family finance
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Society ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 302-318
Hartaty Hadady ◽  
Muhsin N Bailusy ◽  
Rheza Pratama ◽  
Johan Fahri

Secularism has been entering every aspect of life, including a micro-level of financial management of a family. This study sheds light on how religious views can be used to minimize the influence of secularism. This study was mainly aimed at demonstrating how sacred goals in Muslim families, through Sakeenah values, can be used as an antidote to secularism practices in managing family finance. Thirteen contextual characteristics of financial management in eight Muslim families were identified using the Grounded Theory method. These characteristics were used to verify main concepts—basic financial management, family structure, Sakeenah elements, and a form of secularism—usury. Using the Grounded Theory method was also the other aim of this study that demonstrated its use to deepen the interrelation between those four main concepts and those characteristics contextually. Several limitations surfaced after the analyses, and this allowed recommendations for future studies.

Dewi Sri ◽  
Feby Astrid K. ◽  
Maria F. S. Sulistyawati ◽  
Romlah Romlah ◽  
Anjelina Puspita Sari

UMKM merupakan pelaku ekonomi yang mendukung perekonomian negara memiliki banyak kendala dalam usaha peningkatan kinerja perekonomiannya. Penghambat bagi mereka umumnya dikarenakan belum optimalnya kemampuan dalam berwirausaha. Dalam pengabdian dosen kali ini target yang ingin dicapai adalah merubah mindset, mengajarkan bagaimana membuat keuangan keluarga terkendali, demikian juga dalam menjaga kesehatan dalam era pandemi Covid 19. Hal yang tidak kalah penting adalah membukakan wawasan mengenai kemungkinan untuk melakukan ekonomi kreatif dalam upaya meningkatkan perekonomian keluarga. Kata kunci: Mindset, Keuangan Keluarga, Kesehatan, Ekonomi Kreatif ABSTRACT SMEs are economic actors that support the coutry’s economy and face many obstacles in effots to improve economic performance. Most of the obstacles for them due to their inadequate entrepreneurial skills. In this training, the target to achieved is to change the mindset, teach how to keep family finance under control, as wel as maintaining health in the era of teh Covid 19 pandemic. It is also important to open up insignts about the possibility of carrying out a creative economy in an effort to improve the family economy. Keywords: Mindset, Family Finances, Health, Creative Economy

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-206
Eny Latifah ◽  
Invony Dwi Aprilisanda

This study aims to determine the financial behavior of Muslim families by using the sakinah finance approach which specifically creates the stability of the internal family financial system and in general creates the financial stability of the State. This research method uses a qualitative approach that is descriptive. This study describes the behavior of Islamic family finance by combining the analysis of interview results and observations obtained from family accounting. The results showed that not all of the Muslim families applied the sakinah finance approach in family financial management so that the family's financial stability was often unstable and triggered debt and made a mortgage on their property.

2020 ◽  
Vol 266 ◽  
pp. 113361 ◽  
Wen-Peng Hou ◽  
Tony Xing Tan ◽  
Yu-Jie Wen ◽  
Xue-Qi Wang ◽  
Xian-Bin Li ◽  

2018 ◽  
Novita Andi Umar

2017 ◽  
Vol Volume-2 (Issue-1) ◽  
pp. 1493-1499
Lena Ellitan ◽  
Robertus Sigit HL ◽  
Dominicus Wahyu Perdana ◽  

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