high energy collisions
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Qi Wang ◽  
Fu-Hu Liu ◽  
Khusniddin K. Olimov

The squared momentum transfer spectra of light mesons, π0, π+, η, and ρ0, produced in high-energy virtual photon-proton (γ*p) → meson + nucleon process in electron-proton (ep) collisions measured by the CLAS Collaboration are analyzed by the Monte Carlo calculations, where the transfer undergoes from the incident γ* to emitted meson or equivalently from the target proton to emitted nucleon. In the calculations, the Erlang distribution from a multi-source thermal model is used to describe the transverse momentum spectra of emitted particles. Our results show that the average transverse momentum (⟨pT⟩) and the initial-state temperature (Ti) increase from lower squared photon virtuality (Q2) and Bjorken variable (xB) to higher one. This renders that the excitation degree of emission source, which is described by ⟨pT⟩ and Ti, increases with increasing of Q2 and xB.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (9) ◽  
pp. e0257855
Airton Deppman ◽  
Evandro Oliveira Andrade-II

Scale-free networks constitute a fast-developing field that has already provided us with important tools to understand natural and social phenomena. From biological systems to environmental modifications, from quantum fields to high energy collisions, or from the number of contacts one person has, on average, to the flux of vehicles in the streets of urban centres, all these complex, non-linear problems are better understood under the light of the scale-free network’s properties. A few mechanisms have been found to explain the emergence of scale invariance in complex networks, and here we discuss a mechanism based on the way information is locally spread among agents in a scale-free network. We show that the correct description of the information dynamics is given in terms of the q-exponential function, with the power-law behaviour arising in the asymptotic limit. This result shows that the best statistical approach to the information dynamics is given by Tsallis Statistics. We discuss the main properties of the information spreading process in the network and analyse the role and behaviour of some of the parameters as the number of agents increases. The different mechanisms for optimization of the information spread are discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150120
O. B. Zaslavskii

We consider electrogeodesics on which the energy [Formula: see text] in the Reissner–Nordström metric. It is shown that outside the horizon there is exactly one turning point inside the ergoregion for such particles. This entails that such a particle passes through an infinite chain of black–white hole regions or terminates in the singularity. These properties are relevant for two scenarios of high energy collisions in which the presence of white holes is essential.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Xu-Hong Zhang ◽  
Fu-Hu Liu

We analyze the transverse momentum ( p T ) spectra of lepton pairs ( ℓ ℓ ¯ ) generated in the Drell-Yan process, as detected in proton-nucleus (pion-nucleus) and proton-(anti)proton collisions by ten collaborations over a center-of-mass energy s N N or s if in a simplified form) range from ~ 20  GeV to above 10 TeV. Three types of probability density functions (the convolution of two Lévy-Tsallis functions, the two-component Erlang distribution, and the convolution of two Hagedorn functions) are utilized to fit and analyze the p T spectra. The fit results are approximately in agreement with the collected experimental data. Consecutively, we obtained the variation law of related parameters as a function of s and invariant mass Q . In the fit procedure, a given Lévy-Tsallis (or Hagedorn) function can be regarded as the probability density function of transverse momenta contributed by a single quark ( q ) or anti-quark ( q ¯ ). The Drell-Yan process is then described by the statistical method.

2021 ◽  
pp. 323-372
Carlos Bertulani ◽  
Pawel Danielewicz

Valentin V. Khoze ◽  
Daniel L. Milne

Electroweak instantons are a prediction of the Standard Model and have been studied in great detail in the past although they have not been observed. Earlier calculations of the instanton production cross-section at colliders revealed that it was exponentially suppressed at low energies, but may grow large at energies (much) above the sphaleron mass. Such calculations faced difficulty in the breakdown of the instanton perturbation theory in the high-energy regime. In this paper, we review the calculation for the electroweak instanton cross-section using the optical theorem, including quantum effects arising from interactions in the initial state and show that this leads to an exponential suppression of the cross-section at all energies, rendering the process unobservable.

2021 ◽  
Paolo Castorina ◽  
A. Iorio, ◽  
D. Lanteri, ◽  
H. Satz, ◽  
M. Spousta

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