shooting method
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2022 ◽  
Vol 36 (06) ◽  

DPF is an important device in the exhaust system of Diesel engine. In this paper we simulate velocity and pressure distributions in DPF to determine kinematic and hydraulic characteristics. This will provide the basis for designing and selecting size of channels in DPF. Numerical simulations were made using ANSYS Fluent commercial software and OpenFOAM open-source software. The results show that the difference between the two softwares is negligible. A compact 1D mathematical model developed based on the Darcy equation, momentum equation and continuity equation. The mathematical model solved by shooting method for boundary value problem. Simulation results from 1D and 3D approaches are very coincident.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Devi Ari Anti ◽  
Muhammad Supriyadi

This research was conducted because it was not known that shooting practice with the BEEF concept was to improve basketball shooting skills at the Magic Kid Foundation Club Lubuklinggau, therefore this study aimed to determine the application of shooting practice with the BEEF concept to basketball shooting skills at the Magic Kid Foundation Club Lubuklinggau. This research is an experimental study in the form of one group pretest-posttest design, a sample of 14 athletes was then given treatment in the form of training with the BEEF concept. The instrument used was a shooting skill test for the Lubuklinggau Magic Kid Foundation athletes. The data analysis technique used is Paired Sample t-test. The results of this study have a significant effect on the t value for basketball shooting results of 15.960 with a probability (sig.) of 0.000. sign value. (2-tailed) is 0.000 < 0.05, then H0 is rejected, Ha is accepted. This means that there is a significant effect of the beef concept on Basketball Shooting Skills at Magic Kid Foundation Lubuklinggau Club. Based on the results of this processing, it can be concluded that the beef concept has an effect on basketball shooting skills at the Magic Kid Foundation Lubuklinggau Club.Keywords: Basketball BEEF Concept, and Shooting

Shaofeng Zhang ◽  
Bingfang Liu ◽  
Hongkai Wang ◽  
Yan Liu ◽  
Dewu Wang ◽  

A new type of composite tridimensional rotational flow sieve tray is proposed. The flow pattern and operation domain of the tray were defined and divided by the image shooting method, combined with the standard deviation of the pressure difference sequence. There are membrane–drip column and foam–embolic flow in the TRST area of the internal packing–type tray, while bubbly and milk froth-ribbon flow are present in the packing area of the external packing-type tray. This study focused on the influence of the tray structure parameters on the pressure drop. Under the experimental operating conditions, the dry pressure drop was within 160 Pa, while the wet pressure drop was within 900 Pa. Under the same structural parameters, the internal packing–type pressure drop of the tray was higher than that of the external packing-type tray. A mathematical model of the pressure drop between dry and wet trays was established.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 114-117
B. Odongo ◽  
R. Opiyo ◽  
A. Manyonge

Effects of inclination and free convection on velocity profile for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) fluid flow in an inclined cylindrical pipe has been investigated. The governing partial differential equations are the equations of continuity, momentum and energy which are converted into ordinary differential equation by employing similarity transformation and solved numerically by the Runge- Kutta fourth order scheme with shooting method. The findings, which are presented in the form of tables and graphs reveal that; when Hartmann number, Grashoff number and Gamma are decreased, the velocity of the fluid increases. The results of the study may be useful for the different model investigations, especially, in various areas of science and technology in which optimal inclination and free convection are utilized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Sumera Dero ◽  
Hisamuddin Shaikh ◽  
Ghulam Hyder Talpur ◽  
Ilyas Khan ◽  
Sayer O. Alharbim ◽  

AbstractIn this paper, the heat transfer properties in the three-dimensional (3D) magnetized with the Darcy-Forchheimer flow over a shrinking surface of the $$Cu + Al_{2} O_{3} /$$ C u + A l 2 O 3 / water hybrid nanofluid with radiation effect were studied. Valid linear similarity variables convert the partial differential equations (PDEs) into the ordinary differential equations (ODEs). With the help of the shootlib function in the Maple software, the generalized model in the form of ODEs is numerically solved by the shooting method. Shooting method can produce non-unique solutions when correct initial assumptions are suggested. The findings are found to have two solutions, thereby contributing to the introduction of a stability analysis that validates the attainability of first solution. Stability analysis is performed by employing if bvp4c method in MATLAB software. The results show limitless values of dual solutions at many calculated parameters allowing the turning points and essential values to not exist. Results reveal that the presence of dual solutions relies on the values of the porosity, coefficient of inertia, magnetic, and suction parameters for the specific values of the other applied parameters. Moreover, it has been noted that dual solutions exist in the ranges of $$F_{s} \le F_{sc}$$ F s ≤ F sc , $$M \ge M_{C}$$ M ≥ M C ,$$S \ge S_{C} ,$$ S ≥ S C , and $$K_{C} \le K$$ K C ≤ K whereas no solution exists in the ranges of $$F_{s} > F_{sc}$$ F s > F sc , $$M < M_{c}$$ M < M c , $$S < S_{c}$$ S < S c , and $$K_{C} > K$$ K C > K . Further, a reduction in the rate of heat transfer is noticed with a rise in the parameter of the copper solid volume fraction.

Lidong Chen ◽  
Yong Chai ◽  
Lingqiu Zeng ◽  
Jie Mu ◽  
Qingwen Han ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 24
Roberto Silva ◽  
English English ◽  
Español Español ◽  
Español Español ◽  
Español Español

This article involves the study and analysis of the fully developed flow of a magnetorheological fluid through a non-isotropic porous medium under the effect of an external, uniform, and transversal magnetic field. Permeability is taken as an exponential distribution function of the transverse direction. The Darcy-Brinkman-Lapwood-Lorentz equation for the fluid flow in porous media has been used and solved under non-slip boundary conditions by Modified Homotopy Perturbation Method and the results validated by the Numerical Shooting Method. Finally, the analysis of results is made of the influence on the velocity, volumetric flow, and wall shear stress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Huabiao Zhang ◽  
Xinye Li ◽  
Dongai Wang ◽  
Tingting Liu

The dynamic response and its stability of a blade rotor with coupled rubbing in the labyrinth seal and tip seal are investigated. The dynamic equations are established based on the Hertz contact rubbing force at the labyrinth seal and the tip rubbing force considering both the contact deformation of the tip seal and the bending deformation of the blade. Numerical simulations show that the coupled rubbing response includes periodic motions, almost periodic motions, and chaotic motions. Compared with the single rubbing fault, coupled rubbing increases the range of rotation velocity of contact. A new continuation shooting method is used in the solution and stability analysis of the periodic response to give the bifurcation diagrams. The paths of the system for entering and exiting chaos are analyzed.

Heng Mai

The convergence of the novel Legendre-Gauss method is established for solving a continuous optimal control problem using collocation at Legendre-Gauss points. The method allows for changes in the number of Legendre-Gauss points to meet the error tolerance. The continuous optimal control problem is first discretized into a nonlinear programming problem at Gauss collocations by the Legendre-Gauss method. Subsequently, we prove the convergence of the Legendre-Gauss algorithm under the assumption that the continuous optimal control problem has a smooth solution. Compared with those of the shooting method, the single step method, and the general pseudospectral method, the numerical example shows that the Legendre-Gauss method has higher computational efficiency and accuracy in solving the optimal control problem.

Nam Hee Kim ◽  
Hung Yu Ling ◽  
Zhaoming Xie ◽  
Michiel van de Panne

Animated motions should be simple to direct while also being plausible. We present a flexible keyframe-based character animation system that generates plausible simulated motions for both physically-feasible and physically-infeasible motion specifications. We introduce a novel control parameterization, optimizing over internal actions, external assistive-force modulation, and keyframe timing. Our method allows for emergent behaviors between keyframes, does not require advance knowledge of contacts or exact motion timing, supports the creation of physically impossible motions, and allows for near-interactive motion creation. The use of a shooting method allows for the use of any black-box simulator. We present results for a variety of 2D and 3D characters and motions, using sparse and dense keyframes. We compare our control parameterization scheme against other possible approaches for incorporating external assistive forces.

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