Abstract. Understanding concentration–discharge (C–Q) relationships can inform
catchment solute and particulate export processes. Previous studies have shown
that the extent to which baseflow contributes to streamflow can affect C–Q
relationships in some catchments. However, the current understanding on the
effects of baseflow contribution in shaping the C–Q patterns is largely
derived from temperate catchments. As such, we still lack quantitative
understanding of these effects across a wide range of climates (e.g. arid,
tropical and subtropical). The study aims to assess how baseflow
contributions, as defined by the median and the range of daily baseflow
indices within individual catchments (BFI_m and BFI_range,
respectively), influence C–Q slopes across 157 catchments in Australia
spanning five climate zones. This study focuses on six water quality
variables: electrical conductivity (EC), total phosphorus (TP), soluble
reactive phosphorus (SRP), total suspended solids (TSS), the sum of nitrate
and nitrite (NOx) and total nitrogen (TN). The impact of baseflow
contributions is explored with a novel Bayesian hierarchical model. For sediments and nutrient species (TSS, NOx, TN and TP), we generally
see largely positive C–Q slopes, which suggest a dominance of mobilization
export patterns. Further, for TSS, NOx and TP we see stronger
mobilization (steeper positive C–Q slopes) in catchments with higher values
in both the BFI_m and BFI_range, as these two metrics are positively
correlated for most catchments. The enhanced mobilization in catchments with
higher BFI_m or BFI_range is likely due to the more variable flow
pathways that occur in catchments with higher baseflow contributions. These
variable flow pathways can lead to higher concentration gradients between low
flows and high flows, where the former is generally dominated by
groundwater/slow subsurface flow while the latter by surface water sources,
respectively. This result highlights the crucial role of flow pathways in
determining catchment exports of solutes and particulates. Our study also
demonstrates the need for further studies on how the temporal variations of
flow regimes and baseflow contributions influence flow pathways and the
potential impacts of these flow pathways on catchment C–Q relationships.