crack velocity
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2021 ◽  
Vol 156 ◽  
pp. 103784
Chang Liu ◽  
Hideaki Yokoyama ◽  
Koichi Mayumi ◽  
Kohzo Ito

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Xin Liu ◽  
Jun Yang ◽  
Zhenyang Xu ◽  
Lianjun Guo ◽  
Hongliang Tang

The experimental system of 3D digital image correlation (3D-DIC) is set up to eliminate a certain extent of out-of-plane motion for accurate measuring the full-field strain field during crack propagation, and the effect of blast loading rates of fracture behavior of granite rectangle plate with a crack (GRPC) is investigated. The experimental results indicated that the maximum values of the strain concentration zone do not fully represent the crack tip during the whole process of crack propagation. The axial strain threshold value tip (ASTVT) plotting with lines and coordinate contours corresponding with the actual crack at the shooting area can be used to describe the position of the crack. The axial strain 1.3% is more practical to obtain crack velocity and average crack velocity, and the average crack velocity decreases as the blast loading rates increase. Through observing the relationship between crack width and time, it can be found that there are three stages, and the crack width increases as the blast loading rates increase.

S. Xu ◽  
C. Bassindale ◽  
J. Xue ◽  
B. W. Williams ◽  
X. Wang

Abstract Significant progress has been made in development of a new fracture arrest methodology based on a toughness parameter designed to characterize propagation — the crack-tip opening angle (CTOA). A CTOA test procedure using lab-scale DWTT-type specimens has been standardized by ASTM, and recently published experimental work has demonstrated transferability of CTOA from DWTT to full-scale pipe. This paper will present the basic methodology for determination of CTOA using DWTT-type specimens (i.e., ASTM E3039) and other specimens such as modified double-cantilever-beam (MDCB). Recent numerical studies using cohesive zone models (CZM) and others based on damage mechanics will be discussed, including models of full-scale pipe fracture. The effects on CTOA of loading rate, specimen flattening and constraint (bending vs. tension) will be reviewed. The effect on CTOA of loading rate between quasi-static and impact (covering five orders of magnitude) is small or negligible, being within experimental scatter. Observed differences between surface and mid-thickness CTOA values will be discussed. Models of DWTT specimens using damage mechanics have shown that the CTOA for tensile loading is the same at the surface and mid-thickness and equal to the mid-thickness value for bend loading, but that the surface CTOA is significantly larger than the mid-thickness CTOA in bending. Model calculations have revealed the dependence of crack velocity on stress for a given CTOA, enabling construction of fracture resistance curves (pressure required to propagate fracture as a function of crack velocity). These first-principles curves based on CTOA can then be used in the Battelle two-curve model (BTCM) to replace empirical resistance curves based on Charpy absorbed energy (Cv). It has been known for some time that Cv over-represents the propagation resistance for high-strength high-toughness steels, requiring empirical “correction factors” to Cv in the BTCM. Experiments have shown that there is a non-linear correlation between Cv and CTOA, explaining the need for correction factors to Cv and supporting the use of CTOA as a more appropriate propagation toughness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 224 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-131 ◽  
Fucheng Tian ◽  
Xiaoliang Tang ◽  
Tingyu Xu ◽  
Junsheng Yang ◽  
Liangbin Li

2020 ◽  
Gregoire Bobillier ◽  
Alec van Herwijnen ◽  
Bastian Bergfeld ◽  
Johan Gaume ◽  
Jürg Schweizer

<p>Improving the prediction of snow avalanches requires a detailed understanding of the fracture behavior of snow, which is intimately linked to the mechanical properties of the snow layers (strength, elasticity of the weak and slab layer). While the basic concepts of avalanche release are conceptually relatively well understood, understanding crack propagation and fracture propensity remains a great challenge. About 15 years ago, the propagation saw test (PST) was developed. The PST is a fracture mechanical field test that provides information on crack propagation propensity in weak snowpack layers. It has become a valuable research tool to investigate processes and mechanical parameters involved in crack propagation.</p><p>Here, we use the discrete element method (DEM) to numerically simulate PST and therefore analyze fracture dynamics based on micromechanical approach. Using cohesive and non-cohesive ballistic deposition, we numerically reproduce the basic required layers for dry-snow avalanche: a highly porous and brittle weak layer covered by a dense cohesive slab.</p><p>The results of these numerical PTSs reproduce the main dynamics of crack propagation observed in the field. We developed different indicators to define the crack tip and therefore derive the crack velocity. Our results show that crack propagation on flat terrain reaches a stationary velocity if the snow column in long enough. The length of the snow column to reach stationary crack velocity depends on snowpack parameters. On sloped terrain our results show a transition in the local failure mode, this transition can be visualized from the crack tip morphology and from the main stress component.</p><p>Overall, our results lay the foundation for a comprehensive study on the influence of the snowpack mechanical properties on these fundamental processes for avalanche release.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 105 ◽  
pp. 102420 ◽  
Xiaozhao Li ◽  
Chao Ma ◽  
Chengzhi Qi ◽  
Zhushan Shao

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