real cost
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-12
Indriyati Hadi Sulistyaningrum ◽  
Arifin Santoso ◽  

  Background: The National Social Security System (SJSN) is a system in the health sector that aims to provide comprehensive social security in order to create a just, prosperous and prosperous society. According to WHO growth in the number of Chronic Kidney Disease in 2013 increased by 50% from 2012 even in Southeast Asia to the number of sufferers of Chronic Kidney Disease> 380 million people. While in Indonesia, it has increased by 10% every year. This study aims to determine the differences between INA-CBG rates and the real costs of JKN-era Chronic Kidney Disease patients in RSISA Semarang. Method: This research is an observational study with a retrospective analytic descriptive design with quantitative data. The method used is the Cross Sectional method that makes observations, and can describe the factors that influence the real cost of hospitals. The population was 589 patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and 238 patients and analyzed using the chi-square statistical test with p-value <0.05. Results: The results of the study that as many as 14 patients (5.9%) aged 18-28 years, as many as 50 patients (21.0%) aged 29-39 years, as many as 82 patients (34.5%) aged 40-50 years , as many as 68 patients (28.6%) aged 51-60 years, as many as 21 patients (8.8%) aged 61-70 years as many as 3 patients (1.3%) aged 71-80 years. The research results obtained a p-value of 0,000. Conclusion: There is a Difference between Hospital Real Costs and INA-CBG's Rates for Chronic Kidney Disease in JKN Era in Semarang Hospital in 2018. There are no factors that affect the real costs in chronic kidney disease patients JKN participants in 2018 both class of care, length of treatment (LOS), and disease severity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 389-404
Ahmad Mukri Aji ◽  
Muhammad Ishar Helmi

Additional quotas for hajj have not been resolved, particularly in regard to the financing of hajj, which requires subsidies. The state's goal of distributing subsidies to those who are unable to afford them has not been met, and the state's concept of welfare democracy has not been realized. Accordingly, this investigation employs normative legal research in order to focus on government policies as well as developing issues related to Hajj financing. A constitutional practice that has gradually become law is revealed in this study, namely the existence of subsidies created by the existence of benefit value instruments and the practice of subsidies that have been carried out previously in an indirect manner by the Minister with agreement from the DPR in determining BPIH by applying a 50% discount to the real cost of the hajj. As long as the constitutional practice is carried out in order to complete, perfect, and revitalize the legislation, this is normal. A formal legislative body or statutory regulation is required if there are any actual or potential constitutional issues with the practice of constitutional law.Keywords: Open Legal Policy, Hajj Financing, Non-Subsidized Hajj, Hajj Category. Kebijakan Hukum Pembiayaan Haji Non Subsidi di Indonesia  Abstrak.Banyaknya tambahan kuota haji belum teratasi, terutama perihal pembiayaan haji yang memerlukan subsidi. Target subsidi yang seharusnya menjangkau masyarakat yang tidak mampu secara finacial dan konsep demokrasi kesejahteraan melalui instrumen subsidi yang digunakan oleh negara dalam hal ini belum terpenuhi. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan kasus sehingga analisis penelitian lebih menekankan kepada kebijakan pemerintah dan permasalahan yang berkembang mengenai pembiayaan haji. Temuan penelitian ini yakni, keberadaan subsidi yang tercipta dengan adanya instrumen nilai manfaat dan praktik subsidi yang secara tidak langsung, telah dilakukan sebelumnya melalui penetapan BPIH dengan besaran 50% dari real cost biaya haji yang dilakukan oleh Menteri dengan kesepakatan DPR, secara tidak langsung menjadi kebiasaan yang praktik ketatanegaraan yang telah berangsur-angsur lama menjadi hukum. Hal ini adalah lumrah, karena selama kebiasaan ketatanegaraan dilakukan demi melengkapi, menyempurnakan, menghidupkan kaidah-kaidah hukum perundang-undangan, hal tersebut konstitusional. Namun jika praktik ketatanegaraan tersebut justru mengalami permasalahan atau potensi konstitusional, maka hal tersebut harus dipertegas dalam sebuah legis formal atau peraturan perundang-undangan.Kata Kunci: Open Legal Policy, Pembiayaan Haji, Haji Non Subsidi, Kategori Haji. Правовая политика для не субсидируемых Финансирование хаджа в Индонезии Абстрактный.Дополнительные квоты на хадж не решены, особенно в отношении финансирования хаджа, который требует субсидий. Задача государства по распределению субсидий среди тех, кто не может их себе позволить, не была достигнута, а концепция государственной демократии всеобщего благосостояния не была реализована. Соответственно, в этом расследовании используются нормативно-правовые исследования, с тем чтобы сосредоточить внимание на государственной политике, а также на разработке вопросов, связанных с финансированием хаджа. В этом исследовании раскрывается конституционная практика, которая постепенно стала законом, а именно наличие субсидий, созданных наличием инструментов оценки выгоды, и практика субсидий, которые ранее осуществлялись косвенным образом министром с согласия ДНР. при определении БПЖ путем применения 50% скидки к реальной стоимости хаджа. Пока конституционная практика осуществляется с целью дополнения, совершенствования и оживления законодательства, это нормально. Официальный законодательный орган или законодательное регулирование требуется, если есть какие-либо фактические или потенциальные конституционные проблемы с практикой конституционного права.Ключевые Слова: открытая правовая политика, финансирование хаджа, хадж без субсидий, категория хаджа. 

2021 ◽  
pp. tobaccocontrol-2021-056929
Seth M Noar ◽  
Nisha Gottfredson ◽  
Rhyan N Vereen ◽  
Rachel Kurtzman ◽  
Jennifer Mendel Sheldon ◽  

PurposeTobacco prevention media campaigns are an important tool to address youth tobacco use. We developed a theory-based perceived message effectiveness (PME) Scale to use when vetting messages for campaigns.MethodsParticipants were a national sample of N=623 US adolescents (ages 13–17 years) recruited from a national probability-based panel. In an online experiment, we randomised adolescents to view tobacco prevention ads. All participants viewed an ad on smoking or vaping from the US Food and Drug Administration’s The Real Cost campaign and a control video, in a random order. After ad exposure, we assessed PME using nine candidate items and constructs for convergent and criterion validity analyses. We used confirmatory factor analysis and examined information curves to select the scale items.ResultsA brief PME scale with three items (α=0.95) worked equally well for demographically diverse adolescents with different patterns of tobacco use. The Real Cost ads generated higher PME scores than the control videos for both vaping and smoking (convergent validity; p<0.05). Higher PME scores were associated with greater attention, fear, cognitive elaboration and anticipated social interactions (convergent validity; r=0.31–0.66), as well as more negative attitudes toward and lower susceptibility to vaping and smoking (criterion validity; r=−0.14 to −0.37). A single-item PME measure performed similarly to the three-item version.ConclusionsThe University of North Carolina PME Scale for Youth is a reliable and valid measure of the potential effectiveness of vaping and smoking prevention ads. Employing PME scales during message development and selection may help youth tobacco prevention campaigns deploy more effective ads.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Matthew C. Farrelly ◽  
Nathaniel H. Taylor ◽  
James M. Nonnemaker ◽  
Alexandria A. Smith ◽  
Janine C. Delahanty ◽  

Abstract Background The prevalence of current smokeless tobacco (SLT) use in 2019 among high school students was 4.8%, and the overall rate of SLT use was higher among high school boys (7.5%) than girls (1.8%). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched “The Real Cost” Smokeless media campaign in April 2016 to educate rural youth about the dangers of SLT use. In this study, we evaluate the effectiveness of “The Real Cost” Smokeless campaign. Methods We use a 3-year (Jan 2016 – Dec 2018) randomized controlled longitudinal field trial that consists of a baseline survey of boys and a parent/guardian and four follow-up surveys of the boys. The cohort includes 2200 boys who were 11 to 16 years old at baseline and lived in the rural segments of 30 media markets (15 treatment markets and 15 control). “The Real Cost” Smokeless campaign targets boys who are 12 to 17 years old in 35 media markets. It focuses primarily on graphic depictions of cosmetic and long-term health consequences of SLT use. The key outcome measures include beliefs and attitudes toward SLT that are targeted (explicitly or implicitly) by campaign messages. Results Using multivariate difference-in-difference analysis (conducted in 2019 and 2020), we found that agreement with 4 of the 11 explicit campaign-targeted belief and attitude measures increased significantly from baseline to post-campaign launch among boys 14 to 16 years old in treatment vs. control markets. Agreement did not increase for boys 11–13 years old in treatment vs. control markets and only increased for one targeted message for the overall sample. Conclusions These findings suggest that “The Real Cost” Smokeless campaign influenced beliefs and attitudes among older boys in campaign markets and that a campaign focused on health consequences of tobacco use can be targeted to rural boys, influence beliefs about SLT use, and potentially prevent SLT use.

Alberto Boretti ◽  
Stefania Castelletto

AbstractThe prediction of the techno-economic performances of future concentrated solar power (CSP) solar tower (ST) with thermal energy storage (TES) plants is challenging. Nevertheless, this information is fundamental to energy policymakers. This work aims to fill the knowledge gap regarding estimations of costs, amount, and quality of electricity produced by these plants over their lifetime. Every estimate should be based on real-world data of actual costs incurred to build and maintain constructed plants, and their actual electricity production, sampled with high frequency, to be reliable. Here we discuss as the available information is insufficient. There has been so far very limited transparency on the real cost and performance of CSP plants built and operated worldwide, and in the very few cases where data has been made public, for example, Crescent Dunes in the United States, costs have been much higher than expected, while annual average capacity factors have been much less. Important statistical parameters such as the standard deviation of the capacity factor with high-frequency sampling have never been provided. We conclude as the techno-economic performances of these plants are therefore unpredictable with accuracy until a significant number of plants will be built and operated, their costs and operating parameters will be shared, and their delivered techno-economic performances will be compared to the modeled values, finally permitting validation of the techno-economic analysis tools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 284
Diajeng Putri Kinanti ◽  
Umi Athiyah ◽  
Yunita Nita ◽  
Muhammad Noor Diansyah

Background: Diabetic gangrene is a complication of diabetes mellitus that imposes a substantial financial burden on patients and their families as well as the health care system. Objective: To determine the total cost of disease, and the difference between real cost and INA CBG rate for diabetic gangrene inpatients from January - December 2017 at Universitas Airlangga Hospital, Surabaya Methods: The study was conducted retrospectively by using a total sampling method. The perspective used was the hospital perspective. This study's direct medical costs were laboratory, drug and consumable medical device costs, medical equipment rental, radiology examination, red cross, oxygen, service, and room costs. Data analysis was performed using an independent samples t-test. Results: The results showed that 148 patients met the inclusion criteria. The total real cost of diabetic gangrene inpatients at Universitas Airlangga Hospital in 2017 was IDR 1,339,949,381, and the total INA CBG rate for inpatients with diabetic gangrene was IDR 1,365,047,500. The difference was (p = 0.000) between real cost and INA CBG rate. Conclusion: There is a difference between the actual cost and the INA CBG rate for diabetic gangrene inpatients.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-40
Allison Stanger

AbstractShoshana Zuboff’s international best seller, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the Frontier of Power, has rightfully alarmed citizens of free societies about the uses and misuses of their personal data. Yet the concept of surveillance capitalism, from a global perspective, ultimately obscures more than it reveals. The real threat to liberal democracies is not capitalism but the growing inequalities that corporate surveillance in its unfettered form both reveals and exacerbates. By unclearly specifying the causal mechanisms of the very real negative costs she identifies, Zuboff creates the impression that capitalism itself is the culprit, when the real source of the problem is the absence of good governance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 479-481
Atianashie Miracle A ◽  
Elisha D'Archimedes Armah ◽  
Nasiru Mohammed ◽  
Sylvana Sackey-Sam ◽  

Notwithstanding the emergent indications and fears about the effect of cybercrime, only a few speculative studies have explored the topic to complement those published by consultancy firms, cybersecurity companies, and private institutions. The review of all these studies shows that there is no consensus on how to delineate and measure cybercrime or its effect on Small and Medium Scale Enterprises. Against this background, this research paper had four objectives namely to: determine the effect of Cybercrime on Small and Medium Scale Businesses; identify the real cost of Cybercrime to Ghana SMEs; identify the reasons for the increase of cybercrimes in Ghana SMEs and; identify the causes of cybercrime in Ghana SMEs. A cross-sectional study is used to assess the burden of cost or IT needs of a population and are particularly useful in informing the planning and allocation of IT resources. The study consists of forty-nine (49) participants. The target population is small and medium enterprises in Ghana. Simple random sampling was used to recruit and select the study respondents. As the name implies, simple random sampling means that, in this case, small and medium enterprises in Ghana will be chosen entirely by chance, and each of these enterprises in Ghana has an equal chance or probability of being selected. Furthermore, eight small and medium enterprises in Ghana were involved. And these SMEs include businesses that buy and sell, transportation companies, etc. The findings of the research confirmed the assumptions put forward since there were statistically significant variations in the proportion of people who participated in cybercrime activities based on their age and the size of the business in which they worked.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1259
Ross Kingwell

Making Australian agriculture carbon neutral by 2050 is a goal espoused by several agricultural organisations in Australia. How costly might it be to attain that goal, especially when adverse climate change projections apply to agriculture in southern Australia? This study uses scenario analysis to examine agricultural emissions and their abatement via reforestation in south-western Australia under projected climate change. Most scenarios include the likelihood of agricultural emissions being reduced in the coming decades. However, the impact of projected adverse climate change on tree growth and tree survival means that the cost of achieving agricultural carbon neutrality via reforestation is forecast to increase in south-western Australia. Agricultural R&D and innovation that enable agricultural emissions to diminish in the coming decades will be crucial to lessen the cost of achieving carbon neutrality. On balance, the more likely scenarios reveal the real cost of achieving carbon neutrality will not greatly increase. The cost of achieving carbon neutrality under the various scenarios is raised by an additional AUD22 million to AUD100 million per annum in constant 2020 dollar terms. This magnitude of cost increase is very small relative to the region’s gross value of agricultural production that is regularly greater than AUD10 billion.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (22) ◽  
pp. 2806
Phong Truong ◽  
Katja Hölttä-Otto ◽  
Paulina Becerril ◽  
Reetta Turtiainen ◽  
Sanni Siltanen

Virtual Reality (VR) is considered among the major technologies to address the inefficient collaboration issue caused by the predominant use of 2D drawings in the construction industry. However, there is still a knowledge gap between researchers and practitioners about the actual benefits of VR in the business context. This paper presents the benefits of VR usage in four real-life high-rise elevator projects from the user and business perspectives. Four VR environments of actual machine rooms for planning were created and tested in a multi-user setting. Overall, users find VR more intuitive than conventional tools to enhance planning accuracy and collaboration. The results also show that VR brings significant economic savings and gains for business in the industry. Future study should investigate the real cost-benefit ratio of VR and streamline its technical implementation within construction projects. The research contributes to the current body of knowledge by providing real-life economic benefits and directions to address the research gap in both academia and industry to promote the wide adoption of VR.

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