strombolian activity
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2022 ◽  
Penny Wieser ◽  
Marie Edmonds ◽  
Cheryl Gansecki ◽  
John Maclennan ◽  
Frances Jenner ◽  

Magmas with matrix glass compositions ranging from basalt to dacite erupted from a series of 24 fissures in the first two weeks of the 2018 Lower East Rift Zone (LERZ) eruption of Kīlauea Volcano. Eruption styles ranged from low spattering and fountaining to strombolian activity. Major element trajectories in matrix glasses and melt inclusions hosted by olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase are consistent with variable amounts of fractional crystallization, with incompatible elements (e.g., Cl, F, H2O) becoming enriched by 4-5 times as melt MgO contents evolve from 6 to 0.5 wt%. The high viscosity and high H2O contents (~2 wt%) of the dacitic melts erupting at Fissure 17 account for the explosive Strombolian behavior exhibited by this fissure, in contrast to the low fountaining and spattering observed at fissures erupting basaltic to basaltic-andesite melts. Saturation pressures calculated from melt inclusions CO2-H2O contents indicate that the magma reservoir(s) supplying these fissures was located at ~2-3 km depth, which is in agreement with the depth of a dacitic magma body intercepted during drilling in 2005 (~2.5 km) and a seismically-imaged low Vp/Vs anomaly (~2 km depth). Nb/Y ratios in erupted products are similar to lavas erupted between 1955-1960, indicating that melts were stored and underwent variable amounts of crystallization in the LERZ for >60 years before being remobilized by a dike intrusion in 2018. We demonstrate that extensive fractional crystallization generates viscous and volatile-rich magma with potential for hazardous explosive eruptions, which may be lurking undetected at many ocean island volcanoes.

Volcanica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 295-307
Christopher Waythomas

Historical eruptions of Veniaminof Volcano, Alaska have all occurred at a 300-m-high cinder cone within the icefilled caldera that characterizes the volcano. At least six of nineteen historical eruptions involved simultaneous explosive and effusive activity from separate vents. Eruptions in 1944, 1983–1984, 1993–1994, 2013, 2018 and 2021 included periods of explosive ash-producing Strombolian activity from summit vents and simultaneous nonexplosive effusion of lava from flank vents on either the southern or northeast sides of the cone. A T-junction conduit network is proposed to explain the simultaneous eruptive styles and as a mechanism for gas-magma segregation that must occur to produce the observed activity. Historical eruptions with simultaneous summit and flank activity produced slightly higher rising ash clouds compared to historical eruptions where simultaneous activity did not occur. This could be a consequence of the partitioning of more gas-charged magma into the vertical conduit of a T-junction conduit system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 944
Sonia Calvari ◽  
Flora Giudicepietro ◽  
Federico Di Traglia ◽  
Alessandro Bonaccorso ◽  
Giovanni Macedonio ◽  

Strombolian activity varies in magnitude and intensity and may evolve into a threat for the local populations living on volcanoes with persistent or semi-persistent activity. A key example comes from the activity of Stromboli volcano (Italy). The “ordinary” Strombolian activity, consisting in intermittent ejection of bombs and lapilli around the eruptive vents, is sometimes interrupted by high-energy explosive events (locally called major or paroxysmal explosions), which can affect very large areas. Recently, the 3 July 2019 explosive paroxysm at Stromboli volcano caused serious concerns in the local population and media, having killed one tourist while hiking on the volcano. Major explosions, albeit not endangering inhabited areas, often produce a fallout of bombs and lapilli in zones frequented by tourists. Despite this, the classification of Strombolian explosions on the basis of their intensity derives from measurements that are not always replicable (i.e., field surveys). Hence the need for a fast, objective and quantitative classification of explosive activity. Here, we use images of the monitoring camera network, seismicity and ground deformation data, to characterize and distinguish paroxysms, impacting the whole island, from major explosions, that affect the summit of the volcano above 500 m elevation, and from the persistent, mild explosive activity that normally has no impact on the local population. This analysis comprises 12 explosive events occurring at Stromboli after 25 June 2019 and is updated to 6 December 2020.

2020 ◽  
Vol 83 (1) ◽  
G. Giordano ◽  
G. De Astis

AbstractStromboli is an active, open conduit mafic volcano, whose persistent mild Strombolian activity is occasionally punctuated by much stronger explosions, known as paroxysms. During summer 2019, the volcano unexpectedly produced one such paroxysm on July 3, followed by intense explosive and intermittent effusive activity culminating in a second paroxysm on August 28. Visual observations and the analysis of the fall deposits associated with the two paroxysms allowed us to reconstruct ballistic exit velocities of up to 160 m s−1. Plume heights of ~ 8.4 km and 6.4 km estimated for the two events correspond to mass eruption rates of 1.1 × 106 kg s−1 and 3.6 × 105 kg s−1, respectively. This is certainly an underestimate as directional pyroclastic flows into which mass was partitioned immediately formed, triggering small tsunamis at the sea entrance. The mass of ballistic spatters and blocks erupted during the July 3 event formed a continuous cover at the summit of the volcano, with a mass calculated at ~ 1.4 × 108 kg. The distribution of fall deposits of both the July 3 and August 28 events suggests that pyroclasts characterized by terminal fall velocities < 10–20 m s−1 remained fully suspended within the convective region of the plume and did not fall at distances closer than ca 1700 m to the vent. Based on the impulsive, blast-like phenomenology of paroxysms as well as the deposit distribution and type, paroxysms are classified as basaltic Vulcanian in style. The evolution of the summer 2019 eruptive events was not properly captured within the framework of the alert level system which is focused on tsunamigenic processes, and this is discussed so as to provide elements for the implementation of the reference scenarios and an upgrade of the system to take into account such events. In particular we find that, although still largely unpredictable, at least at operational time scales, and not necessarily tsunamigenic, Vulcanian eruptions and the subsequent evolution of the eruptive phenomena should be considered for the alert level system. This serves as a warning to the implementation of alert systems where the unexpected needs to be taken into account, even at systems that are believed to be relatively “predictable” as is the case at many persistently active, open vent mafic systems.

2019 ◽  
Glenn Thompson

The main ash-producing phase of the 1999 eruption of Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska, occurred on April 19 and ejected ash as high as 16 km asl. High levels of tremor persisted for more than 18 hours, but ash production probably lasted less than 4 hours. The total erupted volume of the April 19 event was estimated to be at least 2.0 x 107 m3 DRE. Upper level winds transported mainly sulfur dioxide to the north above 10 km altitude, and mainly ash to the south below that level. The relationship between seismicity and ash cloud production changed following the April 19 event. Episodes of strong amplitude tremor from April 21 to 24 were associated with strong strombolian activity, but very little ash was produced that could be detected in satellite images. On several occasions in late May, extensive ash plumes were detected in AVHRR and GOES images, but seismic levels during these times of ash production remained at low-levels. Satellite data suggest that the ash produced during the May events contained more fine particles than that produced by the April 19 event.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Salvatore Gambino ◽  
Marco Aloisi ◽  
Giuseppe Di Grazia ◽  
Giuseppe Falzone ◽  
Angelo Ferro ◽  

Over the last few years, three tilt deep stations (27-30 meters) have been set up in the summit area of Mount Etna volcano. The aim of this challenging project is to record the ground deformations of the summit craters activity with high precision. We considered data related to the August 23-26, 2018, Strombolian and effusive activity. In this case, tiltmeters recorded variations in the order of 10−7 radians, not observed at the other stations. These changes suggest a shallow contraction source just south of the Southeast Crater. This result, related to the volcanic tremor source, points to the presence of a gas/magma reservoir feeding the Strombolian activity at 1200 m above sea level.

2017 ◽  
Lucia Gurioli ◽  
Andrea Di Muro ◽  
Ivan Vlastélic ◽  
Séverine Moune ◽  
Nicolas Villeneuve ◽  

Abstract. The 2014 eruption at Piton de La Fournaise (PdF), la Reunion, which occurred after 41 months of quiescence, began with surprisingly little precursory activity, and was one of the smallest so far observed at PdF in terms of duration (less than 2 days) and volume (less than 0.4 Mm3). The pyroclastic material was composed of spiny-opaque, spiny-iridescent, and fluidal scoria along with golden pumice. Density analyses performed on 200 lapilli reveal that the spiny-opaque clasts are the densest (1600 kg/m3) and richest in crystals (54 vol%), and the golden pumices are the lightest (400 kg/m3) and poorest in crystals (14 vol%). The connectivity data indicate that the fluidal and golden (Hawaiian-like) clasts have more isolated vesicles (up to 40 %) than the spiny (Strombolian-like) clasts (0–5 %). These textural variations are linked to primary pre-eruptive magma storage conditions. The golden and fluidal fragments track the hotter portion of the melt, in contrast to the spiny fragments which mirror the cooler portion of the shallow reservoir. Progressive tapping of these distinct portions leads to a decrease in the explosive intensity from early fountaining to Strombolian activity. The geochemical results confirm the absence of new hot input of magma and confirm the involvement of a single, shallow, differentiated magma source, possibly related to residual magma from the November 2009 eruption. We found that the eruption was triggered by water exsolution, favoured by the shallow depth of the reservoir, rather than cooling and chemical evolution of the stored magma.

2016 ◽  
Vol 121 (7) ◽  
pp. 4923-4942 ◽  
Jost von der Lieth ◽  
Matthias Hort

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