continued fraction expansions
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 642-650
T.M. Antonova

The paper deals with the problem of convergence of the branched continued fractions with two branches of branching which are used to approximate the ratios of Horn's hypergeometric function $H_3(a,b;c;{\bf z})$. The case of real parameters $c\geq a\geq 0,$ $c\geq b\geq 0,$ $c\neq 0,$ and complex variable ${\bf z}=(z_1,z_2)$ is considered. First, it is proved the convergence of the branched continued fraction for ${\bf z}\in G_{\bf h}$, where $G_{\bf h}$ is two-dimensional disk. Using this result, sufficient conditions for the uniform convergence of the above mentioned branched continued fraction on every compact subset of the domain $\displaystyle H=\bigcup_{\varphi\in(-\pi/2,\pi/2)}G_\varphi,$ where \[\begin{split} G_{\varphi}=\big\{{\bf z}\in\mathbb{C}^{2}:&\;{\rm Re}(z_1e^{-i\varphi})<\lambda_1 \cos\varphi,\; |{\rm Re}(z_2e^{-i\varphi})|<\lambda_2 \cos\varphi, \\ &\;|z_k|+{\rm Re}(z_ke^{-2i\varphi})<\nu_k\cos^2\varphi,\;k=1,2;\; \\ &\; |z_1z_2|-{\rm Re}(z_1z_2e^{-2\varphi})<\nu_3\cos^{2}\varphi\big\}, \end{split}\] are established.

2021 ◽  
Vol 359 (9) ◽  
pp. 1201-1205
Stéphane R. Louboutin

Axioms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 310
Tamara Antonova ◽  
Roman Dmytryshyn ◽  
Serhii Sharyn

The paper is related to the classical problem of the rational approximation of analytic functions of one or several variables, particulary the issues that arise in the construction and studying of continued fraction expansions and their multidimensional generalizations—branched continued fraction expansions. We used combinations of three- and four-term recurrence relations of the generalized hypergeometric function 3F2 to construct the branched continued fraction expansions of the ratios of this function. We also used the concept of correspondence and the research method to extend convergence, already known for a small region, to a larger region. As a result, we have established some convergence criteria for the expansions mentioned above. It is proved that the branched continued fraction expansions converges to the functions that are an analytic continuation of the ratios mentioned above in some region. The constructed expansions can approximate the solutions of certain differential equations and analytic functions, which are represented by generalized hypergeometric function 3F2. To illustrate this, we have given a few numerical experiments at the end.


Abstract In the field of formal power series over a finite field, we prove a result which enables us to construct explicit examples of $U_{m}$ -numbers by using continued fraction expansions of algebraic formal power series of degree $m>1$ .

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-245
Khalil Ayadi ◽  
Chiheb Ben Bechir ◽  
Iheb Elouaer

We exhibit some explicit continued fraction expansions and their representation series in different fields. Some of these continued fractions have a type of symmetry, known as folding symmetry. We will extracted those whose are specialized.

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