special circumstance
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2022 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-37
Denae Ford ◽  
Margaret-Anne Storey ◽  
Thomas Zimmermann ◽  
Christian Bird ◽  
Sonia Jaffe ◽  

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world to its core and has provoked an overnight exodus of developers who normally worked in an office setting to working from home. The magnitude of this shift and the factors that have accompanied this new unplanned work setting go beyond what the software engineering community has previously understood to be remote work. To find out how developers and their productivity were affected, we distributed two surveys (with a combined total of 3,634 responses that answered all required questions) weeks apart to understand the presence and prevalence of the benefits, challenges, and opportunities to improve this special circumstance of remote work. From our thematic qualitative analysis and statistical quantitative analysis, we find that there is a dichotomy of developer experiences influenced by many different factors (that for some are a benefit, while for others a challenge). For example, a benefit for some was being close to family members but for others having family members share their working space and interrupting their focus, was a challenge. Our surveys led to powerful narratives from respondents and revealed the scale at which these experiences exist to provide insights as to how the future of (pandemic) remote work can evolve.

Tao Guo

For randomly-moving-particle swarm, the past researches only focused on its whole behavior and few people have studied the special particle swarm formed in it, which leading to the phenomenon and reasons for the spontaneous aggregation of particles in the special particle swarm being still unknown. For such a special particle swarm, we have previously studied the causes of its special relativity phenomenon. Here we show the causes of spontaneous aggregation of “randomly moving” particles. The diffusion kinetics of particles in a special circumstance (that is, in a moving reference frame $\mathcal{R}_u$ relative to the stationary reference frame $\mathcal{R}_0$) are studied theoretically. For the first time, the effects of the location aggregation and velocity direction aggregation of randomly moving particles on the diffusion coefficient are considered, and the corresponding generalized diffusion equation is deduced employing concise mathematical logic and Mathematica software.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 403-416
Herning Setyowati

Technical skills education in the field of law that neglects the aspect relating to the responsibility of a person to the person entrusted to him and his profession in general and the values and ethical measures that should be guidelines in carrying out his profession will only produce skilled handyman in the field of law and his profession. Such circumstances not only make the clinical education incomplete because the prospective member of the profession does not know how he should use his acquired technical skills. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that technical skills education without the education of professional and ethical responsibility is dangerous. In general, it can be said that every profession puts the expert concerned in a special circumstance, both because of the extraordinary powers entrusted to him (such as judges and prosecutors) as well as the fate of the interested person entrusted to him (in the case of the defense). When viewed in the framework of law enforcement as a matter of public interest, that responsibility is essentially also a trust mandate concerning public interest (public trust). It is undeniable that certain positions or professions have special positions or duties because they are subject to more severe conditions than are generally applicable for good practice rather than their duties or functions and the protection of those concerned.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (S1) ◽  
pp. 3-3
Jeffrey Cummings ◽  
Mary Sano ◽  
Jacobo Mintzer ◽  
Paul Rosenberg ◽  
Michael Splaine

Agitation is common across neuropsychiatric disorders and contributes to disability, institutionalization, and diminished quality of life for patients and their caregivers. In 2015 IPA convened a transparent process to build a consensus definition of agitation and agreement on what elements should be included in the syndrome that resulted in publication of provisional guidelines. (Cummings et al, 2015) In the 2020-2021 year, the two co-chairs of this symposium have led a new workgroup to make the provisional consensus definition of agitation in patients with cognitive disorders that can be applied in epidemiologic, non-interventional clinical, pharmacologic, non-pharmacologic interventional, and neurobiological studies and guide treatment final.Co-Chairs will discuss methods used in updating and findings and compare changes made to the provisional guidelines. Dr. Sano will present new findings on the biological basis of agitation in dementia and Dr. Mintzer will present on application of guidelines in the special circumstances of persons in palliative and hospice care. Dr. Rosenberg will discuss the special circumstance of agitation care in hospital emergency departments. Mr. Splaine will present findings about the utilization of the 2015 guidelines in the peer reviewed literature, professional and government dementia care guidance, and clinical trials.Cummings, J., Mintzer, J., Brodaty, H., Sano, M., Banerjee, S., Devanand, D., … Zhong, K. (2015). Agitation in cognitive disorders: International Psychogeriatric Association provisional consensus clinical and research definition. International Psychogeriatrics, 27(1), 7-17. doi:10.1017/S1041610214001963

Beka Jalagania

AbstractIs there a moral requirement to assist wild animals suffering due to natural causes? According to the laissez-faire intuition, although we may have special duties to assist wild animals, there are no general requirements to care for them. If this view is right, then our positive duties toward wild animals can be only special, grounded in special circumstances. In this article I present the contribution argument which employs the thought that the receipt of benefits from wild animals is one such kind of special circumstance. If this argument is correct, then the circle of moral agents required to assist some wild animals is significantly widened.

Adriano Bugliani

The catastrophe of the coronavirus is just a special circumstance in order to show that clinical flexibility and a therapist's responsiveness is a necessary way of working if we want to meet our clients' very different situations and expressed needs. For decades a large amount of research has been stressing that "one size fits all" approaches are therapeutically detrimental, especially if clinical protocols are applied rigidly and exclusively. On the contrary, clinicians are helpful if they are able to tailor their craftsmanship to their clients' specific conditions, in particular by realising that emotional closeness can be attained even through phone or Skype.

A. Budhiawan ◽  
T. Kamello ◽  
N. N. Sirait ◽  
H. Purba

The doctrine of undue influnce has now become one of the new grounds of will defect to cancel the agreement or contract in the court’s practices. Undue influence as a condition of will defect is not set out in the Civil Code. This study discusses the cancellation standard of the agreement due to a defect of will be based on the doctrine of undue influence in the court judgments. The research method is a normative juridical through several approaches: doctrinal approach and theoretical approach that are associated with secondary data in the form of statutory provisions, and court verdicts relating to the legal problems. The results of the study found that the court verdicts to cancel the agreement based on the doctrine of undue influnce is occurs due to two main factors: the economic excellence factor and the psychiatric excellence factor. Several elements used to see the event are (1) the existence of a special circumstance, (2) a real thing, (3) abuse of circumstance, and (4) causal relationship. It can be concluded that undue influence doctrine is contrary to the principle of justice, the principle of freedom of contract, the principle of consensus, the principle of good faith, as well as the principles of decency and habit. It’s recommended to form a legal norm in the Civil Code. The doctrine of undue influence should also be specified to limited circumstances of pre-contract, after execution of the contract, or because of a real loss for either the involved parties.

2020 ◽  
Vol 59 (1–2) ◽  
Okszana Jakimenko ◽  
József Goretity

The paper studies the question of the possibility of teaching and learning translation, especially literary translation. First, it examines the theoretical principles of whether the necessary skills for literary translation can be acquired, and what possible forms are there to teach and learn translation. The theoretical standpoint of the author is based upon the training of those Russian young people who are in a special circumstance in Russia, since they translate the literature of a “small language”, Hungarian, to Russian. The author analyses various translator trainings besides university education: translator trainings, literary translation seminars, master courses, and literary translation camps.

eLife ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Nikolaos Vakirlis ◽  
Anne-Ruxandra Carvunis ◽  
Aoife McLysaght

The origin of ‘orphan’ genes, species-specific sequences that lack detectable homologues, has remained mysterious since the dawn of the genomic era. There are two dominant explanations for orphan genes: complete sequence divergence from ancestral genes, such that homologues are not readily detectable; and de novo emergence from ancestral non-genic sequences, such that homologues genuinely do not exist. The relative contribution of the two processes remains unknown. Here, we harness the special circumstance of conserved synteny to estimate the contribution of complete divergence to the pool of orphan genes. By separately comparing yeast, fly and human genes to related taxa using conservative criteria, we find that complete divergence accounts, on average, for at most a third of eukaryotic orphan and taxonomically restricted genes. We observe that complete divergence occurs at a stable rate within a phylum but at different rates between phyla, and is frequently associated with gene shortening akin to pseudogenization.

2020 ◽  
Aimee Quickfall

This thesis, ‘The life histories of teacher mothers: exploring a special situation’ concerns a personally motivated study on the experiences and influences on Primary and Early Years teachers who are also mothers. The study involved unstructured life-history interviews with five teacher-mothers and took a postmodern feminist approach, in that it aimed to tell the stories of women, for women, whilst acknowledging and centring the individual’s experience as unique. Ethical dilemmas were a key part of the study and thesis, including negotiating insider research relationships and maintaining participant voice in the data. It asks three questions: 1. What do the life history stories of teacher mothers suggest about this special circumstance? 2. To what extent does analysis of ‘ecological systems’ and discourses illuminate the life of a teacher mother? 3. What are the points of coalescence and convergence that groups of teacher mothers may relate to, that could be potential sites of new policy and activism? Analysis of interview data involved use of Foucauldian Discourse Analysis, combined with Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems model to create a new model of discourse analysis: ecological systems discourse analysis (ESDA) that considers teacher-mothers’ individual worlds, as well as giving opportunities to map shared themes and positions towards the discourses of teacher-motherhood. This may have future applications for other areas of narrative research. This thesis argues that the special circumstance of being a teacher-mother, whilst unique for every individual, has some points of coalescence of experience. These include the conflicting pressures of work and gender performativity, normalization of overwork, barriers to part-time work, guilt at being ‘good enough’ and a reluctance to identify school leaders as people in a position to change the discourse locally. It concludes that teacher-mothers’ stories are complex and that any local, regional or national policymaking, activism and supportive measures need to acknowledge this. Claims to knowledge include additions to the understanding of teacher-motherhood from coalescences of experience, flexible interview methods for hard to reach groups, the defence of teacher-motherhood as a special circumstance and a new model for discourse analysis.

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