infinite cyclic group
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2021 ◽  
pp. 273-282
Min Hoon Kim ◽  
Patrick Orson ◽  
JungHwan Park ◽  
Arunima Ray

Good groups are defined in terms of whether capped gropes of height 1.5 contain certain types of immersed discs. The disc embedding theorem holds for 4-manifolds with good fundamental group. It is proven that the infinite cyclic group and finite groups are good, and that extensions and colimits of good groups are good. This shows that all elementary amenable groups are good. The proofs use grope height raising and contraction, together with an analysis of how fundamental group elements behave under these operations. A central open problem in the study of topological 4-manifolds is to determine precisely which groups are good.


Abstract We extend work of Berdinsky and Khoussainov [‘Cayley automatic representations of wreath products’, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science27(2) (2016), 147–159] to show that being Cayley automatic is closed under taking the restricted wreath product with a virtually infinite cyclic group. This adds to the list of known examples of Cayley automatic groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 169
Amir Veisi ◽  
Ali Delbaznasab

<p>When working with a metric space, we are dealing with the additive group (R, +). Replacing (R, +) with an Abelian group (G, ∗), offers a new structure of a metric space. We call it a G-metric space and the induced topology is called the G-metric topology. In this paper, we are studying G-metric spaces based on L-groups (i.e., partially ordered groups which are lattices). Some results in G-metric spaces are obtained. The G-metric topology is defined which is further studied for its topological properties. We prove that if G is a densely ordered group or an infinite cyclic group, then every G-metric space is Hausdorff. It is shown that if G is a Dedekind-complete densely ordered group, (X, d) a G-metric space, A ⊆ X and d is bounded, then f : X → G with f(x) = d(x, A) := inf{d(x, a) : a ∈ A} is continuous and further x ∈ cl<sub>X</sub>A if and only if f(x) = e (the identity element in G). Moreover, we show that if G is a densely ordered group and further a closed subset of R, K(X) is the family of nonempty compact subsets of X, e &lt; g ∈ G and d is bounded, then d′ (A, B) &lt; g if and only if A ⊆ N<sub>d</sub>(B, g) and B ⊆ N<sub>d</sub>(A, g), where N<sub>d</sub>(A, g) = {x ∈ X : d(x, A) &lt; g}, d<sub>B</sub>(A) = sup{d(a, B) : a ∈ A} and d′ (A, B) = sup{d<sub>A</sub>(B), d<sub>B</sub>(A)}.</p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-32
W. Lück

We consider the problem whether for a group [Formula: see text] there exists a constant [Formula: see text] such that for any [Formula: see text]-matrix [Formula: see text] over the integral group ring [Formula: see text] the Fuglede–Kadison determinant of the [Formula: see text]-equivariant bounded operator [Formula: see text] given by right multiplication with [Formula: see text] is either one or greater or equal to [Formula: see text]. If [Formula: see text] is the infinite cyclic group and we consider only [Formula: see text], this is precisely Lehmer’s problem.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-39 ◽  
Gerald Williams

Abstract The class of connected Labelled Oriented Graph (LOG) groups coincides with the class of fundamental groups of complements of closed, orientable 2-manifolds embedded in {S^{4}} , and so contains all knot groups. We investigate when Campbell and Robertson’s generalized Fibonacci groups {H(r,n,s)} are connected LOG groups. In doing so, we use the theory of circulant matrices to calculate the Betti numbers of their abelianizations. We give an almost complete classification of the groups {H(r,n,s)} that are connected LOG groups. All torus knot groups and the infinite cyclic group arise and we conjecture that these are the only possibilities. As a corollary we show that {H(r,n,s)} is a 2-generator knot group if and only if it is a torus knot group.

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 (2 (246)) ◽  
pp. 88-92
N.E. Mirzakhanyan ◽  
H.V. Piliposyan

In the paper an answer to a problem posed by A.I. Sozutov in the Kourovka Notebook is given. The solution is based on some modification of the method that was proposed for constructing a non-abelian analogue of the additive group of rational numbers, i.e. a group whose center is an infinite cyclic group and any two non-trivial subgroups of which have a non-trivial intersection.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 421-445
Kun Wang

We call a group FJ if it satisfies the [Formula: see text]- and [Formula: see text]-theoretic Farrell–Jones conjecture with coefficients in [Formula: see text]. We show that if [Formula: see text] is FJ, then the simple Borel conjecture (in dimensions [Formula: see text]) holds for every group of the form [Formula: see text]. If in addition [Formula: see text], which is true for all known torsion-free FJ groups, then the bordism Borel conjecture (in dimensions [Formula: see text]) holds for [Formula: see text]. One of the key ingredients in proving these rigidity results is another main result, which says that if a torsion-free group [Formula: see text] satisfies the [Formula: see text]-theoretic Farrell–Jones conjecture with coefficients in [Formula: see text], then any semi-direct product [Formula: see text] also satisfies the [Formula: see text]-theoretic Farrell–Jones conjecture with coefficients in [Formula: see text]. Our result is indeed more general and implies the [Formula: see text]-theoretic Farrell–Jones conjecture with coefficients in additive categories is closed under extensions of torsion-free groups. This enables us to extend the class of groups which satisfy the Novikov conjecture.

2016 ◽  
Vol 100 (3) ◽  
pp. 374-402 ◽  
H. G. G. DE LIMA ◽  

In this paper we determine the structure of the total component of the Schur multiplier over an algebraically closed field of some relevant families of groups, such as dihedral groups, dicyclic groups, the infinite cyclic group and the direct product of two finite cyclic groups.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (10) ◽  
pp. 1540002 ◽  
Akio Kawauchi

A ribbon chord diagram, or simply a chord diagram, of a ribbon surface-link in the 4-space is introduced. Links, virtual links and welded virtual links can be described naturally by chord diagrams with the corresponding moves, respectively. Some moves on chord diagrams are introduced by overseeing these special moves. Then the faithful equivalence on ribbon surface-links is stated in terms of the moves on chord diagrams. This answers questions by Nakanishi and Marumoto affirmatively. The faithful TOP-equivalence on ribbon surface-links derives the same result. By combining a previous result on TOP-triviality of a surface-knot, a ribbon surface-knot is DIFF-trivial if and only if the fundamental group is an infinite cyclic group. This corrects an erroneous proof in Yanagawa's old paper.

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (01) ◽  
pp. 1250013 ◽  

In this paper, we prove that if a surface diagram of a surface-knot has at most two triple points and the lower decker set is connected, then the surface-knot group is isomorphic to the infinite cyclic group.

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