quantitative descriptive analysis
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-26

  This research method uses quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. While the research design uses an action research model. The sample of this research is 34 students. The results of data analysis showed that the development of students before using LMS Schoology and youtube student activity was 61%, material absorption was 63.4%, with an average grade of 72.3% and completeness of students who achieved the KKM score was 56.7%. After learning is combined with the use of LMS Schoology and youtube, it continues to increase starting from the first cycle, student activity reaches 77%, material absorption capacity is 81.6%, class average value increases 80% and student completeness reaches 76.5%. Then there was an increase in learning outcomes in the second cycle after correcting the weaknesses of the first cycle, student activity reached 95%, material absorption was 100%, the class average value increased 86.8% and student learning completeness was 100%. so that the action has stopped in cycle II only. This data shows that the use of LMS Schoology and youtube has been able to improve student learning outcomes in class XI MIPA I on polynomial material in a fun way. ABSTRAKMetode penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Sedangkan rancangan penelitian menggunakan model penelitian tindakan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 34 siswa. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan siswa sebelum memanfaatkan LMS Schoology dan Youtube keaktifan siswa siswa 61%, daya serap materi 63,4%, dengan nilai rata-rata kelas 72,3% dan ketuntasan siswa yang mencapai nilai KKM adalah 56,7%. Setelah pembelajaran dikombinasikan dengan pemanfaatan LMS Schoology dan Youtube mengalami peningkatan terus mulai dari siklus I, keaktifan siswa mencapai 77%, daya serap materi 81,6%, nilai rat-rata kelas meningkat 80% dan ketuntasan siswa mencapai 76,5%. Kemudian terjadi peningkatan hasil belajar pada siklus II setelah memperbaiki kelemahan dari siklus I keaktifan siswa mencapai 95%, daya serap materi 100% , nilai rata-rata kelas meningkat 86,8% dan ketuntasan belajar siswa 100%. sehingga tindakan sudah berhenti pada siklus II saja. Data ini menunjukkan bahwa Pemanfaatan LMS Schoology dan Youtube telah mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas XI MIPA I pada materi polinomial melalui cara yang menyenangkan.

Owner ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 632-647
Laras Sukma Arum Melati ◽  
Guntur Saputra ◽  
Faridatun Najiyah ◽  
Fitria Asas

The problem that becomes the background of this research is in determining the selling price of a basic product that is used is the calculation of the cost of production, which is a way to take into account the determination of cost elements into the cost of the product and the selling price that is set must be able to determine all costs that produce long term profit. Based on the determination of the correct product cost of a product, it will be able to reduce uncertainty in determining the selling price. The purpose of this study is to find out how to calculate the cost of production based on the full costing method for determining the selling price of the product. In determining the selling price of the product, the selling price method is used based on cost-plus pricing. Cost plus pricing is the determination of the price by adding a certain amount (percentage) of the selling price or cost as profit. The method used in this study is quantitative descriptive analysis method, the results of this study indicate that there are advantages in calculating the cost of goods manufactured based on the Full Costing method and to be able to determine the cost of goods sold, the production costs must be calculated at the beginning of each month based on the previous period's sales report.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Ahmad Sardan

This study aims to improve the activities and learning outcomes of students of SMKN 1 Praya Tengah Class X Multimedia through cooperative learning, thinking in pairs and sharing. This research method uses classroom action research with 20 students as research subjects. The instruments of this research are observation sheets and tests. While the data analysis technique used quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed an increase in student activity and learning outcomes, namely in the first cycle the average score of student learning activities was 10.3 with a fairly active category, while the average value of student learning outcomes was 66 and the percentage of completeness was 80%. In cycle II the average score of student learning activities is 14.22 with a very active category, while the average value of student learning outcomes is 75 and the percentage of completeness is 90%. So that the results of this study conclude that cooperative learning in thinking in pairs and sharing can increase the activity and learning outcomes of mathematics students at SMKN 1 Praya Tengah Class X Multimedia.

Owner ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 426-442
Eko Cahyo Mayndarto

Taxes are a very large source of state revenue which is used to finance government expenditures, such as financing government administration, building infrastructure, providing education and health facilities. Taxes are said to be mandatory because they are already stated in the law and there are even regulations governing taxation. Every taxpayer is required to take part so that the growth and implementation of national development can run well. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative analysis method. This study uses secondary data obtained from the documentation. Quantitative descriptive analysis is done by collecting and classifying according to certain criteria or patterns, the data that has been quantified and the analysis is used to get a systematic picture of the contents of a document. Sources of data used in this study is secondary data sources, namely data obtained from existing documents. So that data in finished form has been collected and then processed by other parties and is usually in the form of publications. The secondary data used is in the form of the annual report of companies listed on the IDX in 2015-2019 related to research variables. The data in this study comes from the Indonesia Stock Exchange website and the company's website. The results of the research and discussion can be concluded. There is a partial negative and significant effect between the profitability variable (ROA) on tax avoidance in manufacturing companies in the automotive sub-sector. There is a positive and partially significant effect between company size variables on tax avoidance in manufacturing companies in the automotive sub-sector. There is a simultaneous significant effect between profitability (ROA) and firm size on tax avoidance in manufacturing companies in the automotive sub-sector.

Junjie Gavin Wu ◽  
Mark Feng Teng ◽  
Miller Lindsay

This paper, drawing upon a mobile telecollaborative project, resonates with the rapid development of technology in language learning. We employed the instant messaging app WeChat to create an English telecollaborative environment for two groups of Chinese students to communicate within. Interview data were triangulated with students’ chat transcripts and comments from a teacher’s reflective journal. A mixed-methods approach, including quantitative descriptive analysis, thematic analysis and content analysis, was used to investigate the challenges and the linguistic performance by applying the community of inquiry framework to the students’ chats. The analysis illustrates some of the complexities and challenges of using online apps as a way of communicating in a second language: students expected more teacher support, they struggled to use the app due to their physical environments and they felt that they were not sufficiently well prepared for chatting in an English medium environment. Based on the findings, a conceptual model is proposed for consideration when encouraging students to engage in telecollaborative learning. Implications for practice or policy: Teachers should enhance their visibility in mobile telecollaborative projects by promoting participants’ contribution through different facilitation techniques. Teachers and educators can capitalise on the proposed conceptual model to guide their own design of such online learning experiences for their learners. Telecollaborative learning can be improved by taking into account various factors such as physical environment, the medium of communication and the potential incentives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-201
Nurhafidhah Nurhafidhah ◽  
Hasby Hasby ◽  
Muhammad Nazar ◽  
Sirry Alvina

The study aims to explain the need for developing web-based learning media on chemical bonding concepts. This research is descriptive research with a survey method. The sample of this research is the teacher of chemistry subject who teaches chemical bonding concepts at Senior High School in Langsa city. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The data collected is data on needs on aspects of teacher readiness, student needs, and support. Data analysis uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that teachers of chemistry subjects at Senior High School in Langsa City had the readiness to use web-based learning media that would be developed. Based on the teacher's response, the development of web-based learning media on chemical bonding material is strongly needed by teachers and students. The support of facilities and human resources at Senior High School in Langsa City on web-based learning media apply is adequate. These results concluded that the development of web-based learning media on chemical bonding material is strongly needed in chemistry lessons at senior high school in Langsa city.

Muh Imaduddin Akbar ◽  
Muhammaf Ghafur Wibowo

AbstractThis study aims to investigate the effectiveness of macroprudential policies in mitigating the systemic risk in Indonesia. The study uses quantitative descriptive analysis with the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and emphasizes on the impact of two macroprudential instruments applied in Indonesia; Macroprudential Liquidity Buffer (MLB) and Countercyclical Capital Buffer (CCyB) to credit growth for conventional and financing growth for Sharia bank. This study employes monthly data over the periods M12010-M102019 that obtained from Bank Indonesia’s (BI) website (www.bi.go.di) and the data published monthly by Financial Service Authority (OJK); Indonesia Bank Statistic and Sharia Bank Statistic.The result indicates that MLB has a positive impact on credit growth and negative effect financing for Sharia Bank. Otherwise, CCyB shows the opposite results, where it has a negative effect on credit growth, while in the Sharia bank, CCyB has a positive effect. Therefore, it is sufficient to conclude that MLB has a capability to curb the systemic risk for Sharia bank, whereas CCyB is effective for conventional bank.

Alivia Fitriani Hilmi

Indonesia has great potential for the development of the Islamic banking industry. However, the reality shows that this potential increase runs contrary to the development of Islamic banking. The concept of policies that have been set by the government has not been able to persuade the public to use Islamic banking. Therefore, the government implemented the latest policy, namely the merger of Islamic banks by providing one mobile banking. Where there is a merger of Islamic banks accompanied by digitalization, it automatically makes Indonesian Islamic banks a holding bank with larger capital, practical, efficient and easily recognizable. The merger of Islamic banks will strengthen the Islamic banking sector which is predicted to be able to move the real sector and have the highest assets. with the existing potential, the authors conducted research on the development of sharia bank customers by optimizing the digitalization of BSI with the potential for existing BUMN bank customers who have not used sharia services with a healthy competitive market. The research method used is SWOT analysis, as well as quantitative descriptive and simple linear regression T test withobservation data random sample. SWOT matrix analyzed the results also indicate one or mergers quadrant Islamic banks must maintain an aggressive strategy by leveraging the dominance of one bank BUMN.Selain existing customers, the result of quantitative descriptive analysis based on the calculation likert and intervalscale,72% of 60 respondents agreed to the item – a questionnaire item that refers to the creation of a healthy competitive market with the existence of BSI digital banking. From the results of the T test, it shows that there is an influence between the digitalization of banking mergers of Islamic banks on the optimization of existing customers of state-owned banks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 179-185
Ai Mahmudatussa'adah ◽  
Tati Setiawati ◽  
Sudewi ◽  
Ade Juwaedah

Breakfast is an important thing for everyone. Breakfast requires a complete nutritional composition. Cream of sweet potato soup is an alternative to a proper healthy meal. Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L) contains carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber, oligosaccharides, and other phytochemicals that are good for health. Sweet potato production is very abundant, but its utilization is not maximal yet. The purpose of this research was to produce sweet potato cream soup. The study was done by experimental method and organoleptic test by using Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) method and evaluation of the final product by using a hedonic method. The steps in this study include prescription cream soup analysis, focus group discussion (FGD), trial and evaluation with QDA method, the final product is tested receiving power by using hedonic test. The results showed cream of sweet potato soup has nutritional adequacy as a breakfast menu, has the characteristics of savory, shiny, sweet potato and spice. Cream of sweet potato soup is favored bay panels. Thus cream of sweet potato soup is perfect for a healthy breakfast.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-50
Asmi Aminuddin ◽  
Muhammad Yunus ◽  
Sundari Hamid

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar dengan penerapan pembelajaran jigsaw berbantuan media puzzle pada mata pelajaran IPS siswa di Kecamatan Tallo Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi eksperimen). Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SD kelas V di SD Inpres Kecamatan Tallo Kota Makassar. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 50 orang siswa yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol dengan masing-masing kelompok terdiri atas 25 orang siswa SD Inpres Galangan Kapal II dan 25 orang siswa SD Inpres Galangan Kapal IV Kota Makassar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan aktivitas dan hasil belajar dalam penerapan pembelajaran jigsaw berbantuan media Puzzle pada mata pelajaran IPS terhadap siswa di Kecamatan Tallo Kota Makassar sebesar 92%. Kegiatan pembelajaran dengan penerapan model pembelajaran jigsaw,  selain dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada materi pelajaran juga dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk memupuk rasa persatuan, memperlancar komunikasi, membentuk sifat yang tidak egois, dan memupuk rasa tanggung jawab siswa baik dalam kelompok maupun individual. The objective of this research is to know the improvement of learning outcomes using the application of jigsaw learning model by puzzle media in social studies of the students in Tallo District, Makassar City. This study is quasi experimental research. The data collection instrument used observation and test. The data analysis technique used  quantitative descriptive analysis. The population in this study were fourth grade elementary school students at Inpres Elementary Schools, Tallo District, Makassar City. The sample of this study is 50 students who were divided into two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group with each group consisting of 25 students of SD Inpres Galangan Kapal II and 25 students of SD Inpres Galangan Kapal IV Makassar City. The result showed that there was the improvement in learning activities and outcomes using the application of jigsaw learning model by puzzle media in social science of the students in Tallo District, Makassar City  which was 92%. The learning activities using the application of  learning model of jigsaw can improve the students' understanding of learning materials. It can also be used as a mean to increase unity, facilitate communication, forming an unselfish nature, and increase the students' responsibility both in group and individual.

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