cultural project
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Ніна Арая Берріос ◽  
Валерія Шульгіна

The purpose of the article. Identify the background of social and cultural project aspects in modern European cultural integration in Ukraine based on the activities of the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts; to outline the European integration vectors of performative cultural creation in Ukraine of the XXI century; to consider culture as a condition and a term of solving problems and tasks that are in other planes of social and individual life. The aim of the article is to analyze the musical and circus art project "Circle", which aims to combine and interact with traditional and innovative artistic trends by integrating them into a common and integral cultural area. The aim of the article is to analyze the music and circus art project "Circle", which aims is to combine and interact with traditional and innovative artistic trends by integrating them into a common and integral cultural space. The peculiarity of the work is the analysis of the phenomenon of "social and cultural project aspects", how it is reflected in the artistic area and how it affects culture in general. It is proved that in this context the starting point of cultural creation and formation of cultural norms and values ​​is the activity of the educational institution, which affects the development of infrastructure and improvement of social and cultural space. Tasks: to identify the roots of social and cultural project aspects of modern European integration culture in Ukraine based on the activities of the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts; to outline the European integration vectors of performative cultural creation in Ukraine of the XXI century; to consider culture as a condition and a means of solving problems and tasks that are in other planes of social and individual life. Methodology. The research is based on an interdisciplinary approach using the methods of historicism, scientific retrospection, personology, source study approach, and the method of theoretical generalization. The scientific novelty of the research is that the historical facts concerning the Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts, about its cultural and creative activity on the example of the music and circus art project "Circle" are collected and systematized. The significance of international collaboration for the further development of European integration processes in Ukraine of the XXI century is proved, the European integration cultural creation in Ukraine is investigated on the example of the music and circus art project "Circle". Conclusions. All-Ukrainian and international creative projects in the context of social and cultural project aspects are aimed at reproducing and preserving culture by internalizing cultural values, replicating the best ideas, attracting new technologies for cultural development in general as a basis for interpersonal and international communication. Creating and supporting art projects is one of the main tasks of cultural policy in educating the next generation of citizens with a clear cultural and national identity, which will further increase the cultural potential of the nation and the presentation of art projects in the international arena. Keywords: European integration, social and cultural project aspects, musical and circus art project "Circle", international collaboration, Kyiv Municipal Academy of Circus and Performing Arts, musical art, circus art.

Bożena Gierat-Bieroń ◽  

The EU is promoting cultural relations with Asian countries. While building interpersonal and institutional connections, the EU pays special attention to Japan. The image of the EU and its mutual relations with Japan are generally recognised as predominantly good and trustworthy. This paper will examine the process of building creative/progressive cultural relations between the EU and Japan based on two hypotheses; fi rst: despite the fact that the EU tried to develop cultural relations within Japan, the embassies of the EU Member States are far more active in cultural programs than the EU Delegation; and secondly: the reception of the EU as a historic and cultural project is rather fragmented (as opposed to being holistic) in Japan. The aim of this research is to analyse, compare, and evaluate both the effort and achievements made by the EU and Japan in the process of building creative cultural relations. The research will demonstrate an analytical approach in the political sciences discipline.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 107
Fernando Floriani Petry

Resumo: O projeto político, literário e cultural promulgado pela Revista do Livro mobiliza uma série significativa de conceituações complexas que surgem em diferentes momentos, com variações em suas significações e aplicações. Publicada entre os anos de 1956 e 1970, atravessando, portanto, diferentes regimes de governo e mudanças bruscas na condução do Estado brasileiro, a revista do Instituto Nacional do Livro (INL) maneja conceitos centrais para a compreensão de sua atuação e de sua relação com o seu tempo e o seu meio. Dentre eles, veremos neste artigo como a Revista do Livro ativa e constrói suas próprias noções de tradição, de nacional, de cultura no processo de construção do seu próprio cânone da literatura brasileira.Palavras-chave: Revista do Livro; Instituto Nacional do Livro; tradição; nacional; cultura; cânone.Abstract: The political, literary, and cultural project promulgated by the Revista do Livro mobilizes a significant series of complex conceptualizations that appear at different times, with variations in their meanings and applications. Published between 1956 and 1970, thus going through different governmental regimes and abrupt changes in the conduction of the Brazilian State, the magazine of the National Book Institute handles concepts that are central to the understanding of its performance and its relationship with its time and milieu. Among them, we will see in this article how the Revista do Livro activates and constructs its own notions of tradition, national, and culture in the process of building its own canon of Brazilian literature.Keywords: Revista do Livro; National Book Institute; tradition; national; culture; canon.

2021 ◽  
pp. 89-136
Francesca Brooks

Chapter 2 compares the rhetorical tropes employed in the ‘Preface’ to The Anathemata (often overlooked in the scholarship) with those of the preface to King Alfred’s Old English translation of the Pastoral Care. This comparison establishes the idea of Jones’s artful construction of his ‘Preface’ as a manifesto for the cultural project of The Anathemata. Reflecting on the Alfredian rhetorical ideal of an English nation (and more specifically an English nation of Catholics) as both a medieval and a post-medieval construct, this chapter illuminates the direct challenge of Jones’s ‘Preface’ to Alfredian assertions of English hegemony. Key to this effort to disrupt the hegemony of British Christian history, this chapter argues, is Jones’s use of Latin and how this implicates the work of two other ninth-century writers—Asser and Nennius—in Jones’s dialogue with King Alfred.

I. Losiievskyi

The scientific topicality. Library departments of documentary heritage objects, corresponding stocks and collections of documents which belong to movable heritage objects of national and world culture need special attention from the point of view of the history of their formation, the modern scientific organization and disclosure, that is the relevance of the subject of the present research.  Problem statement. Modern scientific ideas concerning departments of documentary heritage objects at libraries need wide conceptual generalizations at an interdisciplinary level. Such approach offered in our article allows not to be limited only by factual knowledge, chronicle narratives, highly specialized observations and analytics. The methodology of this study are systemic and historical approaches and a problem analysis. The results. The article elucidates specific character of the subdivision of documentary heritage objects as one of the most important library cultural and scientific projects, describes conditions of genesis, the main stages of formation, peculiarities of functioning and development of such subdivision at Korolenko Kharkiv State Scientific Library, in particular in the modern socio-communicative environment.  The novelty. The article proves that a characteristic feature of the activities of the department of documentary heritage objects at a scientific library is multi-functionality, and in the modern conditions such department combines in ifs activities functions of research, scientific and educational institutions, information center and production and service center.  The practical significance. Offered and substantiated in the article conceptual view of library department of documentary heritage objects as a modern scientific and cultural project can be the basis for systematic work on improvement of such departments at scientific libraries of Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
pp. 229-263
Scott Davis ◽  
Yanthe van Nek ◽  
Lummina G. Horlings

AbstractThis chapter provides inspiration for researchers and practitioners who aim to engage with a community using (arts-based) creative practices, inclusive of dealing with the challenges this presents. We do this by reflecting on an illustrative case, a community engagement strategy that nurtured the ground for such practice under ‘invited space’ conditions. The questions that guide this chapter are: How should a creative practitioner deal with the constraints of an invited space when engaging with a community in the initial stage of a project? And, how best then to respond to the needs of the community on their own terms, rather than to external interests? To address these questions, we draw upon a place-based, cultural project situated in a village in the north of the Netherlands. The village is currently in the midst of two significant spatial transformations, namely municipality boundary changes and the construction of a windpark within its immediate environment, which caused distress and opposition among the residents. The case demonstrates how a creative practitioner was able to flip the constraints of co-creating within an invitational space ‘on its head’ by transforming this challenge into an invitation from the community themselves to continue the project on their own terms. This reversal was enacted by the creative practitioner implementing a community engagement strategy that reflects many of the participatory action research principles outlined in Neal’s (Playing for Time: Making Art as if the World Mattered, 2015) ‘art of invitation’. The findings provide inspiration for researchers and practitioners that aim to apply arts-based co-creative practices, including how to navigate existing power balances and re-centre a cultural project towards the needs of the community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 279-294
Line Togsverd ◽  
Jan Jaap Rothuizen

In our research concerning the education of Danish pedagogues we found a common understanding that professionalism and personal involvement are not mutually exclusive, so we grapple with the relationship between them. We settle the problem with a reminder of the nature of education and upbringing as a cultural project based on values such as participation and emancipation: values that always have to be realized in unique situations. We argue that professionalism and personal involvement go hand in hand if they are embedded in communities of investigative practice, in which multiple forms of knowledge are brought into play.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
Sara Orzechowska

Nowadays, interest in phytotherapy and ethnobotanics has increased. This phenomenon was the reason for the cultural project “Ethnopantry of Dobrzyń Land”. During the event, the participants explored the knowledge of herbal medicine and ethnography, including superstitions, beliefs, and the role of plants in folklore texts, while simultaneously providing information about stories, practices, and methods of using herbs in their place of residence, among the older generation or relying on their own experiences. The transfer of knowledge between the instructors and participants resulted in a large amount of folklore material. The article is an attempt to summarise the collected data and to analyse them from an anthropological perspective.

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