dose coefficients
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Richard Wayne Leggett ◽  
Caleigh Samuels

Abstract The ICRP recently updated its biokinetic models for workers in a series of reports called the OIR (Occupational Intakes of Radionuclides) series. A new biokinetic model for astatine, the heaviest member of the halogen family, was adopted in OIR Part 5 (ICRP Publication 151, in press). This paper provides an overview of available biokinetic data for astatine; describes the basis for the ICRP’s updated model for astatine; and tabulates dose coefficients for intravenous injection of each of the two longest lived and most important astatine isotopes, 211At and 210At. Astatine-211 (T1/2 = 7.214 h) is a promising radionuclide for use in targeted α-particle therapy due to several favorable properties including its half-life and the absence of progeny that could deliver significant radiation doses outside the region of α-particle therapy. Astatine-210 (T1/2 = 8.1 h) is an impurity generated in the production of 211At in a cyclotron and represents a potential radiation hazard via its long-lived progeny 210Po (T1/2 = 138 d). Tissue dose coefficients for injected 210At and 211At based on the updated model are shown to differ considerably from values based on the ICRP’s previous model for astatine, particularly for the thyroid, stomach wall, salivary glands, lungs, spleen, and kidneys.

2022 ◽  
Vol 122 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-235 ◽  
Dunstana R. Melo ◽  
Luiz Bertelli ◽  
Shawki A. Ibrahim ◽  
Lynn R. Anspaugh ◽  
André Bouville ◽  

Martin Ian Ralph ◽  
Marcus Cattani

Abstract In the 2019-20 reporting period, nineteen mining operations in Western Australia were identified as having workers who were likely to be exposed to ionising radiation stemming from naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs), seventeen of which, known hereinafter as Reporting Entities (REs), were required to submit an annual report of the dose estimates of their workforce to the mining regulatory authority. In 2018 the International Commission for Radiological Protection published the revision of the Dose Coefficients (DCs) for occupational intakes of radionuclides of the uranium-238 and thorium-232 decay series, in ICRP-137 and ICRP-141. The 2019-20 annual reports are the first to apply the revised DCs to estimate worker doses. The mean effective dose (ED) reported by the 17 REs increased by 32.4% to 0.94 mSv in 2019-20 from 0.71 mSv reported in 2018-19, indicating that the mean ED is approaching the 1 mSv annual dose estimate at which regulatory intervention should be considered. The mean committed effective dose (CED) from inhalation of dusts containing long-lived alpha-emitting (LLα) nuclides has increased by 35% from 0.40 mSv in 2018-19 to 0.54 mSv in 2019-20. The maximum CED from LLα increased by 16.3% from 3.20 mSv in 2018-19 to 3.72 mSv in 2019-20. The authors consider that, in the absence of other explanations provided by the REs, the increase is largely attributable to the revised DC’s published in ICRP-137 and ICRP-141, but highlight that there are significant variations between REs that make a generalised conclusion problematic. The maximum reported ED in 2019-20 was 6.0 mSv, an increase of 36.4% from 2018-19 (4.4 mSv). The 2019-20 reporting period is the first time in a decade in which mine worker EDs have been elevated to the point that EDs have exceeded 5 mSv, a level at which personal monitoring and additional institutional controls are required.

Thomas Frosio ◽  
Philippe Bertreix ◽  
Nabil Menaa ◽  
Samuel Thomas ◽  
Holger EBERHARDT ◽  

Abstract Handling of radioactive material by operators can lead to contamination at the surface of the skin in case of an accident. The quantification of the dose received by the skin due to a contamination scenario is performed by means of dedicated dose coefficients as it is the case for other radiation protection dose quantities described in the literature. However, most available coefficients do not match realistic scenarios according to state-of-the-art of science and technology. Therefore, this work deals with dedicated dose conversion factors for skin contamination. Since there is an increasing demand on dose coefficients in general, these specific coefficients can be used for various calculations in radiation protection. In this work a method to evaluate such coefficients for the skin contamination dose related to photons, electrons, positrons, alpha and neutron particles is proposed. The coefficients are generated using Monte-Carlo simulations with three well established calculation codes (FLUKA, MCNP, and GEANT4). The results of the various codes are compared against each other for benchmarking purposes. The new dose coefficients allow the computation of the skin received dose, in the case of skin contamination scenario of an individual, taking into account the decay radiation of the radionuclides of interest. To benchmark the quantity derived here, comparisons of radionuclide contamination doses to the skin using the VARSKIN code available in the literature are performed with the results of this work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 18-28
E. I. Tolstykh ◽  
M. O. Degteva ◽  
A. V. Akleyev

Assessment of the lymphocyte doses is relevant for solving a number of radiobiological problems, including the risk assessment of hemoblastosis (leukemia, multiple myeloma, lymphoma etc.), as well as the use of circulating lymphocytes as “natural biodosimeters”. The latter is because the frequency of chromosomal aberrations occurring in lymphocytes following radiation exposure is proportional to the accumulated dose. Assessment of doses to the circulating lymphocytes requires due account of: first, the dose accumulated by the lymphocyte progenitors in the red bone marrow; and second, the dose accumulated during lymphocyte circulation through lymphoid organs. The models presented by International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP-67, ICRP-100) allow calculating the dose for specific lymphoid organs based on known level of radionuclide intakes. A recently developed model of circulating T-lymphocyte irradiation takes into account all sources of exposure and age-related dynamics of T-lymphocytes: (1) exposure of lymphocyte progenitors in red bone marrow: (2) exposure of T-lymphocytes in the lymphoid organs, taking into account the proportion of resident lymphocytes and the residence time of circulating lymphocytes in the specific lymphoid organs. The objective of the study is to assess the dose coefficients allowing for the transition from the ingestion of 141,144Ce, 95Zr, 103,106Ru, 95Nb to the doses accumulated in circulating T-lymphocytes. For calculations, we used the dose coefficients from ICRP publications for specific lymphoid organs, as well as published data on the residence time of circulating lymphocytes in lymphoid organs and tissues. As a result, it was shown that the doses in circulating T-lymphocytes are higher than those in the red bone marrow, but lower than the doses to the colon wall. The dose coefficients were age dependent; the maximum values were typical for newborns. The obtained dose coefficients for 141,144Ce, 95Zr, 95Nb and 103,106Ru can be used to estimate the tissue and organ doses based on data on the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 237 ◽  
pp. 106667
Huiyuan Xue ◽  
Yefeng Zhang ◽  
Na Chen ◽  
Han Gao ◽  
Qixuan Zhang ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 106661
Maria Zankl ◽  
José-María Gómez Ros ◽  
Montserrat Moraleda ◽  
Uwe Reichelt ◽  
Deepak K. Akar ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Vera Höllriegl ◽  
Nina Petoussi-Henss ◽  
Kerstin Hürkamp ◽  
Juan Camilo Ocampo Ramos ◽  
Wei Bo Li

Abstract Purpose Ra-223 dichloride (223Ra, Xofigo®) is used for treatment of patients suffering from castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer. The objective of this work was to apply the most recent biokinetic model for radium and its progeny to show their radiopharmacokinetic behaviour. Organ absorbed doses after intravenous injection of 223Ra were estimated and compared to clinical data and data of an earlier modelling study. Methods The most recent systemic biokinetic model of 223Ra and its progeny, developed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), as well as the ICRP human alimentary tract model were applied for the radiopharmacokinetic modelling of Xofigo® biodistribution in patients after bolus administration. Independent kinetics were assumed for the progeny of 223Ra. The time activity curves for 223Ra were modelled and the time integrated activity coefficients, $$ \overset{\sim }{a}\left({r}_S,{T}_D\right), $$ a ~ r S T D , in the source regions for each progeny were determined. For estimating the organ absorbed doses, the Specific Absorbed Fractions (SAF) and dosimetric framework of ICRP were used together with the aforementioned $$ \overset{\sim }{a}\left({r}_S,{T}_D\right) $$ a ~ r S T D values. Results The distribution of 223Ra after injection showed a rapid plasma clearance and a low urinary excretion. Main elimination was via faeces. Bone retention was found to be about 30% at 4 h post-injection. Similar tendencies were observed in clinical trials of other authors. The highest absorbed dose coefficients were found for bone endosteum, liver and red marrow, followed by kidneys and colon. Conclusion The biokinetic modelling of 223Ra and its progeny may help to predict their distributions in patients after administration of Xofigo®. The organ dose coefficients of this work showed some variation to the values reported from clinical studies and an earlier compartmental modelling study. The dose to the bone endosteum was found to be lower by a factor of ca. 3 than previously estimated.

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