emission method
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2022 ◽  
Vol 1049 ◽  
pp. 289-294
Evgeny Remshev ◽  
Artem Gusev ◽  
Sergey Voinash ◽  
Irina Vornacheva ◽  
Alexander Scherbakov ◽  

The article discusses the experimental substantiation of predicting the operational properties of elastic elements by the acoustic emission (AE) method, as well as the use of the non-destructive method of acoustic emission as an element of digital certification of critical mechanical and instrument engineering products.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 328-336
A. V. Popov ◽  
A. O. Samuylov ◽  
I. S. Cherepanov

Introduction. The paper analyzes the application of composite materials as the main determining method of reducing the mass of the airframe and an unmanned aerial vehicle. Advanced nondestructive testing methods provide assessing the technical condition of these materials, as well as determining stress concentrators on the airframe and an unmanned aerial vehicle with high accuracy in order to make a decision on the further operation of this object under control. The objective of the work was to increase the accuracy and efficiency of the assessment of crack resistance of composite materials through the acoustic emission control.Materials and Methods. This paper presents the nomenclature of composite materials used in the construction of various aircraft, including unmanned aerial vehicles. The most possible probable defects of these materials due to the influence of operational factors are presented. The applied methods of nondestructive testing of composite material and selection of the most suitable one according to specific advantages were compared. An experiment was carried out to determine the strength limits of carbon fiber using a hardware and software complex by acoustic emission method. The research results are presented in the form of drawings projected by the hardware and software complex.Results. The application of the acoustic-emission method of composite material control is described.Discussion and Conclusions. The results obtained experimentally can be used in the process of determining the strength limits of various composite materials by the acoustic emission method of nondestructive testing to assess the technical condition in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, and aircraft construction. The paper is recommended to researchers involved in the design of aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2131 (4) ◽  
pp. 042019
P Severov

Abstract The author conducted experiments using the method of acoustic emission under uniaxial tension of specimens of CFRP laminates with different stacking, geometry and stress concentration. The influence of a mutual arrangement of the material destruction zone and the extensometer installation site on the nonlinear deformation is revealed. It is shown that the damage accumulation process is highly informative when determining the energy of AE pulses. The possibility of visualizing the formation and development of destruction zones in orthogonal directions, as well as the possibility of determining the moment of crack start from the apex of the notch during splitting, is established. The mechanism of alternating stress relaxation in two developed zones of destruction is revealed. The paper shows a high degree of correlation between mechanic and acoustic-emission events. Finally, the author suggests assessing the mechanical state of material with the account of obtained damages by the degree of its integrity (one to zero) depending on the load history, its individual geometric features and stress concentration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2103 (1) ◽  
pp. 012064
V L Hilarov ◽  
E E Damaskinskaya

Abstract Based on the Zhurkov’s kinetic concept of solids’ fracture a local internal stress estimation method is introduced. Stress field is computed from the time series of acoustic emission intervals between successive signals. For the case of two structurally different materials the time evolution of these stresses is examined. It is shown that temporal changes of these stresses’ accumulation law may serve as a precursor of incoming macroscopic fracture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2127 (1) ◽  
pp. 012044
A Yu Poroykov ◽  
M O Sharikova ◽  
A Yu Marchenkov ◽  
V A Barat

Abstract The safety of rail transport, including passenger traffic, largely depends on the timely diagnosis of the state of the rail infrastructure. To determine the state of metal structures, the method of acoustic emission (AE) is used. It is based on the registration of elastic mechanical vibrations arising in the material of the controlled object from a defect. The AE method is highly informative, but the interpretation of measurement results often causes difficulties, especially when studying complex structural elements. In this paper, it is proposed to use the digital image correlation (DIC) method to study the defects of railway rails using the acoustic emission method. Visualization of defects using the DIC method will make it possible to better interpret the results of inspection by the acoustic emission method and to establish the relationship between the size of defects and the parameters of AE pulses.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (19) ◽  
pp. 5882
Anna Adamczak-Bugno ◽  
Aleksandra Krampikowska ◽  
Grzegorz Świt

The article proposes the application of the acoustic emission method as a technique for the evaluation of mechanical parameters of cellulose–cement composites. The analysis focused on frequency values in a time series analysis of elements subject to three-point flexural stress. In the course of a statistic analysis, it has been demonstrated that a significant reduction of the recorded frequency values is associated with a considerable reduction in strength. This allowed the authors to determine the range of frequencies related to the depreciation in the strength of an element. The tests were carried out on elements cut from a full-size cellulose–cement board. Samples exposed to potential operational factors (environmental and exceptional) were analysed. It was shown that the frequencies recorded before reaching the maximum load during bending of samples exposed to environmental factors (water and low temperature) were significantly different (were much lower) from the sounds emitted by elements subjected to exceptional factors (fire and high temperature). Considering the fact that the analysed frequencies of acoustic emission events occur before the maximum stresses in the material are reached and the elements are destroyed, this provides the basis for the use of the acoustic emission method to assess the condition of cellulose–cement composites in terms of lowering mechanical parameters by observing the frequency of events generated by the material during load action. It was found that generating by material frequencies above 300 kHz during bending does not result in a significant decrease in mechanical parameters. The emission of signals with frequencies ranging from 200 to 300 kHz indicate that there was a decline in strength exceeding 25% but less than 50%. The registration of signals with frequencies below 200 kHz indicates that the reduction in mechanical parameters was greater than 50%.

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