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И.М. Чебочакова ◽  
С.А. Чебодаева

В статье рассматривается история развития хакасской лексикографии. Фиксация лексических материалов по хакасскому языку была начата научными экспедициями, снаряженными в Сибирь для сбора комплексного материала в целях исследования России в естественно - историческом плане. Первым печатным изданием стал словарь Н. Г. Катанова «Хакастан орыс т1ллэр1н1н' сос шчИ», опубликованный в 1928 году. В годы становления и развития С С С Р развивается и хакасская лексикография. Стали возможными подготовка и опубликование как школьных словарей, так и академических словарей: «Хакасско - русский словарь» (1953), «Хакасско - русский словарь» (2006), «Русско - хакасский словарь» (1961). Хакасская лексикография сегодня располагает отраслевыми словарями. В 2020 году выпущен первый том «Толкового словаря хакасского языка». The article examines the history of the development of Khakass lexicography. The fixation of lexical materials on the Khakass language was started by scientific expeditions sent to Siberia to collect complex material for the purpose of studying Russia in the natural - historical plan. The first printed edition was the dictionary of N. G. Katanov «Khakastang orys tillerining soes pichigi», published in 1928. During the years of the formation and development of the USSR, Khakass lexicography was also developing. It became possible to prepare and publish both school dictionaries and academic dictionaries: «Khakass - Russian dictionary» (1953), «Khakass - Russian dictionary» (2006), «Russian - Khakass dictionary» (1961). Today Khakass lexicography has specialized dictionaries. The first volume of "The Explanatory Dictionary of the Khakass Language" was published in 2020.

2021 ◽  
Sarah Stevenson

<p>Materials which exhibit peculiar behaviour due to applied mechanical deformations are abundant in everyday life. Rheo-NMR is an established technique which has been used to study these responses for the past three decades by combining methodologies from rheometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The technique enhances standard rheological studies of bulk properties, such as viscosity and elasticity, by applying the tools of NMR (e.g. spectroscopy, diffusion, relaxometry, imaging, and velocimetry) to matter under deformation. This allows for the exploration of molecular origins and / or local responses within the material which lead to the macroscopic behaviour. These materials are deformed (most commonly sheared) inside geometric housings with a NMR experiment running in parallel. For complex material studies it is desirable for these geometries to provide a simple homogeneous deformation. In reality, all standard rheometry geometries have inhomogeneity characteristics. In fact there is evidence to suggest that some material responses may be influenced by a small degree of deviation from pure homogeneity. This makes it harder to isolate any inherent material behaviour due to a magnitude or rate of deformation from the specific characteristics of how the deformation was applied. This contribution reports on the continued design and method development of a novel geometry for rheo-NMR - a planar cylindrical hybrid (PCH) shear geometry. The geometry includes planar sections with the aim to provide planar Couette flow, a simple truly homogeneous shear profile. It comprises of two parallel sections of planar flow connected by two semi-circular sections of circular flow to give a closed flow path in the shape of a racetrack. Shear is applied by rotating a band around the inner section like a conveyor belt. The purpose of the PCH geometry is to study the complex responses of materials under shear in this atypical shear environment. A paragon of a model system for exploring the novel geometry is a shear banding wormlike micelle (WLM) solution. It has a well documented nonlinear response to steady shear and previous work demonstrated that the curvature of a standard concentric cylinder geometric housing influenced the observed WLM’s rheological response. Strikingly, what was discovered by this thesis research was that there was no visible appearance of this material separating into bands in the planar (or cylindrical) regions in the PCH geometry when probed with an NMR velocity encoded imaging experiment. The more Newtonian-like response of the complex material differs from the intriguing curved flow profile seen for an actual Newtonian sample (which additionally evolves over the planar region) meaning the WLM’s response is still complex in nature. From these findings it is clear that geometry did not impart the homogeneous planar Couette flow for a Newtonian sample. However it has introduced a new deformation environment to study complex materials, acting completely differently to the geometries typically used in rheo-NMR and rheometry. Implications of this and motivation for work study are discussed.</p>

2021 ◽  
Sarah Stevenson

<p>Materials which exhibit peculiar behaviour due to applied mechanical deformations are abundant in everyday life. Rheo-NMR is an established technique which has been used to study these responses for the past three decades by combining methodologies from rheometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The technique enhances standard rheological studies of bulk properties, such as viscosity and elasticity, by applying the tools of NMR (e.g. spectroscopy, diffusion, relaxometry, imaging, and velocimetry) to matter under deformation. This allows for the exploration of molecular origins and / or local responses within the material which lead to the macroscopic behaviour. These materials are deformed (most commonly sheared) inside geometric housings with a NMR experiment running in parallel. For complex material studies it is desirable for these geometries to provide a simple homogeneous deformation. In reality, all standard rheometry geometries have inhomogeneity characteristics. In fact there is evidence to suggest that some material responses may be influenced by a small degree of deviation from pure homogeneity. This makes it harder to isolate any inherent material behaviour due to a magnitude or rate of deformation from the specific characteristics of how the deformation was applied. This contribution reports on the continued design and method development of a novel geometry for rheo-NMR - a planar cylindrical hybrid (PCH) shear geometry. The geometry includes planar sections with the aim to provide planar Couette flow, a simple truly homogeneous shear profile. It comprises of two parallel sections of planar flow connected by two semi-circular sections of circular flow to give a closed flow path in the shape of a racetrack. Shear is applied by rotating a band around the inner section like a conveyor belt. The purpose of the PCH geometry is to study the complex responses of materials under shear in this atypical shear environment. A paragon of a model system for exploring the novel geometry is a shear banding wormlike micelle (WLM) solution. It has a well documented nonlinear response to steady shear and previous work demonstrated that the curvature of a standard concentric cylinder geometric housing influenced the observed WLM’s rheological response. Strikingly, what was discovered by this thesis research was that there was no visible appearance of this material separating into bands in the planar (or cylindrical) regions in the PCH geometry when probed with an NMR velocity encoded imaging experiment. The more Newtonian-like response of the complex material differs from the intriguing curved flow profile seen for an actual Newtonian sample (which additionally evolves over the planar region) meaning the WLM’s response is still complex in nature. From these findings it is clear that geometry did not impart the homogeneous planar Couette flow for a Newtonian sample. However it has introduced a new deformation environment to study complex materials, acting completely differently to the geometries typically used in rheo-NMR and rheometry. Implications of this and motivation for work study are discussed.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 ◽  
pp. 88-95
О.О. Kryzhevska

The article is devoted to the study of notarial procedural legal relations in the system of other legal relations. The author aims to explore the range of relations that mediate notarial procedural legal relations, and to trace the relationship of these legal relations, their relationship with each other, in order to properly understand the legal nature of notarial procedural legal relations. According to the results of the research, when notaries perform notarial acts, a number of other than notarial procedural legal relations may arise, some of which look quite similar to notarial procedural legal relations and can sometimes be mistaken for the latter. It is concluded that notarial procedural legal relations cannot be understood as material and procedural at the same time. Notarial procedural legal relations are not complex (material and procedural) due to the fact that they seem to have in their content such a component as the notary's relationship with the client, which is directly related to the notarial act. There are no grounds to consider registration legal relations as notarial procedural. Registration legal relations are intertwined in notarial procedural ones, superimposed on each other. In fact, the same subjects take part in these legal relations as in the notarial process. However, despite this, we do not have two clear consecutive procedures (notarial procedural and registration), which follow one another, but two parallel procedures. The model provision on the procedure for providing state notaries of additional legal services that are not related to notarial acts, as well as technical services, approved by the order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine № 3/5 of 04.01.1998, does not correspond to the terminology of current legislation and must be brought into line with current legislation. Fiscal legal relations that arise when a notary performs a notarial act are not by their nature notarial procedural legal relations. These legal relations are independent, existing both along with notarial procedural and other notarial legal relations arising with the participation of a notary.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1416
Yukai Chen ◽  
Xin Yang ◽  
Mingzhi Yang ◽  
Yanfei Wei ◽  
Haobin Zheng

Complex material parameters that can represent the losses of giant magnetostrictive materials (GMMs) are the key parameters for high-power transducer design and performance analysis. Since the GMMs work under pre-stress conditions and their performance is highly sensitive to pre-stress, the complex parameters of a GMM are preferably characterized in a specific pre-stress condition. In this study, an optimized characterization method for GMMs is proposed using three complex material parameters. Firstly, a lumped parameter model is improved for a longitudinal transducer by incorporating three material losses. Then, the structural damping and contact damping are experimentally measured and applied to confine the parametric variance ranges. Using the improved lumped parameter model, the real parts of the three key material parameters are characterized by fitting the experimental impedance data while the imaginary parts are separately extracted by the phase data. The global sensitivity analysis that accounts for the interaction effects of the multiple parameter variances shows that the proposed method outperforms the classical method as the sensitivities of all the six key parameters to both impedance and phase fitness functions are all high, which implies that the extracted material complex parameters are credible. In addition, the stability and credibility of the proposed parameter characterization is further corroborated by the results of ten random characterizations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Swetha Govindaiah ◽  
Mikel D. Petty

AbstractApplying machine learning methods to improve the efficiency of complex manufacturing processes, such as material handling, can be challenging. The interconnectedness of the multiple components that make up real-world manufacturing processes and the typically very large number of variables required to specify procedures and plans within them combine to make it very difficult to map the details of such processes to a formal mathematical representation suitable for conventional optimization methods. Instead, in this work reinforcement learning was applied to produce increasingly efficient plans for material handling in representative manufacturing facilities. Doing so included defining a formal representation of a realistically complex material handling plan, specifying a set of suitable plan change operators as reinforcement learning actions, implementing a simulation-based multi-objective reward function that considers multiple components of material handling costs, and abstracting the many possible material handling plans into a state set small enough to enable reinforcement learning. Experimentation with multiple material handling plans on two separate factory layouts indicated that reinforcement learning could consistently reduce the cost of material handling. This work demonstrates the applicability of reinforcement learning with a multi-objective reward function to realistically complex material handling processes.

2021 ◽  
Stanley Onwubu ◽  
Chibuzor Stellamaris Okonkwo

Hydrocolloids are complex polysaccharides that disperse or dissolve in aqueous solution to give thickened or vicious effects. Also hydrocolloids possess high molecular weight. Owing to these characteristics, hydrocolloids have been widely used in various applications. In dentistry, for example, most intricate and precise procedures are made of hydrocolloids and are found in its simplest material to the most complex material such as impression making, fillings, separating media, electro-polishing etc. The two common hydrocolloids widely used in dentistry are reversible (agar) and irreversible (alginate) materials. Hence, this chapter bring to the forefront their preparations, uses and storage for optimal results and application.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-259
Elena Anatolyevna Lamekhova

Currently, some previously recognized ideas are being re-evaluated in biological education, which confirms the need to improve and further develop the methodology for studying and teaching the theory of evolution. Relevant in this regard are the selection of the content and the development of a methodology for studying Darwins theory of natural selection in the school biology course, which determined the purpose of the study. The purpose of the paper is to develop a methodology for studying some issues of Darwins theory of natural selection in the school biology course. The paper offers a variant of the program and a method for studying the most complex issues of the topic. Natural selection, which manifests itself as a consequence of the struggle for existence, should be described by formulating a definition, describing the mechanism and results of action. The study of natural selection should be accompanied by evidence of its leading role in evolution. Describing the struggle for existence as a factor of evolution, it is necessary to emphasize its ecological essence. The results of the action of natural selection should be described taking into account their cause-and-effect relationships, accompanying this with examples, using various manuals and tasks and carrying out practical work. The description of the methodology for studying the issues of the topic is of theoretical significance, and the given methodological recommendations for studying the prerequisites for the emergence of Darwinism, the doctrine of the variability of organisms, the struggle for existence, natural selection and other issues are of practical importance and will ensure a successful assimilation of this complex material by students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1037 ◽  
pp. 737-742
Igor Romanenko ◽  
Alexey Fadin

The solution to the problem of large industrial cities with a developed metallurgical industry is the creation of environmentally friendly conditions for the life of the population through the disposal of industrial waste. The studies carried out have shown that the developed technology makes it possible to widely use steel-making slags and carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere in the production of small-piece wall stones with high operational properties. It is shown that only slag is required to obtain wall material without the use of a hydraulic binder.

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