white hole
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Jian-Bin Bao ◽  
Nicholas P. Bao

There are unsolved problems related to inflation, gravity, dark matter, dark energy, missing antimatter, and the birth of the universe. Some of them can be better answered by assuming the existence of aether and hypoatoms. Both were created during the inflation in the very early universe. While aether forms vacuum, hypoatoms, composed of both matter and antimatter and believed to be neutrinos, form all observable matter. In vacuum, aether exists between the particle-antiparticle dark matter form and the dark energy form in a dynamic equilibrium: A + A-bar = gamma + gamma. The same reaction stabilizes hypoatoms and generates a 3-dimensional sink flow of aether that causes gravity. Based on the hypoatom structure, the singularity does not exist inside a black hole; the core of the black hole is a hypoatom star or neutrino star. By gaining enough mass, ca. 3 X 1022 Msun, to exceed neutrino degeneracy pressure, the black hole collapses or annihilates into the singularity, thus turning itself into a white hole or a Big Bang. The universe is anisotropic and nonhomogeneous. Its center, or where the Big Bang happened, is at about 0.671 times the radius of the observable universe at the Galactic coordinates (l, b) ~ (286°, -42°). If we look from the Earth to the center of the universe, the universe is rotating clockwise.

Muxin Han ◽  
Hongguang Liu

Abstract We propose a new model of the spherical symmetric quantum black hole in the reduced phase space formulation. We deparametrize gravity by coupling to the Gaussian dust which provides the material coordinates. The foliation by dust coordinates covers both the interior and exterior of the black hole. After the spherical symmetry reduction, our model is a 1+1 dimensional field theory containing infinitely many degrees of freedom. The effective dynamics of the quantum black hole is generated by an improved physical Hamiltonian ${\bf H}_\Delta$. The holonomy correction in ${\bf H}_\Delta$ is implemented by the $\bar{\mu}$-scheme regularization with a Planckian area scale $\Delta$ (which often chosen as the minimal area gap in Loop Quantum Gravity). The effective dynamics recovers the semiclassical Schwarzschild geometry at low curvature regime and resolves the black hole singularity with Planckian curvature, e.g. $R_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}R^{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}\sim 1/{\Delta}^2$. Our model predicts that the evolution of the black hole at late time reaches the charged Nariai geometry ${\rm dS}_2\times S^2$ with Planckian radii $\sim \sqrt{\Delta}$. The Nariai geometry is stable under linear perturbations but may be unstable by nonperturbative quantum effects. Our model suggests the existence of quantum tunneling of the Nariai geometry and a scenario of black-hole-to-white-hole transition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
Chen Yu-Zhu ◽  
Chen Yu-Jie ◽  
Li Shi-Lin ◽  
Zhang Fu-Lin ◽  
Dai Wu-Sheng

AbstractIn this paper, we construct toy models of the black hole and the white hole by setting proper boundaries in the Minkowski spacetime, according to the modern definition. We calculate the thermal effect of the black hole with the tunneling mechanism. We consider the role of boundary conditions at the singularity and on the horizon. In addition, we show that the white hole possesses a thermal absorption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
Christophe De Beule ◽  
Solofo Groenendijk ◽  
Tobias Meng ◽  
Thomas Schmidt

We investigate transport in type-I/type-II Weyl semimetal heterostructures that realize effective black- or white-hole event horizons. We provide an exact solution to the scattering problem at normal incidence and low energies, both for a sharp and a slowly-varying Weyl cone tilt profile. In the latter case, we find two channels with transmission amplitudes analog to those of Hawking radiation. Whereas the Hawking-like signatures of these two channels cancel in equilibrium, we demonstrate that one can favor the contribution of either channel using a non-equilibrium state, either by irradiating the type-II region or by coupling it to a magnetic lead. This in turn gives rise to a peak in the two-terminal differential conductance which can serve as an experimental indicator of the artificial event horizon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Ting Shang ◽  
Peng Wu ◽  
Guan Lian ◽  
Qijin Sheng

The driving behavior in highway tunnels is more complicated than that in regular roadbed sections because the former is usually affected by black and white hole effects, tunnel clearance, and bad illumination. Unfortunately, the current Chinese criteria and the Uniform Traffic Control Equipment Manual (MUTCD) 2009 guidelines provide no clear method for setting exit advance guide signs in highway tunnels. Hence, a driving simulator-based experiment was conducted in the current study to analyze the effects of exit advance guide signs on the trajectory, speed, and acceleration of passenger cars in a highway tunnel under three different service levels. It was found that when the service level is first service level, second service level, and third service level, the setting of the exit advance guide signs made the initial transverse location of the vehicle from the tunnel exit advance by 13.39%, 21.20%, and 5.73%, the lane change distance is shortened by 6.34%, 20.18%, and 15.34%, the average speed is decreased by 1.44%, 2.40%, and 0.08%, and the acceleration is decreased to −0.10 m·s−2, −0.11 m·s−2, and −0.06 m·s−2. Thus, the exit guide signs in the tunnel played a certain optimization role in improving the traffic flow state of the section and reducing the traffic accident rate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Haruna Katayama

AbstractA black hole laser in analogues of gravity amplifies Hawking radiation, which is unlikely to be measured in real black holes, and makes it observable. There have been proposals to realize such black hole lasers in various systems. However, no progress has been made in electric circuits for a long time, despite their many advantages such as high-precision electromagnetic wave detection. Here we propose a black hole laser in Josephson transmission lines incorporating metamaterial elements capable of producing Hawking-pair propagation modes and a Kerr nonlinearity due to the Josephson nonlinear inductance. A single dark soliton obeying the nonlinear Schrödinger equation produces a black hole-white hole horizon pair that acts as a laser cavity through a change in the refractive index due to the Kerr effect. We show that the resulting laser is a squeezed-state laser characterized by squeezing parameters. We also evaluate the degree of quantum correlation between Hawking and its partner radiations using entanglement entropy which does not require simultaneous measurements between them. As a result, the obtained entanglement entropy depending on the soliton velocity provides strong evidence that the resulting laser is derived from Hawking radiation with quantum correlation generated by pair production from the vacuum.

U V Satya Seshavatharam ◽  
S Lakshminarayana

By modifying the basic definition of cosmic red shift, considering ‘speed of light’ as an absolute cosmic expansion rate and adopting ‘Planck mass’ as the basic seed of the observed large scale universe, it is certainly possible to review and revise the basic picture of ‘standard cosmology’ and in near future, a perfect model of ‘white hole cosmology’ can be developed. In this context we have developed five assumptions. First three assumptions are based on ‘time reversed’ black holes and seem to be well connected with General theory of relativity as well as Quantum mechanics. 4th and 5th assumptions are helpful in understanding current galactic dark matter and flat rotation speeds. It may be noted that, considering our first three assumptions and considering the Planck Legacy 2018 data’s enhanced lensing amplitude in cosmic microwave background power spectra - conceptually, a closed universe having a positive curvature seems to be a best fit for the observed universe. With reference to our recent publication [26], for clarity on the subject, in this short communication, we make an attempt to review and explain our proposed assumptions at fundamental level. Our aim is to see that, professional and non-professional cosmologists must understand the basics of workable quantum cosmology.

Rodolfo Gambini ◽  
Javier Olmedo ◽  
Jorge Pullin

We continue our investigation of an improved quantization scheme for spherically symmetric loop quantum gravity. We find that in the region where the black hole singularity appears in the classical theory, the quantum theory contains semi-classical states that approximate general relativity coupled to an effective anisotropic fluid. The singularity is eliminated and the space-time can be continued into a white hole space-time. This is similar to previously considered scenarios based on a loop quantum gravity quantization.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150120
O. B. Zaslavskii

We consider electrogeodesics on which the energy [Formula: see text] in the Reissner–Nordström metric. It is shown that outside the horizon there is exactly one turning point inside the ergoregion for such particles. This entails that such a particle passes through an infinite chain of black–white hole regions or terminates in the singularity. These properties are relevant for two scenarios of high energy collisions in which the presence of white holes is essential.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150117
G. E. Volovik

We discuss the macroscopic quantum tunneling from the black hole to the white hole of the same mass. Previous calculations in [G. E. Volovik, Universe 6, 133 (2020)] demonstrated that the probability of the tunneling is [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] is the entropy of the Schwarzschild black hole. This in particular suggests that the entropy of the white hole is with minus sign the entropy of the black hole, [Formula: see text]. Here, we use a different way of calculations. We consider three different types of the hole objects: black hole, white hole and the fully static intermediate state. The probability of tunneling transitions between these three states is found using singularities in the coordinate transformations between these objects. The black and white holes are described by the Painleve–Gullstrand coordinates with opposite shift vectors, while the intermediate state is described by the static Schwarzschild coordinates. The singularities in the coordinate transformations lead to the imaginary part in the action, which determines the tunneling exponent. For the white hole the same negative entropy is obtained, while the intermediate state — the fully static hole — has zero entropy. This procedure is extended to the Reissner–Nordström black hole and to its white and static partners, and also to the entropy and temperature of the de Sitter Universe.

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