simulated herbivory
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Anjali D. Boyd ◽  
Nia S. Walker ◽  
Stephanie R. Valdez ◽  
Y. Stacy Zhang ◽  
Andrew H. Altieri ◽  

In coastal wetlands and tropical reefs, snails can regulate foundation species by feeding on marsh grasses and hard corals. In many cases, their impacts are amplified because they facilitate microbial infection in grazer-induced wounds. Whether snails commonly graze live plants and facilitate microbial growth on plants in tropical seagrass systems is less explored. On a Belizean Caye, we examined patterns in snail-generated grazer scars on the abundant turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum). Our initial survey showed the occurrence of snail-induced scarring on live turtlegrass blades was common, with 57% of live leaves scarred. Feeding trials demonstrated that two of five common snails (Tegula fasciata–smooth tegula and Smaragdia viridis–emerald nerite) grazed unepiphytized turtlegrass blades and that smooth tegula abundance had a positive relationship with scarring intensity. Subsequent surveys at three Caribbean sites (separated by >150 km) also showed a high occurrence of snail-induced scars on turtlegrass blades. Finally, simulated herbivory experiments and field observations of a turtlegrass bed in Florida, United States suggests that herbivore damage could facilitate fungal growth in live seagrass tissue through mechanical opening of tissue. Combined, these findings reveal that snail grazing on live turtlegrass blades in the Caribbean can be common. Based on these results, we hypothesize that small grazers could be exerting top-down control over turtlegrass growth directly via grazing and/or indirectly by facilitating microbial infection in live seagrass tissue. Further studies are needed to determine the generality and relative importance of direct and indirect effects of gastropod grazing on turtlegrass health.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Ella Serpell ◽  
Johel Chaves-Campos

Abstract Mimosa pudica is a Neotropical legume that closes its leaves rapidly in response to touch stimulation, hypothetically as herbivory defence. Habituation to non-harmful stimuli and long-term memory of past events have been demonstrated in this species, the former with relatively heavy objects and the latter under laboratory conditions. This species should not habituate to harmful stimuli if leaf movement is a response to herbivore damage. We tested in Monteverde, Costa Rica, whether (1) memory occurs in wild plants, (2) whether habituation occurs under harmful stimuli: simulated herbivory, and (3) whether wild plants can habituate to light non-harmful stimuli. The degree of closing of the leaflets and time until reopening was measured in response to repeated harmful and non-harmful stimuli. The results showed habituation to repeated non-harmful very light stimuli and showed lack of habituation to simulated leaf damage. Wild plants also showed faster rehabituation to repeated non-harmful stimuli when they had been exposed 15 days previously, suggesting possible long-term memory. These results indicate that wild plants are capable of (1) distinguishing between harmful and non-harmful stimuli (only habituating to the latter), (2) memorizing previous events, and 3) habituating very light tactile stimuli commonly experienced in the field.

2021 ◽  
Liping Shan ◽  
Ayub M.O. Oduor ◽  
Wei Huang ◽  
Yanjie Liu

Invasive plant species often exhibit greater growth and lower anti-herbivory defense than native plant species. However, it remains unclear how nutrient enrichment of invaded habitats may interact with competition from resident native plants to affect growth and defense of invasive plants. In a greenhouse experiment, we grew five congeneric pairs of invasive and native plant species under two levels of nutrient availability (low vs. high) that were fully crossed with simulated herbivory (clipping vs. no-clipping) and competition (alone vs. competition). Invasive plants produced more gibberellic acid, and grew larger than native species. Nutrient enrichment caused a greater increase in total biomass of invasive plants than of native plants, especially in the absence of competition or without simulated herbivory treatment. Nutrient enrichment decreased leaf flavonoid contents of invasive plants under both simulated herbivory conditions, but increased flavonoid of native plants under simulated herbivory condition. Nutrient enrichment only decreased tannins production of invasive species under competition. For native species, it enhanced their tannins production under competition, but decreased the chemicals when growing alone. The results indicate that the higher biomass production and lower flavonoids production in response to nutrient addition may lead to competitive advantage of invasive species than native species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 288 (1959) ◽  
Anubhav Mohiley ◽  
Tanja Laaser ◽  
Stephan Höreth ◽  
Stephan Clemens ◽  
Katja Tielbörger ◽  

Plants have been shown to change their foraging behaviour in response to resource heterogeneity. However, an unexplored hypothesis is that foraging could be induced by environmental stressors, such as herbivory, which might increase the demand for particular resources, such as those required for herbivore defence. This study examined the way simulated herbivory affects both root foraging for and uptake of cadmium (Cd), in the metal-hyperaccumulating plant Arabidopsis halleri , which uses this heavy metal as herbivore defence. Simulated herbivory elicited enhanced relative allocation of roots to Cd-rich patches as well as enhanced Cd uptake, and these responses were exhibited particularly by plants from non-metalliferous origin, which have lower metal tolerance. By contrast, plants from a metalliferous origin, which are more tolerant to Cd, did not show any preference in root allocation, yet enhanced Cd sharing between ramets when exposed to herbivory. These results suggest that foraging for heavy metals, as well as their uptake and clonal-sharing, could be stimulated in A. halleri by herbivory impact. Our study provides first support for the idea that herbivory can induce not only defence responses in plants but also affect their foraging, resource uptake and clonal sharing responses.

Plant Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
M. Ortuño‐Mendieta ◽  
N. A. Hernández‐Alvear ◽  
R. E. Alcalá

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (10) ◽  
pp. e2008747118
Sirsha Mitra ◽  
Roger Estrada-Tejedor ◽  
Daniel C. Volke ◽  
Michael A. Phillips ◽  
Jonathan Gershenzon ◽  

Insect damage to plants is known to up-regulate defense and down-regulate growth processes. While there are frequent reports about up-regulation of defense signaling and production of defense metabolites in response to herbivory, much less is understood about the mechanisms by which growth and carbon assimilation are down-regulated. Here we demonstrate that insect herbivory down-regulates the 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate (MEP) pathway in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), a pathway making primarily metabolites for use in photosynthesis. Simulated feeding by the generalist herbivore Spodoptera littoralis suppressed flux through the MEP pathway and decreased steady-state levels of the intermediate 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DXP). Simulated herbivory also increased reactive oxygen species content which caused the conversion of β-carotene to β-cyclocitral (βCC). This volatile oxidation product affected the MEP pathway by directly inhibiting DXP synthase (DXS), the rate-controlling enzyme of the MEP pathway in Arabidopsis and inducing plant resistance against S. littoralis. βCC inhibited both DXS transcript accumulation and DXS activity. Molecular models suggested that βCC binds to DXS at the binding site for the thymine pyrophosphate cofactor and blocks catalysis, which was confirmed by direct assays of βCC with the purified DXS protein in vitro. Another intermediate of the MEP pathway, 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol-2, 4-cyclodiphosphate, which is known to stimulate salicylate defense signaling, showed greater accumulation and enhanced export out of the plastid in response to simulated herbivory. Together, our work implicates βCC as a signal of herbivore damage in Arabidopsis that increases defense and decreases flux through the MEP pathway, a pathway involved in growth and carbon assimilation.

Saif ul Malook ◽  
Yuxing Xu ◽  
Jinfeng Qi ◽  
Jing Li ◽  
Lei Wang ◽  

Abstract Biotic and abiotic cues can trigger priming in plants, which enables plants to respond to subsequent challenge with stronger and/or faster responses. It is well known that herbivory activates defense-related responses in systemic leaves. However, little is known about whether insect feeding activates priming in systemic leaves. To determine whether and how herbivory induces priming in maize systemic leaves, a combination of insect bioassays, phytohormone and defense metabolite quantification, and genetic and transcriptome analyses were performed. Actual and simulated Mythimna separata herbivory in maize local leaves primed the systemic leaves for enhanced accumulation of jasmonic acid and benzoxazinoids and increased resistance to M. separata. Activation of priming in maize systemic leaves depends on both the duration of simulated herbivory and perception of M. separata oral secretions in the local leaves, and genetic analysis indicated that jasmonic acid and benzoxazinoids mediate the primed defenses in systemic leaves. Consistently, in response to simulated herbivory, the primed systemic leaves exhibited a large number of genes that were uniquely regulated or showed further up- or down-regulation compared with the non-primed systemic leaves. This study provides new insight into the regulation and ecological function of priming in maize.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-92
Minna-Maarit Kytöviita ◽  
Johan Olofsson

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