modulation equations
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2021 ◽  
Vol 274 ◽  
pp. 971-995
Thomas J. Bridges ◽  
Anna Kostianko ◽  
Sergey Zelik

Thomas J. Bridges ◽  
Anna Kostianko ◽  
Guido Schneider

It is proved that approximations which are obtained as solutions of the multiphase Whitham modulation equations stay close to solutions of the original equation on a natural time scale. The class of nonlinear wave equations chosen for the starting point is coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations. These equations are not in general integrable, but they have an explicit family of multiphase wavetrains that generate multiphase Whitham equations, which may be elliptic, hyperbolic, or of mixed type. Due to the change of type, the function space set-up is based on Gevrey spaces with initial data analytic in a strip in the complex plane. In these spaces a Cauchy–Kowalevskaya-like existence and uniqueness theorem is proved. Building on this theorem and higher-order approximations to Whitham theory, a rigorous comparison of solutions, of the coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations and the multiphase Whitham modulation equations, is obtained.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Jiangen Lv ◽  
Zhicheng Yang ◽  
Xuebin Chen ◽  
Quanke Wu ◽  
Xiaoxia Zeng

In this paper, an analytical model of a cable-stayed shallow arch is developed in order to investigate the 1 : 1 internal resonance between modes of a cable and a shallow arch. Integrodifferential equations with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities are used to model the in-plane motion of a simple cable-stayed shallow arch. Nonlinear dynamic responses of a cable-stayed shallow arch subjected to external excitations with simultaneous 1 : 1 internal resonances are investigated. Firstly, the Galerkin method is used to discretize the governing nonlinear integral-partial-differential equations. Secondly, the multiple scales method (MSM) is used to derive the modulation equations of the system under external excitation of the shallow arch. Thirdly, the equilibrium, the periodic, and the chaotic solutions of the modulation equations are also analyzed in detail. The frequency- and force-response curves are obtained by using the Newton–Raphson method in conjunction with the pseudoarclength path-following algorithm. The cascades of period-doubling bifurcations leading to chaos are obtained by applying numerical simulations. Finally, the effects of key parameters on the responses are examined, such as initial tension, inclined angle of the cable, and rise and inclined angle of shallow arch. The comprehensive numerical results and research findings will provide essential information for the safety evaluation of cable-supported structures that have widely been used in civil engineering.

Water Waves ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 299-326
Sergey Tkachenko ◽  
Sergey Gavrilyuk ◽  
Keh-Ming Shyue

2020 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 5389-5421
Tobias Haas ◽  
Björn de Rijk ◽  
Guido Schneider

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-112
Mark Schlutow ◽  
Erik Wahlén

Abstract This study investigates strongly nonlinear gravity waves in the compressible atmosphere from the Earth’s surface to the deep atmosphere. These waves are effectively described by Grimshaw’s dissipative modulation equations which provide the basis for finding stationary solutions such as mountain lee waves and testing their stability in an analytic fashion. Assuming energetically consistent boundary and far-field conditions, that is no energy flux through the surface, free-slip boundary, and finite total energy, general wave solutions are derived and illustrated in terms of realistic background fields. These assumptions also imply that the wave-Reynolds number must become less than unity above a certain height. The modulational stability of admissible, both non-hydrostatic and hydrostatic, waves is examined. It turns out that, when accounting for the self-induced mean flow, the wave-Froude number has a resonance condition. If it becomes 1/ 1 / 2 1/\sqrt 2 , then the wave destabilizes due to perturbations from the essential spectrum of the linearized modulation equations. However, if the horizontal wavelength is large enough, waves overturn before they can reach the modulational stability condition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 76 (11) ◽  
pp. 3327-3336
Mark Schlutow

Abstract Stationary gravity waves, such as mountain lee waves, are effectively described by Grimshaw’s dissipative modulation equations even in high altitudes where they become nonlinear due to their large amplitudes. In this theoretical study, a wave-Reynolds number is introduced to characterize general solutions to these modulation equations. This nondimensional number relates the vertical linear group velocity with wavenumber, pressure scale height, and kinematic molecular/eddy viscosity. It is demonstrated by analytic and numerical methods that Lindzen-type waves in the saturation region, that is, where the wave-Reynolds number is of order unity, destabilize by transient perturbations. It is proposed that this mechanism may be a generator for secondary waves due to direct wave–mean-flow interaction. By assumption, the primary waves are exactly such that altitudinal amplitude growth and viscous damping are balanced and by that the amplitude is maximized. Implications of these results on the relation between mean-flow acceleration and wave breaking heights are discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-33 ◽  
Mark Schlutow ◽  
Erik Wahlén ◽  
Philipp Birken

AbstractWe apply spectral stability theory to investigate nonlinear gravity waves in the atmosphere. These waves are determined by modulation equations that result from Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin theory. First, we establish that plane waves, which represent exact solutions to the inviscid Boussinesq equations, are spectrally stable with respect to their nonlinear modulation equations under the same conditions as what is known as modulational stability from weakly nonlinear theory. In contrast to Boussinesq, the pseudo-incompressible regime does fully account for the altitudinal varying background density. Second,we show for the first time that upward-traveling non-plane wave fronts solving the inviscid nonlinear modulation equations, that compare to pseudo-incompressible theory, are unconditionally unstable. Both inviscid regimes turn out to be ill-posed as the spectra allow for arbitrarily large instability growth rates. Third, a regularization is found by including dissipative effects. The corresponding nonlinear traveling wave solutions have localized amplitude. As a consequence of the nonlinearity, envelope and linear group velocity, as given by the derivative of the frequency with respect to wavenumber, do not coincide anymore. These waves blow up unconditionally by embedded eigenvalue instabilities but the instability growth rate is bounded from above and can be computed analytically. Additionally, all three types of nonlinear modulation equations are solved numerically to further investigate and illustrate the nature of the analytic stability results.

D. J. Ratliff

A mechanism for dispersion to automatically arise from the dispersionless Whitham Modulation equations (WMEs) is presented, relying on the use of a moving frame. The speed of this is chosen to be one of the characteristics which emerge from the linearization of the Whitham system, and assuming these are real (and thus the WMEs are hyperbolic) morphs the WMEs into the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation in the boosted coordinate. Strikingly, the coefficients of the KdV equation are universal, in the sense that they are determined by abstract properties of the original Lagrangian density. Two illustrative examples of the theory are given to illustrate how the KdV may be constructed in practice. The first being a revisitation of the derivation of the KdV equation from shallow water flows, to highlight how the theory of this paper fits into the existing literature. The second is a complex Klein–Gordon system, providing a case where the KdV equation may only arise with the use of a moving frame.

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