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Xinxin Zhang ◽  
Yuefeng Xi ◽  
Zhentao Huang ◽  
Lintao Zheng ◽  
Hui Huang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Sebastian A. Kay ◽  
Simon Julier ◽  
Vijay M. Pawar

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Á. Martínez Novo ◽  
Liang Lu ◽  
Pascual Campoy

This paper addresses the challenge to build an autonomous exploration system using Micro-Aerial Vehicles (MAVs). MAVs are capable of flying autonomously, generating collision-free paths to navigate in unknown areas and also reconstructing the environment at which they are deployed. One of the contributions of our system is the “3D-Sliced Planner” for exploration. The main innovation is the low computational resources needed. This is because Optimal-Frontier-Points (OFP) to explore are computed in 2D slices of the 3D environment using a global Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) frontier detector. Then, the MAV can plan path routes to these points to explore the surroundings with our new proposed local “FAST RRT* Planner” that uses a tree reconnection algorithm based on cost, and a collision checking algorithm based on Signed Distance Field (SDF). The results show the proposed explorer takes 43.95% less time to compute exploration points and paths when compared with the State-of-the-Art represented by the Receding Horizon Next Best View Planner (RH-NBVP) in Gazebo simulations.

Pourya Hoseini ◽  
Shuvo Kumar Paul ◽  
Mircea Nicolescu ◽  
Monica Nicolescu

Zhen Zeng ◽  
Adrian Röfer ◽  
Odest Chadwicke Jenkins

We aim for mobile robots to function in a variety of common human environments, which requires them to efficiently search previously unseen target objects. We can exploit background knowledge about common spatial relations between landmark objects and target objects to narrow down search space. In this paper, we propose an active visual object search strategy method through our introduction of the Semantic Linking Maps (SLiM) model. SLiM simultaneously maintains the belief over a target object's location as well as landmark objects' locations, while accounting for probabilistic inter-object spatial relations. Based on SLiM, we describe a hybrid search strategy that selects the next best view pose for searching for the target object based on the maintained belief. We demonstrate the efficiency of our SLiM-based search strategy through comparative experiments in simulated environments. We further demonstrate the real-world applicability of SLiM-based search in scenarios with a Fetch mobile manipulation robot.

2021 ◽  
kanji tanaka

Landmark-based robot self-localization has attracted recent research interest as an efficient maintenance-free approach to visual place recognition (VPR) across domains (e.g., times of the day, weathers, seasons). However, landmark-based self-localization can be an ill-posed problem for a passive observer (e.g., manual robot control), as many viewpoints may not provide effective landmark view. Here, we consider active self-localization task by an active observer, and present a novel reinforcement-learning (RL) -based next-best-view (NBV) planner. Our contributions are summarized as follows. (1) SIMBAD-based VPR: We present a landmark ranking -based compact scene descriptor by introducing a deep-learning extension of similarity-based pattern recognition (SIMBAD). (2) VPR-to-NBV knowledge transfer: We tackle the challenge of RL under uncertainty (i.e., active self-localization) by transferring the VPR's state recognition ability to NBV. (3) NNQL-based NBV: We view the available VPR as the experience database by adapting a nearest-neighbor -based approximation of Q-learning (NNQL). The result is an extremely compact data structure that compresses both the VPR and NBV modules into a single incremental inverted index. Experiments using public NCLT dataset validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

2021 ◽  
Jie Hu ◽  
Prabhakar R. Pagilla ◽  
Swaroop Darbha

J. Gehrung ◽  
M. Hebel ◽  
M. Arens ◽  
U. Stilla

Abstract. Path planning for a measuring vehicle requires solving two popular problems from computer science, namely the search for the optimal tour and the search for the optimal viewpoint. Combining both problems results in a new variation of the Traveling Salesman Problem, which we refer to as the Explorational Traveling Salesman Problem. The solution to this problem is the optimal tour with a minimum of observations. In this paper, we formulate the basic problem, discuss it in context of the existing literature and present an iterative solution algorithm. We demonstrate how the method can be applied directly to LiDAR data using an occupancy grid. The ability of our algorithm to generate suitably efficient tours is verified based on two synthetic benchmark datasets, utilizing a ground truth determined by an exhaustive search.

2021 ◽  
Christopher Collander ◽  
William J. Beksi ◽  
Manfred Huber

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