perturbative quantum field theory
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Yvain Bruned ◽  
Katharina Schratz

Abstract We introduce a numerical framework for dispersive equations embedding their underlying resonance structure into the discretisation. This will allow us to resolve the nonlinear oscillations of the partial differential equation (PDE) and to approximate with high-order accuracy a large class of equations under lower regularity assumptions than classical techniques require. The key idea to control the nonlinear frequency interactions in the system up to arbitrary high order thereby lies in a tailored decorated tree formalism. Our algebraic structures are close to the ones developed for singular stochastic PDEs (SPDEs) with regularity structures. We adapt them to the context of dispersive PDEs by using a novel class of decorations which encode the dominant frequencies. The structure proposed in this article is new and gives a variant of the Butcher–Connes–Kreimer Hopf algebra on decorated trees. We observe a similar Birkhoff type factorisation as in SPDEs and perturbative quantum field theory. This factorisation allows us to single out oscillations and to optimise the local error by mapping it to the particular regularity of the solution. This use of the Birkhoff factorisation seems new in comparison to the literature. The field of singular SPDEs took advantage of numerical methods and renormalisation in perturbative quantum field theory by extending their structures via the adjunction of decorations and Taylor expansions. Now, through this work, numerical analysis is taking advantage of these extended structures and provides a new perspective on them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 (10) ◽  
pp. 2100106
Johannes Aastrup ◽  
Jesper Møller Grimstrup

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150032
Paweł Duch

We propose a mathematically rigorous construction of the scattering matrix and the interacting fields in models of relativistic perturbative quantum field theory with massless fields and long-range interactions. We consider quantum electrodynamics and a certain model of interacting scalar fields in which the standard definition of the scattering matrix is not applicable because of the infrared problem. We modify the Bogoliubov construction using the ideas of Dollard, Kulish and Faddeev. Our modified scattering matrix and modified interacting fields are constructed with the use of the adiabatic limit which is expected to exist in arbitrary order of perturbation theory. In the paper, we prove this assertion in the case of the first- and the second-order corrections to the modified scattering matrix and the first-order corrections to the modified interacting fields. We study the physical properties of our construction. We conclude that the electrons and positrons are always surrounded by irremovable clouds of photons. Moreover, the physical energy-momentum operators do not coincide with the standard ones and their joint spectrum does not contain the mass hyperboloid.

Claudia Rella ◽  

This article gives a short step-by-step introduction to the representation of parametric Feynman integrals in scalar perturbative quantum field theory as periods of motives. The application of motivic Galois theory to the algebro-geometric and categorical structures underlying Feynman graphs is reviewed up to the current state of research. The example of primitive log-divergent Feynman graphs in scalar massless phi<sup>4</sup> quantum field theory is analysed in detail.

2020 ◽  
Christian Saemann ◽  
Branislav Jurco ◽  
Hyungrok Kim ◽  
Tommaso Macrelli ◽  
Martin Wolf

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. 1950192
Ali Shojaei-Fard

The paper builds the original foundations of a new operator theoretic setting for the study of quantum dynamics of non-perturbative aspects originated from Green’s functions in Quantum Field Theory with strong couplings.

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