average child
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-41
Reshmaan Hussam ◽  
Atonu Rabbani ◽  
Giovanni Reggiani ◽  
Natalia Rigol

We test the predictions of the rational addiction model, reconceptualized as rational habit formation, in the context of handwashing in rural India. To track handwashing, we design soap dispensers with timed sensors. We test for rational habit formation by informing some households about a future change in the returns to daily handwashing. Monitoring and incentives raise handwashing contemporaneously, and effects persist well after they end. In addition, people are rational about this habit formation: when they anticipate future monitoring, they increase their current handwashing. Average child weight and height increase for all study arms given soap dispensers. (JEL D12, D83, D91, I12, I18, J13, O12)

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-179
Veryawan Veryawan

This study aims to review the moral development of children. In moral attitudes and behavior, it is implied that the values ​​adhered to are related to the value of something that is said to be good and bad, right and wrong, appropriate, and should happen. This research was conducted at RA Al Ikhlas Konggo Deli Serdang. The subjects of this study were students of RA Al Ikhlas Konggo in group B III totaling 15 people consisting of 6 women and 9 men with a recreational theme. The research used is classroom action research. In interpreting the results of the analysis carried out during the process of clamping clotheslines, researchers used percentage analysis to obtain results about increasing the honesty nature of early childhood through the application of clothesline clamp media and analysis tests using the average child and the criteria for mastery learning children. In the study, it is considered successful if the results achieved by the child have reached 80% in the application of clothesline clamp media to instill honesty in early childhood.

2019 ◽  
Vol 109 (3) ◽  
pp. 244-249
E. Koskimies-Virta ◽  
I. Helenius ◽  
N. Pakkasjärvi ◽  
Y. Nietosvaara

Background and Aims: To evaluate hospital care of children with congenital upper limb defects. Materials and Methods: Three hundred and sixty-two children with an upper limb defect, born 1993–2005, and alive after birth admission were identified in the Finnish Register of Congenital Malformations. The data on hospital care, with focus on operative treatment, were collected from the National Hospital Discharge Register, until 31 December 2009. Mean follow-up was 10.2 years (range: 4–17 years). The results were compared with data on the whole children population (1.1 million) in Finland. Results: Most children (321, 87%) with upper limb defects had hospital admissions: on average, one admission/year (range: 0–36), and they were treated in hospital 5 days/year (range: 0–150), which is 11-fold compared with an average child in Finland. Four surgical procedures/child were done (range: 0–45), including one hand surgical procedure. The most common procedures were orthopedic (513); gastrointestinal (263); ear, nose, and throat (143); dental (118); thoracic (48); and urologic (44). Of the 513 orthopedic procedures, 326 were directed to upper limbs, 107 to the lower limbs, and 10 to the spine. Median operation age was 2 years 7 months. Altogether, 60% of hospital admissions were non-surgical. Leading causes of non-operative hospital admissions were congenital anomalies (32%), gastroenterological problems (20%), respiratory tract conditions (13%), neurological problems (7%), perinatal conditions (5%), and infectious diseases (5%). Conclusion: Treatment of children with upper limb defects is teamwork between pediatric and surgical subspecialties. Burden of hospital care is 11-fold as compared with an average child.

Laura Salah Nasrallah

Judith Butler and Claudia Rankine investigate grief as political, asking who is grievable. Corinth was characterized as a city of grief because of its destruction by the Roman general Mummius, an even that was also a political grief. This chapter investigates how grief was memorialized in the city. For example, Corinth's Fountain of Glauke recalled Medea’s murder of her children. Evidence from Roman Corinth also indicates higher than average child mortality. These become contexts for understanding a Corinthian practice of baptism on behalf of the dead. Allying with the dead can be a political choice and response to oppressive power. The Corinthian ekklēsia, itself a political term of assembly, may have been transformed from death to life in their new statuses in Christ, and would reasonably have wanted to connect not only with the death of Jesus, but also to bring present transformation to their (many) dead.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 231-250
Kathy Quick

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 255-259 ◽  
Mahmoud Reza Ashrafi ◽  
Zahra Rezaei ◽  
Morteza Heidari ◽  
Sedigheh Nikbakht ◽  
Reza Azizi Malamiri ◽  

Childhood leukodystrophies are a fast-growing field of pediatric neurology practice. Epidemiologic studies on the incidence of these disorders in children show different results. This is the first report of childhood leukodystrophies incidence from Iran. The enrolled patients were recruited from the neurometabolic bioregistry system that was organized in 2010 in the Children’s Medical Center, Tehran, Iran. Herein is reported the incidence rate of leukodystrophies in those patients who were residents of 2 big popular provinces near Iran’s capital city Tehran, with an average child population of 2 988 800 children. Ninety cases of leukodystrophies from Tehran and Alborz provinces who were registered between 2010 and 2016 in the bioregistry system were enrolled in this study. The annual incidence of inherited white matter disorders was 3.01/100 000, the highest number compared with those found in other studies using similar methods throughout the world. One of the main cause of this higher incidence could be the higher number of consanguineous marriages in Iran.

Wurlina Wurlina ◽  
Rimayanti Rimayanti ◽  
Mas'ud Hariadi ◽  
Dewa Ketut Meles

IbM to business gorup in the goat breeding and fattening “Loketawa” aims to: 1) improve local goat genetics through IB using Etawa stud 2) obtain mother goats lust together done synchronization lusts 3) get mother goat bunting from once a year to 2 times a year 4) increase the number of children from 1 birth to 3-4 births using superovulation techniques 5) reduce production costs, make feed without forage and growth promotor. The method of implementation used 1) introducing stud Etawa meat and milk producers 2) synchronization lust using PGF2α 3) superovulation using hormone FSH and LH 4) IB on goats using Etawa goat cuttings, 5) the processing of feed without forage and growth promoter. The results are as follows: 1) as many as 20 heads of goats are simultaneously using 100% PGF2α, artificial insemination on 10 heads of goats without super ovulation has an average child of 1.6 births, while artificial insemination on 10 goats with super ovulation having an average child 3 births, 3) an average goat weight increase of 252.35 grams per day. AbstrakIpteks bagi Masyarakat yang dilakukan pada kelompok usaha pembibitan dan penggemukan kambing “Loketawa” bertujuan: 1) memperbaiki genetik kambing lokal melalui IB menggunakan pejantan Etawa 2) mendapatkan induk kambing birahi bersamaam dilakukan sinkronisasi birahi 3) mendapatkan induk kambing bunting dari setahun sekali menjadi 2 kali setahun 4) meningkatkan jumlah anak dari 1 ekor sekelahiran menjadi 3-4 ekor sekelahiran menggunakan teknik superovulasi 5) menekan biaya produksi, membuat pakan tanpa hijauan dan growth promotor. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah 1) memperkenalkan pejantan Etawa penghasil daging dan susu 2) sinkronisasi birahi menggunakan PGF2α 3) superovulasi menggunakan hormon FSH dan LH 4) IB pada kambing menggunakan semen kambing Etawa, 5) pengolahan pakan tanpa hijauan dan growth promoter. Hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut : 1) sebanyak 20 ekor induk kambing mengalami birahi bersamaan menggunakan PGF2α sebesar 100%, Inseminasi buatan pada 10 ekor induk kambing tanpa super ovulasi mempunyai anak rata-rata 1,6 ekor sekelahiran, sedangkan Inseminasi buatan pada 10 ekor induk kambing dengan super ovulasi mempunyai anak rata-rata 3 ekor sekelahiran, 3) peningkatan berat badan kambing rata- rata 252,35 gram/ekor perhari.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (5) ◽  
pp. 765-779 ◽  
Milda Macenaite

The new European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation aims to adapt children’s right to privacy to the ‘digital age’. It explicitly recognizes that children deserve specific protection of their personal data, and introduces additional rights and safeguards for children. This article explores the dilemmas that the introduction of the child-tailored online privacy protection regime creates – the ‘empowerment versus protection’ and the ‘individualized versus average child’ dilemmas. It concludes that by favouring protection over the empowerment of children, the Regulation risks limiting children in their online opportunities, and by relying on the average child criteria, it fails to consider the evolving capacities and best interests of the child.

Envigogika ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Petra Hrubošová ◽  
Jitka Přerovská

An extensive research called “Czech Children Outdoors” carried out with a representative sample of 1,515 Czech children and the same number of their parents was done by the Karel Komárek Proměny Foundation. This survey was the first of a kind in the Czech Republic and shows that a typical Czech pupil spends, on average, 1 hour and 41 minutes outdoors on a week day and 2 hours and 49 minutes on a weekend day. Altogether, an average child spends about 14 hours a week outdoors.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-13
Anatoliy Kuzminsky

Abstract Problems of appearing and functioning of human study science, i.e. pedology, have been studied in the paper. Theoretical analysis of integrative approaches of native and foreign scholars to pedology in the context of views of the third millennium has been performed. Useful and positive achievements of this science as well as wrong ones determined by specific features of time and socio-political conditions, views on children upbringing have been singled out. It has been indicated that at the beginning of the 21st century authoritarian, lacking humanism, scientistic-progressivistic educational paradigm is becoming history. At the same time child-centered, personal-developmental pedagogy is being increasingly included in the teaching practice. In addition, we can clearly trace contours of humanitarian-existential approaches to upbringing problems, which is why we should understand that there is no average child and that except heredity and environment much in the development of a small person depends on upbringing efforts of parents, pedagogues, state and society. Children should not adapt to the conditions since educational-upbringing system, curricula and methods of teaching must be adapted to a child, his/her capabilities, interests and specific features. A child’s interests should be in the basis of the upbringing system. Any system of a child’s upbringing, no matter how progressive and innovative it may be, will not fulfill its mission if it is not based on deep scientific pedology. Rather perspective we consider theoretical analysis of the development of the ideas on integral study of a child in Ukrainian pedology.

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