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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-134
Torcoroma Velásquez Pérez ◽  
Andrés Mauricio Puentes Velásquez ◽  
Hugo Fernando Castro Silva

La sociedad, en la actualidad enfrenta infinidad de cambios, transformaciones y obstáculos que han surgido del acontecer cotidiano, uno de ellos vinculado a la pandemia del COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2); otros reflejado en el incremento del flujo migratorio que se vive en el país hermano Venezuela, donde las cifras no son nada alentadoras, y la crisis socio-económica cada vez se acentúa más; por tal razón, la presente investigación se plantea como objetivo: develar el impacto de los multiculturalismos y la constrastación de las políticas en las instituciones educativas de la frontera colombo – venezolana, eje de acción: Cúcuta, Villa del Rosario, La Parada (Colombia) y San Antonio de Táchira (Venezuela). Investigación realizada bajo los preceptos de la complementariedad metodológica (cuali-cuantitativos) apoyado en referentes ontológicos, epistemológicos y gnoseológicos basados en la interpretación, análisis y la reflexión (análisis hermenéutico), complementados con elementos de la estadística descriptiva (porcentajes), lo cual determina el nivel de impacto de los multiculturalismos en las realidades de la educación fronteriza y su relación las con políticas públicas educativas.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Zhiming Zhang ◽  
Dibyendu Sarkar ◽  
Virinder Sidhu ◽  
Manas Warke ◽  
Rupali Datta

Lead (Pb) contamination in soils of residential properties due to peeling and chipping of Pb-based paint can cause human health problems. Phytoextraction is a green technology that has the potential to remediate soil Pb. The efficiency of phytoextraction is dependent on the geochemical forms of Pb in soil. A biodegradable chelating agent, ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS), was previously shown to enhance Pb removal by facilitating phytoextraction. In this study, EDDS was tested at various concentrations for its potential in mobilizing Pb in urban residential soils in Jersey City, New Jersey, and San Antonio, Texas. Results show that the concentrations of plant-available forms of Pb increased with the increasing dosage of EDDS from 2 to 30 mmol/L. The addition of EDDS at 30 mmol/L resulted in the conversion of up to 61.2% and 68.9% of the total Pb to plant-available forms in Jersey City and San Antonio soils, respectively. Further analysis showed that, after EDDS application, carbonate-bound Pb, oxide-bound Pb, organic-bound Pb, and residual silicate-bound Pb were transformed to plant-available forms. Higher doses of EDDS performed better than lower doses in transforming soil Pb forms, especially for the oxide-bound Pb. Strong correlations between Pb concentrations measured on-site using a portable X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer (p-XRF) and those obtained in the laboratory using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) confirmed that p-XRF is a reliable rapid, convenient technology to measure Pb levels in situ.

2022 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
Ernesto Hernández-Mendiola ◽  
Francisco Martín-Romero ◽  
Diana Meza-Figueroa ◽  
Berenice Hernández-Cruz ◽  
L. Gerardo Martínez-Jardines ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Sagar Samtani ◽  
Weifeng Li ◽  
Victor Benjamin ◽  
Hsinchun Chen

To increase situational awareness, major cybersecurity platforms offer Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) about emerging cyber threats, key threat actors, and their modus operandi. However, this intelligence is often reactive, as it analyzes event log files after attacks have already occurred, lacking more active scrutiny of potential threats brewing in cyberspace before an attack has occurred. One intelligence source receiving significant attention is the Dark Web, where significant quantities of malicious hacking tools and other cyber assets are hosted. We present the AZSecure Hacker Assets Portal (HAP). The Dark Web-based HAP collects, analyzes, and reports on the major Dark Web data sources to offer unique perspective of hackers, their cybercriminal assets, and their intentions and motivations, ultimately contributing CTI insights to improve situational awareness. HAP currently supports 200+ users internationally from academic institutions such as UT San Antonio and National Taiwan University, law enforcement entities such as Calgary and Ontario Provincial Police, and industry organizations including General Electric and PayPal.

2021 ◽  
pp. 001112872110647
Wanda E. Leal ◽  
Alex R. Piquero ◽  
Justin Kurland ◽  
Nicole Leeper Piquero ◽  
Elizabeth L. Gloyd

The current study investigates the effects of coronavirus restrictions on family violence in the seventh largest city in the country, San Antonio, Texas. Two streams of data were used to evaluate the potential change between what occurred during the lockdown period versus what would have been expected, including the COVID-19 Government Response Stringency Index and police calls for service from the San Antonio Police Department. The methodological approach used takes advantage of feature engineering, various machine learning time series forecasting techniques commonly leveraged in financial technical analysis, as well as cross-validation for optimized model selection. These techniques have not been considered in previous domestic or family violence-related research. During the lockdown period in San Antonio, we observed a larger than expected increase in calls to police for family violence incidents. Specifically, an increase of over fourteen percent of police calls for family incidents was observed. The findings of the current study suggest that social service and social welfare agencies consider and plan for how future pandemics or other major disasters will affect the incidence of family violence and take appropriate steps now to bolster resources and scale up for the future.

Antonio Méndez Rubio

Francisco Silvera, Los camaleones (Memoria punk), Úbeda: Fundación Huerta de San Antonio, 2021, 176 págs.

2021 ◽  
Elizabeth A Poindexter ◽  
Amanda Rodriguez ◽  
Timothy Switaj

ABSTRACT Virtual health and secure messaging gained newfound relevance in medicine during the coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 pandemic. For a military trainee health care clinic located on Joint Base San Antonio, the McWethy Troop Medical Clinic (TMC), implementation of virtual health and secure messaging services meant decreased risk of COVID-19 exposure for trainees and clinical staff. Through ongoing utilization, these services also made impacts to reduce loss of instruction time and improve access to care for the McWethy TMC trainee population. In defining the challenges, successes, and future implications for virtual health and secure messaging at the McWethy TMC, key lessons emerge for other military trainee clinics. The key concepts explored in this article are virtual health and secure messaging.

Militza Alvarez Machuca ◽  
María Elena Zuñiga Villegas ◽  
Anne Díaz Buendía ◽  
Daniel Rubén Tacca Huamán

Natural disasters, apart from economic losses, can also affect family functioning and life satisfaction due to the adverse events that are experienced. Therefore, the main purpose of the research was to know the relation between the family functionality and satisfaction with life in the community of San Antonio del Pedregal - Sector 1 in Lurigancho-Chosica, Peru; one of the geographical areas most affected by the presence of huaicos (frequent large floods in the Andean highlands) since the 1980s and that has recently experienced the adverse effects of the El Niño phenomenon of 2017. The research was correlational and transversal; furthermore, the study sample consisted of 180 local people. The results indicate that, despite the events experienced, people show moderate family functioning and are satisfied with their life. Women had a higher score in both variables compared to men, those over 60 years of age reported greater family functionality, and those under 30 years of age showed better results in life satisfaction.

Enunciación ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-206
Judith Kalman

En un restaurante en el centro de México, los dueños colocaron una figura de san Antonio de Padua, parado de cabeza. Al poco tiempo de inaugurarse, en apego al culto tradicional a san Antonio, los propietarios empezaron a encontrar cartas adheridas a la superficie del santo, por lo que decidieron ubicar un atril con un libro de actas donde comensales podrían escribirle una carta al santo. El contexto de un espacio con motivos religiosos en un restaurante creó un espacio híbrido de lo sagrado y lo profano, un contraste que se observa en las cartas que las comensales allí escribieron. La finalidad de este artículo es examinar algunas de estas cartas y explorar las semejanzas y diferencias entre ellas en su estructura, tono, uso de lenguaje y discurso. Se ilustra cómo las diferencias se explican por la coexistencia de posibles posicionamientos y prácticas sociales presentes en el mundo social de las autoras.

Relaciones ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. e016
Hernán Juan Muscio ◽  
Silvina Seguí ◽  
María Varde ◽  
Federico Ignacio Coloca ◽  
Lucía Rucci ◽  

Este trabajo discute patrones arqueológicos de las localidades de Nacimiento y Matancillas, Puna de Salta (Argentina), empleando unidades de análisis espacial de inclusividad decreciente y evidencia arquitectónica, zooarqueológica, cerámica y lítica. Mientras Nacimiento documenta un proceso de construcción de hábitats que formó extensos palimpsestos de distribuciones artefactuales, en Matancillas este proceso resultó en palimpsestos arquitectónicos menos extensos y con mayor agregación de sitios. Esto sugiere el predominio de estrategias de uso del espacio extensivo y temporario en Nacimiento desde finales del Holoceno temprano y mayor residencialidad y uso intensivo del espacio en Matancillas, resultante de condicionantes ecológicos para la ocupación humana de largo plazo, particularmente la desigual oferta hídrica, diferencias de altitud y la desigual distribución de los recursos de caza. Finalmente, se muestra cómo el registro arqueológico, abordado mediante distintas unidades espaciales, puede informar diferencias en las adaptaciones pasadas producto de condicionantes ecológicos a largo plazo de diferentes escalas.

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