coastal zones
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Neža Orel ◽  
Eduard Fadeev ◽  
Katja Klun ◽  
Matjaž Ličer ◽  
Tinkara Tinta ◽  

Coastal zones are exposed to various anthropogenic impacts, such as different types of wastewater pollution, e.g., treated wastewater discharges, leakage from sewage systems, and agricultural and urban runoff. These various inputs can introduce allochthonous organic matter and microbes, including pathogens, into the coastal marine environment. The presence of fecal bacterial indicators in the coastal environment is usually monitored using traditional culture-based methods that, however, fail to detect their uncultured representatives. We have conducted a year-around in situ survey of the pelagic microbiome of the dynamic coastal ecosystem, subjected to different anthropogenic pressures to depict the seasonal and spatial dynamics of traditional and alternative fecal bacterial indicators. To provide an insight into the environmental conditions under which bacterial indicators thrive, a suite of environmental factors and bacterial community dynamics were analyzed concurrently. Analyses of 16S rRNA amplicon sequences revealed that the coastal microbiome was primarily structured by seasonal changes regardless of the distance from the wastewater pollution sources. On the other hand, fecal bacterial indicators were not affected by seasons and accounted for up to 34% of the sequence proportion for a given sample. Even more so, traditional fecal indicator bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae) and alternative wastewater-associated bacteria (Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae, Arcobacteraceae, Pseudomonadaceae and Vibrionaceae) were part of the core coastal microbiome, i.e., present at all sampling stations. Microbial source tracking and Lagrangian particle tracking, which we employed to assess the potential pollution source, revealed the importance of riverine water as a vector for transmission of allochthonous microbes into the marine system. Further phylogenetic analysis showed that the Arcobacteraceae in our data set was affiliated with the pathogenic Arcobacter cryaerophilus, suggesting that a potential exposure risk for bacterial pathogens in anthropogenically impacted coastal zones remains. We emphasize that molecular analyses combined with statistical and oceanographic models may provide new insights for environmental health assessment and reveal the potential source and presence of microbial indicators, which are otherwise overlooked by a cultivation approach.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 385
Bin Ai ◽  
Ke Huang ◽  
Jun Zhao ◽  
Shaojie Sun ◽  
Zhuokai Jian ◽  

Coastal reclamation in Guangdong Province is highly concentrated and is growing rapidly. However, intensive reclamation use has resulted in serious influence on the coastal ecosystem, directly and indirectly. The current conditions and spatial distribution of reclamations must be detected for coastal preservation and management using efficient technology. This study aims to find a suitable method and data to map reclamations accurately at a large scale. Pixel-based and object-oriented classification methods were applied in extracting the three typical types of coastal reclamation, namely, ports, aquaculture ponds, and salt pans, in Guangdong Province from Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 images. The algorithms of a support vector machine, random forest, decision tree, and rule-based algorithm were performed. Classification results were compared with statistical measures to assess the performance of different algorithms. The results indicated that all of the algorithms could obtain classification results with high accuracy, whereas the object-oriented algorithm showed less efficiency than other algorithms in classifying ports with complicated features. High-resolution data were not always superior to lower-resolution data in the reclamation classification. Generally speaking, applying the rule-based object-oriented algorithm in Sentinel 2A MSI images is relatively efficient at detecting the reclamation use in coastal Guangdong considering its actual situation. The mapping of reclamations in the whole of coastal Guangdong shows that they present obvious agglomeration characteristics in the space. The aquaculture ponds are mainly distributed in the coastal zones of western Guangdong and eastern Guangdong, with the largest area of 77,963 ha. The other types of ports are mainly distributed in the coastal zones of the Pearl River Delta, with an area of 8146 ha, while salt pans are mainly distributed in the coastal zones of Jiangmen, Zhuhai, and Zhongshan, with a total area of 4072 ha. The results can provide key supporting data for decision making in coastal management and preservation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Egai Ayibawari Obiene ◽  
Eteh Desmond Rowland ◽  
Inko-Tariah Ibiso Michael

The use of Digital Shoreline Analysis System was used to determine shoreline changes in Ikoli River, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. Shoreline data were extracted from satellite imagery over thirty years (1991-2021). The basis of this study is to use Digital Shoreline Analysis System to determine erosion and accretion areas. The result reveals that the average erosion rate in the study area is 1.16 m/year and the accretion rate is 1.62 m/year along the Ikoli River in Ogbogoro Community in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. The mean shoreline length is 5.24 km with a baseline length of 5.2 km and the area is classified into four zones to delineate properly area of erosion and accretion based on the five class of Linear regression rate, endpoint rate and weighted linear rate of which zone I contain very high erosion and high erosion with an area of landmass 255449.93 m2 of 38%, zone II contain moderate accretion, very high accretion and high accretion with a land area of 1666816.46 m2 with 24%, zone III has very high erosion and high erosion with an area of landmass 241610.85 m2 of 34 % and zone IV contain moderate accretion and high accretion with land area 30888.08 m2 with 4%. Out of the four zones, zone I and II were found to be eroding with 72% and zone II and IV contain accretion with 28%. The result shows that 44% of the area have been eroded. Therefore, coastal engineers, planners, and shoreline zone management authorities can use DSAS to create more appropriate management plans and regulations for coastal zones and other coastal parts of the state with similar geographic features.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 310
Qi Wu ◽  
Shiqi Miao ◽  
Haili Huang ◽  
Mao Guo ◽  
Lei Zhang ◽  

The coastline situation reflects socioeconomic development and ecological environment in coastal zones. Analyzing coastline changes clarifies the current coastline situation and provides a scientific basis for making environmental protection policies, especially for coastlines with significant human interference. As human activities become more intense, coastline types and their dynamic changes become more complicated, which needs more detailed identification of coastlines. High spatial resolution images can help provide detailed large spatial coverage at high resolution information on coastal zones. This study aims to map the position and status of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) coastline using an NDWI threshold method based on 2 m Gaofen-1/Ziyuan-3 imagery and analyze coastline change and coastline type distribution characteristics. The results showed that natural and artificial coastlines in the YRD region accounted for 42.73% and 57.27% in 2013 and 41.56% and 58.44% in 2018, respectively. The coastline generally advanced towards the sea, causing a land area increase of 475.62 km2. The changes in the YRD coastline mainly resulted from a combination of large-scale artificial construction and natural factors such as silt deposition. This study provides a reference source for large spatial coverage at high resolution remote sensing coastline monitoring and a better understanding of land use in coastal zone.

Fangting Wang ◽  
Ke Bao ◽  
Changsheng Huang ◽  
Xinwen Zhao ◽  
Wenjing Han ◽  

Cadmium is a toxic element with a half-life of several decades, which can accumulate in the human body by entering the food chain and seriously harm health. The cadmium adsorption and desorption processes in the soil directly affect the migration, transformation, bioavailability, and ecotoxicity of this element in soil-plant systems. Coastal zones are located in the transitional zone between land and sea, and large amounts of terrigenous material input have important environmental effects on this ecosystem. The pH, hydrodynamic conditions, soil organic matter (SOM), and other factors defining the sea-land interaction within the sedimentary environment are significantly different from those defining land facies. In order to study the key factors affecting cadmium adsorption in soils at the sea-land interface in the Nansha area of the Pearl River Delta, a test was conducted on a column of undisturbed soil. The results showed that the adsorption constant KF and the Cd2+ adsorption capacity of marine soils were higher than those of terrestrial soils. However, the saturation adsorption of cadmium in terrestrial sediments was higher than in marine sediments. Soil pH was an important factor affecting cadmium adsorption capacity in both terrestrial and ma-rine sediments. Neutral and alkaline topsoil conditions inhibited the vertical migration of cadmium, while the acidic environment favored it. The higher the clay and SOM were, the stronger the Cd2+ adsorption capacity of the soil was. These findings suggest that the distribution of cadmium in marine and continental sedimentary soils is not only related to adsorption, but also to the physical and chemical processes occurring in different sedimentary environments.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 164
Irma Vybernaite-Lubiene ◽  
Mindaugas Zilius ◽  
Marco Bartoli ◽  
Jolita Petkuviene ◽  
Petras Zemlys ◽  

Estuaries are biogeochemical reactors able to modulate the transfer of energy and matter from the watershed to the coastal zones and to retain or remove large amounts of terrestrially generated nutrients. However, they may switch from nutrient sink to source depending upon interannual variability of the nutrient supply and internal processes driving whole system metabolism (e.g., net autotrophic or heterotrophic). We tested this hypothesis in the Curonian Lagoon, a hypertrophic estuary located in the south east Baltic Sea, following the budget approach developed in the Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) project. Annual budgets for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and silica (Si) were calculated for the 2013–2015 period. The lagoon was divided in a flushed, nutrient loaded area, and in a confined, less loaded area. The lagoon was always a sink for dissolved inorganic Si and P whereas it was a N sink in the confined area, dominated by denitrification, and a N source in the flushed area, due to dinitrogen (N2) fixation. The net ecosystem metabolism (NEM) indicated that the Curonian Lagoon was mainly autotrophic because of high primary production rates. In this turbid system, low N:P ratio, high summer temperatures, and calm weather conditions support high production of N2-fixing cyanobacteria, suppressing the estuarine N-sink role.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Xianbiao Xiao ◽  
Yunhai Li ◽  
Fangfang Shu ◽  
Liang Wang ◽  
Jia He ◽  

Owing to the development of the social economy, the geographical environment and ocean utilization patterns of urban coastal zones have changed. This change, in turn, has influenced the socio-economic development of urban coastal zones. Based on the Geographic Information System technology, the area, coastline length, and shoreland use function of reclamation areas were obtained from the geographic charts (1954–2020) and remote sensing data (1988–2017) of Quanzhou Bay. In this study, we analyzed the geomorphologic change process and the relationship between land use patterns and economic development in Quanzhou Bay from the perspectives of hydrodynamics, sediments, and human activity. Our results indicated that over the past 70 years, the bay area has reduced by 21.5%. The length of the coastline decreased from 208.36 km in 1959 to 149.11 km in 1988, whereas the shape index of the bay (SIB) decreased from 3.09 to 2.41 during the same period. Between 1988 and 2017, the coastline increased to 162.91 km, causing the SIB to increase to 2.72. The artificial index of the bay increased from 0.28 in 1959 to 0.90 in 2017. The intensity of bay the development (IBD) first increased from 0.27 in 1959 to 0.77 in 2006. During the transition to a more modern society (2006 to present), the IBD slightly decreased to 0.73 in 2017. Affected by human activity, the transformation of the reclaimed land in Quanzhou Bay can be divided into four stages that are closely linked to the economic development in the region. In the early industrialization period, reclaimed land in the region was used for agricultural production, whereas in the mid-industrialization period, it was gradually transformed into a combination of industrial (29.8%) and agricultural (56.1%) lands. In the later period of industrialization, the reclaimed land was gradually converted into urban industrial and port lands. Finally, with further refinement and upgrading of economic and industrial structures, the socio-economic and environmental benefits from coastal reclamation projects have been increasing, whereas the proportion of economic benefits (in the total benefits) has been decreasing. The results of this study can provide decision-making references for the optimization of utilization patterns and the economic development of reclamation lands in coastal areas.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 569
Yuliya Kulikova ◽  
Stanislav Sukhikh ◽  
Svetlana Ivanova ◽  
Olga Babich ◽  
Natalia Sliusar

At the moment, macroalgae blooms in sea waters, the rotting of which causes greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to the formation of a negative ecological and economic situation in coastal zones, which has become a serious problem. Fuel production through hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of macroalgae and marine debris is a promising solution to this ecological problem. The article provides an overview of studies on producing fuel from macroalgae and an assessment of the possibility of their joint recovery with marine debris. The optimal process conditions and their technological efficiency were evaluated. The article shows the feasibility of using heterogeneous catalysis and co-solvent to increase the yield of bio-oil and improve its quality. An assessment of the possibility of joint processing of waste macroalgae and marine debris showed the inexpediency of this direction. The high degree of drift macroalgae contamination also raises the question of the appropriateness of the preliminary extraction of other valuable components for nutrition use, such as fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and their derivatives.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (01) ◽  
Vadim A. Nenashev ◽  
Dmitry A. Shepeta ◽  
Viktor I. Isakov

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 3667
Pedro Michelutti Cheliz ◽  
Regina Celia De Oliveira

Com o intuito de contribuir para o conhecimento da geomorfologia litorânea de zonas costeiras rochosas, o presente estudo objetivou caracterizar a estrutura superficial da paisagem das escarpas litorâneas da Ilha do Cardoso (litoral sul de São Paulo). A metodologia consistiu na integração entre trabalhos, mapeamentos e descrições geológicas e geomorfológicas macroscópicas de campo, análises laboratoriais (petrografia) de amostras das unidades litológicas locais e análises de imagens aéreas e orbitais. Com relação a registros da estrutura superficial ligados predominantemente a configurações geomorfológicas e de níveis de base locais distintos das atuais, foram delimitados seis níveis de aplainamento em meio as serranias da Ilha, correlacionados com a geomorfologia litorânea descrita em estudos anteriores.  Com relação a registros da estrutura superficial com maiores contribuições de processos atuais e subatuais, foram identificados e caracterizados feições morfológicas de detalhe e depósitos de blocos rochosos de fundos de vales fluviais serranos e de escarpas serranas sob influência direta do mar (costões rochosos). Efetuou-se a caracterização granulométrica, textural e litológica dos referidos registros, bem como ponderou-se sua contextualização na compartimentação da paisagem e na caracterização morfométrica, morfodinâmica, litológica e climática das Serranias da Ilha do Cardoso. Elencou-se que a diversidade da estrutura superficial rochosa local teria contribuição de nove distintos padrões de combinações entre depósitos, formas de relevo, unidades litológicas e processos exógenos, parte deles com sua génese tendo influência de variações climáticas inter-anuais locais e consequentes modificações sazonais na drenagem e escoamento superficial, e uma segunda parte ligada a distintas combinações entre as variações espaciais da caracterização mineralógica das unidades litológicas e dos fatores morfodinâmicos predominantes presentes na linha de costa da Ilha (segmentos expostos a processos lagunares versus segmentos expostos a processos de mar aberto).  Geomorphology and surface structure of rocky coastal zones:  study case on the Cardoso Island (south coast of São Paulo State, Brazil) A B S T R A C TIn order to contribute to the knowledge of coastal geomorphology of rocky coastal areas, the present study aimed to characterize the surface structure of the coastal escarpments of Ilha do Cardoso (south coast of São Paulo). The methodology consisted of integrating macroscopic geological and geomorphological mapping and field descriptions, characterizing patterns of precipitation and breaking waves in the area, laboratory analysis (petrography) of samples from local lithological units and analysis of aerial and orbital images. There were characterized nine distinct patterns of combinations between deposits, forms of detailed relief, lithological units and exogenous processes. The occurrences of such patterns of surface structure were contextualized amid the characterization of geomorphological compartmentation, precipitation patterns, the prevailing conditions of agitation of the waters surrounding the island, and the mapping and petrographic characterization of local lithological units. Thus, it was pointed out that the genesis of the island's surface structure patterns would have a contribution of overlaps between local inter-annual climatic variations and consequent seasonal changes in drainage and surface runoff, and to different combinations between the spatial variations of the mineralogical characterization of the lithological units and the predominant morphodynamic conditions present on the island (segments exposed predominantly to lagoon processes versus segments exposed to open sea processes versus segments exposed to fluvial action and runoff). The different lithological units of local hard rocks linked to different petrographic characterizations when exposed to the same morphodynamic conditions linked to the action of coastal waters result in features of detail relief and deposits quite different from each other in terms of degree of preservation and inclinations of the rocky platforms, as well as the dimensions and degrees of roundness of the rock fragments deposits. It was interpreted that such heterogeneities would have a contribution of different successibility of the different compositions and mineralogical arrangements of each local hard rock lithological units to the weathering patterns linked to each of the three sets of predominant morphodynamic processes operating in this coastal segmentKeywords: planning levels, coastal rocky cliffs, valley floor deposits, coastal  geomorphology, rocky coasts

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