legislative body
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 389-404
Ahmad Mukri Aji ◽  
Muhammad Ishar Helmi

Additional quotas for hajj have not been resolved, particularly in regard to the financing of hajj, which requires subsidies. The state's goal of distributing subsidies to those who are unable to afford them has not been met, and the state's concept of welfare democracy has not been realized. Accordingly, this investigation employs normative legal research in order to focus on government policies as well as developing issues related to Hajj financing. A constitutional practice that has gradually become law is revealed in this study, namely the existence of subsidies created by the existence of benefit value instruments and the practice of subsidies that have been carried out previously in an indirect manner by the Minister with agreement from the DPR in determining BPIH by applying a 50% discount to the real cost of the hajj. As long as the constitutional practice is carried out in order to complete, perfect, and revitalize the legislation, this is normal. A formal legislative body or statutory regulation is required if there are any actual or potential constitutional issues with the practice of constitutional law.Keywords: Open Legal Policy, Hajj Financing, Non-Subsidized Hajj, Hajj Category. Kebijakan Hukum Pembiayaan Haji Non Subsidi di Indonesia  Abstrak.Banyaknya tambahan kuota haji belum teratasi, terutama perihal pembiayaan haji yang memerlukan subsidi. Target subsidi yang seharusnya menjangkau masyarakat yang tidak mampu secara finacial dan konsep demokrasi kesejahteraan melalui instrumen subsidi yang digunakan oleh negara dalam hal ini belum terpenuhi. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan kasus sehingga analisis penelitian lebih menekankan kepada kebijakan pemerintah dan permasalahan yang berkembang mengenai pembiayaan haji. Temuan penelitian ini yakni, keberadaan subsidi yang tercipta dengan adanya instrumen nilai manfaat dan praktik subsidi yang secara tidak langsung, telah dilakukan sebelumnya melalui penetapan BPIH dengan besaran 50% dari real cost biaya haji yang dilakukan oleh Menteri dengan kesepakatan DPR, secara tidak langsung menjadi kebiasaan yang praktik ketatanegaraan yang telah berangsur-angsur lama menjadi hukum. Hal ini adalah lumrah, karena selama kebiasaan ketatanegaraan dilakukan demi melengkapi, menyempurnakan, menghidupkan kaidah-kaidah hukum perundang-undangan, hal tersebut konstitusional. Namun jika praktik ketatanegaraan tersebut justru mengalami permasalahan atau potensi konstitusional, maka hal tersebut harus dipertegas dalam sebuah legis formal atau peraturan perundang-undangan.Kata Kunci: Open Legal Policy, Pembiayaan Haji, Haji Non Subsidi, Kategori Haji. Правовая политика для не субсидируемых Финансирование хаджа в Индонезии Абстрактный.Дополнительные квоты на хадж не решены, особенно в отношении финансирования хаджа, который требует субсидий. Задача государства по распределению субсидий среди тех, кто не может их себе позволить, не была достигнута, а концепция государственной демократии всеобщего благосостояния не была реализована. Соответственно, в этом расследовании используются нормативно-правовые исследования, с тем чтобы сосредоточить внимание на государственной политике, а также на разработке вопросов, связанных с финансированием хаджа. В этом исследовании раскрывается конституционная практика, которая постепенно стала законом, а именно наличие субсидий, созданных наличием инструментов оценки выгоды, и практика субсидий, которые ранее осуществлялись косвенным образом министром с согласия ДНР. при определении БПЖ путем применения 50% скидки к реальной стоимости хаджа. Пока конституционная практика осуществляется с целью дополнения, совершенствования и оживления законодательства, это нормально. Официальный законодательный орган или законодательное регулирование требуется, если есть какие-либо фактические или потенциальные конституционные проблемы с практикой конституционного права.Ключевые Слова: открытая правовая политика, финансирование хаджа, хадж без субсидий, категория хаджа. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 ◽  
pp. 64-72
S.M. Martelyak ◽  
M.O. Martelyak

The authors raise the urgent issue of ensuring the principles of the election of people's deputies of Ukraine proclaimed by the Constitution of Ukraine and national election legislation. It is noted that the principles of elections of people's deputies of Ukraine are a special legal phenomenon, which embodies the fundamental, fundamental ideas that determine the content and procedure for forming a single legislative body in Ukraine, find expression and manifestation in the legal sphere of society and state and are characterized by such features: 1) reflect the conscious and volitional aspects of elections; 2) these are fundamental ideas, guiding rules, which contain defining guidelines of a guiding nature regarding the elections of people's deputies of Ukraine, a guideline in the formation of suffrage; 3) have a general character, they have an inherent element of generalization, elevated above the specifics; 4) express the essence of suffrage as a system of legal norms governing public relations related to the election of public authorities; 5) is a social phenomenon, the property of the democratic development of the world community. The principles of parliamentary elections determine the content of the electoral process and are characterized by a high level of scientific and theoretical validity, historical accuracy and tried and tested in practice, serve as guidelines and coordinates of legal influence on participants in electoral relations. Based on their importance in the formation of a single legislative body of Ukraine, an important issue is their provision through the appropriate constitutional and legal mechanism. Based on the analysis of doctrinal and legal ideas about the mechanism of the state, the mechanism of legal regulation, the legal mechanism, the conclusion of the constitutional and legal mechanism for ensuring the principles of elections of people's deputies of Ukraine is defined by the Constitution and detailed by normative and institutional component, through which the legal influence on public relations on the lawful implementation, protection and defense of the principles of elections of people's deputies of Ukraine is practically carried out. It covers two components: normative (substantive and procedural) and institutional.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. 191-201
O. A. Kochieva

Parliamentary control is recognized as the most effective form of influence on government bodies (primarily executive bodies) in the implementation of its main functions by the legislative body. Parliamentary control is of great importance to ensure a balance between the legislative and executive branches of government, as it is one of the main elements of the system of checks and balances. Parliamentary control in the Republic of South Ossetia has its own characteristics and specific features, even taking into account the desire of the South Ossetia legislator to converge national and Russian legislation. The author provides a characteristic of the forms of parliamentary control and mechanisms for the implementation of these forms, based on the legal framework and established practice. A comparative legal analysis of certain forms of parliamentary control with similar ones in the Russian Federation and a number of other foreign countries has been carried out. It is concluded that the absence of a system-forming act in the field of parliamentary control for the highest representative and only legislative body of the Republic of South Ossetia is not an obstacle to the active implementation of its control functions.

N. V. Barabash

The article, based on the introduction into scientific field a wide range of unknown sources, first shows the holding of elections and the election of deputies to the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR of the first convocation of 1938. The author considers the legal basis for theof the Central Executive Committee of the BSSR and the creation in accordance with the Constitution of the BSSR 1937 the highest legislative body of the republic – the Supreme Soviet. The author examines the policy of the Soviet government to include women to government and government bodies. A quantitative, social, educational analysis of women-deputies in the highest legislative body of the BSSR of the first convocation was carried out

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3C) ◽  
pp. 595-606
Elshad Eldar oqlu Hasanov

This article examines the constitutional and legal foundations of the formation and activities of the Milli Majlis (Parliament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a legislative body. As a result of research, the author emphasizes the role of transparent, democratic and fair parliamentary elections at the present stage of development of parliamentarism for the full expression of the interests of the people in legitimate legislative and indirect legislation, the need to restore the practice of mixed elections in the formation of the Milli Majlis. Considers it expedient to use blockchain technology in the elections to the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan by making appropriate changes to the current electoral legislation, and also puts forward other important scientific provisions and proposals aimed at forming and improving the constitutional and legal foundation of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-140
Diastama Anggita Ramadhan

AbstrakPenelitian ini mengusulkan model Judicial Preview yang dapat berfungsi untuk mengurangi perilaku koruptif dalam hal fungsi anggaran yang dilakukan lembaga legislatif. Perilaku koruptif sering terjadi dalam fungsi anggaran yang dilakukan oleh anggota legislatif sendiri, hal ini menjadi cerminan rendahnya kualitas lembaga legislatif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif, dengan menggunakan menggunakan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deduktif sebagai metode analisisnya, serta menggunakan bahan hukum yang dikumpulkan melalui metode studi kepustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian menawarkan cabang kekuasaan yudikatif untuk dapat melakukan konsep judicial preview tanpa perlu mengurangi independesi yang dimiliki lembaga tersebut, sehingga lembaga yudikatif tidak akan ikut serta dalam political arena secara praktis. Organ yudikatif ini hanya berfungsi untuk melakukan tindakan hukum pada fase pencegahan sehingga permasalahan tidak kembali terjadi.Kata kunci: judicial preview; legislasi; penyusunan anggaranAbstractThis research proposes a Judicial Preview model that aims to reduce corrupt behaviour in terms of the budget function performed by the parliament. Corruption behaviour often occurs in the budget function performed by members of the parliament is a reflection of the low quality of the legislature. This research is normative research, using the statute approach and conceptual approach. This research uses the deductive method as the method of analysis, as well as using legal material collected through the literature study method. The results of this research are that the judicial branch of power can conduct the judicial preview model without reducing the independence of the institution so that the judiciary will not practically involved in the political arena. This judicial organ only functions to take legal action in the prevention phase so that problems do not re-occur.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-113
Muhammad Irfan Hilmy ◽  
Trian Marfiansyah

This article aims to provide democratic ideas related to the Intertemporal Replacement process and to find out about its less democratic practices so far. The research method used in this article is a normative juridical research method, with a statutory, case and conceptual approach. The purpose of this discussion is to analyze a memory process which is more democratic and more appropriate for application in Indonesia and to identify recall practices in Indonesia. The result of this study is that the recall process given to political parties only makes the recall instrument a tool for political parties in controlling their members in the legislative body as well as to scare their members who are against the policies of political parties. Things like this certainly hinder the development of democracy in the institutional system in Indonesia. This is shown from several recall cases which only for reasons contrary to political parties then expel their members from membership in the legislature. To change this practice, in this study, an interim replacement mechanism with a referendum recall process was initiated to involve the people in the process of dismissing members of the legislature so as to maintain the interests of political parties to remain democratic and prevent interim replacements from being used as weapons to frighten legislators. With the recall of the referendum, the people will be fully involved in the recall process so that the process becomes more transparent and democratic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1-4
A Syatar ◽  
M Bakry

This article aims to initiate on performing marriage contracts virtually during the co-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This article adopts normative and empirical facts that occur among Muslims in Indonesia. An interesting result of this study state the teachings of Islamic jurisprudence allows do a marriage contract via online as discussed by classical clerics across schools. The consideration for the government and legislative body in the future should be to look again at the views of classical and contemporary scholars. Muslims must accept the fact that marriage in Indonesia no longer refers to the books of the clergy, but to the marriage law. Therefore, the book of scholars is used as a source for updating the marriage law for the understanding and benefit of Muslims. Without banging on religious and state polemics but integrating them into marriage laws relevant to space and time

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Ananda Rezky Wibowo

The results showed that the absence of female candidates who passed the legislative body in North Luwu Regency showed that the implementation of the policy affirmative action of the 30 percent quota of women's representation was not optimal, even though voter behavior was no longer significant in questioning gender issues in politics. This is due to the dominance of male political elites which still have a big influence because the voting community still sees the existence of these political elites. In addition, it is due to the failure of political parties to regenerate and build political commitment to women. Although in the 2014-2019 period there were two female representatives in the legislative body of North Luwu Regency, in the 2019-2023 elections they were not re-elected because they no longer had a network of power and kinship. The most crucial factor is that money politics is still a compromise tool in the electoral process, political actors play a role in money politics, so this makes no female candidates elected because of their inability to compete with the flow of money politics even though they have incurred political costs. which is not the least. Voters will choose a certain candidate if he feels there is a reciprocal that will be accepted as well as political candidates who are afraid of losing their votes, this irrational act (playing money politics) becomes the last resort.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Hasan Bisri

This article seeks to elaborate on the relationship between law, power, and justice from the Koran perspective. This study makes the Quranic texts its primary source. The study results show that from the perspective of the Koran, a legal system, including an Islamic legal order, must have the spirit to create justice. The realization of social justice is the spirit that underlies the stipulation of law. State power, through the legislative body, which is the institution that is authorized to stipulate law, is obliged to make the principle of justice one of a country’s legal pillars. State power through its judiciary must make “considerations for the sake of realizing justice” in every decision on a legal case.

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