supercoiled dna
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2021 ◽  
Willem Vanderlinden ◽  
Enrico Skoruppa ◽  
Pauline J. Kolbeck ◽  
Enrico Carlon ◽  
Jan Lipfert

DNA supercoiling is a key regulatory mechanism that orchestrates DNA readout, recombination, and genome maintenance. DNA-binding proteins often mediate these processes by bringing two distant DNA sites together, thereby inducing (transient) topological domains. In order to understand the dynamics and molecular architecture of protein induced topological domains in DNA, quantitative and time-resolved approaches are required. Here we present a methodology to determine the size and dynamics of topological domains in supercoiled DNA in real-time and at the single molecule level. Our approach is based on quantifying the extension fluctuations -in addition to the mean extension- of supercoiled DNA in magnetic tweezers. Using a combination of high-speed magnetic tweezers experiments, Monte Carlo simulations, and analytical theory, we map out the dependence of DNA extension fluctuations as a function of supercoiling density and external force. We find that in the plectonemic regime the extension variance increases linearly with increasing supercoiling density and show how this enables us to determine the formation and size of topological domains. In addition, we demonstrate how transient (partial) dissociation of DNA bridging proteins results in dynamic sampling of different topological states, which allows us to deduce the torsional stiffness of the plectonemic state and the kinetics of protein-plectoneme interactions. We expect our approach to enable quantification of the dynamics and reaction pathways of DNA processing enzymes and motor proteins, in the context of physiologically relevant forces and supercoiling densities.

Biomolecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 1724
Li Huang ◽  
Zhenfeng Zhang ◽  
Roger McMacken

E. coli histone-like protein HU has been shown to interact with different topological forms of DNA. Using radiolabeled HU, we examine the effects of DNA supercoiling on HU–DNA interactions. We show that HU binds preferentially to negatively supercoiled DNA and that the affinity of HU for DNA increases with increases in the negative superhelical density of DNA. Binding of HU to DNA is most sensitively influenced by DNA supercoiling within a narrow but physiologically relevant range of superhelicity (σ = −0.06–0). Under stoichiometric binding conditions, the affinity of HU for negatively supercoiled DNA (σ = −0.06) is more than 10 times higher than that for relaxed DNA at physiologically relevant HU/DNA mass ratios (e.g., 1:10). This binding preference, however, becomes negligible at HU/DNA mass ratios higher than 1:2. At saturation, HU binds both negatively supercoiled and relaxed DNA with similar stoichiometries, i.e., 5–6 base pairs per HU dimer. In our chemical crosslinking studies, we demonstrate that HU molecules bound to negatively supercoiled DNA are more readily crosslinked than those bound to linear DNA. At in vivo HU/DNA ratios, HU appears to exist predominantly in a tetrameric form on negatively supercoiled DNA and in a dimeric form on linear DNA. Using a DNA ligase-mediated nick closure assay, we show that approximately 20 HU dimers are required to constrain one negative supercoil on relaxed DNA. Although fewer HU dimers may be needed to constrain one negative supercoil on negatively supercoiled DNA, our results and estimates of the cellular level of HU argue against a major role for HU in constraining supercoils in vivo. We discuss our data within the context of the dynamic distribution of the HU protein in cells, where temporal and local changes of DNA supercoiling are known to take place.

2021 ◽  
pp. 133073
Shigeki Matsutani ◽  
Emma Previato

2021 ◽  
Eugene Kim ◽  
Alejandro Martin Gonzalez ◽  
Biswajit Pradhan ◽  
Jaco van der Torre ◽  
Cees Dekker

Condensin, a structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) complex, has been shown to be a molecular motor protein that organizes chromosomes by extruding loops of DNA. In cells, such loop extrusion is challenged by many potential conflicts, e.g., the torsional stresses that are generated by other DNA-processing enzymes. It has so far remained unclear how DNA supercoiling affects loop extrusion. Here, we use time-lapse single-molecule imaging to study condensin-driven DNA loop extrusion on supercoiled DNA. We find that condensin binding and DNA looping is stimulated by positive supercoiled DNA where it preferentially binds near the tips of supercoiled plectonemes. Upon loop extrusion, condensin collects all nearby plectonemes into a single supercoiled loop that is highly stable. Atomic force microscopy imaging shows that condensin generates supercoils in the presence of ATP. Our findings provide insight into the topology-regulated loading and formation of supercoiled loops by SMC complexes and clarify the interplay of loop extrusion and supercoiling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (20) ◽  
pp. eabf9260
Jan Smrek ◽  
Jonathan Garamella ◽  
Rae Robertson-Anderson ◽  
Davide Michieletto

Ring polymers in dense solutions are among the most intriguing problems in polymer physics. Because of its natural occurrence in circular form, DNA has been extensively used as a proxy to study the fundamental physics of ring polymers in different topological states. Yet, torsionally constrained—such as supercoiled—topologies have been largely neglected so far. The applicability of existing theoretical models to dense supercoiled DNA is thus unknown. Here, we address this gap by coupling large-scale molecular dynamics simulations with differential dynamic microscopy of entangled supercoiled DNA plasmids. We find that, unexpectedly, larger supercoiling increases the size of entangled plasmids and concomitantly induces an enhancement in DNA mobility. These findings are reconciled as due to supercoiling-driven asymmetric and double-folded plasmid conformations that reduce interplasmid entanglements and threadings. Our results suggest a way to topologically tune DNA mobility via supercoiling, thus enabling topological control over the (micro)rheology of DNA-based complex fluids.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. e1008869
Jean-Charles Walter ◽  
Thibaut Lepage ◽  
Jérôme Dorignac ◽  
Frédéric Geniet ◽  
Andrea Parmeggiani ◽  

ParABS, the most widespread bacterial DNA segregation system, is composed of a centromeric sequence, parS, and two proteins, the ParA ATPase and the ParB DNA binding proteins. Hundreds of ParB proteins assemble dynamically to form nucleoprotein parS-anchored complexes that serve as substrates for ParA molecules to catalyze positioning and segregation events. The exact nature of this ParBS complex has remained elusive, what we address here by revisiting the Stochastic Binding model (SBM) introduced to explain the non-specific binding profile of ParB in the vicinity of parS. In the SBM, DNA loops stochastically bring loci inside a sharp cluster of ParB. However, previous SBM versions did not include the negative supercoiling of bacterial DNA, leading to use unphysically small DNA persistences to explain the ParB binding profiles. In addition, recent super-resolution microscopy experiments have revealed a ParB cluster that is significantly smaller than previous estimations and suggest that it results from a liquid-liquid like phase separation. Here, by simulating the folding of long (≥ 30 kb) supercoiled DNA molecules calibrated with realistic DNA parameters and by considering different possibilities for the physics of the ParB cluster assembly, we show that the SBM can quantitatively explain the ChIP-seq ParB binding profiles without any fitting parameter, aside from the supercoiling density of DNA, which, remarkably, is in accord with independent measurements. We also predict that ParB assembly results from a non-equilibrium, stationary balance between an influx of produced proteins and an outflux of excess proteins, i.e., ParB clusters behave like liquid-like protein condensates with unconventional “leaky” boundaries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 120 (3) ◽  
pp. 221a
Radost Waszkiewicz ◽  
Maciej Lisicki ◽  
Daniel J. Catanese ◽  
Jonathan Fogg ◽  
Magdalena Gruziel ◽  

Nanoscale ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 320-331
Sumanth Kumar Maheshwaram ◽  
Koushik Sreenivasa ◽  
Gautam Vivek Soni

We show detailed understanding of enzyme dependent structural changes in supercoiled DNA along with a quantitative analysis of its branches using nanopores.

2020 ◽  
Jan Smrek ◽  
Davide Michieletto

DNA is increasingly employed for bio and nanotechnology thanks to its exquisite versatility and designability. Most of its use is limited to linearised and torsionally relaxed DNA but non-trivial architectures and torsionally constrained – or supercoiled – DNA plasmids are largely neglected; this is partly due to the limited understanding of how supercoiling affects the rheology of entangled DNA. To address this open question we perform large scale Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations of entangled solutions of DNA plasmids modelled as twistable chains. We discover that, contrarily to what generally assumed in the literature, larger supercoiling increases the average size of plasmids in the entangled regime. At the same time, we discover that this is accompanied by an unexpected increase of diffusivity. We explain our findings as due to a decrease in inter-plasmids threadings and entanglements.

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