vertebrate lineage
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2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (12) ◽  
pp. e1009638
Francesco Mottes ◽  
Chiara Villa ◽  
Matteo Osella ◽  
Michele Caselle

This work studies the effects of the two rounds of Whole Genome Duplication (WGD) at the origin of the vertebrate lineage on the architecture of the human gene regulatory networks. We integrate information on transcriptional regulation, miRNA regulation, and protein-protein interactions to comparatively analyse the role of WGD and Small Scale Duplications (SSD) in the structural properties of the resulting multilayer network. We show that complex network motifs, such as combinations of feed-forward loops and bifan arrays, deriving from WGD events are specifically enriched in the network. Pairs of WGD-derived proteins display a strong tendency to interact both with each other and with common partners and WGD-derived transcription factors play a prominent role in the retention of a strong regulatory redundancy. Combinatorial regulation and synergy between different regulatory layers are in general enhanced by duplication events, but the two types of duplications contribute in different ways. Overall, our findings suggest that the two WGD events played a substantial role in increasing the multi-layer complexity of the vertebrate regulatory network by enhancing its combinatorial organization, with potential consequences on its overall robustness and ability to perform high-level functions like signal integration and noise control. Lastly, we discuss in detail the RAR/RXR pathway as an illustrative example of the evolutionary impact of WGD duplications in human.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Adrian Romero ◽  
Nicolas Leurs ◽  
David Muñoz ◽  
Mélanie Debiais-Thibaud ◽  
Sylvain Marcellini

While cartilage is an ancient tissue found both in protostomes and deuterostomes, its mineralization evolved more recently, within the vertebrate lineage. SPARC, SPARC-L, and the SCPP members (Secretory Calcium-binding PhosphoProtein genes which evolved from SPARC-L) are major players of dentine and bone mineralization, but their involvement in the emergence of the vertebrate mineralized cartilage remains unclear. We performed in situ hybridization on mineralizing cartilaginous skeletal elements of the frog Xenopus tropicalis (Xt) and the shark Scyliorhinus canicula (Sc) to examine the expression of SPARC (present in both species), SPARC-L (present in Sc only) and the SCPP members (present in Xt only). We show that while mineralizing cartilage expresses SPARC (but not SPARC-L) in Sc, it expresses the SCPP genes (but not SPARC) in Xt, and propose two possible evolutionary scenarios to explain these opposite expression patterns. In spite of these genetic divergences, our data draw the attention on an overlooked and evolutionarily conserved peripheral cartilage subdomain expressing SPARC or the SCPP genes and exhibiting a high propensity to mineralize.

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 398
Alice M. H. Bedois ◽  
Hugo J. Parker ◽  
Robb Krumlauf

In metazoans, Hox genes are key drivers of morphogenesis. In chordates, they play important roles in patterning the antero-posterior (A-P) axis. A crucial aspect of their role in axial patterning is their collinear expression, a process thought to be linked to their response to major signaling pathways such as retinoic acid (RA) signaling. The amplification of Hox genes following major events of genome evolution can contribute to morphological diversity. In vertebrates, RA acts as a key regulator of the gene regulatory network (GRN) underlying hindbrain segmentation, which includes Hox genes. This review investigates how the RA signaling machinery has evolved and diversified and discusses its connection to the hindbrain GRN in relation to diversity. Using non-chordate and chordate deuterostome models, we explore aspects of ancient programs of axial patterning in an attempt to retrace the evolution of the vertebrate hindbrain GRN. In addition, we investigate how the RA signaling machinery has evolved in vertebrates and highlight key examples of regulatory diversification that may have influenced the GRN for hindbrain segmentation. Finally, we describe the value of using lamprey as a model for the early-diverged jawless vertebrate group, to investigate the elaboration of A-P patterning mechanisms in the vertebrate lineage.

Fumiaki Sugahara ◽  
Juan Pascual-Anaya ◽  
Shigehiro Kuraku ◽  
Shigeru Kuratani ◽  
Yasunori Murakami

The vertebrate cerebellum arises at the dorsal part of rhombomere 1, induced by signals from the isthmic organizer. Two major cerebellar neuronal subtypes, granule cells (excitatory) and Purkinje cells (inhibitory), are generated from the anterior rhombic lip and the ventricular zone, respectively. This regionalization and the way it develops are shared in all extant jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes). However, very little is known about early evolution of the cerebellum. The lamprey, an extant jawless vertebrate lineage or cyclostome, possesses an undifferentiated, plate-like cerebellum, whereas the hagfish, another cyclostome lineage, is thought to lack a cerebellum proper. In this study, we found that hagfish Atoh1 and Wnt1 genes are co-expressed in the rhombic lip, and Ptf1a is expressed ventrally to them, confirming the existence of r1’s rhombic lip and the ventricular zone in cyclostomes. In later stages, lamprey Atoh1 is downregulated in the posterior r1, in which the NeuroD increases, similar to the differentiation process of cerebellar granule cells in gnathostomes. Also, a continuous Atoh1-positive domain in the rostral r1 is reminiscent of the primordium of valvula cerebelli of ray-finned fishes. Lastly, we detected a GAD-positive domain adjacent to the Ptf1a-positive ventricular zone in lampreys, suggesting that the Ptf1a-positive cells differentiate into some GABAergic inhibitory neurons such as Purkinje and other inhibitory neurons like in gnathostomes. Altogether, we conclude that the ancestral genetic programs for the formation of a distinct cerebellum were established in the last common ancestor of vertebrates.

2021 ◽  
Michaela Schwaiger ◽  
Carmen Andrikou ◽  
Rohit Dnyansagar ◽  
Patricio Ferrer Murguia ◽  
Periklis Paganos ◽  

Abstract Transcription factors are crucial drivers of cellular differentiation during animal development and often share ancient evolutionary origins. The T-box transcription factor Brachyury plays a pivotal role as an early mesoderm determinant and neural repressor in vertebrates; yet, the ancestral function and key evolutionary transitions of the role of this transcription factor remain obscure. Here, we present a genome-wide target gene screen using ChIP-seq in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis, an early branching non-bilaterian, and the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, a representative of the sister lineage of chordates. Our analysis reveals an ancestral gene regulatory feedback loop connecting Brachyury, FoxA and canonical Wnt signaling involved in axial patterning that predates the cnidarian-bilaterian split about 700 million years ago. Surprisingly, we also found that part of the gene regulatory network controlling the fate of neuromesodermal progenitors in vertebrates was already present in the common ancestor of cnidarians and bilaterians. However, while several neuronal Brachyury target genes are ancestrally shared, hardly any of the key mesodermal downstream targets in vertebrates are found in the sea anemone or the sea urchin. Our study suggests that a limited number of target genes involved in mesoderm formation were newly acquired in the vertebrate lineage, leading to a dramatic shift in the function of this ancestral developmental regulator.

PLoS Genetics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (7) ◽  
pp. e1009681
Neta Degani ◽  
Yoav Lubelsky ◽  
Rotem Ben-Tov Perry ◽  
Elena Ainbinder ◽  
Igor Ulitsky

Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been shown to play important roles in gene regulatory networks acting in early development. There has been rapid turnover of lncRNA loci during vertebrate evolution, with few human lncRNAs conserved beyond mammals. The sequences of these rare deeply conserved lncRNAs are typically not similar to each other. Here, we characterize HOXA-AS3 and HOXB-AS3, lncRNAs produced from the central regions of the HOXA and HOXB clusters. Sequence-similar orthologs of both lncRNAs are found in multiple vertebrate species and there is evident sequence similarity between their promoters, suggesting that the production of these lncRNAs predates the duplication of the HOX clusters at the root of the vertebrate lineage. This conservation extends to similar expression patterns of the two lncRNAs, in particular in cells transiently arising during early development or in the adult colon. Functionally, the RNA products of HOXA-AS3 and HOXB-AS3 regulate the expression of their overlapping HOX5–7 genes both in HT-29 cells and during differentiation of human embryonic stem cells. Beyond production of paralogous protein-coding and microRNA genes, the regulatory program in the HOX clusters therefore also relies on paralogous lncRNAs acting in restricted spatial and temporal windows of embryonic development and cell differentiation.

2021 ◽  
Francesco Mottes ◽  
Chiara Villa ◽  
Matteo Osella ◽  
Michele Caselle

This work studies the effects of the two rounds of Whole Genome Duplication (WGD) at the origin of the vertebrate lineage on the architecture of the human gene regulatory networks. We integrate information on transcriptional regulation, miRNA regulation, and protein-protein interactions to comparatively analyse the role of WGD and Small Scale Duplications (SSD) in the structural properties of the resulting multilayer network. We show that complex network motifs, such as combinations of feed-forward loops and bifan arrays, deriving from WGD events are specifically enriched in the network. Pairs of WGD-derived proteins display a strong tendency to interact both with each other and with common partners and WGD-derived transcription factors play a prominent role in the retention of a strong regulatory redundancy. Combinatorial regulation and synergy between different regulatory layers are in general enhanced by duplication events, but the two types of duplications contribute in different ways. Overall, our findings suggest that the two WGD events played a substantial role in increasing the multi-layer complexity of the vertebrate regulatory network by enhancing its combinatorial organization, with potential consequences on its overall robustness and ability to perform high-level functions like signal integration and noise control.

Carlos Herrera-Úbeda ◽  
Jordi Garcia-Fernàndez

Which is the origin of genes is a fundamental question in Biology, indeed a question older than the discovery of genes itself. For more than a century, it was uneven to think in origins other than duplication and divergence from a previous gene. In recent years, however, the intersection of genetics, embryonic development, and bioinformatics, has brought to light that de novo generation from non-genic DNA, horizontal gene transfer and, noticeably, virus and transposon invasions, have shaped current genomes, by integrating those newcomers into old gene networks, helping to shape morphological and physiological innovations. We here summarized some of the recent research in the field, mostly in the vertebrate lineage with a focus on protein-coding novelties, showing that the placenta, the adaptative immune system, or the highly developed neocortex, among other innovations, are linked to de novo gene creation or domestication of virus and transposons. We provocatively suggest that the high tolerance to virus infections by bats may also be related to previous virus and transposon invasions in the bat lineage.

Matheus Macedo-Lima ◽  
Luke Remage-Healey

Synopsis Goal-directed learning is a key contributor to evolutionary fitness in animals. The neural mechanisms that mediate learning often involve the neuromodulator dopamine. In higher order cortical regions, most of what is known about dopamine’s role is derived from brain regions involved in motivation and decision-making, while significantly less is known about dopamine’s potential role in motor and/or sensory brain regions to guide performance. Research on rodents and primates represents over 95% of publications in the field, while little beyond basic anatomy is known in other vertebrate groups. This significantly limits our general understanding of how dopamine signaling systems have evolved as organisms adapt to their environments. This review takes a pan-vertebrate view of the literature on the role of dopamine in motor/sensory cortical regions, highlighting, when available, research on non-mammalian vertebrates. We provide a broad perspective on dopamine function and emphasize that dopamine-induced plasticity mechanisms are widespread across all cortical systems and associated with motor and sensory adaptations. The available evidence illustrates that there is a strong anatomical basis—dopamine fibers and receptor distributions—to hypothesize that pallial dopamine effects are widespread among vertebrates. Continued research progress in non-mammalian species will be crucial to further our understanding of how the dopamine system evolved to shape the diverse array of brain structures and behaviors among the vertebrate lineage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
Klaus-Armin Nave ◽  
Hauke B. Werner

Myelination of axons provides the structural basis for rapid saltatory impulse propagation along vertebrate fiber tracts, a well-established neurophysiological concept. However, myelinating oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells serve additional functions in neuronal energy metabolism that are remarkably similar to those of axon-ensheathing glial cells in unmyelinated invertebrates. Here we discuss myelin evolution and physiological glial functions, beginning with the role of ensheathing glia in preventing ephaptic coupling, axoglial metabolic support, and eliminating oxidative radicals. In both vertebrates and invertebrates, axoglial interactions are bidirectional, serving to regulate cell fate, nerve conduction, and behavioral performance. One key step in the evolution of compact myelin in the vertebrate lineage was the emergence of the open reading frame for myelin basic protein within another gene. Several other proteins were neofunctionalized as myelin constituents and help maintain a healthy nervous system. Myelination in vertebrates became a major prerequisite of inhabiting new ecological niches. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Neuroscience, Volume 44 is July 2021. Please see for revised estimates.

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