abrupt transition
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Michael Classens ◽  
Jennifer Sumner

The original deadline for submissions for this special issue was March 1, 2020, just days before the destabilizing and disorienting first wave of pandemic-related shutdowns in many parts of Canada. The (r)evolution in food systems pedagogy we were hoping to document and celebrate was promptly preempted by an abrupt transition to virtual learning. In an instant, teachers and learners alike were attending to a pedagogical revolution of another kind altogether. The enduring impacts of this upheaval remain unclear. In the immediate term, though, the shift to online learning presented a crisis (a hasty ‘pivot’ to online teaching and learning) within a crisis (the daily reality of living within the context of a deadly global pandemic). For many critical food systems students and teachers, these new crises layered on top of the already front-of-mind crises propelled by the capital-intensive, industrialized food system. Like peering through translucent nesting dolls, we squinted through layers of pedagogical disruption and pandemic to remain focused on the economic, social and ecological devastation wrought by our dominant food system, and for glimpses of the pluriverse of food systems alternatives that inspire and nourish us.

2021 ◽  
pp. 55-64
Vladimir Sergeevich Golovachev

The chapter of the monograph is devoted to the problem of implementing distance work, in particular in the cultural and educational space caused by the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection. It is noted that the abrupt transition to distance forms of work has clearly revealed the weaknesses of online education and enlightenment associated with the unavailability of the education system itself and teaching staff.

Víctor Revilla-Cuesta ◽  
Marta Skaf ◽  
Milagros Navarro-González ◽  
Vanesa Ortega-López

The intention of this study was to identify the elements that engineering students consider fundamental for successful learning on engineering courses. The aim was to provide generic guidelines suitable for any engineering course with which the teaching may be adapted in the light of comments from students, while student learning improves. The abrupt transition from face-to-face to asynchronous online teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic prompted reflection among students on both teaching methods. Students were invited to evaluate each method through a survey of open-ended questions, identifying useful elements for their learning. The survey was repeated over nine weeks, to obtain the views of students after they had accepted the change and had critically analyzed how to improve online teaching. A cross-coded qualitative and mixed (word counting) analysis showed that the explanation of engineering concepts should be organized, hierarchical, repetitive, and exemplified. Furthermore, the teacher should link all the activities and projects to the concepts explained and quickly solve any doubts that they raised. As a consequence of the online teaching resulting from COVID-19, the need of independent student learning and peer support was also very evident. Teaching functions are essential on engineering courses, as teachers have to explain the overall concepts carefully, identify the key concepts, and demonstrate their industrial and professional applications. Furthermore, teaching methodologies that balance these aspects with autonomy and peer support for learning on engineering courses should be promoted.

EP Europace ◽  
2021 ◽  
Yuichi Hanaki ◽  
Yuki Komatsu ◽  
Akihiko Nogami ◽  
Shinya Kowase ◽  
Kenji Kurosaki ◽  

Abstract Aims A high-density pace-mapping can depict an abrupt transition in paced QRS morphology from a poor to excellent match, unmasking the critical component of ventricular tachycardia (VT) isthmus from the entrance to exit. We sought to assess pace-mapping at multiple sites within the endo- and epicardial scars to identify the VT isthmus in patients with ischaemic (ICM) and non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy (NICM). Methods and results Colour-coded maps correlating to the percentage matches between 12-lead electrocardiograms during VT and pace-mapping [referred to as correlation score maps (CSMs)] were analysed. We studied 115 CSMs (80 endo- and 35 epicardial CSMs) in 37 patients (17 ICM, 20 NICM). The CSM with an abrupt change (AC) in pacemap score (AC-type) on the endocardium was more frequently observed in ICM than in NICM [11/39 (28%) vs. 1/41 (2%); P = 0.001]. Among 35 CSMs that were analysed by the combined endo- and epicardial mapping, 10 (29%) CSMs exhibited non-AC-type on the endocardium; however, AC-type was present on the opposite epicardium. Although 24 (69%) CSMs did not show AC-type on both the endocardium and epicardium, 16 of them had either an excellent (>90%) or poor (<0%) correlation score on either side, associated with isthmus exit or entrance, respectively. However, the remaining eight CSMs had neither excellent nor poor scores. Conclusion The CSM may provide electrophysiological information to localize the endo- and epicardial VT isthmus. The absence of AC-type CSM on the endocardium, which is frequently observed in NICM, appears to indicate the sub-epicardial or intramural course of the critical isthmus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Nancy Fichtman Dana ◽  
Karen Kilgore

One of the most pervasive ways the inquiry movement has needed to be reshaped since its inception is as a mechanism to respond to a global pandemic. As COVID-19 necessitated an abrupt transition to remote delivery of instruction, teachers needed a powerful form of professional learning to understand and respond with changes to serve their students during this challenging time. At P. K. Yonge Developmental Research School, a K-12 school, the leadership team designed a Canvas website devoted to teacher inquiry, enabling teachers to share experiences, collaborate, and address issues regarding the abrupt transition to emergency remote instruction. In this issue, five pandemic inquiry teams present their reflective essays, to describe their collaborations to re-imagine classroom communities; empower students to express their views of the pandemic; re-construct curricula to capture essential learnings; modify for struggling students, and bridge the opportunity gap for students of color.

Kaisa Lehosmaa ◽  
Timo Muotka ◽  
Anna Maria Pirttilä ◽  
Iikka Jaakola ◽  
Pekka M. Rossi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Adriana Carolina Torres Escobar

Nowadays, online education is in the limelight. During the COVID-19 pandemic, K-12 students endured an abrupt transition from everyday learning in classrooms to online education. In the process, the concept that learning only occurs if students are physically present in a classroom has changed drastically. As the spaces and interactions are different, teachers need formal training, flexibility, and willingness to provide efficient online education that adjusts to the new and fluctuating realities. Simultaneously, students need to enhance self-regulation and metacognition and be the leaders of their education process and results. It is pivotal that teachers keep in mind that close relationships with students and families and personalized support are critically important to fostering ties, developing knowledge, and preventing school dropout. Consequently, curricula must respond to students’ singularities, socioeconomic conditions, contexts, resources, and interests. This chapter advocates that teachers should support students to work on the development of self-regulation, metacognition, collaborative technology-mediated tasks, and problem-solving in online environments. These are tools that help students to be autonomous, engage with their learning process, learn, create knowledge, decide accurately, improve their creativity, and increase intrinsic motivation skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 247
Nurchayati Nurchayati ◽  
Muhammad Syafiq ◽  
Riza Noviana Khoirunnisa ◽  
Ira Darmawanti

This study examined two things: a) challenges confronting undergraduate students as a result of an abrupt transition to online learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and b) the coping techniques that they employed to tackle the challenges. Using Google Forms, interviews were conducted with 418 undergraduate students in one of universities in Surabaya. Qualitative thematic analysis of the interviews produced three findings. First, among the problems faced by the students are poorly done online classes, trouble interacting with lecturers and classmates, difficulty in accessing course resources, bad Internet connection, environmental distractions, and chaotic changes in class schedules. Second, as a result, the students suffered from increased stress and poor learning experience. Third, to survive, they employed three major coping techniques: problem-focused, emotion-focused, and appraisal-focused. This study concludes that students, lecturers, parents, and the government employ coping strategies that are both synergistic and antagonistic.  Keywords: Coping strategies, COVID-19 pandemic, online learning, studentsAbstrak: Riset ini mengkaji tantangan para mahasiswa tingkat sarjana akibat transisi mendadak ke pembelajaran dalam jariringan (daring) di masa pandemi COVID-19, dan strategi mereka dalam mengatasi tantangan itu. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara tertulis menggunakan Google Forms terhadap 418 mahasiswa di salah satu perguruan tinggi di Surabaya. Teknik analisis tematik yang digunakan membuahkan tiga temuan. Pertama, masalah-masalah yang dihadapi para sujbek mencakup paparan materi kuliah yang tidak memadai, sukarnya interaksi dengan dosen dan sesama mahasiswa, sukarnya akses ke bahan pembelajaran, buruknya koneksi internet, distraksi lingkungan, dan berubah-ubahnya jadwal kuliah. Kedua, akibatnya, di samping mutu pengalaman belajar para mahasiswa ini menjadi tidak optimal, mereka pun mengalami problem psikis. Ketiga, dalam beradaptasi pada sistem perkuliahan online atau dalam jaringan (daring) dengan berbagai problemnya itu, para mahasiswa menempuh beragam strategi coping yang secara garis besar dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam tiga gugus utama strategi yaitu coping yang berpusat pada problem, coping yang bertumpu pada emosi, dan coping yang berbasis interpretasi. Riset ini mencapai kesimpulan bahwa teknik-teknik coping yang diterapkan oleh berbagai pemangku kepentingan (mahasiswa, dosen, orang tua, dan pemerintah) ternyata bekerja secara sinergis sekaligus antagonistik.

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