organ doses
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2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
V. K. Ivanov ◽  
S. Yu. Chekin ◽  
A. V. Lopatkin ◽  
A. N. Menyajlo ◽  
M. A. Maksioutov ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Hawon Lee ◽  
Andreu Badal

Dental imaging is one of the most common types of diagnostic radiological procedures in modern medicine. We introduce a comprehensive table of organ doses received by patients in dental imaging procedures extracted from literature and a new web application to visualize the summarized dose information. We analyzed articles, published after 2010, from PubMed on organ and effective doses delivered by dental imaging procedures, including intraoral radiography, panoramic radiography, and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and summarized doses by dosimetry method, machine model, patient age, and technical parameters. Mean effective doses delivered by intraoral, 1.32 (0.60–2.56) μSv, and panoramic, 17.93 (3.47–75.00) μSv, procedures were found to be about1% and 15% of that delivered by CBCT, 121.09 (17.10–392.20) μSv, respectively. In CBCT imaging, child phantoms received about 29% more effective dose than the adult phantoms received. The effective dose of a large field of view (FOV) (>150 cm2) was about 1.6 times greater than that of a small FOV (<50 cm2). The maximum CBCT effective dose with a large FOV for children, 392.2 μSv, was about 13% of theeffective dose that a person receives on average every year from natural radiation, 3110 μSv. Monte Carlo simulations of representative cases of the three dental imaging procedures were then conducted to estimate and visualize the dose distribution within the head. The user-friendly interactive web application (available at receives user input, such as the number of intraoral radiographs taken, and displays total organ and effective doses, dose distribution maps, and a comparison with other medical and natural sources of radiation. The web dose calculator provides a practical resource for patients interested in understanding the radiation doses delivered by dental imaging procedures.

2021 ◽  
pp. 110065
A. Alem-Bezoubiri ◽  
Suleiman Ameir Suleiman ◽  
I. Bahidj ◽  
H. Mazrou ◽  
A.C. Chami

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. R140-R151
Heinrich Eder ◽  
Helmut Schlattl

Abstract This review article provides an overview on the results of studies conducted by the authors to improve the current personal protection concept in the clinical application of x-rays. With the aid of personal dose equivalent measurements during radiologically guided clinical interventions, laboratory tests using the Alderson-Rando phantom as well as Monte Carlo simulations various x-ray application scenarios were investigated. The organ doses and the effective doses of staff persons standing near the patient were determined. The 3D-attenuation properties of protective clothing under the scattered radiation emitted by the patient play a special role here. With regard to the minimisation of the quantity ‘effective dose’ the protection of the lower body from the gonads to the chest is of particular importance, since 80% of the effective dose is contributed by this region of the body. In contrast, protection of the back plays a subordinate role. Protective aprons optimised in terms of effective dose can be significantly lighter than conventional aprons, providing equal protection. The assessment of the attenuation properties of protective clothing should be based on the risk-related dose quantity, effective dose, rather than lead equivalent. In the future, the evaluation of radiation protective clothing could be based on the calculation of the effective dose assuming standardised irradiation conditions.

Keith T. Griffin ◽  
Tatsuhiko Sato ◽  
Sachiyo Funamoto ◽  
Konstantin Chizhov ◽  
Sean Domal ◽  

AbstractThe radiation exposure estimates for the atomic bomb survivors at Hiroshima and Nagasaki have evolved over the past several decades, reflecting a constant strive by the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) to provide thorough dosimetry to their cohort. Recently, a working group has introduced a new series of anatomical models, called the J45 phantom series, which improves upon those currently used at RERF through greater age resolution, sex distinction, anatomical realism, and organ dose availability. To evaluate the potential dosimetry improvements that would arise from their use in an RERF Dosimetry System, organ doses in the J45 series are evaluated here using environmental fluence data for 20 generalized survivor scenarios pulled directly from the current dosimetry system. The energy- and angle-dependent gamma and neutron fluences were converted to a source term for use in MCNP6, a modern Monte Carlo radiation transport code. Overall, the updated phantom series would be expected to provide dose improvements to several important organs, including the active marrow, colon, and stomach wall (up to 20, 20, and 15% impact on total dose, respectively). The impacts were especially significant for neutron dose estimates (up to a two-fold difference) and within organs which were unavailable in the previous phantom series. These impacts were consistent across the 20 scenarios and are potentially even greater when biological effectiveness of the neutron dose component is considered. The entirety of the dosimetry results for all organs are available as supplementary data, providing confident justification for potential future DS workflows utilizing the J45 phantom series.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Wiam Elshami ◽  
Huseyin Ozan Tekin ◽  
Shams A. M. Issa ◽  
Mohamed M. Abuzaid ◽  
Hesham M. H. Zakaly ◽  

Purpose: The study aimed to design and validate computational phantoms (MIRD) using the MCNPX code to assess the impact of shielding on organ doses.Method: To validate the optimized phantom, the obtained results were compared with experimental results. The validation of the optimized MIRD phantom was provided by using the results of a previous anthropomorphic phantom study. MIRD phantom was designed by considering the parameters used in the anthropomorphic phantom study. A test simulation was performed to compare the dose reduction percentages (%) between the experimental anthropomorphic phantom study and the MCNPX-MIRD phantom. The simulation was performed twice, with and without shielding materials, using the same number and locations of the detector.Results: The absorbed dose amounts were directly extracted from the required organ and tissue cell parts of output files. Dose reduction percentages between the simulation with shielding and simulation without shielding were compared. The highest dose reduction was noted in the thymus (95%) and breasts (88%). The obtained dose reduction percentages between the anthropomorphic phantom study and the MCNPX-MIRD phantom were highly consistent and correlated values with experimental anthropomorphic data. Both methods showed Relative Difference (%) ranges between 0.88 and 2.22. Moreover, the MCNPX-MIRD optimized phantom provides detailed dose analysis for target and non-target organs and can be used to assess the efficiency of shielding in radiological examination.Conclusion: Shielding breasts and eyes during cervical radiography reduced the radiation dose to many organs. The decision to not shield patients should be based on research evidence as this approach does not apply to all cases.

Werner Hofmann ◽  
Herbert Lettner ◽  
Alexander Hubmer

Three therapeutic applications are presently prescribed in the radon spas in Gastein, Austria: exposure to radon in a thermal bath, exposure to radon vapor in an exposure chamber (vapor bath), and exposure to radon in the thermal gallery, a former mine. The radiological exposure pathways to human organs and tissues in these therapeutic radon applications are inhalation of radon and radon progeny via the lungs, radon transfer from water or air through the skin, and radon-progeny deposition on the skin in water or air. The objectives of the present study were to calculate radon and radon-progeny doses for selected organs and tissues for the different exposure pathways and therapeutic applications. Doses incurred in red bone marrow, liver, kidneys, and Langerhans cells in the skin may be correlated with potential therapeutic benefits, while doses to the lungs and the basal cells of the skin indicate potential carcinogenic effects. The highest organ doses among the three therapeutic applications were produced in the thermal gallery by radon progeny via inhalation, with lung doses of 5.0 mSv, and attachment to the skin, with skin doses of 4.4 mSv, while the radon contribution was less significant. For comparison, the primary exposure pathways in the thermal bath are the radon uptake through the skin, with lung doses of 334 μSv, and the radon-progeny attachment to the skin, with skin doses of 216 μSv, while the inhalation route can safely be neglected.

J. Bazoma ◽  
G. B. Dallou ◽  
P. Ondo Meye ◽  
C. Bouka Biona ◽  
Saïdou ◽  

The present study aimed at estimating organ and effective doses from computed tomography (CT) scans of paediatric patients in three hospitals in Brazzaville, Congo Republic. A total of 136 data on paediatric patients, from 0.25 (3 months) to 15 years old, who underwent head, chest, abdomen – pelvis (AP) and chest – abdomen – pelvis (CAP) CT scans was considered. The approach followed in the present study to compute organ doses was to use pre-calculated volume CT dose index (CTDIvol) – and 100 milliampere-second (mAs) – normalized organ doses determined by Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. Effective dose were then derived using the international commission on radiological protection (ICRP) publications 60 and 103 formalism. For comparison purposes, effective dose were also computed using dose-length product (DLP) – to – effective dose conversion factors. A relatively high variation in organ and effective doses was observed in each age group due to the dependence of patient dose on the practice of technicians who perform the CT scan within the same facility or from one facility to another, patient size and lack of adequate training of technicians. In the particular case of head scan, the brain and the eye lens were delivered maximum absorbed doses of 991.81 mGy and 1176.51 mGy, respectively (age group 10-15 y). The maximum absorbed dose determined for the red bone marrow was 246.08 mGy (age group 1-5 y). This is of concern as leukaemia and brain tumours are the most common childhood cancers and as the ICRP recommended absorbed dose threshold for induction of cataract is largely exceeded. Effective doses derived from MC calculations and ICRP publications 60 and 103 tissues weighting factors showed a 0.40-17.61 % difference while the difference between effective doses derived by the use of k- factors and those obtained by MC calculations ranges from 0.06 to 224.87 %. The study has shown that urgent steps should be taken in order to significantly reduce doses to paediatric patients to levels observed in countries where dose reduction techniques are successfully applied.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 18-28
E. I. Tolstykh ◽  
M. O. Degteva ◽  
A. V. Akleyev

Assessment of the lymphocyte doses is relevant for solving a number of radiobiological problems, including the risk assessment of hemoblastosis (leukemia, multiple myeloma, lymphoma etc.), as well as the use of circulating lymphocytes as “natural biodosimeters”. The latter is because the frequency of chromosomal aberrations occurring in lymphocytes following radiation exposure is proportional to the accumulated dose. Assessment of doses to the circulating lymphocytes requires due account of: first, the dose accumulated by the lymphocyte progenitors in the red bone marrow; and second, the dose accumulated during lymphocyte circulation through lymphoid organs. The models presented by International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP-67, ICRP-100) allow calculating the dose for specific lymphoid organs based on known level of radionuclide intakes. A recently developed model of circulating T-lymphocyte irradiation takes into account all sources of exposure and age-related dynamics of T-lymphocytes: (1) exposure of lymphocyte progenitors in red bone marrow: (2) exposure of T-lymphocytes in the lymphoid organs, taking into account the proportion of resident lymphocytes and the residence time of circulating lymphocytes in the specific lymphoid organs. The objective of the study is to assess the dose coefficients allowing for the transition from the ingestion of 141,144Ce, 95Zr, 103,106Ru, 95Nb to the doses accumulated in circulating T-lymphocytes. For calculations, we used the dose coefficients from ICRP publications for specific lymphoid organs, as well as published data on the residence time of circulating lymphocytes in lymphoid organs and tissues. As a result, it was shown that the doses in circulating T-lymphocytes are higher than those in the red bone marrow, but lower than the doses to the colon wall. The dose coefficients were age dependent; the maximum values were typical for newborns. The obtained dose coefficients for 141,144Ce, 95Zr, 95Nb and 103,106Ru can be used to estimate the tissue and organ doses based on data on the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 56-68
V. Yu. Golikov ◽  
A. V. Vodovatov ◽  
L. A. Chipiga ◽  
I. G. Shatsky

The aim of the study was to develop a methodology for assessing radiation risk for patients undergoing medical examinations in the Russian Federation. The methodology is based on the risk model of the ICRP Publication 103, the coefficients of lifetime radiation risk for the Russian population and the results of evaluating the doses of patients in the Russian Federation. For thirty examinations that define about 80% of the collective dose of the population of the Russian Federation from medical exposure, the radiation risk was calculated using «gold standard», — the organ doses and the corresponding sex/age risk coefficients for the Russian population. For other examinations (with the exception of mammography) the values of the risk coefficients normalized on 1 mSv of effective dose, which is the averaged value for four selected anatomical areas of the body: head, neck, chest and abdominal cavity — pelvis, were used. It is assumed that for such examinations the error of risk assessment will increase relative to the error of risk assessment for the aforementioned 30 examinations not more than 30%. It is shown that risk estimates for some examinations calculated using the “gold standard” may differ from such estimates on the base of effective dose and nominal risk coefficients averaged by age and the sex to the order of magnitude. 

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