interview group
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (16) ◽  
pp. 189-213
Dolunay ŞENOL ◽  
Sümeyye KILIÇ

In this study, in which the effect and consequences of gender roles and patriarchy on women's marriage and divorce experiences were tried to be understood, face-to-face interviews were conducted with twelve divorced women and a semi-structured interview from specially created for the study was used in the interviews. In line with masculine ideology and gender roles; It is possible to say that it is perceived and evaluated within the framework of private space, motherhood, body and honor. Accordingly, it is seen that women’s life is tried to be organized and disciplined on the basis of these ideological foundations in all processes before marriage, after marriage and after divorce. It is inevitable that women, who are not given equal opportunities and opportunities in access to education and working life as much as men, face much more severe situations in marriage and divorce processes. Depending on gender, it is understood that divorce creates different problems and grievances for women than man. In this study, the problems experienced by the divorced women before, during and after the divorce were evaluated only through the data of the interviews with the women included in the interview group and tried to be interpreted from a sociological point of view.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (9) ◽  
pp. 1549-1556

Background: Additional media during the pre-anesthetic visit may improve knowledge of anesthetic information, reduce anxiety, and increase patient satisfaction. Objective: To compare three of the pre-anesthetic visit conducting methods in knowledge score of anesthetic information, anxiety, and satisfaction in patients undergoing elective general anesthesia. Materials and Methods: The authors randomized 225 patients into three groups, the animated video plus face-to-face interview group, which included 76 patients (group V), the brochure plus face-to-face interview group, which included 73 patients (group B), and the face-to-face interview only group, which included 76 patients (group F). The patients were asked to complete the same self-evaluation questionnaires at three different times, which were before, immediately after, and on the day of surgery after the pre-anesthetic visit, to evaluate for the knowledge of anesthetic information, anxiety, and satisfaction level. Results: At all times, the knowledge scores of anesthetic information were statistically different among the three groups (p=0.002). V and B group had higher knowledge scores when compared with F group. The mean difference between the V and F groups were 1.36 (95% CI 0.41 to 2.32, p=0.005), and between the B and F groups were 1.99 (95% CI 1.02 to 2.96, p<0.001). However, there was no difference in knowledge score between the V and B group after the visit (p>0.999 and 0.559, respectively). The anxiety scores were never statistically different between the three groups (p=0.365). While the patients had high satisfaction scores on the day of surgery, there were no statistically significant differences between the three groups (p=0.220). Conclusion: The use of medias either animated video or brochure added to the routine face-to-face interview can improve anesthetic knowledge, but animated video was not more effective than the brochure in elective surgical patients undergoing general anesthesia. The difference in methods did not affect patient anxiety and satisfaction. Keywords: Knowledge; Pre-anesthetic visit; General anesthesia; Video; Brochure

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (8) ◽  
pp. 409-417
Kathrine Distel ◽  
Julianna Leahy ◽  
Cynthia A. King ◽  
M. Dave Gothard

OBJECTIVE: To compare the acceptance rate of pharmacist recommendations in an interdisciplinary team for patients interviewed by the pharmacist versus those assessed by chart review. DESIGN: Retrospective chart review. SETTING: Interdisciplinary consultative team in an outpatient setting as part of a large academic health system provided care for "high utilizer" patients. PARTICIPANTS: Sixty-five patients at moderate to high risk of hospitalization who completed their first appointment with the team between March 1, 2019, and December 30, 2019. Most patients were 65 years of age or older and all had Medicare insurance. INTERVENTIONS: A pharmacist completed a chart review for all patients. A cohort of patients were also interviewed. Recommendations were recorded in the electronic medical record, discussed with the team, and forwarded to the patient's primary care provider. RESULTS: A total of 253 recommendations were made by pharmacists, with a significantly higher acceptance rate for patients who completed an interview with the pharmacist (40.7% vs. 28.4%; P = 0.046). Patientspecific factors resulting in higher acceptance rates in the interview group included age younger than 65 years (P = 0.013), 10 to 19 medications (P = 0.004), and mental health diagnosis (P = 0.02). CONCLUSION: The addition of an interview to chart review allowed pharmacists to make recommendations that were more likely to be accepted and therefore more clinically impactful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Thongchai Meenual ◽  
Parnuwat Usapein

Microgrids have been emerging and playing valuable roles in several parts of society, from academia of scholars to the energy supply industry of professional practitioners. A microgrid policy appeared in the Thailand 2015 energy development plan. There are many microgrids in Thailand. The first smart microgrid in Thailand is in active operation. Some microgrids are no longer functioning. Other microgrids continue to serve their customers. The remaining microgrid projects are in the process of development. Most present microgrids in Thailand are driven by public policy and legal flexibility. The objective of this research is to investigate the compatible microgrid technology in Thailand and explore the key drivers of microgrid policies in Thailand. The research methodology applied in this research includes data collection (i.e., a document study, interview, group discussion, and microgrid project participation and observation), as well as data analysis and conclusion. The findings of the research show that: in Thailand, the desired microgrid technologies are compatible with 1) inputs of potential local renewable energy resources of solar, wind, biomass, and mini-hydro, and 2) small gaps of human resource capabilities to deal with the technology utilization. The key drivers of the Thailand microgrid policy are 1) electricity access, 2) wealth creation and distribution, 3) environmental protection, and 4) technology development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 574-582
Hassan Abuhassna ◽  
Noraffandy Yahya ◽  
Megat Aman Zahiri Megat Zakaria ◽  
Qusay Al-Maatouk ◽  

This research aims to develop guidelines on designing Distance Learning (DL) courses through Moodle system to enhance student’s satisfaction and academic achievements in online learning environments. This research consists of two main phases; phase one aims to develop a DL course based on ADDIE course design strategy via Moodle system; phase two was the interview part, wherein a qualitative approach was employed to give an inclusive insight into this matter. Ten participants were interviewed. The interview group consists of two, three, and four participants in each group. Based on the interview results the researcher noted that student autonomy or self-educating is the key point for the students to overcome the challenges during the DL experience. The interviewees commented that this experience had improved their satisfaction in several ways. In conclusion, this experience provided them with a platform where they can be more active and collaborative in their own learning process.

2020 ◽  
Diva Zelina Fitri

The supervision process is a series of activities that are carried out when conducting supervision. in general the process of supervision is carried out through four stages: Planning (Planning activities refer to the identification of problems), Implementation (Implementation activities are real activities carried out to improve or enhance the ability of Educators), evaluation (Evaluation activities are activities to examine the success of the process and results of the implementation of supervision) and follow-up (Is the process of gathering information needed to further be used for efforts to improve further teaching. The materials obtained are then used to compile the follow-up activities which are at the same time input for the preparation of further development programs) as for the Techniques Educational Supervision namely: Individual Technique (Individual Technique) and group techniques. Individual technique consists of: classroom visitation, classroom observation, individual interview, individual interview (group interview), while group technique consists of: School Orientation Meeting for New Teachers ( Orientation Meeting for New Teachers, Teacher Meetings, Workshops, Panel Discussions, Symposiums, Upgrading (in-service training) and Seminars

GCdataPR ◽  
2020 ◽  
Chuang LIU ◽  
Ruixiang SHI ◽  
Lijun CHEN ◽  

Wedy Nasrul ◽  
Zulmardi ◽  
Tri Irfa Indrayani

The relation between institutions and synergy between social capital produce social capital performance. Relationship and synergy between social capital between institutions will produce the best collective action. Collective action formed able to solve a problem in and between the institutions. Research aim of looking at the a lot of synergy of local institutions, the performance of social capital are quoted on the gambir. So on as well will be canvassed to see the act of collectively that is formed to address the issues the market gambir.This research methodology used a quantitative approach. The kind of research is descriptive. This study using a case study in the agricultural gambir. Research methodology this used a quantitative approach.The kind of research is descriptive. The research uses strategy case study. A case study of agricultural market gambir (Uncaria Gambir Roxb). Enrichment data used method of qualitative. Forms used as, observation, interview, group discussions  and documentation. Data analysis in depth uses the method inductive analysis and logical analysis. The analysis of the performance of social capital market gambir shows high social capital performance. High social capital performance on the gambir because the network high on bonding social capital and sinerji high on bridging social capital. High social capital performance produce collective action. Collective action happened transact on time and the same place between farmers and gambir gatherers in the market village. The transaction in time and place the same caused the price of more competitive because the competition among gambir gatherers. Social capital has also built the collective action for the repair of products and the sustainability of gambir farming.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Isnen Fitri ◽  
Yahaya Ahmad ◽  
Nfn Ratna

Nilai penting adalah satu-satunya alasan yang mendasari pelestarian cagar budaya. Terbukti bahwa tidak ada masyarakat yang berupaya melestarikan aset bersejarah yang tidak mengandung nilai. Sejak penerbitan Burra Charter pada tahun 1979, banyak negara mengakui pentingnya mengidentifikasi makna atau nilai penting objek warisan budaya untuk mengembangkan kebijakan dan perencanaan dalam pengelolaannya. Saat ini, asesmen nilai penting objek warisan budaya adalah bagian dari proses penetapan aset sejarah menjadi cagar budaya. Meskipun wacana konservasi cagar budaya di Kota Medan telah berkembang sejak 1980-an, tetapi asesmen nilai penting budaya masih merupakan konsep baru untuk komunitas cagar budaya Indonesia karena tidak terdapat uraian yang jelas dalam Undang-Undang Cagar Budaya No. 11 tahun 2010. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, perlu seperangkat kriteria yang mengandung prinsip, karakteristik, kategori, dan panduan untuk membantu menetapkan apakah aset bersejarah mengandung nilai warisan budaya atau tidak dan untuk menghasilkan penilaian yang lebih akuntabel, transparan, dan konsisten. Menetapkan daftar kriteria selayaknya menjadi wilayah para akademisi dan para ahli yang dikoordinasikan oleh pihak berwenang di daerah setempat. Namun, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penetapan kriteria untuk penilaian signifikansi dapat dilakukan dengan melibatkan 33 orang masyarakat lokal melalui tiga fase pengumpulan data dan analisis antara lain survei lapangan; wawancara mendalam; pertemuan kelompok; dan kuesioner kepada 33 peserta. Akhirnya, penelitian ini menghasilkan enam kriteria untuk penilaian penetapan cagar budaya di Kota Medan yang berasal dari lima nilai: sejarah, desain atau arsitektur fisik, budaya dan spiritual, ilmiah, dan sosial.Value is the sole reason underlying heritage conservation. It is self-evident that no society makes an effort to conserve a historic asset what it does not value. Since the publication of the Burra Charter in 1979, many countries recognized the importance of identifying the cultural heritage significance or values to develop the policy and planning in heritage management. Today, the cultural significance assessment is part of the listing process of a historical asset as heritage. Although the discourse of cultural heritage conservation in Medan had evolved since the 1980s, cultural significance assessment is still a new concept for Indonesia heritage community with the absence of its description within the Indonesian Heritage Act No. 11 of 2010. For that reason, we need a set of criteria which contain principles, characteristics, categories, and guidance to help decide whether a historic asset has heritage value or not and to make the assessment results more accountable, transparent, and consistent as well. Establishing criteria for listing have traditionally been the territory of academics and experts coordinated by the authorities of the region. However, this study has shown that establishing criteria for significance assessment could be done by involving 33 local people through three phases of data collections and analyses such as field survey; in-depth interview; group meeting; and questionnaire to the 33 participants. Finally, the research revealed six criteria for the significance assessment of cultural heritage in Medan derived from five values: history, physical design or architecture, cultural and spiritual, scientific, and social.

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