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PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0261929
Clarice Lee ◽  
Taylor A. Holroyd ◽  
Rachel Gur-Arie ◽  
Molly Sauer ◽  
Eleonor Zavala ◽  

Objectives The purpose of this study was to identify predictors of COVID-19 vaccine intention among Bangladeshi adults. Methods Secondary data from the COVID-19 Beliefs, Behaviors & Norms Survey conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Facebook were analyzed. Data were collected from 2,669 adult Facebook users in Bangladesh and was collected between February 15 and February 28, 2021. Binomial logistic regression examined the relationship between COVID-19 vaccination intent and demographic variables, risk perception, preventive behaviors, COVID-19 knowledge, and likelihood of future actions. Results Seventy-nine percent of respondents reported intent to get the COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. Intent to get vaccinated was highest among females, adults aged 71–80, individuals with college or graduate-level degrees, city dwellers, and individuals who perceived that they were in excellent health. Results of the binomial logistic regression indicated that predictors of vaccination intent include age (OR = 1.39), high risk perception of COVID-19 (OR = 1.47), and intent to practice social distancing (OR = 1.22). Discussion Findings suggest that age, perceived COVID-19 risk, and non-pharmaceutical COVID-19 interventions may predict COVID-19 vaccination intent among Bangladeshi adults. Findings can be used to create targeted messaging to increase demand for and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines in Bangladesh.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 806
Jing Wang ◽  
Hui-Zhen Fu ◽  
Jiaqi Xu ◽  
Danqi Wu ◽  
Yue Yang ◽  

A lot of research on international convention-controlled halogenated gases (CHGs) has been carried out. However, few bibliometric analyses and literature reviews exist in this field. Based on 734 articles extracted from the Science Citation Index (SCI) Expanded database of the Web of Science, we provided the visualisation for the performance of contributors and trends in research content by using VOSviewer and Science of Science (Sci2). The results showed that the United States was the most productive country, followed by the United Kingdom and China. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration had the largest number of publications, followed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Bristol. In terms of disciplines, environmental science and meteorological and atmospheric science have contributed the most. By using cluster analysis of all keywords, four key research topics of CHGs were identified and reviewed: (1) emissions calculation, (2) physicochemical analysis of halocarbons, (3) evaluation of replacements, and (4) environmental impact. The change in research substances is closely related to the phase-out schedule of the Montreal Protocol. In terms of environmental impact, global warming has always been the most important research hotspot, whereas research on ozone-depleting substances and biological toxicity shows a gradually rising trend.

2022 ◽  
Vol 933 ◽  
Lubomír Bureš ◽  
Yohei Sato

The dynamics of the microlayer beneath a growing bubble in nucleate boiling significantly impacts the heat-transfer characteristics of the process. The minute thickness of the microlayer motivates the use of direct numerical simulation (DNS) to model its behaviour if empirical models are to be avoided. In this work, we develop a computational strategy for utilising DNS to model nucleate boiling by resolving explicitly the microlayer, directly coupling, in a stable manner, the mass, momentum and energy conservation equations with the conjugate heat transfer between the solid and fluid domains. To this end, closure models for the treatment of interfacial heat transfer and the dynamic contact angle are introduced and substantiated. The computational procedure is validated against relevant experimental data recently measured at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; it is shown that the main observed growth features and surface heat-transfer characteristics are well reproduced using our model. We go on to perform a sensitivity study of the dependence of the initial microlayer thickness distribution on the applied superheat and fluid properties. The results indicate that an equation derived from lubrication theory captures the observed trends well. Finally, a first demonstration of DNS of boiling with an explicitly resolved microlayer in three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates is presented in one of the appendices.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2159 (1) ◽  
pp. 012010
L Uribe ◽  
J Villamizar ◽  
G Morantes ◽  
A Cerquera ◽  
E Prada ◽  

Abstract There are several coronary diseases that human beings can suffer from, which in themselves generate health deterioration and can lead to the development of other diseases that diminish the quality of life. Ischemic diseases are unique in that they are evidenced by blockages generated by the accumulation of fat that impedes circulation, triggering heart and brain-related problems. By means of fractional Brownian motion in relation to Hurst’s parameter, an analysis of a data of 137 patients aged between 30 and 71 years, who present some type of ischemic disease such as mixed, restricted, effort angina and angina pectoris, is performed. The data used was European, which is found in the PhysioNet open-access medical research data repository, managed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Computational Physiology Laboratory. This data shows the Hurst coefficient calculations associated with each type of ischemic heart disease.

2022 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
Marcello Romani-Dias ◽  
Angela Maria Scroccaro Biasoli ◽  
Jorge Carneiro ◽  
Aline dos Santos Barbosa

ABSTRACT The internationalization of higher education has gained in theoretical and empirical importance in recent decades. In this context, this article aims to describe and analyze the internationalization of business schools from the activities of their academics and based on the propositions defended by the Social Exchange Theory (SET). To achieve our goal we conducted 39 interviews with academics from business schools in the United States and Brazil, including Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard, Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and University of Sao Paulo (USP). We found that: (i) there are individual rewards that are not addressed by SET; (ii) there are benefits to third parties not covered by SET; (iii) certain non-rational choices are not provided by SET; and (iv) the condition of equivalence between costs and rewards provided by SET has its weaknesses. With these findings we add theoretical and empirical contributions to our theme.

2022 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
Marcello Romani-Dias ◽  
Angela Maria Scroccaro Biasoli ◽  
Jorge Carneiro ◽  
Aline dos Santos Barbosa

ABSTRACT The internationalization of higher education has gained in theoretical and empirical importance in recent decades. In this context, this article aims to describe and analyze the internationalization of business schools from the activities of their academics and based on the propositions defended by the Social Exchange Theory (SET). To achieve our goal we conducted 39 interviews with academics from business schools in the United States and Brazil, including Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard, Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and University of Sao Paulo (USP). We found that: (i) there are individual rewards that are not addressed by SET; (ii) there are benefits to third parties not covered by SET; (iii) certain non-rational choices are not provided by SET; and (iv) the condition of equivalence between costs and rewards provided by SET has its weaknesses. With these findings we add theoretical and empirical contributions to our theme.

Samantha L. Morello ◽  
Kai-Biu Shiu ◽  
Joseph Thurston

Abstract OBJECTIVE To compare resident and intern salaries with current regional living wages as a quantitative estimate of financial strain. SAMPLE 152 residency programs and 141 internship programs listed with the Veterinary Internship and Residency Matching Program for the 2021–2022 training year. PROCEDURES Data were collected for program annual salary and location. Regional living wage for each location was determined with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Living Wage Calculator, and annual salary was compared with living wage to estimate income surplus before and after taxes. Results for programs in academia and private practice were compared. Spearman correlation was used to determine whether program annual salary was significantly associated with regional living wage. RESULTS Mean ± SD income surplus before taxes was $7,786 ± 9,426 for clinical residency programs, $16,672 ± 5,105 for laboratory animal programs, and $5,829 ± 8,119 for internships. Academic residencies and internships offered salaries significantly lower than those offered in private practice, and income surpluses before and after taxes were significantly lower for academic programs than for private practice programs. There were weak and moderate, respectively, correlations between program annual salary and regional living wage for residency (r = 0.369) and internship (r = 0.570) programs. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Postgraduate training prolongs financial instability, and annual salaries generally do not meet the minimum income standard of a living wage. Financial stress has implications for mental health and diversity, and these findings invite deeper consideration of current remuneration practices for veterinary residents and interns.

2021 ◽  
pp. e021115
Valentyna Zaiets ◽  
Nataliia Zadorizhna ◽  
Iryna Ilchenko ◽  
Svitlana Sablina ◽  
Hanna Udovichenko ◽  

This research aims at the modern Internet linguistics features by carrying out linguistic analysis using descriptive statistics of students in distance learning. A linguistic analysis found that most students used lexical, orthographic, paralinguistic, and graphic features when communicating in an online classroom. A total of 452 messages, containing a corpus of 6,340 words, were analyzed and found that only 23.72% of the total corpus was found with lexical, spelling, paralinguistic and graphical features at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 22.63% at Stanford University, 21.78% at Harvard University, 24.58% at the California Institute of Technology and 22.76% at Oxford University.

Abel Aníbal Del Río-Cortina ◽  
Jorge Armando Amador-Moncada ◽  
Rafael Ricardo Rentería-Ramos ◽  
Iván Darío Urrea-Ospina

Existen fuertes críticas a la baja relación que existe entre los procesos de investigación y el contexto empresarial en las facultades, los programas de administración y las escuelas de negocios poco posicionados. Este documento tiene como objetivo  determinar  los  temas  relevantes  en ciencias administrativas mediante la aplicación de análisis de redes para identificar las instituciones que manejan temas recurrentes, aquellas que abordan temas especializados y los territorios con  investigación en el campo administrativo.  Se  identificaron las mejores facultades, programas de administración  y escuelas  de  negocios  a  nivel  mundial  y  nacional  y  a  partir  de  esta  selección,  se  construyó  un  modelo  relacional  de  las interacciones entre las instituciones y las temáticas utilizando la teoría de redes. Se implementó este tipo de análisis dadoque  permite  la  revisión  sistemática  y  sus  resultados  se  convierten  en  insumos  que  contribuyen  a  la  posterior  toma  de decisiones  por  parte  de  las  instituciones  inmersas  en  este  campo.  Entre  los  resultados  se  encuentran  como  nodos institucionales notables la Escuela de Negocios de Columbia, la Escuela de Negocios Insead, la Universidad de Negocios Cornell,  la  Escuela  de  Negocios  de  Harvard  y,  finalmente,  la  Escuela  de  Gestión  SLOAN  del  Massachusetts  Institute  of Technology.   Finalmente,   se   identificaron   como   nodos   temáticos   relevantes   aquellos   relacionados   con   finanzas, emprendimiento, globalización y liderazgo.

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