efficiency theory
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Valery V. Glushchenko

The subject of the article is the ecosystem approach in the modernization of transport systems during the formation of the 8th technological order; the object of the article is the sphere of transport; the purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of management of the development of transport ecosystems; to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: the tasks of system analysis of the development of a new technological order in the transport industry are clarified; the methodology of system analysis of international transport corridors is formed; the image of the future ecosystem of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) is synthesized after modernization on the basis of scientific achievements of the 8th technological order; scientific methods are the theory of hierarchical systems, system synthesis and analysis, logical and heuristic methods, system approach, heuristic forecasting, expert methods, efficiency theory; scientific novelty of the work is determined by the development of methods of system analysis in the field of transport, the methodology of forming the program of modernization of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) on the basis of scientific achievements of the 8th technological order.

Joseph Madara ◽  
Peter Mwaura ◽  
David Gichuhi

Corporate mergers are important for organizations to position themselves for growth and development. Stanbic Bank was formed as a result of a merger between CFC Bank and Stanbic Bank. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the merger has led to positive outcomes, but specific aspects of the merger that have contributed towards the organizational development of Stanbic Bank remain unclear. The study investigated the influence of Post-Merger Restructuring on the organizational development of Stanbic Bank Kenya. It was guided by efficiency theory and collected data from 27 branch managers and 9 senior sectional heads using a semi-structured questionnaire where a 75% response rate was achieved. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results showed that post-merger restructuring has a positive and statistically significant influence on organizational development at Stanbic Bank. The researcher concluded that post-merger restructuring had a positive influence on the organizational development of banks. The study recommends that banks should retrain their workforce, inculcate new culture, and redesign their operations in the post-merger period so as to realize the intended benefits.

Jonghoon Yoo ◽  
Minkyoung Choi ◽  
Byungseol Byun

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation level of urban Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Republic of Korea and to measure the extent of internal and external impacts on the implementation level. An evaluation framework was established based on relative efficiency theory, and the implementation level of urban SDGs at the local government unit in the Republic of Korea was examined by performing an analysis of each stage. First, in reference to the 2018 cross-section, the implementation level of target 11.2 (public transportation) was assessed as excellent across the country, compared with the implementation level of targets 11.5 (disaster safety), 11.6 (environment), and 11.7 (public space), which were assessed as needing improvement. Second, the factors positively impacting the implementation level of target 11.2 were urban population, GRDP, financial independence, urbanization area, and bus-only lanes, whereas the factors positively impacting the implementation level of target 11.5 were population density and GRDP. The positive factors influencing the implementation level of target 11.6 (air quality sector) were found to be GRDP, financial independence, administrative area, and renewable energy generation, whereas the effective factors of the implementation level of target 11.6 (waste management sector) were analyzed as GRDP, financial independence, and the population density of households in the waste management area. The positive factors influencing the implementation level of target 11.7 were GRDP, financial independence, administrative area, and green area.

2021 ◽  
Jean-Philippe van Dijck ◽  
Wim Fias ◽  
Krzysztof Cipora

Working memory (WM) is one of the most important cognitive functions that may play a role in the relation between math anxiety (MA) and math performance. The processing efficiency theory proposes that the rumination and worrisome thoughts (induced by MA) result in less available WM resources (which are needed to solve math problems). At the same time, high MA individuals have lower verbal and spatial WM capacity in general. Extending these findings, we found that MA is also linked to the spatial coding of serial order in verbal WM: Subjects who organize sequences from left-to-right in verbal WM show lower levels of MA compared to those who do not spatialize. Furthermore, these spatial coders have higher verbal WM capacity, better numerical order judgement abilities and higher math scores. These findings suggest that that spatially structuring the verbal mind is a promising cognitive correlate of the MA and opens new avenues for exploring causal links between elementary cognitive processes and the MA.

2021 ◽  
Mihails Urbans

The Doctoral Thesis is dedicated to the development of methodology for assessing economic and environmental losses in high-risk objects. Effective assessment methods increase the safety levels and help prepare for potential accidents involving uncontrolled release of a large energy stock and predict the extent of potential loss in the event of an emergency. As part of this paper, modelling of the hazards causing accidents and compiling global emergency statistics has been carried out. The author has developed a useful, innovative methodology for the calculation of environmental and economic losses, so that all stakeholders, without investing large time resources, can obtain reliable and reasonable results. The current risk assessment methods have been summarised in the paper, and their shortcomings and benefits have been evaluated. The correlation between the depreciation of objects and the increase in the frequency of emergency situations have been analysed in the paper, as well as the proposals for reducing risks during the operational life of the site have been developed and the proposed methodology for assessing losses caused by a potential accident has been offered. The hazard assessment methodology proposed by the author is based on a probit function model that so far has been used very rarely in Latvia. As part of the Doctoral Thesis, the probit model constants have been tested using different scenarios for possible accidents in the calculation. The methodology algorithm developed by the author is innovative and consists of 6 core blocks: identification of the risk scenario; parameters depending on the surroundings and external meteorological conditions of the high-risk object (HRO); possible risk scenarios and modelling of their probability; identification of negative environmental effects; calculation of probability using the probit model and the assessment of economic and environmental losses. The executing algorithm of the proposed core blocks is closely linked to the efficiency theory as a sequence of operations and the adoption of effective management decisions, based on the procedure carried out, where different types of data are collected. Using the proposed methodology developed by the author, it is possible to establish the level of risk at the objects concerned and to foresee potential economic and environmental losses in the event of an accident. The proposed methodology can be used both at the design stage of the installation and in the existing high-risk objects. This paper provides a detailed example of the calculation that can be used as a sample.

Valery V. Glushchenko

The subject of the article is a model of the future of the eighth technological order; the object of the article is the eighth technological order; the purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of the processes of the state's entry into the eighth technological order; to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: the geopolitical and socio-economic roles and the results of the state's transition to the eighth technological order are described; a systematic analysis of technological orders is carried out; the image of the future eighth technological order is formed; the tasks of the state's entry policy into the eighth technological order are developed; the indicators of evaluating the effectiveness of the state's entry policy into the eighth technological order are described; the scientific methods of this article are: modeling, historical, system, comparative and logical analysis; heuristic synthesis, political science, system approach, heuristic design, expert methods, efficiency theory; The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the synthesis of the image of the future, the paradigm and policy of the state's transition to the eighth technological order, the formation of a system of indicators of the effectiveness of the state's entry into the eighth technological order.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
Bram Hadianto ◽  
Hendrik Hendrik ◽  
Trishya Yuwana

In the weak-form market efficiency theory, investors cannot predict the movement of all prices because of randomness. This circumstance happens because of a quick market reaction to new information. Conversely, suppose the market is not efficient in this shape; in that case, the investors can obtain an abnormal return. One of the reasons is the thin market, where many inactive stocks to be traded are available. Based on these issues, this research intends to examine this theory by employing runs testing on the daily returns of the Indonesia Composite Index (ICI) between January 2014 and December 2018 for each year and a whole. Once performing this test, this research demonstrates that the daily returns of the ICI are random for both situations. By denoting these facts, this research concludes that the capital market in Indonesia is efficient in a weak form and experiences a decrease in the thin level, reflected by the escalation in trading frequency, volume, and value, as well as the number of dynamic shares transacted. This research suggests that investors without sufficient information should utilize the service of the securities analysts to select the stocks they buy and sell to get the capital gain. Keywords – an efficient market in the weak form; market index return; runs test; thin market

Valery V. Glushchenko

The subject of the article is the development of a concept for the transition of organizations to the eighth technological mode; the object of the article is the eighth technological mode; the purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of the processes of transition of organizations to the eighth technological mode; to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: the geopolitical and socio-economic roles and results of the transition of organizations to the eighth technological mode are described; a system analysis of technological modes is carried out (tables of elements and properties of technological modes are developed); - development and description of practical tasks of the policy of transition of organizations to the eighth technological order; the structure of the policy and the content of the elements of the policy of transition to the eighth technological order are described; the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the policy of transition of organizations to the eighth technological order are given; the scientific methods of this article are system, historical, logical and comparative analysis, heuristic synthesis, political science, system approach, heuristic forecasting, expert methods, efficiency theory; the scientific novelty of the work is determined by the synthesis of the policy of transition of organizations to the eighth technological order, the formation of a set of criteria for assessing the geopolitical and socio-economic effectiveness of the policy of organizations for the transition to the eighth technological order

2021 ◽  
Marus Eton ◽  
Fabian Mwosi ◽  
Eliab Byamukama Mpora ◽  
Bernard Patrick Ogwel

Abstract The purpose of the study was to examine how financial Management Practices affect profitability amongst small scale enterprises. The study adopted descriptive and correlational research designs. The study used a multi regression analysis that determined the linear effect of financial management practices on profitability. A multi regression model also provided a basis for hypothesis testing. The findings established a significant influence of financial management practices on profitability. Evidence showed that working capital and cash management practices had strong associations with profitability. This study also established a triad-factor that limits profitability, characterizing operational costs, microeconomic, and personal characteristics. This study provided empirical evidence on the contribution of the innovation theory and managerial efficiency theory of profits to management of operational and production costs in business. The study recommends that Small business firms should ensure sound financial management practices in order to experience positive changes in their profitability levels. Small scale enterprise owners must pay a lot of attention to their working capital dynamics, cash management which highly affect their profitability levels. Small scale entrepreneurs should hire professionals and experts in financial management.

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