delta front
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Minerals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Shiqi Liu ◽  
Yuyang Liu

As the northwestern area of the Junggar Basin is a key area for oil and gas exploration, the sedimentary facies of the Jurassic formations in the Wuerhe area has long been a focus of research. The target strata are Jurassic strata, including five formations: the Lower Jurassic Badaowan and Sangonghe, the Middle Jurassic Xishanyao and Toutunhe and the Upper Jurassic Qigu. Disputes over the are sedimentary facies division exist in this area. Considering the W105 well region in this area as an example, the overall sedimentary facies of single-well logging facies is analyzed and then expanded to two cross-sections and characterized. Based on previous studies, a detailed overview of the regional stratigraphy is obtained by well logs and other data. Then, two cross-sections are selected and analyzed. The single-well and continuous-well facies of 10 wells in the sections are analyzed to grasp the sand bodies’ spatial distribution. Finally, a planar contour map of the net to gross ratio is mapped to analyze the sources and the distribution of the sand bodies in each period. The sedimentary facies map is also mapped to predict the sedimentary evolution. The results show that the sedimentary facies of the Badaowan Formation in the study area was an underwater distributary channel of the fan-delta front, and the sand body spread continuously from northwest to southeast. The Sangonghe Formation entered a lake transgression period with a rising water level, at which time shore–shallow lacustrine deposits were widespread throughout the region. The period of the Xishanyao Formation entered a regression period, the northwest region was tectonically uplifted, and the central and southeastern regions facies were dominated by the fan-delta front and shallow lacustrine. During the Toutunhe Formation period, the northwest region continued to uplift and was dominated by delta plain facies. During the period of the Qigu Formation, the thickness of stratigraphic erosion reached its maximum, and the non-erosion area of the study area was mainly deposited by the fan-delta plain. Overall, the Jurassic system in the W105 well area is a fan delta–lacustrine–fan delta sedimentary system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 65-72
John-Paul Zonneveld ◽  
Yahdi Zaim ◽  
Yan Rizal ◽  
Aswan Aswan ◽  
Anne Fortuin ◽  

The Kambaniru River valley near the city of Waingapu preserves a thick succession of coarse-grained fluvial-deltaic sediment deposited during the Late Pleistocene. This succession incises through a thick uplifted coral reef terrace succession and records intervals of highly episodic flow events during the last glacial interval. The occurrence of intraclastic, coarse sand/gravel matrix olistostromes in several areas attests to the occasionally catastrophic nature of flow in the ancestral Kambaniru River. Small to moderate-sized coral-rich reefs and laterally restricted reef terraces occur on delta-front conglomerate successions at multiple horizons through the study interval. These reefs record both intervals of low flow as well as periodic river-mouth avulsion episodes. Comparison of radiometric dates obtained from pelecypod and coral material from both deltaic successions and laterally adjacent coral reef terrace intervals indicates that uplift/subsidence history of the terraces differs from that of the valley and that correlation between the two should be taken with care.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 32-42
Dmitriy V. Kozikov ◽  
Mikhail A. Vasiliev ◽  
Konstantin V. Zverev ◽  
Andrei N. Lanin ◽  
Shafkat A. Nigamatov ◽  

Background. The article considers the results of updating the geological model of the khamakinskii horizon reservoirs of the Chayandinskoe oid and gas field. The main aim is project the production of the oil rims and form a positive business case of the project. Materials and methods. Conceptual sedimentary model bases on the core of the 14 wells. Updating of the petrophysical model is the key to identify post-sedimentary transformations (like anhydritization and halitization) and the opportunity to correct the permeability trend. The tectonic pattern of the horizon based on the interpretation of 3D seismic data. There are two groups of faults were identified: certain and possible. Neural networks algorithm uses for a creating the predictive maps of anhydritization, which are used in the geological model. Results. Estuary sands influenced by fluvial and tidal processes dominate the khamakinskii horizon. The reservoir is irregular vertically: at the base of the horizon, there are sandstones of the delta front and there are alluvial valley with fluvial channels in the middle and upper parts. Eustary sands eroded by incised valleys (alluvial channels). According to the core and thin section analysis, the main uncertainty is sedimentary transformations of reservoir. It affects the net thickness and then the volume of oil in productive wells. 3D geological model includes the trends of anhydritization and halitization over the area, which makes it possible to obtain a more accurate production forecast. Conclusion. As part of the probability estimate of oil reserves, the main geological parameters that affect the volume of reserves were identified. Pilot project is planning to remove geological and technical uncertainties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
Eun Je Jeong ◽  
Daekyo Cheong ◽  
Jin Cheul Kim ◽  
Hyoun Soo Lim ◽  
Seungwon Shin

The Nakdong River delta, located in southeastern Korea, preserves thick and wide sediments, which are suitable for the high-resolution study of the evolution of depositional environments in the lower delta plain area. This study traces the Holocene evolution of the Nakdong River delta using deep drill core (ND-3; 46.60 m thick) sediments from the present delta plain. Sedimentary units of the sediments were classified based on grain size compositions and sedimentary structures: (A) alluvial zone, (B) estuarine zone, (C) shallow marine, (D) prodelta, (E) delta front, and (F) delta plain. The weathered sediment, paleosol, was observed at 43.16 m below the surface. There is an unconformity (43.10 m) to separate a Pleistocene sediment layer in the lowermost part differentiating from a Holocene sediment layer in the upper part of the core. The shallow marine sedimentary unit (32.20~23.50 m), in which grain size decreases upward is overlain by the prodelta unit (23.50~15.10 m), which consists of fine-grained sediments and relatively homogeneous sedimentary facies. The boundary between the delta front unit (15.10~8.00 m) and the delta plain unit (8.00~0.00 m) appears to lie at 8.0 m, and the variation in grain size is different; coarsening upward in the delta front unit and fining upward in the delta front unit, respectively. These sediments are characterized by a lot of sand–mud couplets and mica flakes aligned along with cross-stratification, which may be deposited in relatively high-energy environments. Until 13 cal ka BP, the sea level was 70 m below the present level and the drilling site might be located onshore. At 10 cal ka BP, the sea level was located 50 m below the present level and the drilling site might be moved to an estuarine environment. From 8 to 6 cal ka BP, a transgression phase occurred as a result of coastline invasion by the rapid rise of the sea level. Thus, the drilling site was drowned in a shallow marine environment. After 6 cal ka BP, the sea level reached the present level, and, since then, progradation might begin to form, primarily by more sediment input. After this period, the progradation phase continues as the sediments have advanced and the delta grows.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8450
Xiaojun Zha ◽  
Fuqiang Lai ◽  
Xuanbo Gao ◽  
Yang Gao ◽  
Nan Jiang ◽  

The shale oil reservoir of the Lucaogou Formation in the Jimsar Sag has undergone tectonic movement, regional deposition and complex diagenesis processes. Therefore, various reservoir space types and complex combination patterns of pores have developed, resulting in an intricate pore throat structure. The complex pore throat structure brings great challenges to the classification and evaluation of reservoirs and the efficient development of shale oil. The methods of scanning electron microscopy, high-pressure mercury injection, low-temperature adsorption experiments and thin-slice analysis were used in this study. Mineral, petrology, pore throat structure and evolution process characteristics of the shale oil reservoir were analyzed and discussed qualitatively and quantitatively. Based on these studies, the evolution characteristics and formation mechanisms of different pore throat structures were revealed, and four progressions were made. The reservoir space of the Lucaogou Formation is mainly composed of residual intergranular pores, dissolved pores, intercrystalline pores and fractures. Four types of pore throat structures in the shale oil reservoir of the Lucaogou Formation were quantitatively characterized. Furthermore, the primary pore throat structure was controlled by a sedimentary environment. The pores and throats were reduced and blocked by compaction and cementation, which deteriorates the physical properties of the reservoirs. However, the dissolution of early carbonate, feldspar and tuffaceous minerals and a small amount of carbonate cements by organic acids are the key factors to improve the pore throat structure of the reservoirs. The genetic evolution model of pore throat structures in the shale oil reservoir of the Lucaogou Formation are divided into two types. The large-pore medium-fine throat and medium-pore medium-throat reservoirs are mainly located in the delta front-shallow lake facies and are characterized by the diagenetic assemblage types of weak compaction–weak carbonate cementation–strong dissolution, early medium compaction–medium calcite and dolomite cementation–weak dissolution. The medium-pore fine throats and fine-pore fine throats are mainly developed in shallow lakes and semi-deep lakes. They are characterized by the diagenetic assemblage type of strong compaction–strong calcite cementation–weak dissolution diagenesis. This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the pore throat structure and the genetic mechanism of a complex shale oil reservoir and benefits the exploration and development of shale oil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 1298
Ye Yu ◽  
Linghui Cai ◽  
Changmin Zhang ◽  
Li Wang ◽  
Rui Zhu ◽  

Using 2D/3D seismic data and a large number of drilling and logging data and applying sequence stratigraphy, seismic sedimentology, and petroleum geology concepts, the characteristics of the sedimentary sequence of the forced regression have been analysed, the migration trajectory of the coastline have been reconstructed, the evolution model of the forced regression have been presented, and the significance for petroleum geology of the forced regressive sandbodies have been discussed. The falling stage systems tract (FSST) of the Zhujiang Formation present offlap high-angle oblique foreset reflection structure in the seismic profiles of the depositional trends and turbidite fan deposits with strong amplitude mound reflection structure are developed in the downdip direction of its front. The trajectory of migration of the shoreline shows a terraced downtrend in the direction of basin. The FSST is characterized by the shelf-edge delta without topset beds. The FSST was formed in the fall of relative sea-level. Five sets of foreset beds controlled by high-frequency relative eustatic were developed, therefore ordinal regressive overlap can be observed for the five sets of shelf-edge deltas in the depositional trends. The favourable reservoirs which were located close to the upper boundary of the falling stage systems tract and the basal surface of forced regression are sandbodies of the shelf-edge delta front and wave-dominated shoreface sands and the sandbodies of the turbidite fan. Those sandbodies favour the formation of lithologic oil–gas reservoirs by means of good trap sealing conditions, excellent oil–gas reserving performance, and effective oil source communication of fracture system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 13-23
Tran Khac Tan ◽  
Ngo Thuong San ◽  
Nguyen Manh Toan ◽  
Pham Hai Dang ◽  
Hoang Thi Thu Trang ◽  

Đường bờ biển là đới chuyển tiếp giữa môi trường trầm tích lục địa và môi trường trầm tích biển. Khu vực này chịu tác động của cả lục địa và biển. Châu thổ ven biển là kết quả quá trình trầm tích ở cửa các hệ thống sông; hình thái, địa tầng của châu thổ phụ thuộc vào các yếu tố khác nhau như trầm tích từ các sông vận chuyển đến, khu vực tiêu nước, hình thể địa hình dòng chảy vận chuyển ra biển và các yếu tố tác động của biển tái phân bố lại các vật liệu trầm tích ở đường bờ. Ngoài ra, vật liệu trầm tích còn có thể được cung cấp đến các đới ven biển dọc theo bờ từ nguồn ngoài khơi, không liên quan đến sông ngòi. Các loại đá cát kết trầm tích môi trường châu thổ là đá chứa dầu khí chính trong địa tầng trầm tích ở nhiều nơi trên thế giới. Có 4 kiểu tướng và môi trường trầm tích được minh giải theo mẫu và biểu đồ vật lý giếng khoan ở các giếng khoan Lô 07/03 và Lô 04-1, bể Nam Côn Sơn. Các tướng này được mô tả tuần tự là đồng bằng châu thổ (delta plain), trước châu thổ (delta front), đồng bằng ven biển và tiền châu thổ (pro-delta).

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (2B) ◽  
pp. 28-41
Hamid A. A. Alsultan

In the Rumaila oilfields in southern Iraq, the Zubair Formation was deposited in a shallow environment as three main facies, delta plain, backshore, and delta front depositional conditions indicating a transition from delta front and delta plain to a highstand level due to the finning upward mode. The facies of the Zubair clasts show well-sorted quartz arenite sandstone, poorly sorted quartz arenite sandstone, clayey sandstone that has not been properly sorted, sandy shale, and shale lithofacies. The minor lithofacies were identified using well-logging methods (gamma ray, spontaneous potential and sonic logs) and petrography. The Zubair clasts are of transition environment that appears to be transported from freshwater and deposited in a marine environment forming many fourth-order cycles reflect sea level rise fluctuations and still-stand under tectonics developed the sequence stratigraphy. A misalignment between relative sea-level and sediment supply caused asymmetry sedimentary cycles. A shallower environment of shale-dominated rocks rich in organic matter and pyrite were exposed. The basinal shale of Ratawi at the Zubair bottom and the shallow carbonate of Shuaiba emplace on the Zubair represent the beginning of the delta build up (delta front and delta plain) to a highstand stage.

Ferran Colombo ◽  
Jordi Serra ◽  
Patricia Cabello ◽  
José Bedmar ◽  
Federico I. Isla

AbstractThe Inner Río de la Plata Estuary is a sedimentary depositional system that resulted from fluvial-deltaic activity. Gentle Pliocene–Pleistocene slopes make-up the northern side of the estuary whereas small cliffs of the same age constitute the southern side. A long coastal estuarine barrier developed at about 6000 years BP when the maximum flooding surface occurred. Attached to this barrier, and at a lower elevation, is a large strandplain (covering an area of about 2400 km2) which displays more than 220 beach ridges. In different areas, the dating indicates a periodicity of 13.4–13.7 years for the development of each beach ridge. These data are like the periodicity of the ENSO effects, which could be associated with the variability of Sunspots. These ridges were formed shortly after the maximum flooding surface, which was followed by a gradual fall in sea-level that contributed significantly to the Inner Río de la Plata Estuary sedimentary infill. In addition, ENSO activities were probably instrumental in the distribution of the main geoforms in the Inner Rio de la Plata Estuary. Small deltas, which were generated by other rivers and creeks such as the Nogoyá Arroyo and the Gualeguay River, developed coevally with the coastal estuarine barrier. The Ibicuy Delta grew in the middle of the inner Río de la Plata Estuary when the former Paraná River flowed northwards during the sea-level fall. The upper part of the delta front was reworked, giving rise to a large dunefield. Thereafter, a chenier plain developed along with tidal flats. The current Paraná Delta continues to prograde at a rate of about 56–64 m/year (m year−1). The sedimentary infill of the Inner Río de la Plata Estuary occurred along the Holocene.

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