cluster technique
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 721-730
Agus Fawait ◽  

This study aims at identifying the factors affecting students' self-regulation. It is seen from Gender, Age, and Duration of study in the Islamic Boarding Schools, Formal Education, Parental Education, Previous Education, and Students Place of Origin. It is to find a new format for the self-regulation of students in traditional Muslim schools. This study applies a quantitative approach to identify factors or variables that influence learning based on student self-regulation. The research design uses an instrument to explore and identify variables. This research is sample research with the Proportional Random Sampling Cluster technique. This technique is used because the population has elements that are not homogeneous and structured proportionally This study uses a sample of 108 students with different backgrounds. From the results of the analysis, it was found that out of the seven factors proposed as variables, five factors influence the self-regulation of students. The findings of this study provide evidence that the student's background dimensions can significantly influence students' self-regulation, so the better the student's background, the better the student's self-regulation. We recommend further studies for deeper examination and analysis of these factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-195
Nurjannah Nurjannah ◽  
Ketut Sarjana ◽  
Baidowi Baidowi

This research aims to (1) know the results of learning mathematics students who use the Jigsaw cooperative learning model (2) know the results of learning mathematics students who use a cooperative learning model NHT type (Numbered Head Together) (3) find out whether there are differences in students' mathematics learning outcomes using the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model, with the type of NHT on the straight-line equation material.This type of research is an experimental Quasi with Post test Only Control Group Design. The sample class was selected using the random sampling cluster technique, so class VIII B was obtained as an experimental class with the Jigsaw model and VIII C as an experimental class with the NHT model. The data retrieval in this study was taken by giving a post test on the research subject. Analysis of test data was using two-of-pooled variance test-t independent samples. Based on the results of the data analysis obtained there was no significant difference in mathematical learning outcomes between classes that were taught with the type Cooperative learning model of Jigsaw and NHT. It can be seen from the hypothesis testing using a test-T pooled variance at a significant level of 5%, indicating that the t_count i.e. 0.80 was smaller than the t_table i.e. 1.67.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Elisa Wildayana ◽  
M. Edy Armanto

Forest and land fire is mentioned as a main problem of peatlands occurring every year and has provided huge losses for all parties. The research aimed how to empower indigenous farmers with fish farming on South Sumatra peatlands. This research was conducted on peatlands in Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) District. The sampling method was using cluster technique, questionnaire and through Focus Discussion Group (FDG). All collected data were analyzed with the SPSS version 21 program and the comparisons or analyzes the relationship between the variables were also analyzed. The research results concluded that the prospect of fish farming on peatlands is very prospecful. Empowering indigenous farmers can be done through local fish farming (e.g. fishes of gabus; tebakang; sepat siam; betok; gurami and toman), and introduced fish farming (i.e. fishes of patin siam; catfish, and nila). Fish farming technology for empowering farmers can be focused on drainage and irrigation systems to maintain groundwater levels; and applying soil ameliorant (e.g. dolomite for fish ponds, lime, manure, urea and NPK fertilizer).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-65
Nurbaeti Irmayani ◽  
Ketut Sarjana ◽  
Eka Kurniawan ◽  
Nyoman Sridana

This research aims to find out whether there are differences in students' mathematics learning outcomes using the Jigsaw type cooperative learning model, with the Snowball throwing type cooperative learning model in VIII class of SMPN 1 Narmada. This type of research is an experimental. The sample class was selected using the random sampling cluster technique, with class VIII 1 was obtained as an experimental class with the Jigsaw model and VIII 2 as an experimental class with the Snowball Throwing model. The data was collected using students‟ achievement test as the instrument. The post-test with independent sample t test at the significance level 5% yields thitung>ttabel that is 2,773>1,993  which means that there is a difference between classes taught by Jigsaw  and Snowball Throwing  toward students' achievement on mathematics at the VIII grade students of SMPN 1 in the academic year 2019/2020. The result shows that the second experimental class obtain higher score (88,24) than the first experimental class (81,21).  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-170
Sakinah Gita Utami ◽  
Nani Yuliantini ◽  
Hasnawati Hasnawati

This research  to determine the effect of the Talking Stick Cooperative Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes in Thematic Learning Class V of Bengkulu City Primary School. Types of research is quantitative. Research method is experimental. The design in this study is “The Matching Only Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design”. Population in this study is all students class V of elementary school Bengkulu City that applies the 2013 curriculum and accreditation A. The study sample was taken using the Random Sampling Cluster technique, so that the VA class SDN 71 Bengkulu city was obtained ad an experimental class and the VA Class SDN 103 Bengkulu city as control class. The research instrument used in the form of cognitive learning test result in the form of multiple choice provided through pretest and posttest in the experimental class and the control class. Data analysis technique in this research is quantitative analysis using descriptive statistics and infertial statistics. From the result of the study note the result of the t-test obtained tcound of Indonesian subjects at 4.37 and on natural science subjects at 4.81 with a ttable at a significant level of 5% of 2.00 where tcount is greater than ttable. From these data in appears that there are differences in learning outcomes achieved by student in the experimental and control classes. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant effect on student learning outcomes in Thematic learning that uses the Talking Stick type of cooperative learning model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-85
Ida Zubaida ◽  
Ade Tuti Lestari ◽  

This study investigates the differences in exercise teaching methods, commando teaching methods, and motor skills on long jump skills. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 17 Serang, Banten Province. The research design used a 2 X 2 factorial. A random cluster technique was used in sampling. The number of samples taken was 40 students divided into four groups, each consisting of 10 students who were separated using the Verducci technique. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in two ways was used in analyzing the data and continued with the Tukey test with a significance level of a  = 0.05, with the results: (1) overall there was a difference in the effect between the training style teaching method and the command style on long jump skills, (2) students who have high motor educability, the exercise style teaching method is better than the command style teaching method for long jump skills, (3) There is no significant difference in students who have low motor ability to the command style teaching method with the exercise style teaching method learning outcomes long jump skills, (4) There is a positive interaction between teaching methods and motor skills for long jump skills. This research needs to be followed up in the future to provide input to teachers and researchers. If you want to measure the motor ability of long jump learning, you can use the training teaching method to get maximum results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Fitria Dwi Ayu Parwati ◽  
Rudi Hartono ◽  
Oeng Anwarudin

Farmers who control pests and diseases chemically. In fact, the spirit of sustainable agriculture aims to use such environmentally friendly materials as biological pest control by using crop crops planted by crops. It aims to analyze the descriptive levels of farmer's empowerment, relevant factors and strategies that can be done to increase farmer's empowerment in the optimization of rice cattle. Research is carried out in Germany magazine magazine holds April to July 2019. Population is an active farm rice farmer in farm groups of 302. The sample prescribed by 77 people is using random sampling cluster technique. Independent variables include farmers' characteristics, government education and support and dependent variables - the farmers' empowerment. The analytical techniques used are descriptive and syntax of rank spearman. Studies show that farmers' empowerment levels in the optimization of rice culture are category. A factor associated with farmer's empowerment in the optimization of farm cattle is formal education, prolonged effort, farmer status, training and government support. A strategy that can be done to increase farmer's empowerment is by increasing government training and support activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Maman Suryaman ◽  
W. Wiyatmi ◽  
Setyawan Pujiono ◽  
Ary Kristiyani

The study was aimed at redefining the learning of language and literature from the perspective of media use in the lesson planning and implementation and students’ responses towards language and literature learning. The subjects of the study were teachers and students of state junior high schools in a regency in Yogyakarta Province. The subjects were taken in three stages, first, with the cluster technique: the eastern, western, central, and northern zones, and second, with the school strata technique: as excellent, moderate, and low. The choice of strata technique was determined based on the results of the 2017 National Exam score ranking. Third, the selection of schools and classes was made randomly. Primary data were obtained from observation, interview, and document analysis; secondary data were obtained from a questionnaire. Results can be described as follows. First, media use designed in the lesson plan included conventional, new, and audio-visual media. Second, media use in the carrying out of the lesson was realized by the teachers in the forms of conventional visual and audio-visual media. Third, students gave fair responses to the use of instructional media in language and literature learning. In the low-coded schools, the use of media designed in the lesson plans was more varied than that of the moderate- and excellent-coded schools; the most preferred new visual media were PowerPoint. In moderate- and low-coded schools, instructional media were shown to have positive impacts on student activity in learning; namely, students were more active because learning was more fun. Contradictorily, instructional media did not have positive impacts in excellent-coded schools on student activity in learning; namely, students were less active because learning was considered unpleasant. As seen from the perspective of the transformational era, no teacher had used interactive digital media.

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