point canonical transformation
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2021 ◽  
Omar Mustafa

Abstract Within the standard Lagrangian and Hamiltonian setting, we consider a position-dependent mass (PDM) classical particle performing a damped driven oscillatory (DDO) motion under the influence of a conservative harmonic oscillator force field $V\left( x\right) =\frac{1}{2}\omega ^{2}Q\left( x\right) x^{2}$ and subjected to a Rayleigh dissipative force field $\mathcal{R}\left( x,\dot{x}\right) =\frac{1}{2}b\,m\left( x\right) \dot{x}^{2}$ in the presence of an external periodic (non-autonomous) force $F\left( t\right) =F_{\circ }\,\cos \left( \Omega t\right) $. Where, the correlation between the coordinate deformation $\sqrt{Q(x)}$ and the velocity deformation $\sqrt{m(x)}$ is governed by a point canonical transformation $q\left( x\right) =\int \sqrt{m\left( x\right) }dx=\sqrt{%Q\left( x\right) }x$. Two illustrative examples are used: a non-singular PDM-DDO, and a power-law PDM-DDO models. Classical-states $\{x(t),p(t)\}$ crossings are analysed and reported. Yet, we observed/reported that as a classical state $\{x_{i}(t),p_{i}(t)\}$ evolves in time it may cross itself at an earlier and/or a later time/s.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2090 (1) ◽  
pp. 012165
G Ovando ◽  
J J Peña ◽  
J Morales ◽  
J López-Bonilla

Abstract The exactly solvable Position Dependent Mass Schrödinger Equation (PDMSE) for Mie-type potentials is presented. To that, by means of a point canonical transformation the exactly solvable constant mass Schrödinger equation is transformed into a PDMSE. The mapping between both Schrödinger equations lets obtain the energy spectra and wave functions for the potential under study. This happens for any selection of the O von Roos ambiguity parameters involved in the kinetic energy operator. The exactly solvable multiparameter exponential-type potential for the constant mass Schrödinger equation constitutes the reference problem allowing to solve the PDMSE for Mie potentials and mass functions of the form given by m(x) = skx s-1/(xs + 1))2. Thereby, as a useful application of our proposal, the particular Lennard-Jones potential is presented as an example of Mie potential by considering the mass distribution m(x) = 6kx 5/(x 6 + 1))2. The proposed method is general and can be straightforwardly applied to the solution of the PDMSE for other potential models and/or with different position-dependent mass distributions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 57 (6) ◽  
pp. 477 ◽  
Rajesh Kumar Yadav ◽  
Nisha Kumari ◽  
Avinash Khare ◽  
Bhabani Prasad Mandal

Rationally extended shape invariant potentials in arbitrary D-dimensions are obtained by using point canonical transformation (PCT) method. The bound-state solutions of these exactly solvable potentials can be written in terms of <em>X<sub>m</sub></em> Laguerre or <em>X<sub>m</sub></em> Jacobi exceptional orthogonal polynomials. These potentials are isospectral to their usual counterparts and possess translationally shape invariance property.

2012 ◽  
Vol 27 (13) ◽  
pp. 1250073 ◽  

The construction of rationally-extended Morse potentials is analyzed in the framework of first-order supersymmetric quantum mechanics. The known family of extended potentials VA, B, ext (x), obtained from a conventional Morse potential VA-1, B(x) by the addition of a bound state below the spectrum of the latter, is reobtained. More importantly, the existence of another family of extended potentials, strictly isospectral to VA+1, B(x), is pointed out for a well-chosen range of parameter values. Although not shape invariant, such extended potentials exhibit a kind of "enlarged" shape invariance property, in the sense that their partner, obtained by translating both the parameter A and the degree m of the polynomial arising in the denominator, belongs to the same family of extended potentials. The point canonical transformation connecting the radial oscillator to the Morse potential is also applied to exactly solvable rationally-extended radial oscillator potentials to build quasi-exactly solvable rationally-extended Morse ones.

2009 ◽  
Vol 20 (03) ◽  
pp. 361-372 ◽  

The point canonical transformation (PCT) approach is used to solve the Schrödinger equation for an arbitrary dimension D with a power-law position-dependent effective mass (PDEM) distribution function for the pseudoharmonic and modified Kratzer (Mie-type) diatomic molecular potentials. In mapping the transformed exactly solvable D-dimensional (D ≥ 2) Schrödinger equation with constant mass into the effective mass equation by using a proper transformation, the exact bound state solutions including the energy eigenvalues and corresponding wave functions are derived. The well-known pseudoharmonic and modified Kratzer exact eigenstates of various dimensionality is manifested.

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