cerebral vascular accident
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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (16) ◽  
pp. e480101624208
Francisco Anderson Mariano da Silva ◽  
Tiago Silva da Silva ◽  
Ezequiel Roberto Zorzal

It is noticeable that more and more medical professionals have been searching for strategies to keep people engaged both in the recovery processes (cognitive or physical) and in the teaching part. It is possible to observe that the insertion of Serious Games has been offering this innovative possibility, which allows the development of new possibilities for several areas of knowledge. This study aims to carry out a review on the use of Serious Games in Medicine, exploring how the method has been used. The methodology used was a systematic review. Articles published from 2015 to 2020 in indexed in three databases such as IEEE, Scopus, Scielo, among others, were searched. If used correctly, the Serious Games can help in the rehabilitation process of patients affected by some sequelae caused by stroke (CVA - Cerebral Vascular Accident), and also in the rehabilitation process of people with degenerative problems. It was also possible to observe that SG can be used as motivating and engaging tools for medical students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 120-124
Mohamed Lelouma Mansare ◽  
Kamadore Toure ◽  
Moustapha Ndiaye ◽  
Amadou Gallo Diop

2021 ◽  
Talita Costa Barbosa ◽  
Lindemberg Barbosa Júnior ◽  
Beatriz Novelli de Oliveira ◽  
Laís Teixeira da Cunha Moraes ◽  
Marcela Marchiori Bortoli ◽  

Introduction: Stroke is one of the most relevant public health problems, be ing one of the most prevalent pathologies and one of the main causes of tem porary or permanent disability. Stroke patients are discharged from the hospi tal with sequelae such as inability to communicate, triggering social isolation and consequent depressive conditions. In addition, you may develop residual functional disability that is a source of dependency in activities of daily living. Objective: To analyze the prevalence of hospitalizations for stroke in different regions of Brazil, for a better understanding of this pathology. Methods: The study carried out was an epidemiological study. Statistical data from the database of the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), from February 2020 to February 2021, were used, using the unspecified hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke filters, North region, Northeast, South, Southeast and Midwest. Results: The regions with the highest incidence were the Southeast region, followed by the Northeast region, between February 2020 and February 2021. The total number of cases was 163209. Thus, the representative percentage of hospitalizations in the Southeast region was 43, 11% of total hospitalizations for the entire period. In the Northeast region, it was 27.26%. Conclusion: Thus, according to the results presented, it is concluded that the high est incidence of cases is in the Southeast, followed by the Northeast. This fact may be closely related to risk factors and quality of life. Therefore, the knowledge of this statistic is extremely important so that interventions can be developed to mitigate this case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. e238775
Muyinat Y Osoba ◽  
Alexander L Schneider ◽  
Borislav Alexiev ◽  
Akihiro J Matsuoka

A 50-year-old African American woman with hypertension, congestive heart failure, chronic kidney disease and prior cerebral vascular accident was transferred from an outside hospital after being found unresponsive and subsequently intubated for severe orolingual swelling. Imaging showed left thalamic haemorrhagic stroke, and the lingual swelling was clinically concerning for angio-oedema, with which a lingual biopsy was consistent. Work-up was negative for hereditary or acquired angio-oedema, and imaging was negative for structural causes. Of note, the patient had an episode of severe orolingual swelling 3 months prior to this presentation after suffering left thalamic haemorrhage which self-resolved after approximately 2 months. In both episodes lingual swelling predated receipt of tissue plasminogen activator and she had discontinued ACE inhibitor therapy since her first episode of tongue swelling. Despite medical and supportive management, tongue swelling progressed during admission and the decision was made to allow the patient’s tongue swelling to self-resolve.

2020 ◽  
Vol XXI (2 (Supplement)) ◽  
pp. 81
Elena Rabolu

Worldwide, cerebral vascular accident is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. According to the World Health Organization, 6,5 million cerebrovascular accident- induced deaths were recorded in 2011. In Romania, the cerebrovascular accident is the third mortality cause, after cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The number of cerebral vasculo-circulatory diseases continues to grow, due to atherosclerosis and high blood pressure frequency. Physical therapy aims to help patients gradually recover the range of motion in their lower and upper limbs, reduce oedema, prevent bed sores, prevent or reduce joint stiffness, as well as recover the ability to perform day to day activities. The purpose of this paper was to highlight physical therapy’s beneficial outcome when applied individualised to a patient having had a cerebral vascular accident with a view to improving the psycho- motor and sensory imbalances accompanying this diagnosis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 178-185
Fernandes ALM ◽  
Araujo AHSL ◽  
Fonseca CC ◽  
Pinto CDC ◽  
Mata DS ◽  

Cerebrovascular disease (CVD) is a neurological medical emergency and one of the main causes of death worldwide; it is classified as ischemic or hemorrhagic. The disease is one of the most severe clinical events related to pregnancy due to thrombogenesis and thrombophilia; there is an incidence of 25 to 34 CVD per 100 thousand births. The current research reports two cases of stroke episode, one previous and another during pregnancy, as well as their associated complications. The first patient had hereditary thrombophilia caused by PAI 4G/5G polymorphism and previous stroke; however, she had regular pregnancy. The second patient had hereditary thrombophilia caused by protein C deficit, had a stroke during pregnancy, and preeclampsia in the first gestational semester; therefore, she was subjected to the cesarean section on the 35th week of pregnancy. Stroke episodes during pregnancy can be very aggressive because it can lead to death or disabilities, not only in the mother but also in the fetus. Based on the association between thrombotic processes and complications, prophylactic anticoagulant therapy is recommended for women with thrombophilia who had a stroke and/or certain adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as recurrent miscarriages.

Tatiana Ferreira da Costa ◽  
Cláudia Jeane Lopes Pimenta ◽  
Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega ◽  
Maria das Graças Melo Fernandes ◽  
Jordana de Almeida Nogueira ◽  

Objective: to analyze the psychometric properties of the adapted version of Bakas Caregiving Outcome Scale for Brazilian Portuguese. Method: this is a cross-sectional methodological study conducted with 151 informal caregivers of people with cerebral vascular accident sequelae enrolled in Family Health Units. To assess reliability, Cronbach’s alpha was used. Construct validity was verified through exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and correlation with measures of instruments that evaluate correlated constructs. Results: Cronbach’s alpha for the total BCOS score was 0.89. Factor and exploratory analysis generated a one-factor structure, which was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. Construct validity was supported by the high positive correlations with Negative Affect (r = 0.51) and Negative Experience (r = 0.47) of the Well-being Scale and the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale -21 (r = 0.53) and negative correlations with Positive Affect (r =-0.47) and Positive Experience (r = -0.17) of the Well-being scale. Conclusion: Bakas Caregiving Outcome Scale shows evidence of satisfactory reliability and validity in family caregivers of cerebral vascular accident survivors.

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