Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala
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1584-5397, 1583-3410

2021 ◽  
pp. 104-114
Shu-Ya CHANG ◽  
Chan-Fu CHUANG ◽  
Huan-Chang LIN ◽  
Hsiang-Chen HSU

Expatriates, during expatriation, would appear inadaptable feelings on work, life, and diet in different environment. Besides, expatriates, in medical technology industry, leaving home might neglect the family to result in imbalance between work and family. In this case, work-family conflict reveals the importance on expatriates. Expatriates in medical technology industry would appear psychosocial stress and conflict between work and life due to expatriation. Taking expatriates’ supervisors and expatriates in medical technology industry in southern Taiwan as the research object, total 360 copies of questionnaire are distributed, and the 278 valid copies are retrieved, with the retrieval rate 77%. The research results show that social support presents negative and significant effects on work-family conflict, work-family conflict reveals negative and remarkable effects on intention to stay, and social support appears positive effects on intention to stay. According to the results to propose suggestions, it is expected to provide healthy workplace in medical technology industry to improve expatriates’ work-family conflict and turnover.

Giulio D’URSO ◽  
Simone PARRETTA ◽  
Uberta Ganucci CANCELLIERI ◽  

The literature suggests that sex offenders are more at risk of relapse and how much treatment pathways are needed to prevent it. Furthermore, the picture of predisposing factors connected to relapse appears complex. Therefore, the aim of this work is to verify the framework of social-cognitive risk factors connected to relapse in sex offenders. Participants in the study are 128 male sex offenders. The age range of the participants goes from 21 to 75 years (M = 41.74; SD = 13.45). Participants were given self-report questionnaires to evaluate cognitive distortions towards children and towards the right to sexuality, the Hanson Sex Attitude Questionnaire; cognitive distortions towards women, the Vindictive Rape Attitude Questionnaire; the mechanisms of moral disengagement, the Moral Disengagement Scale; furthermore, based on the grid of De Leo and colleagues, any adverse conditions (abuse, mistreatment, poverty, substance abuse, institutionalization) during childhood and/or adolescence were identified. Recidivism, on the other hand, was examined by asking participants if they had been convicted several times of the same crime and verifying this information through their files. The results showed that institutionalization, abuse, cognitive distortions towards women, and the mechanism of attributing blame to the victim can be relevant risk factors associated with relapse. The picture that emerged could suggest how the occurrence in a context of institutionalization during childhood could evidently represent an adverse condition during individual development that acts as a predisposing factor for the risk of relapse; in fact, it is possible to hypothesize that this condition may be linked to experiences of neglect. In the direction, the cognitive distortions towards women and the mechanism of attributing guilt to the victim represented the fulcrum of the deviant cognitive scheme capable of legitimizing the activation of violent and abusive behavior.

2021 ◽  
pp. 139-153
Bakhytbek A. ZHANKUBAYEV ◽  
Gulnaz Kh. GANIYEVA ◽  

An increase in the birth rates and a decrease in mortality is currently one of the priority lines of the development of society. From a purely technocratic standpoint, development of the population should be based on accurate knowledge of the number of consumers and the movement of needs, without which it is impossible to solve many social problems in general. The paper addresses a question of the need to orient the economy towards the development of a person and the population as a whole. The purpose and objectives of the study were to identify the dynamics of the population size, natural increase, the main trends in the growth of birth rate, the analysis of the causes of death, including infant mortality, the study of the marriage and divorce rates, migration. In the main part of the paper, the indicators of the population size in the republic over the past 17 years and in recent years are considered, including: the main trends in population growth, factors affecting the growth and decrease in mortality, causes of infant mortality, migration balance, marriage and divorce rates, both in the republic as a whole and region-wise. In conclusion, proposals were made to create favourable conditions for the demographic growth of population of the republic. Today, the solution of problems in the field of demographic policy is becoming increasingly important. It is necessary to accurately determine the priority paths of demographic growth, taking into account the specifics of the development of the population of Kazakhstan. In the future, this would facilitate the solution of demographic problems in terms of improving the demographic situation, which will contribute to the prosperity of the whole state.

Francesco DELLA PUPPA ◽  

This contribution discusses the relationship between sport and citizenship by exploring the citizenship paths described by young cricketers of Bangladeshi origin living in Venice (Italy). In particular, it focuses on the processes of misrecognition, enacted both by natives and their older countrymen, that these youths are suffering in their everyday life and that are rooted and reflected in their playing cricket in the neighbourhood. Starting from these premises, their aspired citizenship paths are described, revealing how the European passport, often an aspiration in itself, may become a passe-partout to react to misrecognition, allowing them to describe aspirations, reflected also in their sports practices, that are nationally, transnationally and globally deployed and that may aim, although through an individual claim, to restore the disruptions lived by the whole Bangladeshi diaspora. In this sense, within their distinctive aspired citizenship paths, the borders between distinction/integration with their older countrymen and native people are blurred, thus revealing their willingness to enjoy the same rights as their native peers as well as to overcome the differential inclusion suffered by their parents.

Héctor NÚÑEZ ◽  
Núria FABRA FRES ◽  

Participatory action research and participatory evaluation are two approaches used to involve people in public affairs, fostering the shared construction of knowledge. Recent decades have seen an increase in the involvement of agents in public activity, a trend that is also evident among young people. Experiences based on youth participatory action research and participatory youth evaluation are discussed in the literature. The main aim of this article is to define these two methodological approaches, and discuss: the role played by agents, the functions implemented, and the main stages. To this end, we have used a systematic documentary analysis of databases and specialist journals between 2010-2021. The results produce a map of internationally published articles regarding participatory action research and participatory youth evaluation. Secondly, a check-list is provided of the two methodological approaches to youth participation; this compiles the functions of the agents involved and the stages involved in both approaches. The article aims to be of use to public administrations and social entities with decision-making powers over actions that favour the involvement of young people in public affairs.

Oana LUP

This paper draws on the conceptual framework of “time poverty” to explore how employed students, a group much affected by “time poverty”, experienced changes in time allocation during the COVID-19 lockdown in Romania. Findings of a mixed-method study indicate that working and non-working students perceived and engaged differently with this sudden increase in discretionary time. Compared to non-working students, working students, welcomed this newly acquired time and saw it as an opportunity to engage in both education and self-growth activities. They also show higher levels of engagement with educational activities and an increased sense of satisfaction resulting from this engagement, as well as higher levels of wellbeing. This quick reorientation clearly reveals that time poverty is a barrier to education and personal well-being for working students.

2021 ◽  
pp. 127-138

Although in recent years a whole series of measures and programmes have been carried out with the aim of having an impact on the situations of discrimination and racism in which the Romani population is immersed, the results obtained allow us to surmise that, although there has been some progress, the situation has not entirely changed. A stereotyped view of the Romani population still exists in some parts of Spanish society, meaning that this community continues to be immersed in a profound process of social exclusion. Objectives of research are to demonstrate whether there are situations of discrimination in the Huelva Roma population, as well as to know the areas in which these acts of discrimination are carried out. A qualitative method was chosen. The technique used was an in-depth interview, to allow us to understand the perspective of the professionals who work with this group. In general, we have seen how situations of discrimination against the Romani population persist. These situations extend to different spheres of life, and whose factors respond to a multiplicity of causes. There is a need for significant, long-lasting change. This means it is necessary both to change the processes of social intervention and to involve the Romani community itself, as without their collaboration and legitimacy any intervention will lack future perspective.

Laura Emilia SERBANESCU ◽  
Oana Mariana CIUCHI

This paper brings to the readers' attention the theoretical dimensions and emphasizes the practical dimensions of professional counseling and career guidance - an activity complementary to the vocational training activities, but imperative in the harmonious insertion of young people on the labor market, as revealed by presenting a good practice model. Thus, the research part of the paper reveals a high level of satisfaction / self-knowledge / relationship in the social environment, obtained by students, as a result of their participation in a professional counseling and career guidance program, conducted online. This is an aspect that leads us to conclude that career counseling activities, regardless of how they are carried out (onside / online, group / individual), have a defining importance for the further professional evolution of students / young people.

2021 ◽  
pp. 115-126
Oksana SHELEMEI ◽  

The present study is focused on women well-being in migration. The aim was to investigate well-being of Ukrainian women migrants and to present the results of psychological work aimed at correcting the shortcomings of the emotional, social and behavioral aspects of the personality of women migrants with the help of special means of psychological influence. At the first stage an empirical study was conducted in Northern Italy during 2018-2019. The empirical sample consisted of 200 Ukrainian women - labor migrants aged 31 to 79 years who worked as caregivers. The Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF) was applied. The study of psychological well-being in the group of women migrant workers revealed mostly an average level (81.5%). At the same time, the study showed a low level of both emotional and social well-being (43.5% and 72%, respectively). At the second stage of the study psycho-correctional work was carried out with the labor migrant women and women displaced from Eastern Ukraine, where hostilities were taking place. 80 women were involved in the group psycho correction in Klaipeda city, Lithuania (June 2018). 120 women took part in individual counseling (on-line mode). Classes were held at the Kostyuk Institute of Psychology (Kyiv, Ukraine), once a week for 3 hours (2019-2020). The psycho-correctional work included the method of self-report, actualization of emotional states, the method of debriefing, as well as the art therapy. The use of psycho-correctional work showed positive effect on the emotional sphere of women, in particular, changes were noted in the balance of negative and positive emotions. Participants of the program improved their relationships with close people, as well as new goals and strategies to achieve them appeared.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 ◽  
pp. 149-163
Adrian CANTEMIR ◽  
Irina CANTEMIR ◽  
Adrian COSTACHE ◽  
Irina DOBRIN ◽  
Romeo DOBRIN ◽  

The purpose of this paper was to point out the difficulties faced by the transgender community when using psychiatric or psychotherapeutic services and their impact at the social, psychological, and health state level. Our approach favours the increase in the information degree of the medical and psychotherapeutic community concerning the topic, by placing the transgender community in the current psychosocial context. In order to collect the necessary data, we applied two questionnaires to the transgender community and to the professional mental health community, respectively; the first comprised 20 questions and the second comprised 11 questions, and the results were interpreted statistically. From among them, it is worth highlighting the important percentage of transgender who do not live in accordance to the desired identity and the existence of discriminating situations in the interaction with the physician or the psychologist. The conclusions of this paper reflect the difficulties and gaps related to the assistance of sexual minorities. We thus propose examples of practices that may allow an increase in medical and social support for the transgender community.

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