arbitrary number
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2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 02002
D. Fiorentini ◽  
D. R. Junior ◽  
L. E. Oxman ◽  
R. F. Sobreiro

Recently, a novel approach to quantize SU(N) Yang-Mills theory was proposed, where the configuration space {Aμ} is split into sectors labeled by topological defects, and then the gauge is fixed by a sector dependent condition. As the procedure is local in {Aμ}, it could be free from Gribov copies. In this work, we review the renormalizability of sectors labeled by an arbitrary number of elementary center vortices.

A.М. Заяц ◽  
С.П. Хабаров

Предложен подход к разработке в среде OMNeT++ INET простейшей имитационной модели инфраструктурного режима функционирования Wi-Fi сети, который позволяет проводить подробный анализ функционирования таких сетей, а также строить и анализировать временные диаграммы взаимодействия всех элементов сети. Разработанную модель можно использовать как базовую для формирования более сложных моделей с произвольным числом мобильных клиентов, позволяя определять необходимое количество точек доступа и мест их размещения для обеспечения полноценного покрытия зоны мониторинга лесной территории. An approach to the development in the OMNeT ++ INET environment of the simplest simulation model of the infrastructure mode of Wi-Fi network operation is proposed, which allows a detailed analysis of the functioning of such networks, as well as to build and analyze the time diagram of the interaction of all network elements. The developed model can be used as a base for the formation of more complex models with an arbitrary number of mobile clients, allowing you to determine the required number of access points and their locations to ensure full coverage of the monitoring area of the forest area.

2021 ◽  
Vol Volume 17, Issue 4 ◽  
Jules Chouquet ◽  
Lionel Vaux Auclair

We examine some combinatorial properties of parallel cut elimination in multiplicative linear logic (MLL) proof nets. We show that, provided we impose a constraint on some paths, we can bound the size of all the nets satisfying this constraint and reducing to a fixed resultant net. This result gives a sufficient condition for an infinite weighted sum of nets to reduce into another sum of nets, while keeping coefficients finite. We moreover show that our constraints are stable under reduction. Our approach is motivated by the quantitative semantics of linear logic: many models have been proposed, whose structure reflect the Taylor expansion of multiplicative exponential linear logic (MELL) proof nets into infinite sums of differential nets. In order to simulate one cut elimination step in MELL, it is necessary to reduce an arbitrary number of cuts in the differential nets of its Taylor expansion. It turns out our results apply to differential nets, because their cut elimination is essentially multiplicative. We moreover show that the set of differential nets that occur in the Taylor expansion of an MELL net automatically satisfies our constraints. Interestingly, our nets are untyped: we only rely on the sequentiality of linear logic nets and the dynamics of cut elimination. The paths on which we impose bounds are the switching paths involved in the Danos--Regnier criterion for sequentiality. In order to accommodate multiplicative units and weakenings, our nets come equipped with jumps: each weakening node is connected to some other node. Our constraint can then be summed up as a bound on both the length of switching paths, and the number of weakenings that jump to a common node.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 (25) ◽  
Feng Yu ◽  
Xu-Lin Zhang ◽  
Zhen-Nan Tian ◽  
Qi-Dai Chen ◽  
Hong-Bo Sun

Tolson H. Bell ◽  
Jerrell M. Cockerham ◽  
Clayton M. Mizgerd ◽  
Melita F. Wiles ◽  
Christian R Scullard

Abstract We present a method for computing transition points of the random cluster model using a generalization of the Newman-Ziff algorithm, a celebrated technique in numerical percolation, to the random cluster model. The new method is straightforward to implement and works for real cluster weight $q>0$. Furthermore, results for an arbitrary number of values of $q$ can be found at once within a single simulation. Because the algorithm used to sweep through bond configurations is identical to that of Newman and Ziff, which was conceived for percolation, the method loses accuracy for large lattices when $q>1$. However, by sampling the critical polynomial, accurate estimates of critical points in two dimensions can be found using relatively small lattice sizes, which we demonstrate here by computing critical points for non-integer values of $q$ on the square lattice, to compare with the exact solution, and on the unsolved non-planar square matching lattice. The latter results would be much more difficult to obtain using other techniques.

Axioms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 330
Conghui Xie ◽  
Yuan He

In this paper, we perform a further investigation for the Catalan numbers. By making use of the method of derivatives and some properties of the Bell polynomials, we establish two new expressions for sums of products of arbitrary number of the Catalan numbers. The results presented here can be regarded as the development of some known formulas.

2021 ◽  
Yogesh Pratap Singh ◽  
Nazeer Ahmad ◽  
Ashitava Ghosal

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Johannes Hamre Isaksen ◽  
Konrad Tywoniuk

Abstract We study hard 1 → 2 final-state parton splittings in the medium, and put special emphasis on calculating the Wilson line correlators that appear in these calculations. As partons go through the medium their color continuously rotates, an effect that is encapsulated in a Wilson line along their trajectory. When calculating observables, one typically has to calculate traces of two or more medium-averaged Wilson lines. These are usually dealt with in the literature by invoking the large-Nc limit, but exact calculations have been lacking in many cases. In our work, we show how correlators of multiple Wilson lines appear, and develop a method to calculate them numerically to all orders in Nc. Initially, we focus on the trace of four Wilson lines, which we develop a differential equation for. We will then generalize this calculation to a product of an arbitrary number of Wilson lines, and show how to do the exact calculation numerically, and even analytically in the large-Nc limit. Color sub-leading corrections, that are suppressed with a factor $$ {N}_c^{-2} $$ N c − 2 relative to the leading scaling, are calculated explicitly for the four-point correlator and we discuss how to extend this method to the general case. These results are relevant for high-pT jet processes and initial stage physics at the LHC.

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