microscopic optical potential
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2021 ◽  
Vol 130 (1B) ◽  
pp. 77-81
T. V. Nhan Hao ◽  
Do Quang Tam

In this brief report, we make a short review of progress in developing the microscopic optical potential in recent years. In particular, we present our current studies and plans on building the microscopic optical potential based on the so-called nuclear structure models at low energies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 025106
Wendi Chen ◽  
Hairui Guo ◽  
Weili Sun ◽  
Tao Ye ◽  
YangJun Ying ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 239 ◽  
pp. 03016
Wendi Chen ◽  
Hairui Guo ◽  
Weili Sun ◽  
Tao Ye ◽  
Yinlu Han ◽  

The microscopic optical potentials for Li isotopes (A=6,7) without free parameter are obtained by folding the microscopic optical potentials of their internal nucleons with density distributions generated from corresponding internal wave functions of Li isotopes. An isospin-dependent nucleon microscopic optical potential based on the Skyrme nucleon-nucleon effective interaction is used as the nucleon optical potential. Shell model is employed to construct the internal wave functions of Li isotopes and derive their density distributions of internal nucleons. The Li microscopic optical potentials are used to calculate the elastic-scattering angular distributions and reaction cross sections. The results reproduce experimental data well and are comparable to those calculated by phenomenological optical model potentials in many cases.

M.B. Kakenov ◽  
E.V. Zemlyanaya

The MPI implementation of the calculation of the microscopic optical potential of nucleon-nucleus scattering within the single folding model has been developed. The folding potential and the corresponding differential cross section of the 11Li + p elastic scattering have been calculated at 62 MeV/nucleon on the heterogeneous cluster "HybriLIT" of the Multifunctional Information and Computational Complex (MICC) of the Laboratory of Information Technologies of JINR. The agreement between experimental data and numerical results for various models of the 11Li density distribution used in the construction of the folding potential is demonstrated

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (38) ◽  
pp. 1950318
Chirashree Lahiri

We have calculated astrophysical reaction cross-sections for [Formula: see text] reactions of some nuclei important for the calculation of p-process reaction-decay network. Reaction rates for [Formula: see text]-induced reactions are calculated with the semi-microscopic optical potential constructed using double folding method, where nuclear density distributions for finite nuclei along with the effective nucleon–nucleon interaction are the important components of the folded potential. For this purpose, density distributions of target nuclei are obtained from relativistic mean field approach. Astrophysical reaction cross-section for elastic scattering of [Formula: see text]-particle from [Formula: see text] target is compared with the existing experimental results to constrain the newly formed potential. Further, to check the credibility of the present theoretical framework, the astrophysical S-factor for [Formula: see text] reactions are compared with the experimental observation, wherever available. Finally, an estimate of dominant photodisintegration channels at various astrophysical temperature is discussed for p-nuclei [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text].

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (12) ◽  
Shoya Ogawa ◽  
Ryo Horinouchi ◽  
Masakazu Toyokawa ◽  
Takuma Matsumoto

Abstract We construct a microscopic optical potential including breakup effects for the elastic scattering of weakly binding projectiles within the Glauber model, in which a nucleon–nucleus potential is derived using the $g$-matrix folding model. The derived microscopic optical potential is referred to as the eikonal potential. For $d$ scattering, calculation with the eikonal potential, i.e., the EP model, reasonably reproduces the result of the exact calculation with the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method at intermediate energies. From the properties of the EP model, the inaccuracy of the eikonal approximation used in the Glauber model is partially excluded. Also analyzed with the eikonal potential is the scattering of $^6$He from $^{12}$C, and its applicability to scattering with many-body projectiles is shown.

2019 ◽  
Vol 223 ◽  
pp. 01015
Paolo Finelli ◽  
Matteo Vorabbi ◽  
Carlotta Giusti

In this work we study the performances of our microscopic optical potential [1, 2], derived from nucleon-nucleon chiral potentials at fifth order (N4LO), in comparison with those of a successful non-relativistic phenomenological optical potential in the description of elastic proton scattering data on tin and lead isotopes at energies around and above 200 MeV. Our results indicate that microscopic optical potentials derived from nucleon-nucleon chiral potentials at N4LO can provide reliable predictions for observables of stable and exotic nuclei, even at energies where the robustness of the chiral expansion starts to be questionable.

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