Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna. Series: Education. Social and Behavioural Sciences
Latest Publications





Published By Academy Of The State Penitentiary Servise

2663-9009, 2663-9017

O. G. Honcharenko ◽  

The relevance of the article. Economic developments of the society is the top state priority in economy and guarantee of economic potential strengthening. The economic crisis caused by Covid-19 has revealed a number of social problems in Ukrainian society that prevent economic and social transformation and Ukraine integration into the international financial space. Purpose setting is in the studying deformations in the social sphere and assessment of the state of system threats to economic security of the country. Presentation of the main material. Threatening character of deformations in the Ukraine social sphere requires introduction of social indicators monitoring which have influence on the state of economic security. It is proved that social and demographic component of economic security characterizes the possibility of the state to guarantee adequate and qualitative standard of living for population, favorable conditions of human capital development and level of labor resources provision that provide its sustainable growing. It is found out that among social problems in the society, and then the threat to economic security is worsening population health level, reduction in life expectancy, availability of high-quality treatment, high death rate, and decrease of employable population. It is defined that the poverty is caused by deficient labor legislature and social vulnerability, and labor migration threats social security. According to different resources from three to five million Ukrainian citizens live outside the country. Assessing of a statistic reveals that population employment doesn’t protect families from poverty, and 93,5% of poor people are individual homes with a single employable person and this shows low wages. It was established that there is a great difference in payments for work in Ukraine and European countries for the current year. Conclusions. Economic growing and reforming of national economy is necessary for Ukraine for encouraging people to stay in the country and invest in their future in Ukraine. With implementation of comprehensive economic reforms Ukraine has the chance to create favorable conditions for economic strengthening and social development which can improve people expectations for their living in Ukraine in comparison with potential countries for employment. Key words: social security, wages, labor migration, poverty.

Yu. V. Borets ◽  
O. V. Palahniuk ◽  

The purpose of the article. Theoretical analysis of personal mediation of manipuiative tendencies. Methodology. The basis of this study is a theoretical analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization of available scientific literature on the subject. Results. Manipulation of consciousness is one of the ways to dominate and suppress the will of people by acting on them through the programming of their behavior. This action is aimed at the mental structures of man, which is carried out secretly and aims to change the thoughts, motivations and goals of people in the right direction for a certain group of people. In this case, the purpose of manipulation – hiding their true intentions, to encourage another person to take certain actions, change values, ideas and opinions, etc., while maintaining the illusion of independence in general and independence of decisions or actions. In other words, to motivate a person to what he does not want to do, to distract from what he aspires to, but at the same time to create in him the confidence that he is acting of his own free will. Practical implications. The need to study manipulative tendencies is to determine the main ways and methods of manipulation and ways to protect against manipulative action. To reveal the main features of the manipulator’s personality and the category of people who are most prone to manipulative action. Theoretical materials can be used in the training process of the courses “Psychology of personality”, “Age Psychology”, “Differential Psychology”, “Fundamentals psychological correction”. Originality/value. It was found that the criteria for manipulation are: the attitude of the manipulator to the objects of manipulation as a means to achieve their own goal, the desire to gain unilateral advantage, the hidden nature of influence, use of force, motivation, motivation and skill in the process of manipulative influence. Key words: manipulation, coercion, manipulation, subject of manipulation, projection, Machiavellianism, manipulative influence.

I.O. Horbach ◽  
O.G. Romanovskyi ◽  

Based on the analysis of scientific research and considering the the realities of latest news, the essence and basic principles of the penitentiary system of Ukraine, the main aspects of “leadership” were studied in the article, the necessity, efficiency and relevance of leadership in the penitentiary system of Ukraine. The results of previous own publications were used, namely the defined concept and the developed structure of leadership potential of future specialists of the penitentiary system of Ukraine. The value-motivational component of the leadership potential of future specialists of the penitentiary system of Ukraine is analyzed and characterized, which is considered as a set of qualities: awareness of their values, motives, beliefs, knowledge of group values and focus on them, motivation for leadership and success. According to the results of the study, it becomes possible to talk about the need to form leadership potential in future specialists of the penitentiary system of Ukraine considering the defined structure. Possible ways of forming the leadership potential of future specialists of the penitentiary system of Ukraine, in terms of professional training in departmental educational institutions, namely – by organizing the educational process on the basis of axiological and personal-activity approaches along with the pedagogy of cooperation. Key words: leader, leadership, value-motivational component, leadership potential, leader-leader, penitentiary system, qualities.

O. O. Islamova ◽  

The purpose of the article is the definition of prospective areas of Euro-Atlantic integration of the system of professional training of future border guard officers on the basis of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Results. The article reveals perspectives of Euro-Atlantic integration of the system of professional training of the personnel of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The considered perspective directions envisage joining the system of joint training of specialists of various subjects of border guard activity in order to increase the level of interoperability of the personnel of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on the basis of NATO standards. It has been determined that it is necessary to carry out wide consultations with representatives of NATO and NATO member states on the implementation of training programs for personnel training on issues within the competence of the Ukrainian Border Guard Service, ensuring the participation of National Academy in new research projects between Ukraine and NATO, obtaining grants for research support. It was found out that in the conditions of introduction of informal models of education in the Ukrainian system of training of border guards of various specialties it is necessary to introduce experience of NATO countries on development and carrying out of trainings on relevant subjects, especially on formation of foreign language professional competence of border guards according to STANAG 6001. Practical implications and value. Modernization of the technical component of the educational process of a higher military educational institution includes: creation of an internal educational network on border security and management, introduction of a platform for information exchange and communication between national and foreign educational institutions; creation of a virtual contact center to provide video conferencing; intensive use of mobile learning, introduction of electronic tools, virtual simulators and simulators for use by teachers in personnel training. Key words: the Euro-Atlantic integration, border guards, integrated training, NATO standards, interoperability.

T.V. Danylchenko ◽  

The article notes the features of the consultative and therapeutic process in positive psychology. The article makes the analysis of the fundamental works of Pezeshkina N.P. on positive psychotherapy, Fava J. and Ruini K. on the well-being therapy, and the works of Sin N.L. and Lubomyrskyi S. on the theory of psychological interventions, Parks A.S. and Biswas-Diner R. on models of self-help. The main characteristics of positive psychological interventions are considered. As a means of influence, such characteristics must turn to the constructs of positive psychology, as well as to have scientific evidence of their effectiveness. The following features of the consultative and therapeutic process are revealed. The purpose and means are: according to the hedonistic paradigm it is changing the focus of the client’s vision of the situation to a more positive one; in the eudemonic paradigm the emphasis is on self-determination and the achievement of personal authenticity by personality. It is believed that the resources of achieving well-being in a person are sufficient. Accordingly, “hedonists” believe that the key point is to increase positive affect through the development of positive thinking, optimism, and taste skills. The eudemonists see the approach to their identity through meditation, the development of abilities for self-expression. The role of the consultant in in following: to act as an informed communicator, to help the client to focus on his strengths (virtues). The counselor / psychotherapist does not look for the source of problems in the past, but focuses on the present and future of the client, identifies factors that prevent the latter from transforming the life situation in the desired direction in the current moment of life. The role of life’s difficulties is such: the problem is not treated as a difficult life task that needs to be solved and it is necessary to get out of the comfort zone, but as an opportunity for the client to improve his own personality. Psychological practice should take into account the cultural specificity of views on happiness, well-being and criteria of psychological comfort. Key words: positive psychology, well-being therapy, positive therapy, subjective well-being, positive psychology intervention.

I. V. Pakhomov ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of the international experience of spiritual education of convicts. It is concluded that in most developed countries of the world there is a chaplaincy service in every correctional institution, where chaplains perform both liturgical and non-liturgical (social) functions. The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of spiritual education of convicts in developed countries. Methodology. The article has the comparative analysis. Results. The administration of correctional institutions of the studied countries of the world promotes the right of convicts to religious activity. Spiritual and educational work with them is carried out by prison chaplains of various Churches. They not only worship, but also participate in social programs. Representatives of their religious denominations are invited for convicts of different religions. In most countries, prison chaplains perform both liturgical and non-liturgical (social) functions. Practical implication. International experience of convicts’ spiritual education can be used to create a national chaplain service in Ukraine. Value (originality). Manifested in the analysis of the experience of convicts’ spiritual education in 41 developed countries. Key words: spiritual education, convicts, international experience, prison chaplains, religious organizations. Key words: spiritual education, convicts, international experience, prison chaplains, religious organizations.

A.I. Rudenok ◽  
O.V. Petyak ◽  
O.B. Igumnova ◽  

The article reveals the problem of psychological violence in the family and considers the gender aspects of the manipulative phenomenon of gaslighting. Manipulations are aimed at forcing other people to perform exactly the actions that the manipulator needs. These actions lead to certain consequences that the manipulator wants to get in accordance with his motives. In a family relationship, the gaslight partner does not care what the victim partner wants and aspires to. It is important to him that others obey. Because the victim partner does not always agree to submit to this pressure, the gaslighter uses manipulation to indirectly influence the motivation, decisions and actions of the victim partner. Manipulative techniques are often veiled in such a way that the victim cannot understand the harmful effects that the partner has on him. The aim of the study was to study the concept of “gaslighting” in the environment of interpersonal relationships of marital partners; studies of gender features of gaslighting; identification of verbal and nonverbal means of manipulation characteristic of a gaslighter; development of practical recommendations on ways to counteract the gaslighter. The results of our study showed that destructive statements to victim partners characterize the specifics of gaslighting as a kind of psychological, emotional violence in family relationships. Women are more told about their mental illness, inferiority, humiliation, success. Men in their address more often hear from partners statements about the wrong perception of reality. The most common manifestations of gaslighting in the family relationships of respondents are: humiliation of the person by the partner, devaluation of feelings and the importance of important events, as well as the transfer of responsibility to the partner. Regarding the manipulative actions used by gaslight partners towards the respondents, we highlighted accusations from partners, ignoring feelings, verbal insults and rejection of the lifestyle of partner victims. The key strategies for resolving family conflicts that respondents use are rivalries and adaptations. In general, based on the results, we found that there is no gender variation in the use of gaslighting by marital partners in family relationships – since both women and men are equally faced with the manifestations of this phenomenon in the family Key words: gaslighting, manipulator, gaslighter partner, victim partner, psychological violence, family relations.

K. Yu. Sirenko ◽  

The purpose of the article is to study the stages of formation and distribution directions of enterprise profits, substantiation of proposals for improving the process of profit management in the enterprise. Profit occupies one of the main places in the general system of value instruments of a market economy. It ensures the stability of the enterprise, guarantees its full financial independence. The methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison were used in the article. The characteristic of a role of the enterprise profit in the conditions of market economy is resulted. Some types of the enterprise profit in accordance with the given systematization on the basic signs are considered. The main stages of calculation of profit (loss) from operating activities of enterprises are determined. It is proved that the profit from the sale of products (performance of works, provision of services) is the main type of the enterprise profit, which is related to the industry specifics of its activities. An analogue of this term is the term “profit from operating activities”. Enterprises distribute the profits that remain at their disposal to meet various needs: first, it is directed to the formation of financial resources of the state, the financing of budget expenditures. For the purposes of long-term development, the proportion of the distribution of net income for consumption and accumulation is of paramount importance. The main internal and external factors influencing the profitability of the enterprise are given. It is proved that the effectiveness of profit management processes largely depends on the quality of analysis, the reality of identifying reserves to increase it, the economic justification of plans for the formation and use of profits for the future. Thus, the factor of profit growth is the reduction of production costs. The reduction of production costs most fully reflects the savings of all types of resources available to the enterprise. Key words: profit, formation, enterprise, distribution, use, estimation.

V. V. Zhurov ◽  
N. A. Biienko

Based on the structural and system analysis, the article considers the need for self-regulation for teachers, substantiates and provides statistics on the negative psychophysical states of educators, which they acquire as a result of professional activity. One hundred teachers were interviewed in order to define the mastering level of their self-regulation and the need to educate teachers in the theory and practice of these aspects. Based on the data obtained, it is obvious that educators need education on this issue, and the level of assimilation of this information and skills still needs to be better. The necessity of developming the motivational system of self-regulation mastering by teachers through the following components of this motivation is substantiated in the article: it can be made through a condition of psychophysical health; because of the culturological need of educators and because of the need not to expose others, in particular children, according to the negatives of their emotional deviations; due to the need for pedagogical competence, which has the competence of the psychological spectrum, which determines the professional status; because of the need for the teacher to be a proactive person. Since teachers are mostly motivated to learn self-regulation mainly because of health and the effectiveness of such motivation is limited, we conclude that there should be several motivational areas, where each specialist will find what he needs. The article analyzes and systematizes theoretical principles of self-regulation of mental states of the personality in order to bring this information in an adaptive form for teachers. In this context, the periodization is made considering the research on self-regulation by scientists from foreign and national physiological and psychological schools. The meaningful information of theoretical bases of regulation is structured and systematized. The necessity of a regular system of education on the theory and practice of self-regulation is substantiated and in this perspective the article gives the basics of such education. In our publication the authors offer the term, forms of work and its content. Conclusions are made on improving the awareness of educators of the practical acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities on the problem. Key words: self-regulation of personality mental states; motivation, mastery of self-regulation of mental states by the teacher; systematization of theoretical principles of self-regulation; basics of the teacher education project on self-regulation issues.

T. V. Kukhar ◽  
V. G. Shcherbata ◽  

The purpose of the article. The purpose of this study is to identify features of perceptions of jealousy in adolescents. Methodology. The basis of the study is theoretical analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization of available scientific sources on this issue; use of methods of primary and secondary mathematical and statistical analysis of results, in particular the method of correlation analysis (Mann[1]Whitney correlation coefficient). Results. As a result of the study it was found: – most adolescents describe jealousy as an emotional and passionate feeling. In addition, girls present jealousy as a more emotional experience than boys; – features of perceptions of jealousy depending on the sibling position of the subjects were revealed: the only children in the family present them as safe, “honest”, while for people who have siblings, jealousy is an emotional, insincere, threatening phenomenon; – a statistically significant relationship between perceptions of jealousy and the presence of a close relationship with the opposite sex: subjects who have a close relationship, imagine feelings of jealousy conscious, but devoid of pleasant emotions, and for people who do not have a loved one, jealousy in the imagination causes joy, the positive emotions they seek to experience; – a statistically significant relationship was found between the perceptions of respondents ‘jealousy and the peculiarities of interpersonal relationships in the parental family: people who have never observed quarrels due to their parents’ jealousy, feelings of jealousy seem calm and quiet, and for young people who witnessed quarrels – emotional , passionate and negatively colored; – the following statistically significant differences were identified between young people’s perceptions of jealousy depending on their marital status: married people perceive feelings of jealousy as conscious, devoid of pleasant emotions, and for people who do not have a loved one, jealousy causes joyful emotions, but acts as an unconscious phenomenon. relationship with the opposite sex; – the dependence of perceptions of jealousy on the style of reaction in conflict situations is revealed: people whose reaction in conflict is usually calm, jealousy is perceived as a safe and conscious feeling, and young people with violent or dependent on the partner’s reaction are dangerous, passionate. Practical implications. The identified relationships between the perception of jealousy and sexual characteristics of respondents, their sibling positions, behavior in conflict, etc. can be taken into account when building a program of correctional work with adolescents who have difficulty in intimate personal communication with the opposite sex. In addition, the results obtained should be taken into account when conducting psychological and educational work with parents involved in raising children. Value (originality). There were statistically significant differences in perceptions of jealousy of adolescents in terms of gender, sibling characteristics, characteristics of behavior in conflict, and so on. Key words: jealousy, social thoughts, thoughts of jealousy, junior age.

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