity, high temperature, and low dissolved oxygen anomalies in their cores, consistent with transporting California Undercurrent water from the coast to offshore. Comparisons to satellite sea-level anomaly indicate that STEs are only weakly correlated to a sea surface height expression. The observations suggest that STEs are important for the salt balance and mixing of water masses across-shore in the CCS.

2021 ◽  
Jonathan D. Sharp ◽  
Andrea J. Fassbender ◽  
Brendan R. Carter ◽  
Paige D. Lavin ◽  
Adrienne J. Sutton

Abstract. To calculate the direction and rate of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) exchange between the ocean and atmosphere, it is critical to know the partial pressure of CO2 in surface seawater (pCO2(sw)). Over the last decade, a variety of data products of global monthly pCO2(sw) have been produced, primarily for the open ocean on 1° latitude by 1° longitude grids. More recently, monthly products of pCO2(sw) that are more finely spatially resolved in the coastal ocean have been made available. A remaining challenge in the development of pCO2(sw) products is the robust characterization of seasonal variability, especially in nearshore coastal environments. Here we present a monthly data product of pCO2(sw) at 0.25° latitude by 0.25° longitude resolution in the Northeast Pacific Ocean, centered around the California Current System (CCS). The data product (RFR-CCS; Sharp et al., 2021; was created using the most recent (2021) version of the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (Bakker et al., 2016) from which pCO2(sw) observations were extracted and fit against a variety of satellite- and model-derived surface variables using a random forest regression (RFR) model. We validate RFR-CCS in multiple ways, including direct comparisons with observations from moored autonomous surface platforms, and find that the data product effectively captures seasonal pCO2(sw) cycles at nearshore mooring sites. This result is notable because alternative global products for the coastal ocean do not capture local variability effectively in this region. We briefly review the physical and biological processes — acting across a variety of spatial and temporal scales — that are responsible for the latitudinal and nearshore-to-offshore pCO2(sw) gradients seen in RFR-CCS reconstructions of pCO2(sw).

2021 ◽  
Federico Méndez Sánchez ◽  
Yuliana Bedolla Guzmán ◽  
Evaristo Rojas Mayoral ◽  
Alfonso Aguirre-Muñoz ◽  
Patricia Koleff ◽  

AbstractThe Baja California Pacific Islands (BCPI) is a seabird hotspot in the southern California Current System supporting 129 seabird breeding populations of 23 species and over one million birds annually. These islands had a history of environmental degradation because of invasive alien species, human disturbance, and contaminants that caused the extirpation of 27 seabird populations. Most of the invasive mammals have been eradicated and breeding colonies have been restored with social attraction techniques. We have systematic information for most of the breeding populations since 2008. To assess population trends, we analyzed data and present results for 19 seabird species on ten island groups. The maximum number of breeding pairs for each nesting season was used to estimate the population growth rate (λ) for each species at every island colony. We performed a nonparametric bootstrapping to assess whether seabird breeding populations are increasing or decreasing. San Benito, Natividad, and San Jerónimo are the top three islands in terms of abundance of breeding pairs. The most widespread species is Cassin’s Auklet with 14 colonies. Twenty-three populations of 13 species are significantly increasing while eight populations of six species are decreasing. We did not find statistical significance for 30 populations, however, 20 have λ>1 which suggest they are growing. Seven of the 18 species for which we estimated a regional population trend are significantly increasing, including three surface-nesting species: Brown Pelican, Elegant Tern and Laysan Albatross, and four burrow-nesting species: Ainley’s and Ashy Storm-Petrels, and Craveri’s and Guadalupe Murrelet. Our results suggest that the BCPI support healthy and growing populations of seabirds that have shown to be resilient to extreme environmental conditions such as the “Blob”, and that such resilience has been strengthen from conservation and restoration actions such as the eradication of invasive mammals and social attraction techniques.

2021 ◽  
Jerome Guiet ◽  
Daniele Bianchi ◽  
Olivier Maury ◽  
Nicolas Barrier ◽  
Faycal Kessouri

Pelagic fish communities are shaped by bottom-up and top-down processes, transport by currents, and active swimming. However, the interaction of these processes remains poorly understood. Here, we use a regional implementation of the APex ECOSystem Model (APECOSM), a mechanistic model of the pelagic food web, to investigate these processes in the California Current, a highly productive upwelling system characterized by vigorous mesoscale circulation. The model is coupled with an eddy-resolving representation of ocean currents and lower trophic levels, and is tuned to reproduce observed fish biomass from fisheries independent trawls. Several emergent properties of the model compare realistically with observations. First, the epipelagic community accounts for one order of magnitude less biomass than the vertically migratory community, and is composed by smaller species. Second, the abundance of small fish decreases from the coast to the open ocean, while the abundance of large fish remains relatively uniform. This in turn leads to flattening of biomass size-spectra away from the coast for both communities. Third, the model reproduces a cross-shore succession of small to large sizes moving offshore, consistent with observations of species occurrence. These cross-shore variations emerge in the model from a combination of: (1) passive offshore advection by the mean current, (2) active swimming towards coastal productive regions to counterbalance this transport, and (3) mesoscale heterogeneity that reduces the ability of organisms to return to coastal waters. Our results highlight the importance of passive and active movement in structuring the pelagic food web, and suggest that a correct representation of these processes is needed for realistic simulations with marine ecosystem models.

2021 ◽  
Antonella Preti ◽  
Stephen M. Stohs ◽  
Gerard T. DiNardo ◽  
Camilo Saavedra ◽  
Ken MacKenzie ◽  

The feeding ecology of broadbill swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in the California Current was described based on analysis of stomach contents collected by federal fishery observers aboard commercial drift gillnet boats from 2007 to 2014. Prey were identified to the lowest taxonomic level and diet composition was analyzed using univariate and multivariate methods. Of 299 swordfish sampled (74 to 245 cm eye-to-fork length), 292 non-empty stomachs contained remains from 60 prey taxa. Diet consisted mainly of cephalopods but also included epipelagic and mesopelagic teleosts. Jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) and Gonatopsis borealis were the most important prey based on the geometric index of importance. Swordfish diet varied with body size, location and year. Jumbo squid, Gonatus spp. and Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) were more important for larger swordfish, reflecting the ability of larger specimens to catch large prey. Jumbo squid, Gonatus spp. and market squid (Doryteuthis opalescens) were more important in swordfish diet in inshore waters, while G. borealis and Pacific hake predominated offshore. Jumbo squid was more important from 2007-2010 than in 2011-2014, with Pacific hake the most important prey item in the latter period. Diet variation by area and year probably reflects differences in swordfish preference, prey availability, prey distribution, and prey abundance. The range expansion of jumbo squid that occurred during the first decade of this century may particularly explain their prominence in swordfish diet from 2007-2010. Some factors that may influence dietary variation in swordfish were identified. Standardization could make future studies more comparable for conservation monitoring purposes.

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