linear guide
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2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Jelle Rommers ◽  
Mark Naves ◽  
Dannis Brouwer ◽  
Just L. Herder

Abstract In this work, a flexure-based (compliant) linear guide with a motion range comparable to its footprint is presented. The design consists of two folded leaf springs on which torsion reinforcement structures are added. Due to these structures, only two folded leaf springs are needed instead of a minimum of five as in pre-existing designs. The new design is compared to such a pre-existing design, after optimizing both on a support stiffness metric. The new design scores over twice as high on the support stiffness metric, while occupying a smaller (−33%) and a less obstructive build volume. Stress, build volume and manufacturing limitations are taken into account. Additionally, a variation on the new design using three torsion reinforced folded leaf springs is presented and optimized. This design occupies a build volume similar to the pre-existing design, but scores four times higher on the support stiffness metric. A prototype of the new design is built and its parasitic eigenfrequencies are measured, validating the theoretical models (Normalized Mean Absolute Error of 4.3%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 165 ◽  
pp. 104442
Van-Khien Nguyen ◽  
Huy-Tuan Pham ◽  
Huy-Hoang Pham ◽  
Quang-Khoa Dang

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (6) ◽  
pp. 372
Halimatus Sa’diyah ◽  
Purwadi Agus Darwito ◽  
Tavio Tavio ◽  
Murry Raditya

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (17) ◽  
pp. 7902
Wei-Cheng Shih ◽  
Furqan Furqanuddin ◽  
Po-Lin Lee ◽  
Jui-Pin Hung

In this paper, we propose an artificial neural network (ANN) predictive model to identify the linear guide preload based on the measured vibration features of the feeding stage. In this study, the relationship between the contact stiffness and preload level of a linear guide was investigated by an experimental analysis. Furthermore, the stage was assembled with different linear guide preloads for the motion test to assess the vibrations. Vibration levels with changes in preload values and feeding rates were examined. The predictive models were established and verified based on a dataset collected from tests using an ANN approach. The ANN models were shown to have an excellent accuracy of 96.5% in the training datasets, which were collected from stages with sliding blocks rated at consistent preloads. The average percentage prediction error in the verification dataset was approximately 8.54–11.23%. This is probably because the stage with an unevenly distributed preload in the sliding blocks induces vibration with more fluctuation, which eventually affects the prediction accuracy. The results verify the feasibility of online preload identification for the condition monitoring of the feeding system.

2021 ◽  
Zhendong Liu ◽  
Mengtao Xu ◽  
Hongzhuang Zhang ◽  
Changyou Li ◽  
Guo Yao ◽  

Abstract In this study, a novel five degrees-of-freedom nonlinear dynamic model of linear guide slide platform is proposed, the model considers the effect of assembly error. The assembly errors are modeled as five types including: straightness assembly errors along x and y axes and rotation assembly error around x, y and z axes. The assembly error induced displacement of platform is considered. The restoring force and moment of the carriages is equal to zero when no dynamic or static load applied on the platform with considering the influence of assembly error. The influence of assembly error on the static and dynamic characteristics are investigated. The results indicate that the assembly error can cause uneven load distribution, change the dynamics of the system. In addition, the stability of the system cannot be improved by simply increasing the preload. Moreover, a series of experiments are conducted on a specialized platform to estimate the parameters of the system and verify the proposed model.

Jiayong Wei ◽  
Cancan Li ◽  
Yali Ma

From the designer’s point of view, the static precise finite element model of the single ball-raceway, the overall and the unit slice of the rolling linear guide (RLG) are established based on the limited data obtained. According to the contact characteristics of a single ball-raceway, Hertz theory and finite element method (FEM) are used to determine the maximum contact stress and deformation of RLG under a specific preload value. The specific modeling process of the overall and unit slice finite element model of the RLG is described in detail as well. The comparative analysis results indicate that the unit slice finite element model can take place of the overall finite element model at the static level. On the basis of previous research, the mapping laws between external load, preload value, curvature ratio, the carriage’s wall thickness, the guide’s width, and static mechanical properties of RLG are studied. The combined application of these precise finite element models can solve the problems of large calculation and low efficiency in statics of RLG. Meanwhile, it also provides a new way to achieve high-efficiency and high-rigidity design of RLG from the source.

Abdi Masya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-114
Deni Andriyansyah ◽  
Sriyanto ◽  
Agus Jamaldi

Teknologi 3D printing termasuk dalam metode manufaktu rbaru yang disebut dengan metode additive manufacturing. Metode ini mempunyai cara kerja menumpuk material untuk membuat sebuah objek 3 dimensi. Penelitian dalam bidang desain dan assembly mesin 3D printer masih belum banya kdilakukan. Pada umumnya, mesin-mesin 3D printer yang digunakan memiliki paling tidak 5 motor stepper, yaitu sumbu X 1 buah, sumbu Y 1 buah, sumbu Z 2 buah serta motor ekstruder 1 buah. Paper ini akan membahas mengenai alternative desain mesin 3D printer FFF dengan model cantilever yang menggunakan 4 motor stepper sehingga lebih hemat komponen. Proses desain dan assembly 3D printer tipe cantilever menghasilkan mesin dengan area kerja 200 x 200 x 200 mm dan ketelitian 0,1 mm. Mesin 3D printer yang didesain memiliki komponen utama berupa komponen mekanik dan elektrik. Komponen mekanik terdiri dari frame, linear guide, bracket, leadscrew, pulley dan timing belt. Komponen elektrik terdiri dari controller, lcd, motor stepper, limit switch, soket serta power supply. Dengan meminimalisir jumlah motor stepper yang digunakan, maka desain 3D printer tipe cantilever dinilai lebih ekonomis dengan desain yang minimalis. Mesin seperti ini cocok digunakan untuk kegiatan-kegiatan yang bersifat mobile. 3D printer ini kedepan akan dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan pelatihan kepada masyarakat untuk memperkenalkan teknologi manufaktur baru, yaitu proses cetak 3 dimensi.

2021 ◽  
Xinxin LI ◽  
Zhi-Min Li ◽  
Sun Jin ◽  
Jichang Zhang ◽  
Siyi Ding ◽  

Abstract The kinematic errors of the linear axis play a key role in machining precision of high-end CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine tool. The quantification of error relationship is still an urgent problem to be solved in the assembly process of the linear axis, especially considering the effect of the elastic deformation of rollers. A systematic error equivalence model of slider is proposed to improve the prediction accuracy for kinematic errors of the linear axis which contains the base, the linear guide rail and carriage. Firstly, the geometric errors of assembly surface of linear guide rail are represented by small displacement torsor. According to the theory of different motion of robots, the error equivalence model of a single slider is established, namely the geometric error of assembly surface of linear guide rail and the pose error of slider is equivalent to the elastic deformation of roller. Based on the principle of vector summation, the kinematic error of a single slider is mapped to the carriage and the kinematic error of the linear axis is obtained. Besides, experiments validation of kinematic error model of the linear axis is carried out. It is indicated that the proposed model is accurate and feasible. The proposed model can provide an accurate guidance for the manufacturing and operation performance of the linear axis in quantification, and a more effective reference for the engineers at the design and assembly stage.

Meng Liu ◽  
Yuan Xia ◽  
Hong Lu ◽  
Yongquan Zhang ◽  
Yue Zang ◽  

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