bilingual learning
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 363-375
Ahmad Basyori ◽  
Imam Asrori ◽  
Sutaman Sutaman ◽  
Bakri Mohamed Bkheet Ahmed

Communication is essential in studying Arabic as a foreign language to make the lesson interactive. This research aimed to identify and assess three aspects. First, the Teacher Talk (TT) interaction feature appeared in the Arabic Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Raden Intan State Islamic University of Lampung. Second, each lecturer's primary type of TT interaction element. Third, the utilization of code-switching as a component of bilingual learning interactions. This research was a case study of three Arabic lecturers (T1, T2, and T3) who used Google Meets to conduct online learning. Each lecturer was videotaped three times and then examined using Miles and Huberman's qualitative approach. The findings of the L2 investigation demonstrate that 1) T1 produced twelve different types of interaction features. Furthermore, T2 produced eleven different types of interaction features. Finally, T3 produced twelve different types of interaction features. 2) The most dominant TT interaction features in the classrooms by T1 was Scaffolding (18.2 percent), T2 was Display Questions (24.6 percent), and T3 was Confirmation Check (23.1 percent). 3) In the context of bilingual classes, this study also found that L2 lecturers used other interaction features to facilitate interaction, namely code-switching from Arabic (L2) to Indonesian (L1) and vice versa. The total occurrence of code-switching by T1 was 9.1 percent (the least), code-switching by T2 was 27.3 percent, and code-switching by T3 was 63.6 percent (the most dominant). Code-switching can be an excellent alternate approach or interaction tool for facilitating communication in the classroom when learning Arabic; nevertheless, it must be used appropriately and proportionally.

Yanan Hao ◽  
Jiangyong Zhao ◽  
Kun Liang

Immersive teaching has achieved remarkable results in bilingual learning. This teaching method creates an immersive environment for learners to understand and use languages. This paper explores the influence of immersive teaching on the learning performance, interest, and satisfaction of Chinese English learners, and provides several suggestions on how to apply immersive teaching. The results show that immersive teaching improves the listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities of students. One semester of immersive teaching improved the scores of listening, reading, speaking, and writing by 6.53%, 6.85%, 5%, and 4.73%, respectively; while two semesters of immersive teaching improved them by 12.46%, 16.03%, 13.55%, and 9.92%, respectively. Thanks to immersive teaching, the students’ interest in English learning soared, and their satisfaction with English learning surpassed 50%. This research lays a theoretical basis for promoting immersive teaching, and improving students’ English learning effect.

2021 ◽  
pp. 421-437
Mª José Ros

Actualmente, cada vez son más los padres que deciden ocuparse del aprendizaje bilingüe de sus hijos, incluso de los padres no nativos, desde los primeros años de vida. Este artículo analiza el papel de las TIC en un contexto familiar de aprendizaje y adquisición de la lengua francesa, las ventajas y desventajas de su aplicación, las estrategias que tendrán como objetivo mantener al niño en contacto con la lengua el mayor tiempo posible, facilitando el acceso a contenidos que le permitirán una apropiación de la lengua más motivadora y gratificante que promueva y estimule el interés, la autonomía, la cooperación, la iniciativa, la autoestima y la creatividad del alumno, permitiendo garantizar las condiciones de éxito. Se describe la influencia y beneficios de las TIC en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de los niños bilingües mostrando el desarrollo de prácticas pedagógicas innovadoras adaptadas a un contexto familiar. Nowadays, an increasing number of parents are deciding to engage in bilingual learning for their children, even non-native speakers, from the earliest years of life. This article analyses: the role of ICT learning and acquiring the French language within a family context; the advantages and disadvantages of its application; the strategies that will be used to keep the child in contact with the language as long as possible; facilitating access to contents that will allow a more motivating and rewarding adoption of the language, promoting and stimulating the learner's interest, autonomy, cooperation, initiative, self-esteem and creativity; thus guaranteeing the conditions for success. The influence and benefits of ICT in the teaching and learning of bilingual children are described, showing the development of innovative pedagogical practices adapted to a family context. Actuellement, de plus en plus de parents décident de prendre en main le développement bilingue de leurs enfants, même des parents non natifs, dès la petite enfance. Cet article analyse le rôle des TIC dans un contexte familial d'apprentissage et d'acquisition de la langue française, les avantages et les inconvénients de leur application, les stratégies qui viseront à maintenir l'enfant en contact avec la langue le plus longtemps possible, en facilitant l'accès à des contenus qui permettront une appropriation plus motivante et valorisante de la langue qui favorise et stimule l'intérêt, l'autonomie, la coopération, l'initiative, l'estime de soi et la créativité de l'élève, permettant de garantir les conditions de réussite. L'influence et les avantages des TIC dans l'enseignement-apprentissage des enfants bilingues sont décrits, montrant le développement de pratiques pédagogiques innovantes adaptées à un contexte familial.

Nataliia Seiko ◽  
Svitlana Sytniakivska ◽  
Nadiia Pavlyk

The purpose of the study is to characterize the content and possibility of using bilingual case technologies in future social workers training. To achieve this goal, methods of theoretical analysis of the scientific literature on the content, objectives, structure of case technologies; pedagogical design of a bilingual case; classification of case-types depending on the educational purpose are used. The article describes various aspects of the problem of design and implementation of case technologies social workers’ professional training. The history of the origin of cases as a learning tool is clarified. The interconnection of case studies with other methods of teaching and professional training is substantiated. The leading tasks of the case method (motivational, cognitive, communicative, and reflexive) are determined. A conclusion about the specifics of the characteristics of the language case, the problematic nature of the situation, the implicitness of the case problem, the appropriate amount of information, personalization, and professional orientation are formulated. The field structure of the case (informational, essential and technological areas) is analyzed. Features of bilingual cases and cases for future social workers’ bilingual training are outlined. Examples of different types of cases are given: cases - episodes without ending, case-essays, cases-chronicles and diaries, as well as cases for bilingual learning - motivational, cognitive, communicative and reflective ones. The author's development of a case for social workers’ bilingual training is presented and proposals for the implementation of several other cases of different types are given. 

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Sally Ann Ashton-Hay ◽  
Geoffrey Lamberton ◽  
Yining Zhou ◽  
Tania von der Heidt

Purpose This study aims to examine the effectiveness of bilingual learning strategies designed to support Chinese undergraduate business students facing significant learning challenges in an Australian university capstone curriculum delivered at their Chinese university. These challenges include the students’ difficulty understanding discipline-specific English terminology, using this terminology to discuss disciplinary concepts with their instructors and stress caused by an abnormally high study load. Design/methodology/approach In response to these challenges, the project team implemented a suite of bilingual strategies to reduce cognitive load and enhance learning, which included Chinese-English glossaries to build disciplinary-specific vocabularies; a bilingual teaching assistant to enable students to communicate in their language of choice; the use of WeChat to connect students to staff and to provide translanguaging opportunities; and bilateral managerial and academic support for strengthening the institutional cross-cultural relationship through staff exchange and language learning programs. A series of surveys were administered to measure the impact of these strategies on students’ learning, and WeChat logs were analysed to determine students’ linguistic preferences during discussions with staff and students. Findings The results of this project show strong support for each bilingual strategy, high academic performance amongst the student cohort, the positive contribution to learning and connection provided by social media technology, students’ language of choice preferences and chosen translanguaging styles and the important role of teaching staff in supporting international students’ intercultural learning and adaptation to a foreign university learning system. Originality/value This original evidence-based study helps to address the gap in bilingual education in Australian higher education demonstrating a successful strategy for dealing with language and discipline-specific challenges confronting EAL students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 255-266
Tsvetelina Vukadinova ◽  
Senya Terzieva ◽  
Mladen Popov ◽  

The article presents a study designed to develop professional and communication skills of students in the subject "Chemical Engineering" with German language teaching at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. During the application of the experimental model, the COVID crisis required switching to hybrid teaching. This brought a new focus on the teaching design in the 2019/2020 academic year. The research is based on self-regulated learning strategies. The collected data offer a tool for developing professional and foreign language skills. It aims to optimize the educational process in engineering disciplines, as well as to enhance the foreign language knowledge acquisition: bilingual learning materials for improving the specialized foreign language learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-196
Olga Yuryevna Piskun ◽  
Inessa Solomonovna Baskina ◽  
Valentina Anatolyevna Petrochenko ◽  
Elena Dmitrievna Shtatnyh ◽  

Introduction. The article addresses the problem of bilingualism of deaf children in the educational process with the main focus on enhancing their creative abilities and socio-psychological adjustment. The purpose of the research is to study and describe the resource for the development of creative abilities and socio-psychological adaptation of children with hearing impairment. Materials and Methods. In this paper the authors provide a review of Russian and international studies into the role of bilingualism in deaf education. The evaluation of creative abilities and socialization of children with hearing impairment was conducted using the following projective methods: ‘Measurement of creative thinking’ (E. Torrance’s Incomplete figure test), N. V. Shaidurova’s measurement of older preschoolers’ creativity, ‘A picture of the family’ by T. G. Khomentauskas (adaptated by O. Y. Piskun and R. O. Agavelyan) as well as sets of survey methods including M. A. Panfilova’s “Sociometric questionnaire for children” and V. V. Tkacheva’s “Questionnaire for parents”. The sample consisted of 16 senior preschool age deaf children and their parents (n = 16). Results. Results. The authors identify the features of the development of creative abilities in children with hearing impairment: a slow formation of verbal speech, role-play interaction, and abstract thinking. The study reveals low socio-psychological adaptation, high parental deprivation and anxiety. In some cases, children are deprived of constructive interaction with their parents. It is emphasized that bilingual learning environment can be considered as a tool of deaf children’s social adjustment. The relevant learning environment can be created within the center of development and psychological and educational support for individuals with special education needs. Competent professionals (including those with disabilities) who use Russian sign language are motivated to communicate with deaf children and their parents for subsequent successful social integration and adjustment. Conclusions. The study concludes that within a personality-centered paradigm of a bilingual educational environment for creative development of children with hearing impairment and their socio-psychological adjustment, the leading factor is the bilingual approach to creating the center for psychological and educational support for families with the main focus on constructive interaction with deaf children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 232-239

Maritime Education Institutions need support and encouragement for the development of bilingual programs for cadets or seafarers in general in the future. So far, English, which is a foreign language in Indonesia, is still considered as a barrier to seafarers' communication on ships, especially on ships owned by foreign companies. The research design used in this study included mixed methods: quantitative surveys conducted on final semester of Nautical cadets, field observations and interviews with lecturers and the cadets. This study aims to explore the perceptions of the cadets and the lecturers about learning in English in relation to the bilingual teaching in the classroom. Some of the courses in the Nautical Study Program have been taught in English and Indonesian or bilingual. Some lecturers have an ability to teach bilingual and able to develop good methods of delivery so that the target of understanding the substance of learning materials can be met.

Hongwu Yang ◽  
Di Zhang ◽  
Rui Jiang ◽  
Chunhui Shang

José I. Navarro-Guzman ◽  
Elena Romero-Alfaro ◽  
Inmaculada Menacho-Jiménez ◽  
Estíbaliz Aragón-Mendizábal

A lesson in a psychology course given to university students is presented, using the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. A total of 78 psychology freshmen college students participated in this experiment. All participants received four lessons in a regular university class. The lessons were about general concepts on psychological disorders. The lessons were taught in English. Different quantitative and qualitative aspects of content acquisition were assessed. In addition, attitudes about and motivation to participate in this bilingual learning practice at the university were evaluated. Results showed a high level of approval and motivation for this methodology, along with a significant assimilation of the content taught. In conclusion, intensifying interaction and diversifying of linguistic skills, as well as adjusting the lecturing time to match the students’ learning capacity and the professor’s second language proficiency, could potentially improve this CLIL experience.

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