marriage and divorce
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
سليمان ، محمد سليمان النور

women rights in regard to marriage and divorce, which had been endorsed by Sudanese personal statutes for 1991, also the actions to protect theses rights , with a comparing with Islamic law .   The research found that the Sudanese personal law has a strong trend towards expanding the adoption of most forms of these rights , even those which disputable among scholars.   In regarding to the protection of these rights, the mere letter of the law is considered as the basis upon which women can claim to get judiciary protection .   In addition to that the law includes many actions to protect these rights .   which have been detailed in the search.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (22) ◽  

Surname is an integral part of a person’s identity. However, surname which has many psychological and social meanings for the person is changed only for women after marriage. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to review the factors affecting women’s decisions regarding surname choice after marriage and divorce, as well as explaining the stereotypes and attitudes towards women who made traditional or untraditional name choices. In terms of the marital surname choice, women may adopt husband’s surname, hyphenate their birth surname and their husband’s surname, and retain only their birth surname. In this context, we presented not only related demographic variables such as age, socio-economic level, education level, and political orientation but also social psychological variables such as emphasis on family/motherhood, sexism, feminist identification, religiosity and perceived social norms. Then, studies focusing on the attitudes and stereotypes towards women who make different marital surname choices were presented. The traditional surname change was also considered in terms of patriarchy and gender-based discrimination. Additionally, possible effects of the post-divorce surname change on a woman's life were mentioned. In the conclusion part, the effects of surname change at the individual and societal level were discussed in parallel with the issues mentioned in the current article and further possible research ideas were suggested. Keywords: Surname change, surname choice, marriage, divorce, sexism, attitudes, stereotype

2021 ◽  
pp. 0192513X2110600
Wenhua Yan ◽  
Chengshi Huang ◽  
Lan Chen ◽  
Fengran Dong ◽  
Xuan Wu ◽  

The Chinese traditional system features a hierarchical familial culture. When confronted with individualization and autonomy in choices of marriage and divorce, the system remains resilient and intervenes in the lives of young families. To analyze the discourses of divorced urban young adults, 46 participants (23 women and 23 men) aged 24–39 years were recruited from various regions in China. Through an analysis of the stressors involved in marriage and divorce, the concrete values and the conceptions shared in a unitary system of traditions were elicited. The promise of stability in a marriage was the appeal of this system while the focus on offspring was the general interest with evolutionary elements that justify this system. The concept of the individual autonomy of divorce grew from marital experiences and would be confined to the traditional system if its appeal remains unchallenged.

2021 ◽  
Krista Kay Westrick-Payne ◽  
Wendy Manning ◽  
Lisa Carlson

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic marriage and divorce had been in decline across the United States. As more data are released evidence mounts that this pattern has persisted – and in some states been magnified—during the pandemic. The authors compared the change in yearly marriage and divorce counts prior to the beginning of the pandemic (change from 2018 to 2019) to estimate an expected number of marriages and divorces for the year 2020. By computing a p-score based on the expected and observed marriages and divorces in 2020 they determined whether individual states experienced shortfalls or surpluses of marital events. Of the 20 states with available data on marriages 18 experienced shortfalls (exceptions included Missouri and North Dakota) for an overall sample shortfall of nearly 11%. Regarding divorces, 31 of the 35 states with available data also experienced shortfalls (exceptions included Hawaii, Wyoming, Arizona, and Washington) for an overall sample shortfall of 12%.

2021 ◽  
pp. 139-153
Bakhytbek A. ZHANKUBAYEV ◽  
Gulnaz Kh. GANIYEVA ◽  

An increase in the birth rates and a decrease in mortality is currently one of the priority lines of the development of society. From a purely technocratic standpoint, development of the population should be based on accurate knowledge of the number of consumers and the movement of needs, without which it is impossible to solve many social problems in general. The paper addresses a question of the need to orient the economy towards the development of a person and the population as a whole. The purpose and objectives of the study were to identify the dynamics of the population size, natural increase, the main trends in the growth of birth rate, the analysis of the causes of death, including infant mortality, the study of the marriage and divorce rates, migration. In the main part of the paper, the indicators of the population size in the republic over the past 17 years and in recent years are considered, including: the main trends in population growth, factors affecting the growth and decrease in mortality, causes of infant mortality, migration balance, marriage and divorce rates, both in the republic as a whole and region-wise. In conclusion, proposals were made to create favourable conditions for the demographic growth of population of the republic. Today, the solution of problems in the field of demographic policy is becoming increasingly important. It is necessary to accurately determine the priority paths of demographic growth, taking into account the specifics of the development of the population of Kazakhstan. In the future, this would facilitate the solution of demographic problems in terms of improving the demographic situation, which will contribute to the prosperity of the whole state.

2021 ◽  
pp. 125-138
Nedim Begović ◽  
Emir Kovačević

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (16) ◽  
pp. 189-213
Dolunay ŞENOL ◽  
Sümeyye KILIÇ

In this study, in which the effect and consequences of gender roles and patriarchy on women's marriage and divorce experiences were tried to be understood, face-to-face interviews were conducted with twelve divorced women and a semi-structured interview from specially created for the study was used in the interviews. In line with masculine ideology and gender roles; It is possible to say that it is perceived and evaluated within the framework of private space, motherhood, body and honor. Accordingly, it is seen that women’s life is tried to be organized and disciplined on the basis of these ideological foundations in all processes before marriage, after marriage and after divorce. It is inevitable that women, who are not given equal opportunities and opportunities in access to education and working life as much as men, face much more severe situations in marriage and divorce processes. Depending on gender, it is understood that divorce creates different problems and grievances for women than man. In this study, the problems experienced by the divorced women before, during and after the divorce were evaluated only through the data of the interviews with the women included in the interview group and tried to be interpreted from a sociological point of view.

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