closed subgroup
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Abstract For a locally compact metrisable group G, we study the action of ${\rm Aut}(G)$ on ${\rm Sub}_G$ , the set of closed subgroups of G endowed with the Chabauty topology. Given an automorphism T of G, we relate the distality of the T-action on ${\rm Sub}_G$ with that of the T-action on G under a certain condition. If G is a connected Lie group, we characterise the distality of the T-action on ${\rm Sub}_G$ in terms of compactness of the closed subgroup generated by T in ${\rm Aut}(G)$ under certain conditions on the center of G or on T as follows: G has no compact central subgroup of positive dimension or T is unipotent or T is contained in the connected component of the identity in ${\rm Aut}(G)$ . Moreover, we also show that a connected Lie group G acts distally on ${\rm Sub}_G$ if and only if G is either compact or it is isomorphic to a direct product of a compact group and a vector group. All the results on the Lie groups mentioned above hold for the action on ${\rm Sub}^a_G$ , a subset of ${\rm Sub}_G$ consisting of closed abelian subgroups of G.

Taito Tauchi

Let [Formula: see text] be a minimal parabolic subgroup of a real reductive Lie group [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] a closed subgroup of [Formula: see text]. Then it is proved by Kobayashi and Oshima that the regular representation [Formula: see text] contains each irreducible representation of [Formula: see text] at most finitely many times if the number of [Formula: see text]-orbits on [Formula: see text] is finite. Moreover, they also proved that the multiplicities are uniformly bounded if the number of [Formula: see text]-orbits on [Formula: see text] is finite, where [Formula: see text] are complexifications of [Formula: see text], respectively, and [Formula: see text] is a Borel subgroup of [Formula: see text]. In this paper, we prove that the multiplicities of the representations of [Formula: see text] induced from a parabolic subgroup [Formula: see text] in the regular representation on [Formula: see text] are uniformly bounded if the number of [Formula: see text]-orbits on [Formula: see text] is finite. For the proof of this claim, we also show the uniform boundedness of the dimensions of the spaces of group invariant hyperfunctions using the theory of holonomic [Formula: see text]-modules.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150029
André Nies ◽  
Philipp Schlicht ◽  
Katrin Tent

Let [Formula: see text] denote the topological group of permutations of the natural numbers. A closed subgroup [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text] is called oligomorphic if for each [Formula: see text], its natural action on [Formula: see text]-tuples of natural numbers has only finitely many orbits. We study the complexity of the topological isomorphism relation on the oligomorphic subgroups of [Formula: see text] in the setting of Borel reducibility between equivalence relations on Polish spaces. Given a closed subgroup [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text], the coarse group [Formula: see text] is the structure with domain the cosets of open subgroups of [Formula: see text], and a ternary relation [Formula: see text]. This structure derived from [Formula: see text] was introduced in [A. Kechris, A. Nies and K. Tent, The complexity of topological group isomorphism, J. Symbolic Logic 83(3) (2018) 1190–1203, Sec. 3.3]. If [Formula: see text] has only countably many open subgroups, then [Formula: see text] is a countable structure. Coarse groups form our main tool in studying such closed subgroups of [Formula: see text]. We axiomatize them abstractly as structures with a ternary relation. For the oligomorphic groups, and also the profinite groups, we set up a Stone-type duality between the groups and the corresponding coarse groups. In particular, we can recover an isomorphic copy of [Formula: see text] from its coarse group in a Borel fashion. We use this duality to show that the isomorphism relation for oligomorphic subgroups of [Formula: see text] is Borel reducible to a Borel equivalence relation with all classes countable. We show that the same upper bound applies to the larger class of closed subgroups of [Formula: see text] that are topologically isomorphic to oligomorphic groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Hatem Hamrouni ◽  
Yousra Kammoun

Abstract For a locally compact group 𝐺, we write S ⁢ U ⁢ B ⁢ ( G ) {\mathcal{SUB}}(G) for the space of closed subgroups of 𝐺 endowed with the Chabauty topology. For any positive integer 𝑛, we associate to 𝐺 the function δ G , n \delta_{G,n} from G n G^{n} to S ⁢ U ⁢ B ⁢ ( G ) {\mathcal{SUB}}(G) defined by δ G , n ⁢ ( g 1 , … , g n ) = gp ¯ ⁢ ( g 1 , … , g n ) , \delta_{G,n}(g_{1},\ldots,g_{n})=\overline{\mathrm{gp}}(g_{1},\ldots,g_{n}), where gp ¯ ⁢ ( g 1 , … , g n ) \overline{\mathrm{gp}}(g_{1},\ldots,g_{n}) denotes the closed subgroup topologically generated by g 1 , … , g n g_{1},\ldots,g_{n} . It would be interesting to know for which groups 𝐺 the function δ G , n \delta_{G,n} is continuous for every 𝑛. Let [ HW ] [\mathtt{HW}] be the class of such groups. Some interesting properties of the class [ HW ] [\mathtt{HW}] are established. In particular, we prove that [ HW ] [\mathtt{HW}] is properly included in the class of totally disconnected locally compact groups. The class of totally disconnected locally compact locally pronilpotent groups is included in [ HW ] [\mathtt{HW}] . Also, we give an example of a solvable totally disconnected locally compact group not contained in [ HW ] [\mathtt{HW}] .


Abstract Let G be a locally compact group and let ${\mathcal {SUB}(G)}$ be the hyperspace of closed subgroups of G endowed with the Chabauty topology. The main purpose of this paper is to characterise the connectedness of the Chabauty space ${\mathcal {SUB}(G)}$ . More precisely, we show that if G is a connected pronilpotent group, then ${\mathcal {SUB}(G)}$ is connected if and only if G contains a closed subgroup topologically isomorphic to ${{\mathbb R}}$ .

Tobias Weth ◽  
Tolga Yeşil

AbstractWe establish weighted $$L^p$$ L p -Fourier extension estimates for $$O(N-k) \times O(k)$$ O ( N - k ) × O ( k ) -invariant functions defined on the unit sphere $${\mathbb {S}}^{N-1}$$ S N - 1 , allowing for exponents p below the Stein–Tomas critical exponent $$\frac{2(N+1)}{N-1}$$ 2 ( N + 1 ) N - 1 . Moreover, in the more general setting of an arbitrary closed subgroup $$G \subset O(N)$$ G ⊂ O ( N ) and G-invariant functions, we study the implications of weighted Fourier extension estimates with regard to boundedness and nonvanishing properties of the corresponding weighted Helmholtz resolvent operator. Finally, we use these properties to derive new existence results for G-invariant solutions to the nonlinear Helmholtz equation $$\begin{aligned} -\Delta u - u = Q(x)|u|^{p-2}u, \quad u \in W^{2,p}({\mathbb {R}}^{N}), \end{aligned}$$ - Δ u - u = Q ( x ) | u | p - 2 u , u ∈ W 2 , p ( R N ) , where Q is a nonnegative bounded and G-invariant weight function.

M. Yasi̇r Kızmaz

Let [Formula: see text] be an odd prime and let [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] denote the three different versions of Thompson subgroups for a [Formula: see text]-group [Formula: see text]. In this paper, we first prove an extension of Glauberman’s replacement theorem [G. Glauberman, A characteristic subgroup of a p-stable group, Canad. J. Math. 20 (1968) 1101–1135, Theorem 4.1]. Second, we prove the following: Let [Formula: see text] be a [Formula: see text]-stable group and [Formula: see text]. Suppose that [Formula: see text]. If [Formula: see text] is a strongly closed subgroup in [Formula: see text], then [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are normal subgroups of [Formula: see text]. Third, we show the following: Let [Formula: see text] be a [Formula: see text]-free group and [Formula: see text]. If [Formula: see text] is a strongly closed subgroup in [Formula: see text], then the normalizers of the subgroups [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] control strong [Formula: see text]-fusion in [Formula: see text]. We also prove a similar result for a [Formula: see text]-stable and [Formula: see text]-constrained group. Finally, we give a [Formula: see text]-nilpotency criteria, which is an extension of Glauberman–Thompson [Formula: see text]-nilpotency theorem.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Marek Golasinski

We review known and state some new results on homotopy nilpotency and co-nilpotency of spaces. Next, we take up the systematic study of homotopy nilpotency of homogenous spaces G/K for a Lie group G and its closed subgroup K < G. The homotopy nilpotency of the loop spaces Ω(Gn,m(K)) and Ω(Vn,m(K)) of Grassmann Gn,m(K) and Stiefel Vn,m(K) manifolds for K = R, C, the field of reals or complex numbers and H, the skew R-algebra of quaternions is shown.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 403-423 ◽  
Giovanni Molica Bisci

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to study the existence of weak solutions for some classes of Schrödinger equations defined on the Euclidean space {\mathbb{R}^{d}} ({d\geq 3}). These equations have a variational structure and, thanks to this, we are able to find a non-trivial weak solution for them by using the Palais principle of symmetric criticality and a group-theoretical approach used on a suitable closed subgroup of the orthogonal group {O(d)}. In addition, if the nonlinear term is odd, and {d>3}, the existence of {(-1)^{d}+[\frac{d-3}{2}]} pairs of sign-changing solutions has been proved. To make the nonlinear setting work, a certain summability of the {L^{\infty}}-positive and radially symmetric potential term W governing the Schrödinger equations is requested. A concrete example of an application is pointed out. Finally, we emphasize that the method adopted here should be applied for a wider class of energies largely studied in the current literature also in non-Euclidean setting as, for instance, concave-convex nonlinearities on Cartan–Hadamard manifolds with poles.

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