human circulatory system
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-56

Inviting someone to be able to study according to a predetermined plan is not easy, especially after the covid-19 pandemic, many children are lazy in learning, especially reading, so teaching materials are needed that can attract students' interest. For junior high school students who still want to play dominantly, the teacher must be able to provide teaching materials in which there is an element of play so that students can be motivated in learning. Based on this background, the researchers conducted a Development Research on Puzzle-based LKPD to improve the science learning outcomes of class VIII SMPN 15 Mukomuko students on the material of the Human Circulatory System. The puzzle that the researcher means is a crossword puzzle. From the results of research and testing from the validator team, researchers got a Puzzle-based worksheet that can be used after the validator team's assessment of the presentation aspect with a value of 18 on the criteria 72% is in the category of quite valid and suitable for use with minor revisions, and the content aspect with a value of 23 on the 76% criteria are in the valid category and suitable for use without revision. From this research we get a reference that can be used by science subject teachers to teach material on the human circulatory system. ABSTRAKMengajak seseorang untuk bisa belajar sesuai dengan rencana yang sudah ditetapkan bukanlah hal yang mudah, apalagi setelah pandemi covid-19, banyak anak yang malas dalam belajar terutama membaca, sehingga diperlukan bahan ajar yang dapat menarik minat siswa. untuk siswa SMP yang masih dominan ingin bermain maka guru harus dapat menyediakan bahan ajar yang didalamnya ada unsur bermain sehingga siswa dapat termotivasi dalam belajar. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut peneliti melakukan Penelitian Pengembangan teradap LKPD berbasis Puzzle untuk meningktkan hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas VIII SMPN 15 Mukomuko pada materi Sistem Peredaran Darah manusia. Puzzle yang peneliti maksud adalah teka-teki silang. Dari hasil penelitian dan pengujian dari tim Validator peneliti mendapatkan LKPD berbasis Puzzle yang dapat digunakan setelah penilaian dari tim validator terhadap aspek sajian dengan nilai 18 pada kriteria 72% berada pada kategori cukup valid dan layak digunakan dengan revisi kecil, dan aspek Isi dengan nilai 23 pada kriteria 76% berada pada kategori valid dan layak digunakan tanpa revisi.dari penelitian ini kita mendapatkan sebuah referensi yang dapat digunakan oleh guru mata pelajaran IPA untuk mengajarkan materi sistema peredaran darah manusia.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 7402
Erica Doutel ◽  
Francisco J. Galindo-Rosales ◽  
Laura Campo-Deaño

Microbots have been considered powerful tools in minimally invasive medicine. In the last few years, the topic has been highly studied by researchers across the globe to further develop the capabilities of microbots in medicine. One of many applications of these devices is performing surgical procedures inside the human circulatory system. It is expected that these microdevices traveling along the microvascular system can remove clots, deliver drugs, or even look for specific cells or regions to diagnose and treat. Although many studies have been published about this subject, the experimental influence of microbot morphology in hemodynamics of specific sites of the human circulatory system is yet to be explored. There are numerical studies already considering some of human physiological conditions, however, experimental validation is vital and demands further investigations. The roles of specific hemodynamic variables, the non-Newtonian behavior of blood and its particulate nature at small scales, the flow disturbances caused by the heart cycle, and the anatomy of certain arteries (i.e., bifurcations and tortuosity of vessels of some regions) in the determination of the dynamic performance of microbots are of paramount importance. This paper presents a critical analysis of the state-of-the-art literature related to pulsatile blood flow around microbots.

2021 ◽  
Jurnal Julak

The purpose of this study was to increase the ability of understanding of human circulatory system using the picture and picture model in class of XI MIPA 1 SMA N 1 Pengaron, 2020/2021.The research was carried out using the stages in Classroom Action Research (CAR), namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research was carried out in two cycles, the first cycle and the second cycle. Based on the description of the research it was found that there was an increase in the delivery of teachers in making learning videos for students during the Covid-19 virus outbreak in each cycle. In the first cycle, it was known that the video still seemed boring and very stiff and increased in the second cycle, the learning video had started well in delivering the material.The conclusion is that the picture and picture model is expected to improve students' ability to understand the human circulation system in class of XI MIPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Pengaron in 2020/2021.

Membranes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 744
Abdulrahman Mahmoud ◽  
Abdullah Alsalemi ◽  
Faycal Bensaali ◽  
Ali Ait Hssain ◽  
Ibrahim Hassan

(1) Background: Simulation-based training (SBT) is the practice of using hands-on training to immerse learners in a risk-free and high-fidelity environment. SBT is used in various fields due to its risk-free benefits from a safety and an economic perspective. In addition, SBT provides immersive training unmatched by traditional teaching the interactive visualization needed in particular scenarios. Medical SBT is a prevalent practice as it allows for a platform for learners to learn in a risk-free and cost-effective environment, especially in critical care, as mistakes could easily cause fatalities. An essential category of care is human circulatory system care (HCSC), which includes essential-to-simulate complications such as cardiac arrest. (2) Methods: In this paper, a deeper look onto existing human circulatory system medical SBT is presented to assess and highlight the important features that should be present with a focus on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation cannulation (ECMO) simulators and cardiac catheterization. (3) Results: A list of features is also suggested for an ideal simulator to bridge the gap between medical studies and simulator engineering, followed by a case study of an ECMO SBT system design. (4) Conclusions: a collection and discussion of existing work for HCSC SBT are portrayed as a guide for researchers and practitioners to compare existing SBT and recreating them effectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Rizky Nyna Amalia ◽  
Chairil Faif Pasani ◽  
Ratna Yulinda

AbstrakPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan modul sistem peredaran darah manusia berbasis literasi sains dan bermuatan karakter kreatif untuk peserta didik SMP. Bahan ajar yang dipilih untuk penelitian ini berupa modul. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan validitas modul pembelajaran IPA SMP berbasis literasi sains dan bermuatan karakter kreatif pada materi sistem peredaran darah manusia berdasarkan penilaian para ahli. Modul dikembangkan dengan model pengembangan 4D, akan tetapi pada penelitian ini hanya sampai pada tahap develop yaitu validasi pakar. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah lembar validasi. Rata-rata skor keseluruhan validitas adalah 92,68%  menunjukkan bahwa modul memiliki tingkat validitas yang sangat baik. Hal ini ditinjau dari lima aspek: (1) aspek format modul memperoleh skor 93,33 kriteria sangat valid, (2) aspek bahasa memperoleh skor 94,17 kriteria sangat valid, (3) aspek isi modul peserta didik memperoleh skor 91,67 kriteria sangat valid, (4) aspek penyajian memperoleh skor 92,59 kriteria sangat valid, dan (5) aspek manfaat media ajar memperoleh skor 91,67 juga dengan kriteria sangat valid. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, dapat disimpulkan modul pembelajaran IPA SMP berbasis literasi sains dan bermuatan karakter kreatif pada materi sistem peredaran darah manusia layak untuk digunakan. This research was about developing the module of human circulatory system science literacy-based and containing creative character for Junior High School students. PISA result 2018 showed science literacy skill in Indonesia was still low. The learning material spread nowadays contains few creative character content. This research aimed to describe the validity of the Science Learning Module of Junior High School Science Literacy-Based and contain creative character in a human circulatory system based on the experts’ assessment. The module was developed using the 4 D development model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate); however, this research only until the development stage, namely the experts’ validation. The instrument used in this research was a validation sheet. The research results show that the module has an excellent validity level reviewed from five aspects: (1) the aspect of module format obtains score 93.33 in highly valid criteria, (2) the language aspect obtains score 94.17 in highly valid criteria, (3) the aspect of students’ module content obtains score 91.67 in highly valid criteria, (4) presentation aspect obtains score 92.59 with highly valid criteria, (5) the aspect of teaching material benefit obtains score 91.67 also with highly valid criteria. Based on the research results obtained, it can be concluded that the Science learning module of Junior High School Science literacy based on a creative character in human circulatory system material is feasible to use. 

2021 ◽  
Jorge Torres Gómez ◽  
Regine Wendt ◽  
Anke Kuestner ◽  
Ketki Pitke ◽  
Lukas Stratmann ◽  

Mar’atul Izza ◽  
Sukamti Sukamti ◽  
Sri Estu Winahyu

Abstract: This study aims to describe the material misconceptions about the human circulatory system in fifth grade students at SD Negeri 1 Sumberpasir. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection through essay tests and interviews. The research subjects were fifth grade students. The results showed that there were still many students who had misconceptions about the concept of the human circulatory organ, the process of human blood circulation, human blood circulation disorders and how to maintain the health of the circulatory organ. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan miskonsepsi materi sistem peredaran darah manusia pada siswa kelas V di SD Negeri 1 Sumberpasir. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui tes esai dan wawancara. Subjek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas V. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan masih banyak siswa yang mengalami miskonsepsi pada konsep organ peredaran darah manusia, proses peredaran darah manusia, gangguan peredaran darah manusia dan cara memelihara kesehatan organ peredaran darah.

Ngan Nguyen ◽  
Peter Thurgood ◽  
Nadia Chandra Sekar ◽  
Sheng Chen ◽  
Elena Pirogova ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1988 (1) ◽  
pp. 012010
A K Khalid ◽  
Z S Othman ◽  
CT M N M Shafee

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Miftah Audhiha ◽  
Melly Andriani ◽  
Asyti Febliza ◽  
Zul Afdal

This research aimed at describing the validity of Macromedia Flash based Interactive Multimedia on Human Circulatory System material and describing student and teacher responses to Macromedia Flash based Interactive Multimedia on Human Circulatory System material.  This research was instigated by the conventional instructional media used by the teacher, and the lack of school facility utilization to support the learning process.  It was Research and Development (R&D) with Borg and Gall development model.  The subjects of this research were 31 students at the fifth grade of Islamic Elementary School of Al-Ikhwan Pekanbaru in the Academic Year of 2019/2020, and the object was Macromedia Flash based Interactive Multimedia on Human Circulatory System material.  Instruments of collecting the data were interview, documentation, validation sheet given to the experts of media and material to measure the validity of Macromedia Flash based Interactive Multimedia on Human Circulatory System material, and questionnaire of teacher and student responses to see teacher and student responses to Macromedia Flash based Interactive Multimedia developed on Human Circulatory System material.  The obtained data then were analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques.  Based on the research and data analysis, it could be concluded that Macromedia Flash based Interactive Multimedia on Human Circulatory System material at the fifth grade of Islamic Elementary School of Al-Ikhwan Pekanbaru, especially in the final product developed, passed the valid criterion with mean scores of the assessments of media experts 96% and material experts 94.5%, it was on very good category and it was proper to be tested.  After testing, Macromedia Flash based Interactive Multimedia on Human Circulatory System material at the fifth grade of Islamic Elementary School of Al-Ikhwan Pekanbaru showed 100% percentage result for the small group test and 100% percentage result for the field test, and it was on very good category.  The result of teacher response to Macromedia Flash based Interactive Multimedia on Human Circulatory System material at the fifth grade of Islamic Elementary School of Al-Ikhwan Pekanbaru was 98.2% percentage, and it was on very good category.

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