parity check matrix
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (9(112)) ◽  
pp. 46-53
Viktor Durcek ◽  
Michal Kuba ◽  
Milan Dado

This paper investigates the construction of random-structure LDPC (low-density parity-check) codes using Progressive Edge-Growth (PEG) algorithm and two proposed algorithms for removing short cycles (CB1 and CB2 algorithm; CB stands for Cycle Break). Progressive Edge-Growth is an algorithm for computer-based design of random-structure LDPC codes, the role of which is to generate a Tanner graph (a bipartite graph, which represents a parity-check matrix of an error-correcting channel code) with as few short cycles as possible. Short cycles, especially the shortest ones with a length of 4 edges, in Tanner graphs of LDPC codes can degrade the performance of their decoding algorithm, because after certain number of decoding iterations, the information sent through its edges is no longer independent. The main contribution of this paper is the unique approach to the process of removing short cycles in the form of CB2 algorithm, which erases edges from the code's parity-check matrix without decreasing the minimum Hamming distance of the code. The two cycle-removing algorithms can be used to improve the error-correcting performance of PEG-generated (or any other) LDPC codes and achieved results are provided. All these algorithms were used to create a PEG LDPC code which rivals the best-known PEG-generated LDPC code with similar parameters provided by one of the founders of LDPC codes. The methods for generating the mentioned error-correcting codes are described along with simulations which compare the error-correcting performance of the original codes generated by the PEG algorithm, the PEG codes processed by either CB1 or CB2 algorithm and also external PEG code published by one of the founders of LDPC codes

2021 ◽  
Surdive Atamewoue Tsafack

This chapter present some new perspectives in the field of coding theory. In fact notions of fuzzy sets and hyperstructures which are consider here as non classical structures are use in the construction of linear codes as it is doing for fields and rings. We study the properties of these classes of codes using well known notions like the orthogonal of a code, generating matrix, parity check matrix and polynomials. In some cases particularly for linear codes construct on a Krasner hyperfield we compare them with those construct on finite field called here classical structures, and we obtain that linear codes construct on a Krasner hyperfield have more codes words with the same parameters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Hansong Du ◽  
Jiufen Liu ◽  
Yuguo Tian ◽  
Xiangyang Luo

Compared with traditional steganography, adaptive steganography based on STC (Syndrome-Trellis Codes) has extremely high antidetection ability and has been a mainstream and hot research direction in the field of information hiding over the past decades. However, it is noted, in specific scenarios, that a small number of methods can extract data from STC-based adaptive steganography, indicating security risks related to such algorithms. In this manuscript, the cryptographic secrecy of this kind of steganography is analyzed, on condition of two common attacks: stego-only attack and known-cover attack, respectively, from three perspectives: steganographic key equivocation, message equivocation, and unicity distance of the steganographic key. Focusing on the special layout characteristics of the parity-check matrix of STC, under the two attack conditions, the theoretical boundaries of the steganographic key equivocation function, the message equivocation function, and the unicity distance of the steganographic key are separately obtained, showing the impact of the three elements: the submatrix size, the randomness of the data, and the cover object on the cryptographic secrecy of the STC-based adaptive steganography, resulting in a theoretical reference to accurately judge the cryptographic secrecy of such steganography and design more secure steganography methods.

Gianira N. Alfarano ◽  
Julia Lieb ◽  
Joachim Rosenthal

AbstractIn this paper, a construction of $$(n,k,\delta )$$ ( n , k , δ ) LDPC convolutional codes over arbitrary finite fields, which generalizes the work of Robinson and Bernstein and the later work of Tong is provided. The sets of integers forming a (k, w)-(weak) difference triangle set are used as supports of some columns of the sliding parity-check matrix of an $$(n,k,\delta )$$ ( n , k , δ ) convolutional code, where $$n\in {\mathbb {N}}$$ n ∈ N , $$n>k$$ n > k . The parameters of the convolutional code are related to the parameters of the underlying difference triangle set. In particular, a relation between the free distance of the code and w is established as well as a relation between the degree of the code and the scope of the difference triangle set. Moreover, we show that some conditions on the weak difference triangle set ensure that the Tanner graph associated to the sliding parity-check matrix of the convolutional code is free from $$2\ell $$ 2 ℓ -cycles not satisfying the full rank condition over any finite field. Finally, we relax these conditions and provide a lower bound on the field size, depending on the parity of $$\ell $$ ℓ , that is sufficient to still avoid $$2\ell $$ 2 ℓ -cycles. This is important for improving the performance of a code and avoiding the presence of low-weight codewords and absorbing sets.

Jagannath Samanta ◽  
Akash Kewat

Recently, there have been continuous rising interests of multi-bit error correction codes (ECCs) for protecting memory cells from soft errors which may also enhance the reliability of memory systems. The single error correction and double error detection (SEC-DED) codes are generally employed in many high-speed memory systems. In this paper, Hsiao-based SEC-DED codes are optimized based on two proposed optimization algorithms employed in parity check matrix and error correction logic. Theoretical area complexity of SEC-DED codecs require maximum 49.29%, 18.64% and 49.21% lesser compared to the Hsiao codes [M. Y. Hsiao, A class of optimal minimum odd-weight-column SEC-DED codes, IBM J. Res. Dev. 14 (1970) 395–401], Reviriego et al. codes [P. Reviriego, S. Pontarelli, J. A. Maestro and M. Ottavi, A method to construct low delay single error correction codes for protecting data bits only, IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst. 32 (2013) 479–483] and Liu et al. codes [S. Liu, P. Reviriego, L. Xiao and J. A. Maestro, A method to recover critical bits under a double error in SEC-DED protected memories, Microelectron. Reliab. 73 (2017) 92–96], respectively. Proposed codec is designed and implemented both in field programmable gate array (FPGA) and ASIC platforms. The synthesized SEC-DED codecs need 31.14% lesser LUTs than the original Hsiao code. Optimized codec is faster than the existing related codec without affecting its power consumption. These compact and faster SEC-DED codecs are employed in cache memory to enhance the reliability.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 425
Zhe Zhang ◽  
Liang Zhou ◽  
Zhi Heng Zhou

An effective way of improving decoding performance of an LDPC code is to extend the single-decoder decoding method to a parallel decoding method with multiple sub-decoders. To this end, this paper proposes a parallel decoding method for the LDPC codes constructed by m-sequence. In this method, the sub-decoders have two types. The first one contains only one decoding module using the original parity-check constraints to implement a belief propagation (BP) algorithm. The second one consists of a pre-decode module and a decoding module. The parity-check matrices for pre-decode modules are generated by the parity-check constraints of the sub-sequences sampled from an m-sequence. Then, the number of iterations of the BP process in each pre-decode module is set as half of the girth of the parity-check matrix, resulting in the elimination of the impact of short cycles. Using maximum a posterior (MAP), the least metric selector (LMS) finally picks out a codeword from the outputs of sub-decoders. Our simulation results show that the performance gain of the proposed parallel decoding method with five sub-decoders is about 0.4 dB, compared to the single-decoder decoding method at the bit error rate (BER) of 10−5.

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (12) ◽  
pp. 7465-7474 ◽  
Jie Hao ◽  
Shu-Tao Xia ◽  
Kenneth W. Shum ◽  
Bin Chen ◽  
Fang-Wei Fu ◽  

Gianira N. Alfarano ◽  
Julia Lieb

Maximum distance profile (MDP) convolutional codes have the property that their column distances are as large as possible for given rate and degree. There exists a well-known criterion to check whether a code is MDP using the generator or the parity-check matrix of the code. In this paper, we show that under the assumption that [Formula: see text] divides [Formula: see text] or [Formula: see text] divides [Formula: see text], a polynomial matrix that fulfills the MDP criterion is actually always left prime. In particular, when [Formula: see text] divides [Formula: see text], this implies that each MDP convolutional code is noncatastrophic. Moreover, when [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] do not divide [Formula: see text], we show that the MDP criterion is in general not enough to ensure left primeness. In this case, with one more assumption, we still can guarantee the result.

2020 ◽  
Vol 174 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-165
Nazanin Keshavarzian ◽  
Arsham Borumand Saeid ◽  
Abolfazl Tehranian

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