allelic series
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2022 ◽  
Shreeta Chakraborty ◽  
Nina Kopitchinski ◽  
Ariel Eraso ◽  
Parirokh Awasthi ◽  
Raj Chari ◽  

Transcriptional control by distal enhancers is an integral feature of gene regulation. To understand how enhancer-promoter interactions arise and assess the impact of disrupting 3D chromatin structure on gene expression, we generated an allelic series of mouse mutants that perturb the physical structure of the Sox2 locus. We show that in the epiblast and in neuronal tissues, CTCF-mediated loops are neither required for the interaction of the Sox2 promoter with distal enhancers, nor for its expression. Insertion of various combinations of CTCF motifs between Sox2 and its distal enhancers generated ectopic loops with varying degrees of insulation that directly correlated with reduced transcriptional output. Yet, even the mutants exhibiting the strongest insulation, with six CTCF motifs in divergent orientation, could not fully abolish activation by distal enhancers, and failed to disrupt implantation and neurogenesis. In contrast, cells of the anterior foregut were more susceptible to chromatin structure disruption with no detectable SOX2 expression in mutants with the strongest CTCF-mediated boundaries. These animals phenocopied loss of SOX2 in the anterior foregut, failed to separate trachea from esophagus and died perinatally. We propose that baseline transcription levels and enhancer density may influence the tissue-specific ability of distal enhancers to overcome physical barriers and maintain faithful gene expression. Our work suggests that high affinity enhancer-promoter interactions that can overcome chromosomal structural perturbations, play an essential role in maintaining phenotypic robustness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 100886
Hyeongju Kim ◽  
Kyung-gi Hyun ◽  
Alejandro Lloret ◽  
Ihn Sik Seong ◽  
Ji-Joon Song

2021 ◽  
George C Murray ◽  
Jason Bubier ◽  
Oraya J Zinder ◽  
Belinda Harris ◽  
James Clark ◽  

Rorb encodes the Retinoic Acid Receptor-related orphan receptor beta. Mutations in either of the two transcripts of Rorb cause defects in multiple systems, including abnormal photoreceptor abundance and morphology in the retina and a characteristic high-stepper or duck-like gait arising from dysfunction of interneurons in the spinal cord. Rorb is also important for cortical development and cell fate specification in mice. Rorb variants segregate with epilepsy and comorbidities such as intellectual disability in numerous clinical cases. Here we describe five mouse strains with spontaneous mutations in Rorb identified by their gait phenotype. These mutations affect different domains and isoforms of Rorb, which correspond to the spectrum of anatomical and physiological phenotypes exhibited by these mice. Gene set analysis in Rorb mutants implicates pathways associated with development and nervous system function, and differential gene expression analysis indicates changes in numerous genes related to epilepsy, bipolar disorder, and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Many of these genes and their protein products are known to interact during synapse formation and neuronal activity. These findings further illuminate the role of Rorb in nervous system development, provide further evidence for an association between Rorb and several neurological conditions, and describe an allelic series of Rorb mutant mice that will be useful for dissecting thalamocortical afferent(TCA) development, neural cell fate determination, and as animal models exhibiting transcriptomic shifts in neurological conditions such as epilepsy, bipolar disorder, and ASD.

2021 ◽  
Yu Jin ◽  
Maxim Ivanov ◽  
Anna Nelson Dittrich ◽  
Andrew Nelson ◽  
Sebastian Marquardt

Eukaryotic genomes give rise to thousands of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), yet the purpose of lncRNAs remains largely enigmatic. Functional characterization of lncRNAs is challenging due to multiple orthogonal hypothesis for molecular activities of lncRNA loci. Here, we identified a flowering associated intergenic lncRNA (FLAIL) that represses flowering in Arabidopsis. An allelic series of flail loss-of-function mutants generated by CRISPR/Cas9 and T-DNA mutagenesis showed an early flowering phenotype. Gene expression analyses in flail mutants revealed differentially expressed genes linked to the regulation of flowering. A genomic rescue fragment of FLAIL introduced in flail mutants complemented gene expression defects and early flowering, consistent with trans-acting effects of the FLAIL RNA. Knock-down of FLAIL RNA levels using the artificial microRNA approach revealed an early flowering phenotype shared with genomic mutations, indicating a trans-acting role of FLAIL RNA in the repression of flowering time. Genome-wide detection of FLAIL-DNA interactions by ChIRP-seq suggested that FLAIL may directly bind genomic regions. FLAIL bound to genes involved in regulation of flowering that were differentially expressed in flail, consistent with the interpretation of FLAIL as a trans-acting lncRNA directly shaping gene expression. Our findings highlight FLAIL as a trans-acting lncRNA that affects flowering in Arabidopsis, likely through mediating transcriptional regulation of genes directly bound by FLAIL.

2021 ◽  
Ana Rita Amândio ◽  
Leonardo Beccari ◽  
Lucille Lopez-Delisle ◽  
Bénédicte Mascrez ◽  
Jozsef Zakany ◽  

Mammalian Hox gene clusters contain a range of CTCF binding sites. In addition to their importance in organizing a TAD border, which isolates the most posterior genes from the rest of the cluster, the positions and orientations of these sites suggest that CTCF may be instrumental in the selection of various subsets of contiguous genes, which are targets of distinct remote enhancers located in the flanking regulatory landscapes. We examined this possibility by producing an allelic series of cumulative in cis mutations in these sites, up to the abrogation of CTCF binding in the five sites located on one side of the TAD border. In the most impactful alleles, the global chromatin architecture of the locus was modified, yet not drastically, illustrating that CTCF sites located on one side of a strong TAD border are sufficient to organize at least part of this insulation. Spatial colinearity in the expression of these genes along the major body axis was nevertheless maintained, despite abnormal expression boundaries. In contrast, strong effects were scored in the selection of target genes responding to particular enhancers, leading to the misregulation of Hoxd genes in specific structures. Altogether, while most enhancer–promoter interactions can occur in the absence of this series of CTCF sites, the binding of CTCF in the Hox cluster is required to properly transform a rather unprecise process into a highly discriminative mechanism of interactions, which is translated into various patterns of transcription accompanied by the distinctive chromatin topology found at this locus. Our allelic series also allowed us to reveal the distinct functional contributions for CTCF sites within this Hox cluster, some acting as insulator elements, others being necessary to anchor or stabilize enhancer–promoter interactions, and some doing both, whereas they all together contribute to the formation of a TAD border. This variety of tasks may explain the amazing evolutionary conservation in the distribution of these sites among paralogous Hox clusters or between various vertebrates.

2021 ◽  
Margaux Louise Anna Hujoel ◽  
Maxwell A Sherman ◽  
Alison R Barton ◽  
Ronen E Mukamel ◽  
Vijay G. Sankaran ◽  

The human genome contains hundreds of thousands of regions exhibiting copy number variation (CNV). However, the phenotypic effects of most such polymorphisms are unknown because only larger CNVs (spanning tens of kilobases) have been ascertainable from the SNP-array data generated by large biobanks. We developed a new computational approach that leverages abundant haplotype-sharing in biobank cohorts to more sensitively detect CNVs co-inherited within extended SNP haplotypes. Applied to UK Biobank, this approach achieved 6-fold increased CNV detection sensitivity compared to previous analyses, accounting for approximately half of all rare gene inactivation events produced by genomic structural variation. This extensive CNV call set enabled the most comprehensive analysis to date of associations between CNVs and 56 quantitative traits, identifying 269 independent associations (P < 5 x 10-8) - involving 97 loci - that rigorous statistical fine-mapping analyses indicated were likely to be causally driven by CNVs. Putative target genes were identifiable for nearly half of the loci, enabling new insights into dosage-sensitivity of these genes and implicating several novel gene-trait relationships. CNVs at several loci created extended allelic series including deletions or duplications of distal enhancers that associated with much stronger phenotypic effects than SNPs within these regulatory elements. These results demonstrate the ability of haplotype-informed analysis to empower structural variant detection and provide insights into the genetic basis of human complex traits.

Marion Claudia Müller ◽  
Lukas Kunz ◽  
Johannes Peter Graf ◽  
Seraina Schudel ◽  
Beat Keller

The emergence of new fungal pathogens through hybridization represents a serious challenge for agriculture. Hybridization between the wheat mildew (Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici) and rye mildew (B.g. f.sp. secalis) pathogens have led to the emergence of a new mildew form (B.g. f.sp. triticale) growing on triticale, a man-made amphiploid crop derived from crossing rye and wheat which was originally resistant to the powdery mildew disease. The identification of the genetic basis of host-adaptation in triticale mildew has been hampered by the lack of a reference genome. Here we report the 141.4 Mb reference assembly of triticale mildew isolate THUN-12 derived from long-read sequencing and genetic map-based scaffolding. All eleven triticale mildew chromosomes were assembled from telomere-to-telomere and revealed that 19.7% of the hybrid genome was inherited from the rye mildew parental lineage. We identified lineage-specific regions in the hybrid, inherited from the rye or wheat mildew parental lineages, that harbour numerous bona fide candidate effectors. We propose that the combination of lineage-specific effectors in the hybrid genome is crucial for host-adaptation, allowing the fungus to simultaneously circumvent the immune systems contributed by wheat and rye in the triticale crop. In line with this we demonstrate the functional transfer of the SvrPm3 effector from wheat to triticale mildew, a virulence effector that specifically suppresses resistance of the wheat Pm3 allelic series. This transfer is the likely underlying cause for the observed poor effectiveness of several Pm3 alleles against triticale mildew and exemplifies the negative implications of pathogen hybridizations on resistance breeding.

PLoS Genetics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (8) ◽  
pp. e1009771
Peter A. Kropp ◽  
Jing Wu ◽  
Michael Reidy ◽  
Sanjay Shrestha ◽  
Kyle Rhodehouse ◽  

Multiple Mitochondrial Dysfunctions Syndrome 1 (MMDS1) is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the NFU1 gene. NFU1 is responsible for delivery of iron-sulfur clusters (ISCs) to recipient proteins which require these metallic cofactors for their function. Pathogenic variants of NFU1 lead to dysfunction of its target proteins within mitochondria. To date, 20 NFU1 variants have been reported and the unique contributions of each variant to MMDS1 pathogenesis is unknown. Given that over half of MMDS1 individuals are compound heterozygous for different NFU1 variants, it is valuable to investigate individual variants in an isogenic background. In order to understand the shared and unique phenotypes of NFU1 variants, we used CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing to recreate exact patient variants of NFU1 in the orthologous gene, nfu-1 (formerly lpd-8), in C. elegans. Five mutant C. elegans alleles focused on the presumptive iron-sulfur cluster interaction domain were generated and analyzed for mitochondrial phenotypes including respiratory dysfunction and oxidative stress. Phenotypes were variable between the mutant nfu-1 alleles and generally presented as an allelic series indicating that not all variants have lost complete function. Furthermore, reactive iron within mitochondria was evident in some, but not all, nfu-1 mutants indicating that iron dyshomeostasis may contribute to disease pathogenesis in some MMDS1 individuals.

PLoS Genetics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (8) ◽  
pp. e1009775
Mennatallah M. Y. Albarqi ◽  
Sean P. Ryder

RNA regulation is essential to successful reproduction. Messenger RNAs delivered from parent to progeny govern early embryonic development. RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are the key effectors of this process, regulating the translation and stability of parental transcripts to control cell fate specification events prior to zygotic gene activation. The KH-domain RBP MEX-3 is conserved from nematode to human. It was first discovered in Caenorhabditis elegans, where it is essential for anterior cell fate and embryo viability. Here, we show that loss of the endogenous mex-3 3´UTR disrupts its germline expression pattern. An allelic series of 3´UTR deletion variants identify repressing regions of the UTR and demonstrate that repression is not precisely coupled to reproductive success. We also show that several RBPs regulate mex-3 mRNA through its 3´UTR to define its unique germline spatiotemporal expression pattern. Additionally, we find that both poly(A) tail length control and the translation initiation factor IFE-3 contribute to its expression pattern. Together, our results establish the importance of the mex-3 3´UTR to reproductive health and its expression in the germline. Our results suggest that additional mechanisms control MEX-3 function when 3´UTR regulation is compromised.

2021 ◽  
Rita Lhopitallier ◽  
Leonardo Beccari ◽  
Lucille Lopez-Delisle ◽  
Benedicte Mascrez ◽  
Jozsef Zakany ◽  

Mammalian Hox gene clusters contain a range of CTCF binding sites. In addition to their importance in organizing a TAD border, which isolates the most posterior genes from the rest of the cluster, the positions and orientations of these sites suggest that CTCF may be instrumental in the selection of various subsets of contiguous genes, which are targets of distinct remote enhancers located in the flanking regulatory landscapes. We examined this possibility by producing an allelic series of cumulative in-cis mutations in these sites, up to the abrogation of CTCF binding in the five sites located on one side of the TAD border. In the most impactful alleles, the global chromatin architecture of the locus was modified, yet not drastically, illustrating that CTCF sites located on one side of a strong TAD border are sufficient to organize at least part of this insulation. Spatial colinearity in the expression of these genes along the major body axis was nevertheless maintained, despite abnormal expression boundaries. In contrast, strong effects were scored in the selection of target genes responding to particular enhancers, leading to the mis-regulation of Hoxd genes in specific structures. Altogether, while most enhancer-promoter interactions can occur in the absence of this series of CTCF sites, it seems that the binding of CTCF in the Hox cluster is required to properly transform a rather unprecise process into a highly discriminative mechanism of interactions, which is translated into various patterns of transcription accompanied by the distinctive chromatin topology found at this locus. Our allelic series also allowed us to reveal the distinct functional contributions for CTCF sites within this Hox cluster, some acting as insulator elements, others being necessary to anchor or stabilize enhancer-promoter interactions and some doing both, whereas all together contribute to the formation of a TAD border. This variety of tasks may explain the amazing evolutionary conservation in the distribution of these sites amongst paralogous Hox clusters or between various vertebrates.

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